from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ class OrchestraModel: """ Base class from which all orchestra models will inherit. """ api_name = None verbose_name = None fields = () param_defaults = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): if self.verbose_name is None: self.verbose_name = self.api_name for (param, default) in self.param_defaults.items(): setattr(self, param, kwargs.get(param, default)) # def get(self, key): # # retrieve attr of the object and if undefined get raw data # return getattr(self, key, @classmethod def new_from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): """ Create a new instance based on a JSON dict. Any kwargs should be supplied by the inherited, calling class. Args: data: A JSON dict, as converted from the JSON in the orchestra API. """ json_data = data.copy() if kwargs: for key, val in kwargs.items(): json_data[key] = val c = cls(**json_data) c._json = data # TODO(@slamora) remove/replace by private variable to ovoid name collisions = data return c def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def __str__(self): return '%s object (%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, class BillingContact(OrchestraModel): param_defaults = { 'name': None, 'address': None, 'city': None, 'zipcode': None, 'country': None, 'vat': None, } class PaymentSource(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'payment-source' param_defaults = { "method": None, "data": [], "is_active": False, } class UserAccount(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'accounts' param_defaults = { 'username': None, 'type': None, 'language': None, 'short_name': None, 'full_name': None, 'billing': {}, } @classmethod def new_from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): billing = None if 'billcontact' in data: billing = BillingContact.new_from_json(data['billcontact']) return super().new_from_json(data=data, billing=billing) class DatabaseUser(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'databaseusers' fields = ('username',) param_defaults = { 'username': None, } class DatabaseService(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'database' verbose_name = _('Databases') fields = ('name', 'type', 'users') param_defaults = { "id": None, "name": None, "type": None, "users": None, "usage": {}, } @classmethod def new_from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): users = None if 'users' in data: users = [DatabaseUser.new_from_json(user_data) for user_data in data['users']] # TODO(@slamora) retrieve database usage usage = { 'usage': 250, 'total': 500, 'unit': 'MB', 'percent': 50, } return super().new_from_json(data=data, users=users, usage=usage) class Domain(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'domain' param_defaults = { "id": None, "name": None, "records": [], "mails": [], "usage": {}, } @classmethod def new_from_json(cls, data, **kwargs): records = cls.param_defaults.get("records") if 'records' in data: records = [DomainRecord.new_from_json(record_data) for record_data in data['records']] return super().new_from_json(data=data, records=records) def __str__(self): return class DomainRecord(OrchestraModel): param_defaults = { "type": None, "value": None, } def __str__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (self.type, self.value) class MailService(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'address' verbose_name = _('Mail addresses') description = _('Litle description of what to be expected in this section to aid the user. Even a link to more help if there is one available.') fields = ('mail_address', 'aliases', 'type', 'type_detail') FORWARD = 'forward' MAILBOX = 'mailbox' @property def aliases(self): return [ name + '@' +['domain']['name'] for name in['names'][1:] ] @property def mail_address(self): return['names'][0] + '@' +['domain']['name'] @property def type(self): if['forward']: return self.FORWARD return self.MAILBOX @property def type_detail(self): if self.type == self.FORWARD: return['forward'] # TODO(@slamora) retrieve mailbox usage return { 'usage': 250, 'total': 500, 'unit': 'MB', 'percent': 50, } class MailinglistService(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'mailinglist' verbose_name = _('Mailing list') description = _('Litle description of what to be expected in this section to aid the user. Even a link to more help if there is one available.') fields = ('name', 'status', 'address_name', 'admin_email', 'configure') param_defaults = { 'name': None, 'admin_email': None, } @property def status(self): # TODO(@slamora): where retrieve if the list is active? return 'active' @property def address_name(self): return "{}@{}".format(['address_name'],['address_domain']['name']) @property def configure(self): # TODO(@slamora): build mailtran absolute URL return format_html('<a href="#TODO">Mailtrain</a>') class SaasService(OrchestraModel): api_name = 'saas' verbose_name = _('Software as a Service (SaaS)') description = _('Litle description of what to be expected in this section to aid the user. Even a link to more help if there is one available.') param_defaults = { 'name': None, 'service': None, 'is_active': True, 'data': {}, }