#!/bin/bash set -ue # https://git.io/deploy-orchestra # bash <( curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glic3rinu/django-orchestra/master/scripts/containers/deploy.sh ) [--noinput username] bold=$(tput -T ${TERM:-xterm} bold) normal=$(tput -T ${TERM:-xterm} sgr0) function test_orchestra () { user=$1 ip_addr=$2 # Test if serving requests echo echo ${bold} echo "> Checking if Orchestra is serving on https://${ip_addr}/admin/ ..." if [[ $noinput ]]; then echo " - username: $user" echo " - password: orchestra${normal}" fi echo if [[ $(curl -s -L -k -c /tmp/cookies.txt -b /tmp/cookies.txt https://$ip_addr/admin/ | grep 'Panel Hosting Management') ]]; then token=$(grep csrftoken /tmp/cookies.txt | awk {'print $7'}) if [[ $(curl -s -L -k -c /tmp/cookies.txt -b /tmp/cookies.txt \ -d "username=$user&password=orchestra&csrfmiddlewaretoken=$token" \ -e https://$ip_addr/admin/ \ https://$ip_addr/admin/login/?next=/admin/ | grep '<title>Panel Hosting Management</title>') ]]; then echo "${bold} ** Orchestra appears to be working!${normal}" else echo "${bold} ** Err. Couldn't login :(${normal}" >&2 fi else echo "${bold} ** Err. Orchestra is not responding responding on https://${ip_addr}/admin/${normal}" >&2 fi echo } function install_orchestra () { dev=$1 home=$2 repo=$3 if [[ $dev ]]; then # Install from source python_path=$(python3 -c "import sys; print([path for path in sys.path if path.startswith('/usr/local/lib/python')][0]);") if [[ -d $python_path/orchestra ]]; then run sudo rm -fr $python_path/orchestra fi orch_version=$(python3 -c "from orchestra import get_version; print(get_version());" 2> /dev/null) if [[ ! $orch_version ]]; then # First Orchestra installation run sudo apt-get -y install git python3-pip surun "git clone $repo $home/django-orchestra" || { # Finishing partial installation surun "export GIT_DIR=$home/django-orchestra/.git; git pull" } echo $home/django-orchestra/ | sudo tee "$python_path/orchestra.pth" else echo "You may want to execute 'git pull origin master'?" fi if [[ -L /usr/local/bin/orchestra-admin || -f /usr/local/bin/orchestra-admin ]]; then run sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/{orchestra-admin,orchestra-beat} fi run sudo ln -s $home/django-orchestra/orchestra/bin/orchestra-admin /usr/local/bin/ run sudo ln -s $home/django-orchestra/orchestra/bin/orchestra-beat /usr/local/bin/ run sudo orchestra-admin install_requirements --testing else # Install from pip run sudo pip3 install http://github.com/glic3rinu/django-orchestra/tarball/master#egg=django-orchestra-dev run sudo orchestra-admin install_requirements fi } function setup_database () { dev=$1 noinput=$2 run sudo apt-get install -y postgresql python3-psycopg2 # Setup Database if [[ $dev ]]; then # Speeding up tests, don't do this in production! . /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions pg_version=$(psql --version | head -n1 | sed -r "s/^.*\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/") sudo sed -i \ -e "s/^#fsync =\s*.*/fsync = off/" \ -e "s/^#full_page_writes =\s*.*/full_page_writes = off/" \ /etc/postgresql/${pg_version}/main/postgresql.conf fi run sudo service postgresql start if [[ $noinput ]]; then db_password=$(ps aux | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 10) run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setuppostgres --noinput --db_password $db_password else run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setuppostgres fi if [[ $dev ]]; then # Create database permissions are needed for running tests sudo su postgres -c 'psql -c "ALTER USER orchestra CREATEDB;"' fi surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py migrate $noinput" } function create_orchestra_superuser () { user=$1 email=$2 password=$3 cat <<- EOF | surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py shell" from orchestra.contrib.accounts.models import Account if not Account.objects.filter(username="$user").exists(): print('Creating orchestra superuser') Account.objects.create_superuser("$user", "$email", "$password") EOF } print_help () { cat <<- EOF ${bold}NAME${normal} ${bold}deploy.sh${normal} - Deploy a django-orchestra project ${bold}SYNOPSIS${normal} ${bold}deploy.sh${normal} [--noinput=USERNAME] [--dev] [--repo=GITREPO] [--projectname=NAME] ${bold}OPTIONS${normal} ${bold}-n, --noinput=USERNAME${normal} Execute the script without any user input, an existing system USERNAME is required. requires the script to be executed as root user ${bold}-d, --dev${normal} Perform a deployment suitable for development: 1. debug mode 2. dependencies for running tests 3. access to source code ${bold}-r, --repo=GITREPO${normal} Chose which repo use for development deployment this option requires --dev option to be selected https://github.com/glic3rinu/django-orchestra.git is used by default ${bold}-p, --projectname=NAME${normal} Specify a project name, this will be asked on interactive mode and name 'panel' will be used otherwise. ${bold}-h, --help${normal} Display this message ${bold}EXAMPLES${normal} deploy.sh deploy.sh --dev deploy.sh --dev --noinput orchestra EOF } function main () { # Input validation opts=$(getopt -o n:dr:h -l noinput:,dev,repo:,help -- "$@") || exit 1 set -- $opts dev= noinput= user=$(whoami) repo='https://github.com/glic3rinu/django-orchestra.git' brepo= project_name="panel" bproject_name= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -n|--noinput) user="${2:1:${#2}-2}"; noinput='--noinput'; shift ;; -r|--repo) repo="${2:1:${#2}-2}"; brepo=true; shift ;; -d|--dev) dev=true; ;; -p|--project_name) project_name="${2:1:${#2}-2}"; bproject_name=true; shift ;; -h|--help) print_help; exit 0 ;; (--) shift; break;; (-*) echo "$0: Err. - unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;; (*) break;; esac shift done unset OPTIND unset opt if [[ ! $noinput ]]; then if [[ $(whoami) == 'root' ]]; then echo -e "\nErr. Interactive script should run as a regular user\n" >&2 exit 2 fi run () { echo " ${bold}\$ ${@}${normal}"; ${@}; } surun () { echo " ${bold}\$ ${@}${normal}"; ${@}; } else if [[ $(whoami) != 'root' ]]; then echo -e "\nErr. --noinput should run as root\n" >&2 exit 3 elif ! id $user &> /dev/null; then echo -e "\nErr. User $2 does not exist\n" >&2 exit 4 fi run () { echo " ${bold}\$ ${@}${normal}"; ${@}; } surun () { echo " ${bold}\$ su $user -c \"${@}\"${normal}"; su $user -c "${@}"; } fi if [[ ! $dev && $brepo ]]; then echo -e "\nErr. --repo only makes sense with --dev\n" >&2 exit 5 fi sudo true if [[ ! $noinput && ! $bproject_name ]]; then while true; do read -p "Enter a project name [panel]: " project_name if [[ ! "$project_name" ]]; then project_name="panel" break elif [[ ! $(echo "$project_name" | grep '^[_a-zA-Z]\w*$') ]]; then if [[ ! $(echo "$project_name" | grep '^[_a-zA-Z]') ]]; then message='make sure the name begins with a letter or underscore' else message='use only numbers, letters and underscores' fi echo "'$project_name' is not a valid %s name. Please $message." else break fi done fi task=cronbeat if [[ ! $noinput ]]; then while true; do read -p "Do you want to use celery or cronbeat (orchestra.contrib.tasks) for task execution [cronbeat]? " task case $task in 'celery' ) task=celery; break;; 'cronbeat' ) task=cronbeat; break;; '' ) task=cronbeat; break;; * ) echo "Please answer celery or cronbeat.";; esac done fi home=$(eval echo ~$user) cd $home install_orchestra "$dev" $home $repo if [[ ! -e $project_name ]]; then surun "orchestra-admin startproject $project_name" else echo "Not deploying, $project_name already exists." fi cd $project_name setup_database "$dev" "$noinput" if [[ $noinput ]]; then create_orchestra_superuser $user $user@localhost orchestra fi if [[ "$task" == "celery" ]]; then run sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setupcelery --username $user else surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py setupcronbeat" surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py syncperiodictasks" fi run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setuplog --noinput surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py collectstatic --noinput" run sudo apt-get install nginx-full uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py setupnginx --user $user $noinput run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py restartservices run sudo python3 -W ignore manage.py startservices surun "python3 -W ignore manage.py check --deploy" ip_addr=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep 'inet ' | sed -r "s/.*inet ([^\s]*).*/\1/" | cut -d'/' -f1) if [[ ! $ip_addr ]]; then ip_addr= fi # Configure settings file into debug mode if [[ $dev ]]; then sed -i \ -e "s/^\s*#\s*'debug_toolbar',/ 'debug_toolbar',/" \ -e "s/^\s*#\s*'django_nose',/ 'django_nose',/" $project_name/settings.py if [[ ! $(grep '^INTERNAL_IPS\s*=' $project_name/settings.py) ]]; then echo "INTERNAL_IPS = ('$ip_addr',)" >> $project_name/settings.py fi fi test_orchestra $user $ip_addr } # Wrap it all on a function to avoid partial executions when running through wget/curl main $@