2015-04-02 16:14:55 +00:00

132 lines
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from threading import local
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
from django.db import connection, transaction
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete, post_save, m2m_changed
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.http.response import HttpResponseServerError
from orchestra.utils.python import OrderedSet
from . import manager
from .helpers import message_user
from .models import BackendLog, BackendOperation as Operation
@receiver(post_save, dispatch_uid='orchestration.post_save_collector')
def post_save_collector(sender, *args, **kwargs):
if sender not in [BackendLog, Operation]:
OperationsMiddleware.collect(Operation.SAVE, **kwargs)
@receiver(pre_delete, dispatch_uid='orchestration.pre_delete_collector')
def pre_delete_collector(sender, *args, **kwargs):
if sender not in [BackendLog, Operation]:
OperationsMiddleware.collect(Operation.DELETE, **kwargs)
@receiver(m2m_changed, dispatch_uid='orchestration.m2m_collector')
def m2m_collector(sender, *args, **kwargs):
# m2m relations without intermediary models are shit. Model.post_save is not sent and
# by the time related.post_save is sent rel objects are not accessible via RelatedManager.all()
if kwargs.pop('action') == 'post_add' and kwargs['pk_set']:
OperationsMiddleware.collect(Operation.SAVE, **kwargs)
class OperationsMiddleware(object):
Stores all the operations derived from save and delete signals and executes them
at the end of the request/response cycle
It also works as a transaction middleware. Each view function will be run
with commit_on_response activated - that way a save() doesn't do a direct
commit, the commit is done when a successful response is created. If an
exception happens, the database is rolled back.
# Thread local is used because request object is not available on model signals
thread_locals = local()
def get_pending_operations(cls):
# Check if an error poped up before OperationsMiddleware.process_request()
if hasattr(cls.thread_locals, 'request'):
request = cls.thread_locals.request
if not hasattr(request, 'pending_operations'):
request.pending_operations = OrderedSet()
return request.pending_operations
return set()
def get_route_cache(cls):
""" chache the routes to save sql queries """
if hasattr(cls.thread_locals, 'request'):
request = cls.thread_locals.request
if not hasattr(request, 'route_cache'):
request.route_cache = {}
return request.route_cache
return {}
def collect(cls, action, **kwargs):
""" Collects all pending operations derived from model signals """
request = getattr(cls.thread_locals, 'request', None)
if request is None:
kwargs['operations'] = cls.get_pending_operations()
kwargs['route_cache'] = cls.get_route_cache()
instance = kwargs.pop('instance')
manager.collect(instance, action, **kwargs)
def commit_transaction(self):
if not transaction.get_autocommit():
if transaction.is_dirty():
# Note: it is possible that the commit fails. If the reason is
# closed connection or some similar reason, then there is
# little hope to proceed nicely. However, in some cases (
# deferred foreign key checks for exampl) it is still possible
# to rollback().
except Exception:
# If the rollback fails, the transaction state will be
# messed up. It doesn't matter, the connection will be set
# to clean state after the request finishes. And, we can't
# clean the state here properly even if we wanted to, the
# connection is in transaction but we can't rollback...
def process_request(self, request):
""" Store request on a thread local variable """
type(self).thread_locals.request = request
# Enters transaction management
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
"""Rolls back the database and leaves transaction management"""
if transaction.is_dirty():
# This rollback might fail because of network failure for example.
# If rollback isn't possible it is impossible to clean the
# connection's state. So leave the connection in dirty state and
# let request_finished signal deal with cleaning the connection.
def process_response(self, request, response):
""" Processes pending backend operations """
if not isinstance(response, HttpResponseServerError):
operations = type(self).get_pending_operations()
if operations:
scripts, block = manager.generate(operations)
# We commit transaction just before executing operations
# because here is when IntegrityError show up
logs = manager.execute(scripts, block=block)
if logs and resolve(request.path).app_name == 'admin':
message_user(request, logs)
return response
return response