from functools import partial

from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from orchestra.utils import plugins

from . import methods

class ServiceBackend(plugins.Plugin):
    Service management backend base class
    It uses the _unit of work_ design principle, which allows bulk operations to
    be conviniently supported. Each backend generates the configuration for all
    the changes of all modified objects, reloading the daemon just once.
    model = None
    related_models = () # ((model, accessor__attribute),)
    script_method = methods.BashSSH
    function_method = methods.Python
    type = 'task' # 'sync'
    ignore_fields = []
    actions = []
    # TODO type: 'script', execution:'task'
    __metaclass__ = plugins.PluginMount
    def __unicode__(self):
        return type(self).__name__
    def __str__(self):
        return unicode(self)
    def __init__(self):
        self.cmds = []
    def get_actions(cls):
        return [ action for action in cls.actions if action in dir(cls) ]
    def get_name(cls):
        return cls.__name__
    def is_main(cls, obj):
        opts = obj._meta
        return cls.model == '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)
    def get_related(cls, obj):
        opts = obj._meta
        model = '%s.%s' % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)
        for rel_model, field in cls.related_models:
            if rel_model == model:
                related = obj
                for attribute in field.split('__'):
                    related = getattr(related, attribute)
                return related
        return None
    def get_backends(cls):
        return cls.get_plugins()
    def get_backend(cls, name):
        return cls.get_plugin(name)
    def get_banner(self):
        time ="%h %d, %Y %I:%M:%S")
        return "Generated by Orchestra at %s" % time
    def execute(self, server):
        from .models import BackendLog
        state = BackendLog.STARTED if self.cmds else BackendLog.SUCCESS
        log = BackendLog.objects.create(backend=self.get_name(), state=state, server=server)
        for method, cmds in self.cmds:
            method(log, server, cmds)
            if log.state != BackendLog.SUCCESS:
        return log
    def append(self, *cmd):
        # aggregate commands acording to its execution method
        if isinstance(cmd[0], basestring):
            method = self.script_method
            cmd = cmd[0]
            method = self.function_method
            cmd = partial(*cmd)
        if not self.cmds or self.cmds[-1][0] != method:
            self.cmds.append((method, [cmd]))
    def prepare(self):
        """ hook for executing something at the beging """
    def commit(self):
        apply the configuration, usually reloading a service 
        reloading a service is done in a separated method in order to reload 
        the service once in bulk operations

class ServiceController(ServiceBackend):
    actions = ('save', 'delete')
    abstract = True
    def get_verbose_name(cls):
        return _("[S] %s") % super(ServiceController, cls).get_verbose_name()
    def get_backends(cls):
        """ filter controller classes """
        return [
            plugin for plugin in cls.plugins if ServiceController in plugin.__mro__