1. Copy orchestra SSH key to the servers to be managed, you can use `ssh-copy-id`:
orchestra@panel:~ ssh-copy-id root@server.address
Then add the servers to orchestra using the web interface `/admin/orchestration/servers`, check that the SSH connection is working and Orchestra can report the uptime of the servers.
2. Now configure service by service (domains, databases, webapps, websites, ...):
1. Add the route via `/admin/orchestration/route/`
2. Configure related settings on `/admin/settings/setting/`
3. If required, configure related resources like Account disc limit, VPS traffic, etc `/resources/resource/`
3. Test that everything works as expected by creating and deleting service instances
3. Configure billing by adding services `/admin/services/service/add/` and plans `/admin/plans/plan/`. Once a service is created hit the *Update orders* button to create the orders for the existing service instances.
1. Think about if the service can fit into one of the existing service models like: SaaS or WebApps, refere to the related documentation if that is the case.
2. Create a new django app using `startapp` management command. For ilustrational purposes we will create a crontab services that will allow orchestra to manage user-based crontabs.
python3 manage.py startapp crontabs
3. Add the new *crontabs* app to the `INSTALLED_APPS` in your project's `settings.py`
3. Create a `models.py` file with the data your service needs to keep in order to be managed by orchestra
4. Create a `admin.py` to enable the admin interface, refere to [Django Admin documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/admin/) for further customization.