2021-03-31 12:14:56 +00:00
import { Flow , FlowDesignationEnum , FlowPolicyEngineModeEnum , FlowsApi } from "authentik-api" ;
2021-03-29 20:24:46 +00:00
import { gettext } from "django" ;
import { customElement , property } from "lit-element" ;
import { html , TemplateResult } from "lit-html" ;
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG } from "../../api/Config" ;
import { Form } from "../../elements/forms/Form" ;
import { ifDefined } from "lit-html/directives/if-defined" ;
import "../../elements/forms/HorizontalFormElement" ;
@customElement ( "ak-flow-form" )
export class FlowForm extends Form < Flow > {
@property ( { attribute : false } )
flow? : Flow ;
getSuccessMessage ( ) : string {
if ( this . flow ) {
return gettext ( "Successfully updated flow." ) ;
} else {
return gettext ( "Successfully created flow." ) ;
send = ( data : Flow ) : Promise < void | Flow > = > {
let writeOp : Promise < Flow > ;
if ( this . flow ) {
writeOp = new FlowsApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . flowsInstancesUpdate ( {
slug : this.flow.slug ,
data : data
} ) ;
} else {
writeOp = new FlowsApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . flowsInstancesCreate ( {
data : data
} ) ;
const background = this . getFormFile ( ) ;
if ( background ) {
return writeOp . then ( flow = > {
return new FlowsApi ( DEFAULT_CONFIG ) . flowsInstancesSetBackground ( {
slug : flow.slug ,
file : background
} ) ;
} ) ;
return writeOp ;
} ;
renderDesignations ( ) : TemplateResult {
return html `
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Authentication } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Authentication } >
$ { gettext ( "Authentication" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Authorization } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Authorization } >
$ { gettext ( "Authorization" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Enrollment } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Enrollment } >
$ { gettext ( "Enrollment" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Invalidation } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Invalidation } >
$ { gettext ( "Invalidation" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Recovery } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Recovery } >
$ { gettext ( "Recovery" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.StageConfiguration } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.StageConfiguration } >
$ { gettext ( "Stage Configuration" ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowDesignationEnum.Unenrollment } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = FlowDesignationEnum.Unenrollment } >
$ { gettext ( "Unenrollment" ) }
< / option >
` ;
renderForm ( ) : TemplateResult {
return html ` <form class="pf-c-form pf-m-horizontal">
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Name" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "name" >
< input type = "text" value = "${ifDefined(this.flow?.name)}" class = "pf-c-form-control" required >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Title" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "title" >
< input type = "text" value = "${ifDefined(this.flow?.title)}" class = "pf-c-form-control" required >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Shown as the Title in Flow pages." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Name" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "slug" >
< input type = "text" value = "${ifDefined(this.flow?.slug)}" class = "pf-c-form-control" required >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Visible in the URL." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
2021-03-31 12:14:56 +00:00
label = $ { gettext ( "Policy engine mode" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "policyEngineMode" >
< select class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< option value = $ { FlowPolicyEngineModeEnum.Any } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .policyEngineMode = = = FlowPolicyEngineModeEnum.Any } >
$ { gettext ( "ANY, any policy must match to grant access." ) }
< / option >
< option value = $ { FlowPolicyEngineModeEnum.All } ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .policyEngineMode = = = FlowPolicyEngineModeEnum.All } >
$ { gettext ( "ALL, all policies must match to grant access." ) }
< / option >
< / select >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
2021-03-29 20:24:46 +00:00
label = $ { gettext ( "Designation" ) }
? required = $ { true }
name = "designation" >
< select class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< option value = "" ? selected = $ { this.flow ? .designation = = = undefined } > -- -- -- -- - < / option >
$ { this . renderDesignations ( ) }
< / select >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Decides what this Flow is used for. For example, the Authentication flow is redirect to when an un-authenticated user visits authentik." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< ak - form - element - horizontal
label = $ { gettext ( "Background" ) }
name = "background" >
< input type = "file" value = "${ifDefined(this.flow?.background)}" class = "pf-c-form-control" >
< p class = "pf-c-form__helper-text" > $ { gettext ( "Background shown during execution." ) } < / p >
< / a k - f o r m - e l e m e n t - h o r i z o n t a l >
< / form > ` ;