- LDAP Bind Password: `<snipeit-user password from step 2>`
- Base Bind DN: `ou=users,DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io`
ou=users is the default OU for users. If you are using authentik's virtual groups, or have your users in a different organizational unit (ou), change accordingly.
authentik does not support other LDAP attributes likeEmployee Number, Department, etc out of the box. If you need these fields, you will need to setup custom attributes.
Save your config, then click on Test LDAP Synchorization. This does not import any users, just verifies everything is working and the account can search the directory.
To test your settings, enter a username and password and click Test LDAP.
## Snipe-IT LDAP Sync
You must sync your LDAP database with Snipe-IT. Go to People on the sidebar menu.
- CLick `LDAP Sync`
- Select your Location
- Click Synchronize
Snipe-IT will only import users with both a first and last name set. If you do not have first and last names stored in your users attributes, you can create a property mapping to set first and last name.
## authentik Property Mapping
To create a policy mapping, go to _Customisation/Property Mappings_, click `Create` then `LDAP Property Mapping`. Name is 'sn' and set Object field to sn:
def getLastName():
if len(request.user.name) >= 1:
return request.user.name.split(" ")[1]
elif len(request.user.name) == 1:
return request.user.name.split(" ")[1]
return ""
return {
"sn": getLastName(),
Create a second policy mapping, name it 'givenname' and set Object field to 'givenname'
def getFirstName():
if len(request.user.name) >= 1:
return request.user.name.split(" ")[0]
return f"N/A"
return {
"givenname": getFirstName(),
## authentik SAML Config
### Step 1
Create another application in authentik and note the slug you choose, as this will be used later. In the Admin Interface, go to Applications ->Providers. Create a SAML provider with the following parameters:
- ACS URL: `https://inventory.company/saml/acs`
- Issuer: `https://inventory.company`
- Service Provider Binding: `Post`
- Audience: `https://inventory.company`
- Signing certificate: Select any certificate you have.