import pkgutil
import textwrap

from .. import settings

class WebAppServiceMixin(object):
    model = 'webapps.WebApp'
    related_models = (
        ('webapps.WebAppOption', 'webapp'),
    directive = None
    doc_settings = (settings,
    def create_webapp_dir(self, context):
            # Create webapp dir
            [[ ! -e %(app_path)s ]] && CREATED=1
            mkdir -p %(app_path)s
            chown %(user)s:%(group)s %(app_path)s\
            """) % context
    def set_under_construction(self, context):
        if context['under_construction_path']:
                # Set under construction if needed
                if [[ $CREATED == 1 ]] && ! ls -A %(app_path)s > /dev/null; then
                    # Async wait 2 more seconds for other backends to lock app_path or cp under construction
                    nohup bash -c '
                        sleep 2
                        if ! ls -A %(app_path)s > /dev/null; then
                            cp -r %(under_construction_path)s %(app_path)s
                            chown -R %(user)s:%(group)s %(app_path)s
                        fi' &> /dev/null &
                fi""") % context
    def delete_webapp_dir(self, context):
        if context['deleted_app_path']:
            self.append("mv %(app_path)s %(deleted_app_path)s || exit_code=$?" % context)
            self.append("rm -fr %(app_path)s" % context)
    def get_context(self, webapp):
        context = {
            'user': webapp.get_username(),
            'group': webapp.get_groupname(),
            'app_type': webapp.type,
            'app_path': webapp.get_path(),
            'banner': self.get_banner(),
            'under_construction_path': settings.WEBAPPS_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_PATH,
            'is_mounted': webapp.content_set.exists(),
        context['deleted_app_path'] = settings.WEBAPPS_MOVE_ON_DELETE_PATH % context
        return context

for __, module_name, __ in pkgutil.walk_packages(__path__):
    # sorry for the exec(), but Import module function fails :(
    exec('from . import %s' % module_name)