domains, mailboxes & mailer Drop `allow_tags` attribute which has been removed on Django 2.0
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228 lines
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from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.functions import Concat, Coalesce
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _
from orchestra.admin import ExtendedModelAdmin
from orchestra.admin.utils import admin_link, change_url
from orchestra.contrib.accounts.actions import list_accounts
from orchestra.contrib.accounts.admin import AccountAdminMixin
from orchestra.utils import apps
from orchestra.utils.html import get_on_site_link
from . import settings
from .actions import view_zone, edit_records, set_soa
from .filters import TopDomainListFilter, HasWebsiteFilter, HasAddressFilter
from .forms import RecordForm, RecordInlineFormSet, BatchDomainCreationAdminForm
from .models import Domain, Record
class RecordInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Record
form = RecordForm
formset = RecordInlineFormSet
verbose_name_plural = _("Extra records")
class DomainInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Domain
fields = ('domain_link', 'display_records', 'account_link')
readonly_fields = ('domain_link', 'display_records', 'account_link')
extra = 0
verbose_name_plural = _("Subdomains")
domain_link = admin_link('__str__')
domain_link.short_description = _("Name")
account_link = admin_link('account')
def display_records(self, domain):
return ', '.join([record.type for record in domain.records.all()])
display_records.short_description = _("Declared records")
def has_add_permission(self, *args, **kwargs):
return False
def get_queryset(self, request):
""" Order by structured name and imporve performance """
qs = super(DomainInline, self).get_queryset(request)
return qs.select_related('account').prefetch_related('records')
class DomainAdmin(AccountAdminMixin, ExtendedModelAdmin):
list_display = (
'structured_name', 'display_is_top', 'display_websites', 'display_addresses', 'account_link'
add_fields = ('name', 'account')
fields = ('name', 'account_link', 'display_websites', 'display_addresses', 'dns2136_address_match_list')
readonly_fields = (
'account_link', 'top_link', 'display_websites', 'display_addresses', 'implicit_records'
inlines = (RecordInline, DomainInline)
list_filter = (TopDomainListFilter, HasWebsiteFilter, HasAddressFilter)
change_readonly_fields = ('name', 'serial')
search_fields = ('name', 'account__username', 'records__value')
add_form = BatchDomainCreationAdminForm
actions = (edit_records, set_soa, list_accounts)
change_view_actions = (view_zone, edit_records)
top_link = admin_link('top')
def structured_name(self, domain):
if domain.is_top:
return mark_safe(' '*4 +
structured_name.short_description = _("name")
structured_name.admin_order_field = 'structured_name'
def display_is_top(self, domain):
return domain.is_top
display_is_top.short_description = _("Is top")
display_is_top.boolean = True
display_is_top.admin_order_field = 'top'
def display_websites(self, domain):
if apps.isinstalled('orchestra.contrib.websites'):
websites = domain.websites.all()
if websites:
links = []
for website in websites:
site_link = get_on_site_link(website.get_absolute_url())
admin_url = change_url(website)
title = _("Edit website")
link = format_html('<a href="{}" title="{}">{} {}</a>',
admin_url, title,, site_link)
return '<br>'.join(links)
add_url = reverse('admin:websites_website_add')
add_url += '?account=%i&domains=%i' % (domain.account_id,
add_link = format_html(
'<a href="{}" title="{}"><img src="{}" /></a>', add_url,
_("Add website"), static('orchestra/images/add.png'),
return _("No website %s") % (add_link)
return '---'
display_websites.admin_order_field = 'websites__name'
display_websites.short_description = _("Websites")
def display_addresses(self, domain):
if apps.isinstalled('orchestra.contrib.mailboxes'):
add_url = reverse('admin:mailboxes_address_add')
add_url += '?account=%i&domain=%i' % (domain.account_id,
image = '<img src="%s"></img>' % static('orchestra/images/add.png')
add_link = '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (
add_url, _("Add address"), image
addresses = domain.addresses.all()
if addresses:
url = reverse('admin:mailboxes_address_changelist')
url += '?domain=%i' % addresses[0].domain_id
title = '\n'.join([ for address in addresses])
return '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> %s' % (url, title, len(addresses), add_link)
return _("No address %s") % (add_link)
return '---'
display_addresses.short_description = _("Addresses")
display_addresses.admin_order_field = 'addresses__count'
def implicit_records(self, domain):
types = set(domain.records.values_list('type', flat=True))
ttl = settings.DOMAINS_DEFAULT_TTL
lines = []
for record in domain.get_default_records():
line = '{name} {ttl} IN {type} {value}'.format(
if not domain.record_is_implicit(record, types):
line = format_html('<strike>{}</strike>', line)
if record.type is Record.SOA:
lines.insert(0, line)
return '<br>'.join(lines)
implicit_records.short_description = _("Implicit records")
def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
""" Add SOA fields when domain is top """
fieldsets = super(DomainAdmin, self).get_fieldsets(request, obj)
if obj:
fieldsets += (
(_("Implicit records"), {
'classes': ('collapse',),
'fields': ('implicit_records',),
if obj.is_top:
fieldsets += (
(_("SOA"), {
'classes': ('collapse',),
'description': _(
"SOA (Start of Authority) records are used to determine how the "
"zone propagates to the secondary nameservers."),
'fields': ('serial', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'min_ttl'),
existing = fieldsets[0][1]['fields']
if 'top_link' not in existing:
fieldsets[0][1]['fields'].insert(2, 'top_link')
return fieldsets
def get_inline_instances(self, request, obj=None):
inlines = super(DomainAdmin, self).get_inline_instances(request, obj)
if not obj or not obj.is_top:
return [inline for inline in inlines if type(inline) != DomainInline]
return inlines
def get_queryset(self, request):
""" Order by structured name and imporve performance """
qs = super(DomainAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
qs = qs.select_related('top', 'account')
if request.method == 'GET':
qs = qs.annotate(
structured_id=Coalesce('top__id', 'id'),
structured_name=Concat('top__name', 'name')
).order_by('-structured_id', 'structured_name')
if apps.isinstalled('orchestra.contrib.websites'):
qs = qs.prefetch_related('websites__domains')
if apps.isinstalled('orchestra.contrib.mailboxes'):
qs = qs.annotate(models.Count('addresses'))
return qs
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
""" batch domain creation support """
super(DomainAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
self.extra_domains = []
if not change:
for name in form.extra_names:
domain = Domain.objects.create(name=name, account_id=obj.account_id)
def save_related(self, request, form, formsets, change):
""" batch domain creation support """
super(DomainAdmin, self).save_related(request, form, formsets, change)
if not change:
# Clone records to extra_domains, if any
for formset in formsets:
if formset.model is Record:
for domain in self.extra_domains:
# Reset pk value of the record instances to force creation of new ones
for record_form in formset.forms:
record = record_form.instance
| = None
formset.instance = domain
form.instance = domain
self.save_formset(request, form, formset, change)
|, DomainAdmin)