We were among the first to recognize the cloud’s potential and knew that protecting data in this new hybrid world required an entirely new approach. We make managing your web and unifying your data policies easy to create and enforce, giving you a single console to provide visibility across all of your infrastructure.
## Multiple Integration Points
Skyhigh has multiple points for SAML integration:
- Dashboard Administrator login - Allows you to manage the Skyhigh Security dashboard
- Web Gateway and Private access - Authenticates for Internet access and ZTNA/Private access
The following placeholder will be used throughout this document.
-`authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik install.
## Integration for Dashboard Administrator login
### Configure Skyhigh Security
While logged in to your Skyhigh Security Dashboard, click the configuration gear and navigate to `User Management` -> `SAML Configuration` -> `Skyhigh Cloud Users` tab
Under the `Identity Provider` section enter the following values (replace `<slug>` with the name of the application slug you will use):
- User ID Attribute in SAML Response: `http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress`
- Group ID Attribute in SAML Response: `http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/Group`
- Identity Provider Certificate: Upload the certificate you selected in the Authentik SAML provider you created earlier
- Domain(s): Enter the email domain(s) you wish to redirect for authentication to Authentik
Save your changes and publish the web policy.
You must also ensure that your web and/or private access policies grant access to users who will be authenticated. This configuration is out of scope for this document.