musician website directives clear

This commit is contained in:
Jorge Pastor 2024-05-23 21:46:45 +02:00
parent 475df0a2e5
commit 0dc4352432
3 changed files with 19 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -93,26 +93,24 @@ class WesiteDirectiveCreateForm(forms.ModelForm):
# def clean(self):
# TODO: comprovar que la ruta no exista
# locations = set()
# for form in self.content_formset.forms:
# location = form.cleaned_data.get('path')
# delete = form.cleaned_data.get('DELETE')
# if not delete and location is not None:
# locations.add(normurlpath(location))
# values = defaultdict(list)
# for form in self.forms:
# wdirective = form.instance
# directive = form.cleaned_data
# if directive.get('name') is not None:
# try:
# wdirective.directive_instance.validate_uniqueness(directive, values, locations)
# except ValidationError as err:
# for k,v in err.error_dict.items():
# form.add_error(k, v)
def clean(self):
# Recoge todos los paths de directive y contents
locations = set()
for content in Content.objects.filter(
location = content.path
if location is not None:
for directive_obj in WebsiteDirective.objects.filter(
location = directive_obj.value
if location is not None:
# Comprueva que no se repitan
directive = self.cleaned_data
value = normurlpath(directive.get('value'))
if value:
value = value.split()[0]
if value in locations:
self.add_error('value', f"Location '{value}' already in use by other content/directive.")
def save(self, commit=True):
instance = super().save(commit=False)

View file

@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ class WebsiteAddDirectiveView(CustomContextMixin, UserTokenRequiredMixin, Create
kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs()
website = get_object_or_404(Website, account=self.request.user, pk=self.kwargs["pk"])
kwargs['website'] = website
# kwargs["user"] = self.request.user
return kwargs
def get_success_url(self):

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from functools import lru_cache
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from orchestra import plugins
from orchestra.utils.python import import_class