#!/bin/bash set -ue # bash <( curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glic3rinu/django-orchestra/master/scripts/containers/deploy.sh ) function main () { bold=$(tput -T ${TERM:-xterm} bold) normal=$(tput -T ${TERM:-xterm} sgr0) [ $(whoami) == 'root' ] && { echo -e "\nErr. This script should run as a regular user\n" >&2 exit 1 } run () { echo " ${bold}\$ ${@}${normal}" ${@} } while true; do read -p "Enter a project name [panel]: " project_name if [[ "$project_name" == "" ]]; then project_name="panel" break elif [[ ! $(echo "$project_name" | grep '^[_a-zA-Z]\w*$') ]]; then if [[ ! $(echo "$project_name" | grep '^[_a-zA-Z]') ]]; then message='make sure the name begins with a letter or underscore' else message='use only numbers, letters and underscores' fi echo "'$project_name' is not a valid %s name. Please $message." else break fi done # TODO detect if already installed and don't ask stupid question # TODO setupceleryd shoudl change orchestra_start/stop/restart_services while true; do read -p "Do you want to use celery or cronbeat (orchestra.contrib.tasks) for task execution [cronbeat]? " task case $task in 'celery' ) task=celery; break;; 'cronbeat' ) task=orchestra.contrib.tasks; break;; '' ) task=orchestra.contrib.tasks; break;; * ) echo "Please answer celery or cronbeat.";; esac done run sudo pip3 install django-orchestra==dev \ --allow-external django-orchestra \ --allow-unverified django-orchestra run sudo orchestra-admin install_requirements run cd $(eval echo ~$USER) run orchestra-admin startproject $project_name run cd $project_name sudo service postgresql start run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setuppostgres run python3 -W ignore manage.py migrate if [[ "$task" == "celery" ]]; then run sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setupcelery --username $USER else run python3 -W ignore manage.py setupcronbeat run python3 -W ignore manage.py syncperiodictasks fi run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setuplog --noinput run python3 -W ignore manage.py collectstatic --noinput run sudo apt-get install nginx-full uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setupnginx --user $USER run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py restartservices run python3 -W ignore manage.py check --deploy } # Wrap it all on a function to avoid partial executions when running through wget/curl main