import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.core.validators import ValidationError, RegexValidator from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Sum from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce from django.template import loader, Context from django.utils import timezone, translation from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.accounts.models import Account from orchestra.contrib.contacts.models import Contact from orchestra.core import validators from orchestra.utils.html import html_to_pdf from . import settings class BillContact(models.Model): account = models.OneToOneField('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("account"), related_name='billcontact') name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=256, blank=True, help_text=_("Account full name will be used when left blank.")) address = models.TextField(_("address")) city = models.CharField(_("city"), max_length=128, default=settings.BILLS_CONTACT_DEFAULT_CITY) zipcode = models.CharField(_("zip code"), max_length=10, validators=[RegexValidator(r'^[0-9A-Z]{3,10}$', _("Enter a valid zipcode."))]) country = models.CharField(_("country"), max_length=20, choices=settings.BILLS_CONTACT_COUNTRIES, default=settings.BILLS_CONTACT_DEFAULT_COUNTRY) vat = models.CharField(_("VAT number"), max_length=64) def __str__(self): return def get_name(self): return or self.account.get_full_name() def clean(self): self.vat = self.vat.strip() = validators.all_valid({ 'vat': (validators.validate_vat, self.vat,, 'zipcode': (validators.validate_zipcode, self.zipcode, }) class BillManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): queryset = super(BillManager, self).get_queryset() if self.model != Bill: bill_type = self.model.get_class_type() queryset = queryset.filter(type=bill_type) return queryset class Bill(models.Model): OPEN = '' PAID = 'PAID' PENDING = 'PENDING' BAD_DEBT = 'BAD_DEBT' PAYMENT_STATES = ( (PAID, _("Paid")), (PENDING, _("Pending")), (BAD_DEBT, _("Bad debt")), ) BILL = 'BILL' INVOICE = 'INVOICE' AMENDMENTINVOICE = 'AMENDMENTINVOICE' FEE = 'FEE' AMENDMENTFEE = 'AMENDMENTFEE' PROFORMA = 'PROFORMA' TYPES = ( (INVOICE, _("Invoice")), (AMENDMENTINVOICE, _("Amendment invoice")), (FEE, _("Fee")), (AMENDMENTFEE, _("Amendment Fee")), (PROFORMA, _("Pro forma")), ) number = models.CharField(_("number"), max_length=16, unique=True, blank=True) account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("account"), related_name='%(class)s') type = models.CharField(_("type"), max_length=16, choices=TYPES) created_on = models.DateField(_("created on"), auto_now_add=True) closed_on = models.DateField(_("closed on"), blank=True, null=True) is_open = models.BooleanField(_("open"), default=True) is_sent = models.BooleanField(_("sent"), default=False) due_on = models.DateField(_("due on"), null=True, blank=True) updated_on = models.DateField(_("updated on"), auto_now=True) # TODO allways compute total or what? total = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, null=True) comments = models.TextField(_("comments"), blank=True) html = models.TextField(_("HTML"), blank=True) objects = BillManager() class Meta: get_latest_by = 'id' def __str__(self): return self.number @classmethod def get_class_type(cls): return cls.__name__.upper() @cached_property def seller(self): return Account.get_main().billcontact @cached_property def buyer(self): return self.account.billcontact @property def has_multiple_pages(self): return self.type != self.FEE @cached_property def payment_state(self): if self.is_open or self.get_type() == self.PROFORMA: return self.OPEN secured = self.transactions.secured().amount() or 0 if abs(secured) >= abs(self.get_total()): return self.PAID elif self.transactions.exclude_rejected().exists(): return self.PENDING return self.BAD_DEBT def get_total(self): if not self.is_open: return try: return self.computed_total except AttributeError: self.computed_total = self.compute_total() return self.computed_total def get_payment_state_display(self): value = self.payment_state return force_text(dict(self.PAYMENT_STATES).get(value, value)) def get_current_transaction(self): return self.transactions.exclude_rejected().first() def get_type(self): return self.type or self.get_class_type() def get_number(self): cls = type(self) bill_type = self.get_type() if bill_type == self.BILL: raise TypeError('This method can not be used on BILL instances') bill_type = bill_type.replace('AMENDMENT', 'AMENDMENT_') prefix = getattr(settings, 'BILLS_%s_NUMBER_PREFIX' % bill_type) if self.is_open: prefix = 'O{}'.format(prefix) bills = cls.objects.filter(number__regex=r'^%s[1-9]+' % prefix) last_number = bills.order_by('-number').values_list('number', flat=True).first() if last_number is None: last_number = 0 else: last_number = int(last_number[len(prefix)+4:]) number = last_number + 1 year ="%Y") number_length = settings.BILLS_NUMBER_LENGTH zeros = (number_length - len(str(number))) * '0' number = zeros + str(number) return '{prefix}{year}{number}'.format(prefix=prefix, year=year, number=number) def get_due_date(self, payment=None): now = if payment: return now + payment.get_due_delta() return now + relativedelta(months=1) def close(self, payment=False): if not self.is_open: raise TypeError("Bill not in Open state.") if payment is False: payment = self.account.paymentsources.get_default() if not self.due_on: self.due_on = self.get_due_date(payment=payment) = self.compute_total() transaction = None if self.get_type() != self.PROFORMA: transaction = self.transactions.create(bill=self, source=payment, self.closed_on = self.is_open = False self.is_sent = False self.number = self.get_number() self.html = self.render(payment=payment) return transaction def send(self): html = self.html or self.render() pdf = html_to_pdf(html, pagination=self.has_multiple_pages) self.account.send_email( template=settings.BILLS_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE, context={ 'bill': self, 'settings': settings, }, email_from=settings.BILLS_SELLER_EMAIL, contacts=(Contact.BILLING,), attachments=[ ('%s.pdf' % self.number, pdf, 'application/pdf') ] ) self.is_sent = True['is_sent']) def render(self, payment=False, language=None): with translation.override(language or self.account.language): if payment is False: payment = self.account.paymentsources.get_default() context = Context({ 'bill': self, 'lines': self.lines.all().prefetch_related('sublines'), 'seller': self.seller, 'buyer': self.buyer, 'seller_info': { 'phone': settings.BILLS_SELLER_PHONE, 'website': settings.BILLS_SELLER_WEBSITE, 'email': settings.BILLS_SELLER_EMAIL, 'bank_account': settings.BILLS_SELLER_BANK_ACCOUNT, }, 'currency': settings.BILLS_CURRENCY, 'payment': payment and payment.get_bill_context(), 'default_due_date': self.get_due_date(payment=payment), 'now':, }) template_name = 'BILLS_%s_TEMPLATE' % self.get_type() template = getattr(settings, template_name, settings.BILLS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) bill_template = loader.get_template(template) html = bill_template.render(context) html = html.replace('-pageskip-', '') return html def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.type: self.type = self.get_type() if not self.number: self.number = self.get_number() super(Bill, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def compute_subtotals(self): subtotals = {} lines = self.lines.annotate(totals=(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0))) for tax, total in lines.values_list('tax', 'totals'): subtotal, taxes = subtotals.get(tax) or (0, 0) subtotal += total subtotals[tax] = (subtotal, round(tax/100*subtotal, 2)) return subtotals def compute_total(self): totals = self.lines.annotate( totals=(F('subtotal') + Coalesce(F('sublines__total'), 0)) * (1+F('tax')/100)) return round(totals.aggregate(Sum('totals'))['totals__sum'], 2) class Invoice(Bill): class Meta: proxy = True class AmendmentInvoice(Bill): class Meta: proxy = True class Fee(Bill): class Meta: proxy = True class AmendmentFee(Bill): class Meta: proxy = True class ProForma(Bill): class Meta: proxy = True class BillLine(models.Model): """ Base model for bill item representation """ bill = models.ForeignKey(Bill, verbose_name=_("bill"), related_name='lines') description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=256) rate = models.DecimalField(_("rate"), blank=True, null=True, max_digits=12, decimal_places=2) quantity = models.DecimalField(_("quantity"), max_digits=12, decimal_places=2) verbose_quantity = models.CharField(_("Verbose quantity"), max_length=16) subtotal = models.DecimalField(_("subtotal"), max_digits=12, decimal_places=2) tax = models.DecimalField(_("tax"), max_digits=4, decimal_places=2) start_on = models.DateField(_("start")) end_on = models.DateField(_("end"), null=True) order = models.ForeignKey(settings.BILLS_ORDER_MODEL, null=True, blank=True, help_text=_("Informative link back to the order"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL) order_billed_on = models.DateField(_("order billed"), null=True, blank=True) order_billed_until = models.DateField(_("order billed until"), null=True, blank=True) created_on = models.DateField(_("created"), auto_now_add=True) # Amendment amended_line = models.ForeignKey('self', verbose_name=_("amended line"), related_name='amendment_lines', null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self): return "#%i" % def compute_total(self): """ Computes subline discounts """ if return self.subtotal + sum([ for sub in self.sublines.all()]) def get_verbose_quantity(self): return self.verbose_quantity or self.quantity def get_verbose_period(self): from django.template.defaultfilters import date date_format = "N 'y" if != 1 or != 1: date_format = "N j, 'y" end = date(self.end_on, date_format) else: end = date((self.end_on - datetime.timedelta(days=1)), date_format) ini = date(self.start_on, date_format).capitalize() end = end.capitalize() if not self.end_on: return ini if ini == end: return ini return "{ini} / {end}".format(ini=ini, end=end) # def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(BillLine, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # if self.bill.is_open: # = self.bill.get_total() #['total']) class BillSubline(models.Model): """ Subline used for describing an item discount """ VOLUME = 'VOLUME' COMPENSATION = 'COMPENSATION' OTHER = 'OTHER' TYPES = ( (VOLUME, _("Volume")), (COMPENSATION, _("Compensation")), (OTHER, _("Other")), ) # TODO: order info for undoing line = models.ForeignKey(BillLine, verbose_name=_("bill line"), related_name='sublines') description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=256) total = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2) type = models.CharField(_("type"), max_length=16, choices=TYPES, default=OTHER) # def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # # TODO cost of this shit # super(BillSubline, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # if self.line.bill.is_open: # = self.line.bill.get_total() #['total'])