215 lines
9.2 KiB
215 lines
9.2 KiB
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "@goauthentik/common/api/config";
import { EVENT_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE, VERSION } from "@goauthentik/common/constants";
import { me } from "@goauthentik/common/users";
import { authentikConfigContext } from "@goauthentik/elements/AuthentikContexts";
import { AKElement } from "@goauthentik/elements/Base";
import { ID_REGEX, SLUG_REGEX, UUID_REGEX } from "@goauthentik/elements/router/Route";
import { getRootStyle } from "@goauthentik/elements/utils/getRootStyle";
import { spread } from "@open-wc/lit-helpers";
import { consume } from "@lit-labs/context";
import { msg, str } from "@lit/localize";
import { TemplateResult, html, nothing } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { map } from "lit/directives/map.js";
import { AdminApi, CapabilitiesEnum, CoreApi, UiThemeEnum, Version } from "@goauthentik/api";
import type { Config, SessionUser, UserSelf } from "@goauthentik/api";
export class AkAdminSidebar extends AKElement {
@property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true })
open = true;
version: Version["versionCurrent"] | null = null;
impersonation: UserSelf["username"] | null = null;
@consume({ context: authentikConfigContext })
public config!: Config;
constructor() {
new AdminApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).adminVersionRetrieve().then((version) => {
this.version = version.versionCurrent;
me().then((user: SessionUser) => {
this.impersonation = user.original ? user.user.username : null;
this.toggleOpen = this.toggleOpen.bind(this);
this.checkWidth = this.checkWidth.bind(this);
// This has to be a bound method so the event listener can be removed on disconnection as
// needed.
toggleOpen() {
this.open = !this.open;
checkWidth() {
// This works just fine, but it assumes that the `--ak-sidebar--minimum-auto-width` is in
// REMs. If that changes, this code will have to be adjusted as well.
const minWidth =
parseFloat(getRootStyle("--ak-sidebar--minimum-auto-width")) *
this.open = window.innerWidth >= minWidth;
connectedCallback() {
window.addEventListener(EVENT_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE, this.toggleOpen);
window.addEventListener("resize", this.checkWidth);
// After connecting to the DOM, we can now perform this check to see if the sidebar should
// be open by default.
// The symmetry (☟, ☝) here is critical in that you want to start adding these handlers after
// connection, and removing them before disconnection.
disconnectedCallback() {
window.removeEventListener(EVENT_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE, this.toggleOpen);
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.checkWidth);
render() {
return html`
class="pf-c-page__sidebar ${this.open ? "pf-m-expanded" : "pf-m-collapsed"} ${this
.activeTheme === UiThemeEnum.Light
? "pf-m-light"
: ""}"
updated() {
// This is permissible as`:host.classList` is not one of the properties Lit uses as a
// scheduling trigger. This sort of shenanigans can trigger an loop, in that it will trigger
// a browser reflow, which may trigger some other styling the application is monitoring,
// triggering a re-render which triggers a browser reflow, ad infinitum. But we've been
// living with that since jQuery, and it's both well-known and fortunately rare.
this.classList.remove("pf-m-expanded", "pf-m-collapsed");
this.classList.add(this.open ? "pf-m-expanded" : "pf-m-collapsed");
renderSidebarItems(): TemplateResult {
// The second attribute type is of string[] to help with the 'activeWhen' control, which was
// commonplace and singular enough to merit its own handler.
type SidebarEntry = [
path: string | null,
label: string,
attributes?: Record<string, any> | string[] | null, // eslint-disable-line
children?: SidebarEntry[],
// prettier-ignore
const sidebarContent: SidebarEntry[] = [
["/if/user/", msg("User interface"), { "?isAbsoluteLink": true, "?highlight": true }],
[null, msg("Dashboards"), { "?expanded": true }, [
["/administration/overview", msg("Overview")],
["/administration/dashboard/users", msg("User Statistics")],
["/administration/system-tasks", msg("System Tasks")]]],
[null, msg("Applications"), null, [
["/core/applications", msg("Applications"), [`^/core/applications/(?<slug>${SLUG_REGEX})$`]],
["/core/providers", msg("Providers"), [`^/core/providers/(?<id>${ID_REGEX})$`]],
["/outpost/outposts", msg("Outposts")]]],
[null, msg("Events"), null, [
["/events/log", msg("Logs"), [`^/events/log/(?<id>${UUID_REGEX})$`]],
["/events/rules", msg("Notification Rules")],
["/events/transports", msg("Notification Transports")]]],
[null, msg("Customisation"), null, [
["/policy/policies", msg("Policies")],
["/core/property-mappings", msg("Property Mappings")],
["/blueprints/instances", msg("Blueprints")],
["/policy/reputation", msg("Reputation scores")]]],
[null, msg("Flows and Stages"), null, [
["/flow/flows", msg("Flows"), [`^/flow/flows/(?<slug>${SLUG_REGEX})$`]],
["/flow/stages", msg("Stages")],
["/flow/stages/prompts", msg("Prompts")]]],
[null, msg("Directory"), null, [
["/identity/users", msg("Users"), [`^/identity/users/(?<id>${ID_REGEX})$`]],
["/identity/groups", msg("Groups"), [`^/identity/groups/(?<id>${UUID_REGEX})$`]],
["/identity/roles", msg("Roles"), [`^/identity/roles/(?<id>${UUID_REGEX})$`]],
["/core/sources", msg("Federation and Social login"), [`^/core/sources/(?<slug>${SLUG_REGEX})$`]],
["/core/tokens", msg("Tokens and App passwords")],
["/flow/stages/invitations", msg("Invitations")]]],
[null, msg("System"), null, [
["/core/tenants", msg("Tenants")],
["/crypto/certificates", msg("Certificates")],
["/outpost/integrations", msg("Outpost Integrations")]]]
// Typescript requires the type here to correctly type the recursive path
type SidebarRenderer = (_: SidebarEntry) => TemplateResult;
const renderOneSidebarItem: SidebarRenderer = ([path, label, attributes, children]) => {
const properties = Array.isArray(attributes)
? { ".activeWhen": attributes }
: attributes ?? {};
if (path) {
properties["path"] = path;
return html`<ak-sidebar-item ${spread(properties)}>
${label ? html`<span slot="label">${label}</span>` : nothing}
${map(children, renderOneSidebarItem)}
// prettier-ignore
return html`
${map(sidebarContent, renderOneSidebarItem)}
renderNewVersionMessage() {
return this.version && this.version !== VERSION
? html`
<ak-sidebar-item ?highlight=${true}>
<span slot="label"
>${msg("A newer version of the frontend is available.")}</span
: nothing;
renderImpersonationMessage() {
const reload = () =>
new CoreApi(DEFAULT_CONFIG).coreUsersImpersonateEndRetrieve().then(() => {
return this.impersonation
? html`<ak-sidebar-item ?highlight=${true} @click=${reload}>
<span slot="label"
str`You're currently impersonating ${this.impersonation}. Click to stop.`,
: nothing;
renderEnterpriseMessage() {
return this.config?.capabilities.includes(CapabilitiesEnum.IsEnterprise)
? html`
<span slot="label">${msg("Enterprise")}</span>
<ak-sidebar-item path="/enterprise/licenses">
<span slot="label">${msg("Licenses")}</span>
: nothing;