2. Create a user in FreeIPA, matching your naming scheme. Provide a strong password, example generation methods: `pwgen 64 1` or `openssl rand -base64 36`. Once done click `Add and Edit`.
3. In the user management screen, select the Roles tab.
4. Add a role that has privileges to change user passwords, the default `User Administrators` role is sufficient. This is needed to support password resets from within authentik.
5. By default, if an administrator account resets a user's password in FreeIPA the user's password expires after the first use and must be reset again. This is a security feature to ensure password complexity and history policies are enforced. To bypass this feature for a more seamless experience, you can make the following modification on each of your FreeIPA servers:
Additional info: [22.1.2. Enabling Password Reset Without Prompting for a Password Change at the Next Login](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/user-authentication#user-passwords-no-expiry)
After you save the source, you can kick off a synchronization by navigating to the source, clicking on the "Sync" tab, and clicking the "Run sync again" button.
Lastly, verify that the "User database + LDAP password" backend is selected in the "Password Stage" under Flows -> Stages.