Note: The `default-authentication-flow` validates MFA by default, and currently everything but SMS-based devices are supported by LDAP. If you plan to use only dedicated service accounts to bind to LDAP, or don't use SMS-based authenticators, then you can use the default flow and skip the extra steps below and continue at [Create LDAP Provider](#create-ldap-provider)
1. Create a new identification stage. _Flows & Stage_ -> _Stages_ -> _Create_
2. Name it something meaningful like `ldap-identification-stage`. Select User fields Username and Email (and UPN if it is relevant to your setup).
3. Create a new password stage. _Flows & Stage_ -> _Stages_ -> _Create_
4. Name it something meaningful like `ldap-authentication-password`. Leave the defaults for Backends.
5. Create a new user login stage. _Flows & Stage_ -> _Stages_ -> _Create_
6. Name it something meaningful like `ldap-authentication-login`.
#### Create Custom Flow
1. Create a new authentication flow under _Flows & Stage_ -> _Flows_ -> _Create_, and name it something meaningful like `ldap-authentication-flow`
2. Click the newly created flow and choose _Stage Bindings_.
3. Click `Bind Stage` choose `ldap-identification-stage` and set the order to `10`.
4. Click `Bind Stage` choose `ldap-authentication-login` and set the order to `30`.
5. Edit the `ldap-identification-stage`.
6. Change the Password stage to `ldap-authentication-password`.
### Create LDAP Provider
1. Create the LDAP Provider under _Applications_ -> _Providers_ -> _Create_.
2. Name is something meaningful like `LDAP`, bind the custom flow created previously (or the default flow, depending on setup) and specify the search group created earlier.
### Create LDAP Application
1. Create the LDAP Application under _Applications_ -> _Applications_ -> _Create_ and name it something meaningful like `LDAP`. Choose the provider created in the previous step.
### Create LDAP Outpost
1. Create (or update) the LDAP Outpost under _Applications_ -> _Outposts_ -> _Create_. Set the Type to `LDAP` and choose the `LDAP` application created in the previous step.
The LDAP Outpost selects different providers based on their Base DN. Adding multiple providers with the same Base DN will result in inconsistent access
This query will log the first successful attempt in an event in the _Events_ -> _Logs_ area, further successful logins from the same user are not logged as they are cached in the outpost.