# IDHUB #### IDHUB_DOMAIN=localhost IDHUB_ALLOWED_HOSTS=${IDHUB_DOMAIN},${IDHUB_DOMAIN}:9001,, IDHUB_TIME_ZONE='Europe/Madrid' #IDHUB_SECRET_KEY='uncomment-it-and-fill-this' # enable dev flags when DEVELOPMENT deployment # adapt to your domain in a production/reverse proxy env IDHUB_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS='https://idhub.example.org' # fill this section with your email credentials IDHUB_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL="user@example.org" IDHUB_EMAIL_HOST="smtp.example.org" IDHUB_EMAIL_HOST_USER="smtp_user" IDHUB_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="smtp_passwd" IDHUB_EMAIL_PORT=25 IDHUB_EMAIL_USE_TLS=True IDHUB_EMAIL_BACKEND="django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend" # replace with production data # this is used when IDHUB_DEPLOYMENT is not equal to DEVELOPMENT IDHUB_ADMIN_USER='admin' IDHUB_ADMIN_PASSWD='admin' IDHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL='admin@example.org' # this option needs to be set to 'n' to be able to make work idhub in docker # by default it is set to 'y' to facilitate idhub dev when outside docker IDHUB_SYNC_ORG_DEV='n' # TODO that is only for testing IDHUB_ENABLE_EMAIL=false IDHUB_ENABLE_2FACTOR_AUTH=false IDHUB_ENABLE_DOMAIN_CHECKER=false