Jorge Pastor 39eea70b79 inicio 2023/07/09
edited 2023/11/24 by pedro
2023-11-24 02:23:54 +01:00

3.7 KiB

Creating New Services

  1. Think about if the service can fit into one of the existing service models like: SaaS or WebApps, refere to the related documentation if that is the case.

  2. Create a new django app using startapp management command. For ilustrational purposes we will create a crontab services that will allow orchestra to manage user-based crontabs.

    python3 startapp crontabs
  3. Add the new crontabs app to the INSTALLED_APPS in your project's

  4. Create a file with the data your service needs to keep in order to be managed by orchestra

    from django.db import models
    class CrontabSchedule(models.Model):
        account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("account"))
        minute = models.CharField(_("minute"), max_length=64, default='*')
        hour = models.CharField(_("hour"), max_length=64, default='*')
        day_of_week = models.CharField(_("day of week"), max_length=64, default='*')
        day_of_month = models.CharField(_("day of month"), max_length=64, default='*')
        month_of_year = models.CharField(_("month of year"), max_length=64, default='*')
        class Meta:
            ordering = ('month_of_year', 'day_of_month', 'day_of_week', 'hour', 'minute')
        def __str__(self):
            rfield = lambda f: f and str(f).replace(' ', '') or '*'
            return "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} (m/h/d/dM/MY)".format(
                rfield(self.minute), rfield(self.hour), rfield(self.day_of_week),
                rfield(self.day_of_month), rfield(self.month_of_year),
    class Crontab(models.Model):
        account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("account"))
        schedule = models.ForeignKey(CrontabSchedule, verbose_name=_("schedule"))
        description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=256, blank=True)
        command = models.TextField(_("content"))
        def __str__(self):
            return (self.description or self.command)[:32]
  5. Create a to enable the admin interface, refere to Django Admin documentation for further customization.

    from django.contrib import admin
    from .models import CrontabSchedule, Crontab
    class CrontabScheduleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    class CrontabAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        pass, CrontabScheduleAdmin), CrontabAdmin)
  6. Create a to enable the REST API.

  7. Create a fiel with the needed backends for service orchestration and monitoring.

    import os
    import textwrap
    from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
    from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace
    from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor
    class UNIXCronBackend(ServiceController):
        Basic UNIX cron support.
        verbose_name = _("UNIX cron")
        model = 'crons.CronTab'
        def prepare(self):
            super(UNIXCronBackend, self).prepare()
            self.accounts = set()
        def save(self, crontab):
        def delete(self, crontab):
        def commit(self):
            for account in self.accounts:
                crontab = None
                self.append("echo '' > %(crontab_path)s" % context)
                for crontab in account.crontabs.all():
  8. Configure the routing