This repository has been archived on 2024-05-31. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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Raw Normal View History

import { gettext } from "django";
import { css, CSSResult, customElement, html, LitElement, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element";
import { until } from "lit-html/directives/until";
import { Event, EventContext } from "../../api/Events";
import { Flow } from "../../api/Flows";
import { COMMON_STYLES } from "../../common/styles";
import "../../elements/Spinner";
import { SpinnerSize } from "../../elements/Spinner";
export class EventInfo extends LitElement {
@property({attribute: false})
event?: Event;
static get styles(): CSSResult[] {
return COMMON_STYLES.concat(
code {
display: block;
white-space: pre-wrap;
getModelInfo(context: EventContext): TemplateResult {
return html`<ul class="pf-c-list">
<li>${gettext("UID")}: ${ as string}</li>
<li>${gettext("Name")}: ${ as string}</li>
<li>${gettext("App")}: ${ as string}</li>
<li>${gettext("Model Name")}: ${context.model_name as string}</li>
defaultResponse(): TemplateResult {
return html`<div class="pf-l-flex">
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
render(): TemplateResult {
if (!this.event) {
return html`<ak-spinner size=${SpinnerSize.Medium}></ak-spinner>`;
switch (this.event?.action) {
case "model_created":
case "model_updated":
case "model_deleted":
return html`
<h3>${gettext("Affected model:")}</h3><hr>
${this.getModelInfo(this.event.context.model as EventContext)}
case "authorize_application":
return html`<div class="pf-l-flex">
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
<h3>${gettext("Authorized application:")}</h3><hr>
${this.getModelInfo(this.event.context.authorized_application as EventContext)}
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
<h3>${gettext("Using flow")}</h3>
flow_uuid: this.event.context.flow as string,
}).then(resp => {
return html`<a href="#/flows/${resp.results[0].slug}">${resp.results[0].name}</a>`;
}), html`<ak-spinner size=${SpinnerSize.Medium}></ak-spinner>`)}</span>
case "login_failed":
return html`
<h3>${gettext(`Attempted to log in as ${this.event.context.username}`)}</h3>
case "token_view":
return html`
${this.getModelInfo(this.event.context.token as EventContext)}
case "property_mapping_exception":
case "policy_exception":
return html`<div class="pf-l-flex">
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
<div class="pf-l-flex__item">
case "configuration_error":
return html`<h3>${this.event.context.message}</h3>`;
case "update_available":
return html`<h3>${gettext("New version available!")}</h3>
<a target="_blank" href="${this.event.context.new_version}">${this.event.context.new_version}</a>
// Action types which typically don't record any extra context.
// If context is not empty, we fall to the default response.
case "login":
case "logout":
if (this.event.context === {}) {
return html`<span>${gettext("No additional data available.")}</span>`;
return this.defaultResponse();
return this.defaultResponse();