web: Replace lingui.js with lit-localize (#5761)
* \#\# Details
web: replace lingui with lit/localize
\#\# Changes
This rather massive shift replaces the lingui and `t()` syntax with lit-localize, XLIFF, and the `msg()`
syntax used by lit-localize. 90% of this work was mechanized; simple perl scripts found and replaced
all uses of `t()` with the appropriate corresponding syntax for `msg()` and `msg(str())`.
The XLIFF files were auto-generated from the PO files. They have not been audited, and they should be
checked over by professional translators. The actual _strings_ have not been changed, but as this was
a mechanized change there is always the possibility of mis-translation-- not by the translator, but by
the script.
* web: revise lit/localize: fix two installation issues.
* web: revise localization
- Replaced all of Lingui's `t()` syntax with `msg()` syntax.
- Mechanically (i.e with a script) converted all of the PO files to XLIFF files
- Refactored the localization code to be a bit smarter:
- the function `getBestMatchLocale` takes the locale lists and a requested locale, and returns the
first match of:
- The locale's code exactly matches the requested locale
- The locale code exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale (i.e the "en" part of "en-US")
- the locale code's prefix exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale
This function is passed to lit-locate's `loadLocale()`.
- `activateLocale()` just calls `loadLocale()` now.
- `autodetectLanguage` searches the following, and picks the first that returns a valid locale
object, before passing it to `loadLocale()`:
- The User's settings
- A `?locale=` component found in `window.location.search`
- The `window.navigator.language` field
- English
The `msg()` only runs when it's run. This seems obvious, but it means that you cannot cache
strings at load time; they must be kept inside functions that are re-run so that the `msg()` engine
can look up the strings in the preferred language of the user at that moment.
You can use thunks-of-strings if you really need them that way.
* Including the 'xliff-converter' in case anyone wants to review it.
* The xliff-converter is tagged as 'xliff-converter', but has been
\#\# Details
- Resolves #5171
\#\# Changes
\#\#\# New Features
- Adds a "Add an Application" to the LibraryView if there are no applications and the user is an administrator.
\#\#\# Breaking Changes
- Adds breaking change which causes \<issue\>.
\#\# Checklist
- [ ] Local tests pass (`ak test authentik/`)
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make lint-fix`)
If an API change has been made
- [ ] The API schema has been updated (`make gen-build`)
If changes to the frontend have been made
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make web`)
- [ ] The translation files have been updated (`make i18n-extract`)
If applicable
- [ ] The documentation has been updated
- [ ] The documentation has been formatted (`make website`)
* web: fix redundant locales for zh suite.
* web: prettier pass for locale update
* web: localization moderization
Changed the names of the lit-localize commands to make it clear they're
part of the localization effort, and not just "build" and "extract".
* update transifex config
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix package lock?
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* use build not compile
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: conversion to lit-localize
The CI produced a list of problems that I hadn't caught earlier,
due to a typo ("localize build" is correct, "localize compile" is
not) I had left in package.json. They were minor and linty, but
it was still wise to fix them.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
This commit fixes some minor linting issues that were hidden by a typo in package.json. The
issues were not apparently problematic from a Javascript point of view, but they pointed
to sloppy thinking in the progression of types through the system, so I cleaned them
up and formalized the types from LocaleModule to AkLocale.
* web: replace lingui with lit/localize
One problem that has repeatedly come up is that localize's templates do not produce
JavaScript that conforms with our shop style. I've replaced `build-locale` with
a two-step that builds the locale *and* ensures that it conforms to the shop style
via `prettier` every time.
* web: replace lingui with lit-locale
This commit applies the most recent bundle of translations to the
new lit-locale aspect component. It also revises the algorithm
for *finding* the correct locale, replacing the complex fall-back
with some rather straightforward regular expressions.
In the case of Chinese, the fallback comes at the end of the
selection list, which may not be, er, politically valuable
(since Taiwan and Hong Kong come before, being exceptions that
need to be tested). If we need a different order for presentation,
that'll be a future feature.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
Well, that was embarassing.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-06-02 15:08:36 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file target-language="tr" source-language="en" original="lit-localize-inputs" datatype="plaintext">
<trans-unit id="s4caed5b7a7e5d89b">
<trans-unit id="s75a27f43413e02c5">
<target>Fransı zca</target>
<trans-unit id="s9d2d00982edafabb">
<trans-unit id="sf1868dc19e3917bb">
<trans-unit id="s03f49e598ffb11cc">
<trans-unit id="s4660da32fb311ac0">
<source>Taiwanese Mandarin</source>
<trans-unit id="s354e0a9f146d2869">
<source>Chinese (simplified)</source>
<trans-unit id="se3e6af2ce24d80e8">
<source>Chinese (traditional)</source>
<trans-unit id="s63e71d20d1eaca93">
<trans-unit id="s49730f3d5751a433">
<trans-unit id="sf1e9d421f35b51e5">
<trans-unit id="s310d8757ce319673">
<target>Oturum Açma</target>
<trans-unit id="sa50a6326530d8a0d">
<source>Show less</source>
<target>Daha az göster</target>
<trans-unit id="sb2c57b2d347203dd">
<source>Show more</source>
<target>Daha fazla göster</target>
<trans-unit id="s6238f519db67980d">
<trans-unit id="sef49aec68fd1dc66">
<trans-unit id="sf9f2c719a04066ec">
<trans-unit id="sda796c87fa97ed4d">
<source>Model Name</source>
<target>Model Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s79e8cc71a5975b04">
<trans-unit id="sbbc53e0e54d7946f">
<trans-unit id="sa6ab5184d6315895">
<trans-unit id="s09353907b5c79284">
<trans-unit id="s63e03c70f67ebf9c">
<trans-unit id="sa48f81f001b893d2">
<target>Kullanı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s119498d4e4cf59a6">
<source>Affected model:</source>
<target>Etkilenen model:</target>
<trans-unit id="sa3660d505e7011e0">
<source>Authorized application:</source>
<target>Yetkili başvuru:</target>
<trans-unit id="s95a032ae86881bf5">
<source>Using flow</source>
<target>Akı şı kullanma</target>
<trans-unit id="scb5c9a7cc4ccd68d">
<source>Email info:</source>
<target>E-posta bilgileri:</target>
<trans-unit id="s677f1b675fc21bb1">
<target>Sı r:</target>
<trans-unit id="sd947d57c9a9b7108">
<source>Open issue on GitHub...</source>
<target>GitHub'da açı k sorun...</target>
<trans-unit id="sa6905be242387f36">
<trans-unit id="s6ab73c998850c5ab">
<trans-unit id="s50ebe627b4bc7d02">
<trans-unit id="s3c6de3f257e0c912">
<trans-unit id="s730182ad28374cda">
<trans-unit id="s890e983a7be64da4">
<trans-unit id="sd3a853f63f45dcb0">
<trans-unit id="sbdeedc1c60306b35">
<trans-unit id="s0a5401d4419f9958">
<source>Using source</source>
<target>Kaynak kullanma</target>
<trans-unit id="s14622ee6de586485">
<source>Attempted to log in as <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.event.context.username}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.event.context.username}"/>olarak oturum açmaya çalı şı ldı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb07bf992e3d00664">
<source>No additional data available.</source>
<target>Ek veri yok.</target>
<trans-unit id="s09810653c832e935">
<source>Click to change value</source>
<target>Değeri değiştirmek için tı klayı n</target>
<trans-unit id="sfefce784ec55868f">
<source>Select an object.</source>
<trans-unit id="s04ceadb276bbe149">
<source>Loading options...</source>
<trans-unit id="sfe629863ba1338c2">
<source>Connection error, reconnecting...</source>
<target>Bağlantı hatası , yeniden bağlanı yor...</target>
<trans-unit id="sc8da3cc71de63832">
<trans-unit id="sb4564c127ab8b921">
<source>Failed login</source>
<target>Başarı sı z oturum açma</target>
<trans-unit id="s67749057edb2586b">
<target>Oturumu Kapa</target>
<trans-unit id="s7e537ad68d7c16e1">
<source>User was written to</source>
<target>Kullanı cı yazı ldı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa0e0bdd7e244416b">
<source>Suspicious request</source>
<target>Şüpheli istek</target>
<trans-unit id="s7bda44013984fc48">
<source>Password set</source>
<target>Parola seti</target>
<trans-unit id="sa1b41e334ad89d94">
<source>Secret was viewed</source>
<target>Sı r görüldü</target>
<trans-unit id="s92ca679592a36b35">
<source>Secret was rotated</source>
<target>Sı rrı döndürüldü</target>
<trans-unit id="s8a1d9403ca90989b">
<source>Invitation used</source>
<target>Kullanı lan davetiye</target>
<trans-unit id="s5f496533610103f2">
<source>Application authorized</source>
<target>Başvuru yetkili</target>
<trans-unit id="sdc9e222be9612939">
<source>Source linked</source>
<target>Kaynak bağlantı lı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb1c91762ae3a9bee">
<source>Impersonation started</source>
<target>Kimliğe bürünme başladı </target>
<trans-unit id="s9c73bd29b279d26b">
<source>Impersonation ended</source>
<target>Taklit sona erdi</target>
<trans-unit id="s1cd264012278c047">
<source>Flow execution</source>
<target>Akı ş yürütme</target>
<trans-unit id="s32f04d33924ce8ad">
<source>Policy execution</source>
<target>İlke yürütme</target>
<trans-unit id="sb6d7128df5978cee">
<source>Policy exception</source>
<target>İlke hatası </target>
<trans-unit id="s77f572257f69a8db">
<source>Property Mapping exception</source>
<target>Özellik Eşleme hatası </target>
<trans-unit id="s2543cffd6ebb6803">
<source>System task execution</source>
<target>Sistem görevi yürütme</target>
<trans-unit id="se2f258b996f7279c">
<source>System task exception</source>
<target>Sistem görevi hatası </target>
<trans-unit id="s81eff3409d572a21">
<source>General system exception</source>
<target>Genel sistem hatası </target>
<trans-unit id="sf8f49cdbf0036343">
<source>Configuration error</source>
<target>Yapı landı rma hatası </target>
<trans-unit id="s9c6f61dc47bc4f0a">
<source>Model created</source>
<target>Model oluşturuldu</target>
<trans-unit id="s47a4983a2c6bb749">
<source>Model updated</source>
<target>Model güncellendi</target>
<trans-unit id="sc9f69360b58706c7">
<source>Model deleted</source>
<target>Model silindi</target>
<trans-unit id="sa266303caf1bd27f">
<source>Email sent</source>
<target>E-posta gönderildi</target>
<trans-unit id="s6c410fedda2a575f">
<source>Update available</source>
<target>Güncelleme mevcut</target>
<trans-unit id="s02240309358f557c">
<source>Unknown severity</source>
<trans-unit id="sf1ec4acb8d744ed9">
<trans-unit id="s9117fb5195e75151">
<target>Uyarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s34be76c6b1eadbef">
<target>Uyarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sf45a0d2f00bcc6ff">
<source>no tabs defined</source>
<target>tanı mlanmı ş sekme yok</target>
<trans-unit id="s04c5a637328c9b67">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${this.pages?.startIndex}"/> - <x id="1" equiv-text="${this.pages?.endIndex}"/> of <x id="2" equiv-text="${this.pages?.count}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.pages?.count}"/>içinden
<x id="1" equiv-text="${this.pages?.startIndex}"/>-
<x id="2" equiv-text="${this.pages?.endIndex}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s6a89bb10338369b4">
<source>Go to previous page</source>
<target>Önceki sayfaya git</target>
<trans-unit id="s7edad99c6b7bfe88">
<source>Go to next page</source>
<target>Sonraki sayfaya git</target>
<trans-unit id="sffa721bb6aa3128d">
<trans-unit id="sb59d68ed12d46377">
<trans-unit id="s7bc8c327f1f7c82c">
<source>No objects found.</source>
<target>Nesne bulunamadı .</target>
<trans-unit id="sfd44ce578f643145">
<source>Failed to fetch objects.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7b7163270e57e8b4">
<trans-unit id="s909e876731a8febb">
<source>Select all rows</source>
<target>Tüm satı rları seç</target>
<trans-unit id="sa442044b586ec8bf">
<trans-unit id="s02839b01844d6ca8">
<source>Creation Date</source>
<target>Oluşturma Tarihi</target>
<trans-unit id="s4d00f1de1c82281b">
<source>Client IP</source>
<target>İstemci IP</target>
<trans-unit id="s2152f3482784705f">
<source>Recent events</source>
<trans-unit id="sc35581d9c1cd67ff">
<source>On behalf of <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.user.on_behalf_of.username}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.user.on_behalf_of.username}"/>adı na</target>
<trans-unit id="saf63a04c86018698">
<trans-unit id="s1b448a4ea79d4eef">
<source>No Events found.</source>
<target>Olaylar bulunamadı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s50911ec1c8aee99a">
<source>No matching events could be found.</source>
<target>Eşleşen olay bulunamadı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s113c05ef9996ca4b">
<source>Embedded outpost is not configured correctly.</source>
<target>Gömülü üs düzgün yapı landı rı lmamı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="seb5ba88f21937c98">
<source>Check outposts.</source>
<target>İleri üsleri kontrol edin.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd0bc94e11935ee5a">
<source>HTTPS is not detected correctly</source>
<target>HTTPS doğru algı lanmadı </target>
<trans-unit id="s40bf151b56a64f51">
<source>Server and client are further than 5 seconds apart.</source>
<target>Sunucu ve istemci arası nda 5 saniyeden daha uzaktı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s091d3d07b5b3076f">
<trans-unit id="sae486938be80729c">
<source>Everything is ok.</source>
<target>Her şey yolunda.</target>
<trans-unit id="sea91c57b3d3969fe">
<source>System status</source>
<target>Sistem durumu</target>
<trans-unit id="scefe482c547fb3f3">
<source>Based on <x id="0" equiv-text="${value.versionCurrent}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="s68a50b1ee6efee7b">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${value.versionLatest}"/> is available!</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${value.versionLatest}"/>kullanı labilir!</target>
<trans-unit id="s713d147e1761d0f0">
<trans-unit id="sf4122b220926be97">
<trans-unit id="s0a63a8be0b2b422c">
<trans-unit id="s341ab68d4130de20">
<source>No workers connected. Background tasks will not run.</source>
<target>İşçi bağlantı sı yok. Arka plan görevleri çalı şmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2ed8eb02525a920a">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${ago}"/> hour(s) ago</source>
<trans-unit id="s1f1c857c0c4250e4">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${ago}"/> day(s) ago</source>
<trans-unit id="s11bc220e8fa9d797">
<trans-unit id="s3ef3c252ada78076">
<source>Failed Logins</source>
<target>Başarı sı z Oturum Açma</target>
<trans-unit id="sc2f1e5dd74c1b7df">
<source>Successful Logins</source>
<target>Başarı lı Oturum Açma</target>
<trans-unit id="s0382d73823585617">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${this.errorMessage}"/>: <x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.errorMessage}"/>:
<x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s2ceb11be2290bb1b">
<target>İptal et</target>
<trans-unit id="se085f35c8a9203a1">
<source>LDAP Source</source>
<target>LDAP Kaynağı </target>
<trans-unit id="s477de089b505a6ea">
<source>SCIM Provider</source>
<trans-unit id="s8a75e83497a183a2">
<trans-unit id="sfeb82261bcf99edd">
<source>Healthy outposts</source>
<target>Sağlı klı üsler</target>
<trans-unit id="saae1c70e168b45b4">
<trans-unit id="s0a11c2ffb8309d1a">
<source>Not found</source>
<target>Bulunamadı </target>
<trans-unit id="saa0e2675da69651b">
<source>The URL "<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.url}"/>" was not found.</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.url}"/>” URL'si bulunamadı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s58cd9c2fe836d9c6">
<source>Return home</source>
<target>Eve dön</target>
<trans-unit id="s41e035c4bb8d15f2">
<source>General system status</source>
<target>Genel sistem durumu</target>
<trans-unit id="s6dfd15978586d05f">
<source>Welcome, <x id="0" equiv-text="${name}"/>.</source>
<target>Hoş geldiniz,
<x id="0" equiv-text="${name}"/>.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc381422c585b867f">
<source>Quick actions</source>
<target>Hı zlı eylemler</target>
<trans-unit id="sfd13ca8ebd857c2e">
<source>Create a new application</source>
<target>Yeni bir uygulama oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s079d388d3cbfa54f">
<source>Check the logs</source>
<target>Günlükleri kontrol et</target>
<trans-unit id="sed8d4c3fd5f60e1f">
<source>Explore integrations</source>
<target>Entegrasyonları keşfedin</target>
<trans-unit id="sfffb0d0958bfbc42">
<source>Manage users</source>
<trans-unit id="s8763a33c3d46aaf5">
<source>Outpost status</source>
<target>Üs durumu</target>
<trans-unit id="scc286303aa9c6cb0">
<source>Sync status</source>
<target>Durumu senkronize et</target>
<trans-unit id="sbdc4a833de9ca502">
<source>Logins and authorizations over the last week (per 8 hours)</source>
<trans-unit id="s6e09a19aa3952509">
<source>Apps with most usage</source>
<target>En çok kullanı ma sahip uygulamalar</target>
<trans-unit id="sda5e1499f93146ad">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${ago}"/> days ago</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${ago}"/>gün önce</target>
<trans-unit id="s51ea3a244c781b1f">
<source>Objects created</source>
<target>Oluşturulan nesneler</target>
<trans-unit id="sfbadb77fbc61efb8">
<source>Users created per day in the last month</source>
<target>Son ay içinde günlük oluşturulan kullanı cı lar</target>
<trans-unit id="sb0669da3df95837c">
<source>Logins per day in the last month</source>
<target>Son ay içinde günlük oturum açma</target>
<trans-unit id="s835da49b4dc83a51">
<source>Failed Logins per day in the last month</source>
<target>Geçtiğimiz ay içinde günlük başarı sı z oturum açma</target>
<trans-unit id="s5f4586bc1e2740e6">
<source>Clear search</source>
<trans-unit id="s3b34d9930e33bd46">
<source>System Tasks</source>
<target>Sistem Görevleri</target>
<trans-unit id="saaa3abe03c7260f9">
<source>Long-running operations which authentik executes in the background.</source>
<target>authentik'in arka planda yürüttüğü uzun süreli işlemler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7468e87263dfff7e">
<target>Tanı mlayı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s63d894b1ddb06289">
<target>Açı klama</target>
<trans-unit id="sa9b2a245441557dc">
<source>Last run</source>
<target>Son çalı ştı rma</target>
<trans-unit id="sad3e3c8146fc920f">
<trans-unit id="s8af61807443f32a4">
<trans-unit id="sbe9a51f29a4a2c5b">
<target>Başarı lı </target>
<trans-unit id="s5f343a43e7ea9f91">
<trans-unit id="sc592307ea80f16b9">
<trans-unit id="s92921878e886e36d">
<trans-unit id="se7e1ababbc4868b8">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${item.taskDuration.toFixed(2)}"/> seconds</source>
<trans-unit id="sc25edca57df81461">
<target>Kimlik Doğrulama</target>
<trans-unit id="s6dfb7283452f78fe">
<trans-unit id="sddcfc6ab24e3a6ed">
<target>Kayı t</target>
<trans-unit id="s1fc9c70610c4c67d">
<trans-unit id="s6ac670086eb137c6">
<trans-unit id="sdf22dcf939c27cc7">
<source>Stage Configuration</source>
<target>Aşama Konfigürasyonu</target>
<trans-unit id="s6d5bce4321f57cda">
<target>Kayı ttan Çı karma</target>
<trans-unit id="sde2bb5418562c5b2">
<source>Unknown designation</source>
<trans-unit id="sb9834316ffd4ae3e">
<trans-unit id="s12146091b2b539a3">
<source>Content left</source>
<trans-unit id="sa800871782eba1ac">
<source>Content right</source>
<trans-unit id="sb4e50ca3cffdbc10">
<source>Sidebar left</source>
<trans-unit id="s745a55f9abf9f2e5">
<source>Sidebar right</source>
<trans-unit id="sb3182a87ded1bc91">
<source>Unknown layout</source>
<trans-unit id="sdfd22a21660f6002">
<source>Successfully updated provider.</source>
<target>Sağlayı cı başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s457c639088c547c5">
<source>Successfully created provider.</source>
<target>Sağlayı cı başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sff69c1a637f899a6">
<source>Bind flow</source>
<target>Bağlama akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="s319040353f479853">
<source>Flow used for users to authenticate.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbc80eab557fbf782">
<source>Search group</source>
<target>Arama grubu</target>
<trans-unit id="s04b7f8d6aaef3756">
<source>Users in the selected group can do search queries. If no group is selected, no LDAP Searches are allowed.</source>
<target>Seçilen gruptaki kullanı cı lar arama sorguları yapabilir. Hiçbir grup seçilmezse, LDAP Aramaları na izin verilmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="se5973e7c8ba0fc71">
<source>Bind mode</source>
<trans-unit id="s8915e64b8b999bfe">
<source>Cached binding</source>
<trans-unit id="s842d690eb3c11762">
<source>Flow is executed and session is cached in memory. Flow is executed when session expires</source>
<trans-unit id="s6a66759749bf31ed">
<source>Direct binding</source>
<trans-unit id="se0adaf83627104fb">
<source>Always execute the configured bind flow to authenticate the user</source>
<trans-unit id="scef3f4ad80abbd22">
<source>Configure how the outpost authenticates requests.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbcae51a6f06e53d4">
<source>Search mode</source>
<target>Arama modu</target>
<trans-unit id="s9065fcccd837a679">
<source>Cached querying</source>
<trans-unit id="s30d0d0e6c626a234">
<source>The outpost holds all users and groups in-memory and will refresh every 5 Minutes</source>
<trans-unit id="sffc14b8200a9f938">
<source>Direct querying</source>
<trans-unit id="sdce4680288083fe3">
<source>Always returns the latest data, but slower than cached querying</source>
<trans-unit id="s8b87df5664de7eb8">
<source>Configure how the outpost queries the core authentik server's users.</source>
<target>Üssün çekirdek authentik sunucusunun kullanı cı ları nı nası l sorgulayacağı nı yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfe388f0313f52da2">
<source>Protocol settings</source>
<target>Protokol ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s55d731be1ef66efe">
<source>Base DN</source>
<target>Taban DN</target>
<trans-unit id="s0b15ff11a0049cfd">
<source>LDAP DN under which bind requests and search requests can be made.</source>
<target>Bağlama istekleri ve arama istekleri altı nda yapı labilen LDAP DN.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb157267c85fdff30">
<trans-unit id="sac43cb9690260b86">
<source>UID start number</source>
<target>UID başlangı ç numarası </target>
<trans-unit id="s60edbcfac8ed1f90">
<source>The start for uidNumbers, this number is added to the user.Pk to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX users. Default is 2000 to ensure that we don't collide with local users uidNumber</source>
<target>UidNumbers'ı n başlangı cı nda, bu sayı , POSIX kullanı cı ları için sayı ları n çok düşük olmadı ğı ndan emin olmak için user.Pk öğesine eklenir. Varsayı lan 2000 yerel kullanı cı larla çarpı şmadı ğı mı zdan emin olmak için uidNumber</target>
<trans-unit id="s5acb607b40356974">
<source>GID start number</source>
<target>GID başlangı ç numarası </target>
<trans-unit id="s1c8e9816dcae6d9c">
<source>The start for gidNumbers, this number is added to a number generated from the group.Pk to make sure that the numbers aren't too low for POSIX groups. Default is 4000 to ensure that we don't collide with local groups or users primary groups gidNumber</source>
<target>gidNumbers'ı n başlangı cı , bu sayı group.Pk öğesinden oluşturulan bir sayı ya eklenir ve sayı ları n POSIX grupları için çok düşük olmaması nı sağlar. Yerel gruplar veya kullanı cı ları n birincil grupları n gidNumber'ı yla çakı şmaması için varsayı lan 4000'dir</target>
<trans-unit id="s2236dc563c2dbf76">
<source>(Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3).</source>
<target>(Biçim: saat=-1; dakika=-2; ikincil=-3).</target>
<trans-unit id="sbec40ef4e6f139b7">
<source>(Format: hours=1;minutes=2;seconds=3).</source>
<target>(Biçim: saat=1; dakika=2; saniye= 3).</target>
<trans-unit id="sbb8ad22c83d375b1">
<source>The following keywords are supported:</source>
<trans-unit id="sbb3243352661428f">
<source>Authentication flow</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulama akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa72a3bd1e7e89926">
<source>Flow used when a user access this provider and is not authenticated.</source>
<trans-unit id="s62f7c59b0606a8d6">
<source>Authorization flow</source>
<target>Yetkilendirme akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="sfbaeb0de54fbfdbb">
<source>Flow used when authorizing this provider.</source>
<target>Bu sağlayı cı yı yetkilendirirken kullanı lan akı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc8de93a7dc0d78ba">
<source>Client type</source>
<target>İstemci türü</target>
<trans-unit id="s399cc2d67d92e957">
<trans-unit id="s95f09b229a0a0bb0">
<source>Confidential clients are capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials such as client secrets</source>
<trans-unit id="sdd1ff479d04ac140">
<trans-unit id="s51c6b8403c2dc5d9">
<source>Public clients are incapable of maintaining the confidentiality and should use methods like PKCE. </source>
<trans-unit id="s4d00e5de1c8213b7">
<source>Client ID</source>
<target>Müşteri Kimliği</target>
<trans-unit id="s03fb3fa232f0434a">
<source>Client Secret</source>
<target>Müşteri Sı rrı </target>
<trans-unit id="sde0ad51b14f77cf6">
<source>Redirect URIs/Origins (RegEx)</source>
<trans-unit id="s7f9eb9c8bd26e8fd">
<source>Valid redirect URLs after a successful authorization flow. Also specify any origins here for Implicit flows.</source>
<target>Başarı lı bir yetkilendirme akı şı ndan sonra geçerli yeniden yönlendirme URL'leri. Ayrı ca Kapalı akı şlar için burada tüm kökenleri belirtin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2a369bc2febb5d55">
<source>If no explicit redirect URIs are specified, the first successfully used redirect URI will be saved.</source>
<trans-unit id="sa8384c9c26731f83">
<source>To allow any redirect URI, set this value to ".*". Be aware of the possible security implications this can have.</source>
<trans-unit id="s55787f4dfcdce52b">
<source>Signing Key</source>
<target>İmzalama Anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sc6c57419ad3a01a8">
<source>Key used to sign the tokens.</source>
<target>Anahtar belirteçleri imzalamak için kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s124f93a61ee772d6">
<source>Advanced protocol settings</source>
<target>Gelişmiş protokol ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s926e0ecf124fb01a">
<source>Access code validity</source>
<target>Erişim kodu geçerliliği</target>
<trans-unit id="sa578033f134a83b6">
<source>Configure how long access codes are valid for.</source>
<target>Erişim kodları nı n ne kadar süreyle geçerli olduğunu yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sbea3db12fd799210">
<source>Access Token validity</source>
<trans-unit id="s72559845d38bf688">
<source>Configure how long access tokens are valid for.</source>
<target>Erişim belirteçlerinin ne kadar süreyle geçerli olduğunu yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s821f6014c1a435b9">
<source>Refresh Token validity</source>
<trans-unit id="s00c2db16ea9bc263">
<source>Configure how long refresh tokens are valid for.</source>
<trans-unit id="s2e3ef41a0edd8608">
<trans-unit id="s3a3fae99373ce56b">
<source>Select which scopes can be used by the client. The client still has to specify the scope to access the data.</source>
<target>İstemci tarafı ndan hangi kapsamları n kullanı labileceğini seçin. İstemci yine de verilere erişmek için kapsamı belirtmelidir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sffd2e553143d1b0e">
<source>Hold control/command to select multiple items.</source>
<target>Birden fazla öğe seçmek için control/command tuşunu bası lı tut.</target>
<trans-unit id="s26bf2730430efbea">
<source>Subject mode</source>
<target>Konu modu</target>
<trans-unit id="sccc47f82044453f9">
<source>Based on the User's hashed ID</source>
<trans-unit id="sbd5be4fb7442a34c">
<source>Based on the User's ID</source>
<trans-unit id="sc9cf9ecaf9e5d67e">
<source>Based on the User's UUID</source>
<trans-unit id="s4291727352c4f295">
<source>Based on the User's username</source>
<trans-unit id="sd62cfc27ad4aa33b">
<source>Based on the User's Email</source>
<trans-unit id="s55eb75bedf96be0f">
<source>This is recommended over the UPN mode.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf80e9547166117e6">
<source>Based on the User's UPN</source>
<trans-unit id="sde949d0ef44572eb">
<source>Requires the user to have a 'upn' attribute set, and falls back to hashed user ID. Use this mode only if you have different UPN and Mail domains.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9f23ed1799b4d49a">
<source>Configure what data should be used as unique User Identifier. For most cases, the default should be fine.</source>
<target>Hangi verilerin benzersiz Kullanı cı Tanı mlayı cı sı olarak kullanı lması gerektiğini yapı landı rı n. Çoğu durumda, varsayı lan seçim yeterlidir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s17d1e337f6c11c1e">
<source>Include claims in id_token</source>
<target>İd_token'a hak taleplerini dahil et</target>
<trans-unit id="sbf41e0db12834133">
<source>Include User claims from scopes in the id_token, for applications that don't access the userinfo endpoint.</source>
<target>Userinfo uç noktası na erişmeyen uygulamalar için, id_token'daki kapsamlardan Kullanı cı taleplerini dahil edin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s850a58c683682809">
<source>Issuer mode</source>
<target>Yayı mcı kipi</target>
<trans-unit id="sde56783222b527d6">
<source>Each provider has a different issuer, based on the application slug</source>
<trans-unit id="s8d32d7b9e8ca60b1">
<source>Same identifier is used for all providers</source>
<target>Aynı tanı mlayı cı tüm sağlayı cı lar için kullanı lı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s37d9155b9f4cc7bd">
<source>Configure how the issuer field of the ID Token should be filled.</source>
<target>Kimlik Belirtecinin yayı mcı alanı nı n nası l doldurulacağı nı yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="se2adaf0371ffcd65">
<source>Machine-to-Machine authentication settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s33318837e6c54a9b">
<source>Trusted OIDC Sources</source>
<trans-unit id="s22e566052f7bec81">
<source>JWTs signed by certificates configured in the selected sources can be used to authenticate to this provider.</source>
<trans-unit id="s072c6d12d3d37501">
<source>HTTP-Basic Username Key</source>
<target>HTTP-Basic Kullanı cı Adı Anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb2bb6f93773a4594">
<source>User/Group Attribute used for the user part of the HTTP-Basic Header. If not set, the user's Email address is used.</source>
<target>HTTP-Basic Üstbilgisinin kullanı cı bölümü için kullanı lan Kullanı cı /Grup Özniteliği. Ayarlanmazsa, kullanı cı nı n E-posta adresi kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s70f6471de355b98c">
<source>HTTP-Basic Password Key</source>
<target>HTTP-Temel Parola Anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sf4de1644dcdb53d5">
<source>User/Group Attribute used for the password part of the HTTP-Basic Header.</source>
<target>HTTP-Basic Üstbilgisinin parola kı smı için kullanı lan Kullanı cı /Grup Özniteliği.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb8dd788adf7b907b">
<target>Vekil Sunucu</target>
<trans-unit id="s7489f76224f8120d">
<source>Forward auth (single application)</source>
<target>İleri kimlik doğrulaması (tek uygulama)</target>
<trans-unit id="s25d0cd75377daf75">
<source>Forward auth (domain level)</source>
<target>İleri kimlik doğrulama (etki alanı düzeyi)</target>
<trans-unit id="s93574c03953f25dd">
<source>This provider will behave like a transparent reverse-proxy, except requests must be authenticated. If your upstream application uses HTTPS, make sure to connect to the outpost using HTTPS as well.</source>
<target>Bu sağlayı cı saydam bir ters vekil sunucu gibi davranı r, ancak isteklerin kimliğinin doğrulanması gerekir. Yön uygulamanı zda HTTPS kullanı yorsa üsse de HTTPS kullanarak bağlandı ğı nı zdan emin olun.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa29b5680cfafacc8">
<source>External host</source>
<target>Harici ana bilgisayar</target>
<trans-unit id="s764bccb30868bf62">
<source>The external URL you'll access the application at. Include any non-standard port.</source>
<target>Uygulamaya erişeceğiniz harici URL. Standart olmayan herhangi bir bağlantı noktası nı dahil edin.</target>
<trans-unit id="scb317851cbcc6b12">
<source>Internal host</source>
<target>Dahili ana bilgisayar</target>
<trans-unit id="sf05e384059a0a7c1">
<source>Upstream host that the requests are forwarded to.</source>
<target>İsteklerin iletildiği yukarı ana bilgisayar.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3d34068a31cab30b">
<source>Internal host SSL Validation</source>
<target>Dahili ana bilgisayar SSL Doğrulaması </target>
<trans-unit id="s4a26798e1c3c37dd">
<source>Validate SSL Certificates of upstream servers.</source>
<target>Yayı n yukarı akı ş sunucuları nı n SSL Sertifikaları nı doğrulayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s44c90273f08fb718">
<source>Use this provider with nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth. Only a single provider is required per root domain. You can't do per-application authorization, but you don't have to create a provider for each application.</source>
<target>Bu sağlayı cı yı nginx'in auth_request veya traefik'in forwardAuth ile kullanı n. Kök etki alanı başı na yalnı zca tek bir sağlayı cı gereklidir. Uygulama başı na yetkilendirme yapamazsı nı z, ancak her uygulama için bir sağlayı cı oluşturmanı z gerekmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf55d28d4dff0e41b">
<source>An example setup can look like this:</source>
<target>Bir örnek kurulum şu şekilde görünebilir:</target>
<trans-unit id="sb4a1d1c19438e929">
<source>authentik running on auth.example.com</source>
<target>auth.example.com üzerinde çalı şan authentik</target>
<trans-unit id="s68f935c9ca792016">
<source>app1 running on app1.example.com</source>
<target>app1 üzerinde çalı şan app1.example.com</target>
<trans-unit id="sf813a72d8fadd765">
<source>In this case, you'd set the Authentication URL to auth.example.com and Cookie domain to example.com.</source>
<target>Bu durumda, Kimlik Doğrulama URL'sini auth.example.com ve Çerez etki alanı olarak example.com olarak ayarlamalı sı nı z.</target>
<trans-unit id="s31d15c6f16951464">
<source>Authentication URL</source>
<target>Kimlik Doğrulama URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sa03fe48e892df2d8">
<source>The external URL you'll authenticate at. The authentik core server should be reachable under this URL.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulayacağı nı z harici URL. Auentik çekirdek sunucusuna bu URL altı nda erişilebilir olmalı dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7def067ed3ad3ad9">
<source>Cookie domain</source>
<target>Çerez alan adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s211b75e868072162">
<source>Set this to the domain you wish the authentication to be valid for. Must be a parent domain of the URL above. If you're running applications as app1.domain.tld, app2.domain.tld, set this to 'domain.tld'.</source>
<target>Bunu kimlik doğrulaması nı n geçerli olması nı istediğiniz etki alanı na ayarlayı n. Yukarı daki URL'nin bir üst etki alanı olmalı dı r. Uygulamaları app1.domain.tld, app2.domain.tld olarak çalı ştı rı yorsanı z, bunu 'domain.tld' olarak ayarlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2345170f7e272668">
<source>Unknown proxy mode</source>
<trans-unit id="s7c10976de6411844">
<source>Token validity</source>
<target>Belirteç geçerliliği</target>
<trans-unit id="s3e87ce98ba3c4d80">
<source>Configure how long tokens are valid for.</source>
<target>Belirteçlerin ne kadar geçerli olduğunu yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd539548ca4c71619">
<source>Additional scopes</source>
<trans-unit id="s8f12575f694e85a2">
<source>Additional scope mappings, which are passed to the proxy.</source>
<target>Proxy'ye iletilen ek kapsam eşlemeleri.</target>
<trans-unit id="s93cea6ca1f93349d">
<source>Unauthenticated URLs</source>
<target>Kimliği Doğrulanmamı ş URL'ler</target>
<trans-unit id="sc4508175bf6b09dd">
<source>Unauthenticated Paths</source>
<target>Kimliği Doğrulanmamı ş Yollar</target>
<trans-unit id="sc9fc206433f67588">
<source>Regular expressions for which authentication is not required. Each new line is interpreted as a new expression.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulaması nı n gerekli olmadı ğı düzenli ifadeler. Her yeni satı r yeni bir ifade olarak yorumlanı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd503fabef9691134">
<source>When using proxy or forward auth (single application) mode, the requested URL Path is checked against the regular expressions. When using forward auth (domain mode), the full requested URL including scheme and host is matched against the regular expressions.</source>
<target>Proxy veya ileri auth (tek uygulama) modunu kullanı rken, istenen URL Yolu düzenli ifadelere karşı denetlenir. İleriye yönlendirme (etki alanı modu) kullanı ldı ğı nda, şema ve ana bilgisayar da dahil olmak üzere istenen tam URL normal ifadelerle eşleştirilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb488dee0be434f7e">
<source>Authentication settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s23cee624c735f266">
<source>Intercept header authentication</source>
<trans-unit id="sc007cca5af67eae0">
<source>When enabled, authentik will intercept the Authorization header to authenticate the request.</source>
<trans-unit id="s36e630ba56617556">
<source>Send HTTP-Basic Authentication</source>
<trans-unit id="s9d5796a4b9b7560e">
<source>Send a custom HTTP-Basic Authentication header based on values from authentik.</source>
<trans-unit id="s11204eeb1e27ea8f">
<source>ACS URL</source>
<target>ACS URL</target>
<trans-unit id="sb7a30abc1dcf6c36">
<target>Yayı mcı </target>
<trans-unit id="sf54c562d8a10ce77">
<source>Also known as EntityID.</source>
<trans-unit id="s991b750e2d5c4234">
<source>Service Provider Binding</source>
<target>Servis Sağlayı cı Bağlama</target>
<trans-unit id="sd8f220c999726151">
<trans-unit id="sb357ea19a722d827">
<trans-unit id="s4e28e2899e08a5f8">
<source>Determines how authentik sends the response back to the Service Provider.</source>
<target>authentik'in yanı tı Servis Sağlayı cı ya nası l geri göndereceğini belirler.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd5a4b41c6c883b03">
<trans-unit id="sc741d9ebe07ad103">
<source>Signing Certificate</source>
<target>İmzalama Serfikası </target>
<trans-unit id="sd6c3ddb62de0e8f7">
<source>Certificate used to sign outgoing Responses going to the Service Provider.</source>
<target>Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayı cı ya giden giden Yanı tları imzalamak için kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5be3b0567172e415">
<source>Verification Certificate</source>
<target>Doğrulama Sertifikası </target>
<trans-unit id="s7c27e113f90a89e0">
<source>When selected, incoming assertion's Signatures will be validated against this certificate. To allow unsigned Requests, leave on default.</source>
<target>Seçildiğinde, gelen onaylama öğesinin İmzaları bu sertifikaya göre doğrulanı r. İmzası z İsteklere izin vermek için varsayı lan olarak bı rakı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="se6d950402810c34f">
<source>Property mappings</source>
<target>Özellik eşlemeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s1a2797874b7fe852">
<source>NameID Property Mapping</source>
<target>NameID Özellik Eşlemesi</target>
<trans-unit id="s256b8452664ccae4">
<source>Configure how the NameID value will be created. When left empty, the NameIDPolicy of the incoming request will be respected.</source>
<target>NameID değerinin nası l oluşturulacağı nı yapı landı rı n. Boş bı rakı ldı ğı nda, gelen isteğin NameIDPolicy değerine saygı gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9f91cc8bcfabb40f">
<source>Assertion valid not before</source>
<target>Onaylama işlemi daha önce geçerli değil</target>
<trans-unit id="s733f83ff9d50da30">
<source>Configure the maximum allowed time drift for an assertion.</source>
<target>Bir onaylama işlemi için izin verilen maksimum zaman kayması nı yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2af5754090898640">
<source>Assertion valid not on or after</source>
<target>Onaylama işlemi geçerli değil veya sonrası nda</target>
<trans-unit id="s43c1f927936f0a02">
<source>Assertion not valid on or after current time + this value.</source>
<trans-unit id="sad8550b8731518d8">
<source>Session valid not on or after</source>
<target>Oturum geçerli değil veya sonrası nda</target>
<trans-unit id="s0dd00fbaba08748a">
<source>Session not valid on or after current time + this value.</source>
<trans-unit id="s2a0f60e74b478804">
<source>Digest algorithm</source>
<target>Digest algoritması </target>
<trans-unit id="s693d975d38ff0214">
<source>Signature algorithm</source>
<target>İmza algoritması </target>
<trans-unit id="sd1a5560fde6f2271">
<source>Successfully imported provider.</source>
<target>Sağlayı cı başarı yla içe aktarı ldı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s252a52330d32b900">
<target>Meta veriler</target>
<trans-unit id="s7181a5504472e856">
<source>Apply changes</source>
<trans-unit id="s5e8250fb85d64c23">
<trans-unit id="sad59707375956ad2">
<trans-unit id="sc16e00a7a8b2fde2">
<trans-unit id="sd5903cc8de68b3fc">
<source>No form found</source>
<target>Form bulunamadı </target>
<trans-unit id="s45935843b1b5b496">
<source>Form didn't return a promise for submitting</source>
<target>Form göndermek için bir söz vermedi</target>
<trans-unit id="s74475586afc1fb0f">
<source>Select type</source>
<trans-unit id="s0b3bf19b31dd6bac">
<source>Try the new application wizard</source>
<trans-unit id="sa18e1c6e0e6f16cc">
<source>The new application wizard greatly simplifies the steps required to create applications and providers.</source>
<trans-unit id="s01ef54f5d7c6ed47">
<source>Try it now</source>
<trans-unit id="s382a2aa3984474dd">
<trans-unit id="s58d1eb482059da12">
<source>New provider</source>
<trans-unit id="sa661ea7d7a50f2e9">
<source>Create a new provider.</source>
<trans-unit id="s5d6af4c100ad321b">
<source>Create <x id="0" equiv-text="${type.name}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${type.name}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sb95baab425322600">
<source>Shared secret</source>
<trans-unit id="s9e9316a6b0c16231">
<source>Client Networks</source>
<trans-unit id="s7f2dcf01f7a8c0b7">
<source>List of CIDRs (comma-seperated) that clients can connect from. A more specific
CIDR will match before a looser one. Clients connecting from a non-specified CIDR
will be dropped.</source>
<trans-unit id="s61eacb19db252f5e">
<trans-unit id="sb21f33b039c86322">
<source>SCIM base url, usually ends in /v2.</source>
<trans-unit id="se68398e3c2c760b2">
<trans-unit id="s33ed903c210a6209">
<source>Token to authenticate with. Currently only bearer authentication is supported.</source>
<trans-unit id="sfc8bb104e2c05af8">
<source>User filtering</source>
<trans-unit id="sc0d0890fbd46ef62">
<source>Exclude service accounts</source>
<trans-unit id="s98b1cb8fb62909ec">
<trans-unit id="s23ab136ad85f0ad2">
<source>Only sync users within the selected group.</source>
<trans-unit id="sfdedc3b0b2b7ce3d">
<source>Attribute mapping</source>
<trans-unit id="saf794c74c9ea731e">
<source>User Property Mappings</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Özellik Eşlemeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s019555b5a442aa00">
<source>Property mappings used to user mapping.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7cb9aa9ee1783f00">
<source>Group Property Mappings</source>
<target>Grup Özellik Eşlemeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="sa319e3bf44c85963">
<source>Property mappings used to group creation.</source>
<target>Grup oluşturma için kullanı lan özellik eşlemeleri.</target>
<trans-unit id="se09ab93d69f7f45b">
<source>Not used by any other object.</source>
<target>Başka bir nesne tarafı ndan kullanı lmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s10922bd0ac765562">
<source>object will be DELETED</source>
<target>nesne SILİNECEK</target>
<trans-unit id="sf3981f36525b0dbd">
<source>connection will be deleted</source>
<target>bağlantı silinecek</target>
<trans-unit id="s93cf77a59db53395">
<source>reference will be reset to default value</source>
<target>referans varsayı lan değere sı fı rlanı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s3e211d29fa10f843">
<source>reference will be set to an empty value</source>
<target>referans boş bir değere ayarlanacaktı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s55fa598b754cc3cc">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${ub.name}"/> (<x id="1" equiv-text="${consequence}"/>)</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${ub.name}"/>(
<x id="1" equiv-text="${consequence}"/>)</target>
<trans-unit id="s09240e07b5b8d640">
<trans-unit id="se33b158a1ec02a09">
<source>Successfully deleted <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objects.length} ${this.objectLabel}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="sf6eb148db23d19de">
<source>Failed to delete <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>: <x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>silinemedi:
<x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s039b6434e8a75560">
<source>Delete <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>Sil</target>
<trans-unit id="s5819a49638f6d7cb">
<source>Are you sure you want to delete <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objects.length} ${this.objectLabel}"/>?</source>
<trans-unit id="sdc673e73b5c13aea">
<trans-unit id="sb0b86b8ca6ab13bd">
<target>Sağlayı cı lar</target>
<trans-unit id="s3ffa320128991a45">
<source>Provide support for protocols like SAML and OAuth to assigned applications.</source>
<target>Atanan uygulamalara SAML ve OAuth gibi protokoller için destek sağlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd2223afb7d6b100d">
<trans-unit id="s10929ca568ae10bc">
<target>Sağlayı cı (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="sb2b3b281954752c4">
<source>Assigned to application </source>
<target>Uygulamaya atanmı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="sa6c0ba4910c7ad7f">
<source>Assigned to application (backchannel) </source>
<trans-unit id="s97f5e0c138eae172">
<source>Warning: Provider not assigned to any application.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Sağlayı cı herhangi bir uygulamaya atanmamı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8b0432eecbd8b034">
<trans-unit id="sc9175cb129fdc306">
<source>Update <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.verboseName}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.verboseName}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s398f6ba74ba8943a">
<source>Select providers to add to application</source>
<trans-unit id="sf9aee319a006c9b4">
<trans-unit id="sa90b7809586c35ce">
<source>Either input a full URL, a relative path, or use 'fa://fa-test' to use the Font Awesome icon "fa-test".</source>
<target>Ya tam bir URL, göreli bir yol girin ya da 'fa://fa-test' Yazı Tipi Awesome simgesini “fa-test” kullanmak için kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0410779cb47de312">
<source>Path template for users created. Use placeholders like `%(slug)s` to insert the source slug.</source>
<trans-unit id="s58fd2aafa4261c55">
<source>Successfully updated application.</source>
<target>Uygulama başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9222ca30ae7786e4">
<source>Successfully created application.</source>
<target>Uygulama başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s03907d7a66c6164e">
<source>Application's display Name.</source>
<target>Uygulamanı n görünen Adı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s91f70424f5d5d23e">
<target>Kı sa İsim</target>
<trans-unit id="sdae55084f6cb2662">
<source>Optionally enter a group name. Applications with identical groups are shown grouped together.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7f5869b3d14d7cbc">
<target>Sağlayı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s350a616ff5e145ec">
<source>Select a provider that this application should use.</source>
<trans-unit id="s4c6534a118f52fdd">
<source>Select backchannel providers which augment the functionality of the main provider.</source>
<trans-unit id="s0639662111324466">
<source>Policy engine mode</source>
<target>İlke altyapı sı modu</target>
<trans-unit id="s1a0e95458b44d7f8">
<source>Any policy must match to grant access</source>
<trans-unit id="s7fc1ace65486dc25">
<source>All policies must match to grant access</source>
<trans-unit id="s8be4abc7ca71da6c">
<source>UI settings</source>
<target>UI ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s427f788ff333f45b">
<source>Launch URL</source>
<target>URL Başlat</target>
<trans-unit id="s992f8d1a776e763c">
<source>If left empty, authentik will try to extract the launch URL based on the selected provider.</source>
<target>Boş bı rakı lı rsa, authentik seçili sağlayı cı ya göre başlatma URL'sini ayı klamaya çalı şacaktı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2348f46ebf436671">
<source>Open in new tab</source>
<trans-unit id="s8655c52824caac63">
<source>If checked, the launch URL will open in a new browser tab or window from the user's application library.</source>
<trans-unit id="s068d4dd16d9106d0">
<trans-unit id="s67e20cd8018d7e3c">
<source>Currently set to:</source>
<target>Şu anda şu şekilde ayarlanmı ş:</target>
<trans-unit id="s80e6d6fe5ad458d3">
<source>Clear icon</source>
<target>Simgeyi temizle</target>
<trans-unit id="s6d3b4d0561ba1cff">
<target>Yayı ncı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa8c45b6b92a8ba1f">
<source>Create Application</source>
<target>Uygulama Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s3d197283cb019b5a">
<target>Genel Bakı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s6c3daaac4eed12f9">
<trans-unit id="s05e395ff60af047b">
<source>Warning: Provider is not used by any Outpost.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Sağlayı cı herhangi bir Üs tarafı ndan kullanı lmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="sccbfc4dec0c8d80c">
<source>Assigned to application</source>
<target>Uygulamaya atanmı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s2d46e3a9ee8e0e7e">
<source>Update LDAP Provider</source>
<target>LDAP Sağlayı cı sı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s64ef2a6c2dd1d3d1">
<trans-unit id="saf24e253b3b006d4">
<source>How to connect</source>
<target>Nası l bağlanı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s02b3fade1795d03f">
<source>Connect to the LDAP Server on port 389:</source>
<target>Bağlantı noktası 389 LDAP sunucusuna bağlanı n:</target>
<trans-unit id="sa00cf67b54c44c71">
<source>Check the IP of the Kubernetes service, or</source>
<target>Kubernetes hizmetinin IP'lerini kontrol edin veya</target>
<trans-unit id="s28f270859c5f4d51">
<source>The Host IP of the docker host</source>
<target>Docker ana bilgisayarı nı n Ana Bilgisayar IP'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sb7794c2910b1a9ec">
<source>Bind DN</source>
<target>Bağlama DN</target>
<trans-unit id="s5694f9421c428227">
<source>Bind Password</source>
<target>Parola Bağla</target>
<trans-unit id="s086e1bbe7c97ea16">
<source>Search base</source>
<target>Arama tabanı </target>
<trans-unit id="s417b90913e05bc17">
<trans-unit id="s17f3eaf3b07ece26">
<source>Warning: Provider is not used by an Application.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Sağlayı cı bir Uygulama tarafı ndan kullanı lmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s56806e9f63efa298">
<source>Redirect URIs</source>
<target>URI'leri yeniden yönlendirme</target>
<trans-unit id="sdbc08adee233f180">
<source>Update OAuth2 Provider</source>
<target>OAuth2 Sağlayı cı sı nı Güncelleştirme</target>
<trans-unit id="s9d96eb5ca93e6473">
<source>OpenID Configuration URL</source>
<target>OpenID Yapı landı rma URL</target>
<trans-unit id="s74f809a69e030351">
<source>OpenID Configuration Issuer</source>
<target>OpenID Yapı landı rması Yayı mlayı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s028be8989873f001">
<source>Authorize URL</source>
<target>URL'yi yetkilendirme</target>
<trans-unit id="sebda1d54a3f9f967">
<source>Token URL</source>
<target>Belirteç URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="s2fc3eb68c7ced3af">
<source>Userinfo URL</source>
<target>Userinfo URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="s145483489b87a622">
<source>Logout URL</source>
<target>Oturum Kapma URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="s59f5eda30a904b75">
<source>JWKS URL</source>
<trans-unit id="s453b0c150a7ca58e">
<source>Example JWT payload (for currently authenticated user)</source>
<trans-unit id="sc6e8a34361c7c272">
<source>Forward auth (domain-level)</source>
<target>İleri kimlik doğrulama (alan düzeyi)</target>
<trans-unit id="s6df42b3072a2d7e9">
<source>Nginx (Ingress)</source>
<target>Nginx (Giriş)</target>
<trans-unit id="s8e01a852c1db8d29">
<source>Nginx (Proxy Manager)</source>
<target>Nginx (Proxy Yöneticisi)</target>
<trans-unit id="sabebdc7fa6a5bddb">
<source>Nginx (standalone)</source>
<target>Nginx (bağı msı z)</target>
<trans-unit id="s5d9f93f1fe1c19d3">
<source>Traefik (Ingress)</source>
<target>Traefik (Giriş)</target>
<trans-unit id="se2b62f7e9017965e">
<source>Traefik (Compose)</source>
<target>Traefik (Beste)</target>
<trans-unit id="s4c4c504a48c3b7bd">
<source>Traefik (Standalone)</source>
<target>Traefik (Bağı msı z)</target>
<trans-unit id="s7ba9677d069e5f02">
<source>Caddy (Standalone)</source>
<trans-unit id="s4a1e774ab25aa232">
<source>Internal Host</source>
<target>Dahili Ana Bilgisayar</target>
<trans-unit id="sc9c3578cce3cf7a8">
<source>External Host</source>
<target>Harici Ana Bilgisayar</target>
<trans-unit id="s7a141f1b61074fbe">
<trans-unit id="scb489a1a173ac3f0">
<trans-unit id="s37cbecaec58e2192">
<trans-unit id="s4e474b9e2e737dd1">
<source>Update Proxy Provider</source>
<target>Proxy Sağlayı cı yı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s37eb2f1b6e3c19c2">
<source>Protocol Settings</source>
<target>Protokol Ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s5116b89f7db1fbec">
<source>Allowed Redirect URIs</source>
<target>İzin Verilen Yeniden Yönlendirme URI'leri</target>
<trans-unit id="saeff3596e1ac31b6">
<trans-unit id="s1b783856ab4aaaf3">
<source>No additional setup is required.</source>
<target>Ek kurulum gerekmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="s09b671b120443043">
<source>Update Radius Provider</source>
<trans-unit id="sd3386a2ef42e80b9">
<trans-unit id="sf417c13d7a0f7995">
<source>Copy download URL</source>
<target>İndirme URL'sini</target>
<trans-unit id="sc1cfce89ebcf1bf9">
<source>Download signing certificate</source>
<target>İmzalama sertifikası nı indirme</target>
<trans-unit id="s2c0de3d35a7bc784">
<source>Related objects</source>
<target>İlgili nesneler</target>
<trans-unit id="s803b0621006085be">
<source>Update SAML Provider</source>
<target>SAML Sağlayı cı sı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s44b1f042790cd1a2">
<source>SAML Configuration</source>
<trans-unit id="sba999428083abce3">
<trans-unit id="scd2984ee5552643a">
<source>SSO URL (Post)</source>
<trans-unit id="saa79b47f60c66458">
<source>SSO URL (Redirect)</source>
<trans-unit id="s2da51a6287118ba8">
<source>SSO URL (IdP-initiated Login)</source>
<trans-unit id="s0a57e911e457302b">
<source>SLO URL (Post)</source>
<trans-unit id="s1e7308bb1ca323e1">
<source>SLO URL (Redirect)</source>
<trans-unit id="sd2c58d7c6dddc515">
<source>SAML Metadata</source>
<target>SAML Meta Verileri</target>
<trans-unit id="s382b702673776873">
<source>Example SAML attributes</source>
<trans-unit id="sea3bfc143ced73db">
<source>NameID attribute</source>
<trans-unit id="s2f0f6691de0b0388">
<source>Warning: Provider is not assigned to an application as backchannel provider.</source>
<trans-unit id="sc6c575c5ff64cdb1">
<source>Update SCIM Provider</source>
<trans-unit id="sbecf8dc03c978d15">
<source>Run sync again</source>
<target>Eşzamanlamayı tekrar çalı ştı r</target>
<trans-unit id="sc2cedfb22488ccb2">
<source>Modern applications, APIs and Single-page applications.</source>
<trans-unit id="sc3259eb55cf91e8c">
<trans-unit id="sffd5481034a1bd41">
<source>Provide an LDAP interface for applications and users to authenticate against.</source>
<trans-unit id="s0c9670f429e74283">
<source>New application</source>
<trans-unit id="s6ba50bb0842ba1e2">
<trans-unit id="s96b2fefc550e4b1c">
<source>Provider Type</source>
<target>Sağlayı cı Türü</target>
<trans-unit id="sd20f6cd02c90867f">
<target>Uygulama (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="sb564f81eb057342e">
<source>Application Icon</source>
<target>Uygulama Simgesi</target>
<trans-unit id="sa347e31efbb60be2">
<source>Update Application</source>
<target>Uygulamayı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sd9b556a84ae25690">
<source>Successfully sent test-request.</source>
<target>Test isteği başarı yla gönderildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5deac600e329de1b">
<source>Log messages</source>
<trans-unit id="s3feea7b49673bef2">
<source>No log messages.</source>
<trans-unit id="sa45a194b58837e4f">
<trans-unit id="s58c867aac77b9158">
<source>Last login</source>
<target>Son giriş</target>
<trans-unit id="s3e3bb9e7cb1de4fd">
<source>Select users to add</source>
<target>Eklenecek kullanı cı ları seçin</target>
<trans-unit id="s75d5ff5dd8d3c6d2">
<source>Successfully updated group.</source>
<target>Grup başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3079ca1184e77573">
<source>Successfully created group.</source>
<target>Grup başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s63cb05541b294335">
<source>Is superuser</source>
<target>Süper kullanı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s29315e374008d0c5">
<source>Users added to this group will be superusers.</source>
<target>Bu gruba eklenen kullanı cı lar süper kullanı cı lar olacaktı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4eb514ebcb80553d">
<trans-unit id="s16b9446e3a70e1f4">
<trans-unit id="sec97cdaf7af8648b">
<source>Set custom attributes using YAML or JSON.</source>
<target>YAML veya JSON kullanarak özel nitelikleri ayarlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1e36813d3504ed48">
<source>Successfully updated binding.</source>
<target>Ciltleme başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1bf56ee106e9e711">
<source>Successfully created binding.</source>
<target>Bağlama başarı lı bir şekilde oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s042baf59902a711f">
<trans-unit id="s5f5bf4ef2bd93c04">
<source>Group mappings can only be checked if a user is already logged in when trying to access this source.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6c607d74bdfe9f36">
<source>User mappings can only be checked if a user is already logged in when trying to access this source.</source>
<trans-unit id="s965c503c3e42fdfe">
<trans-unit id="s6b85380416964890">
<source>Negate result</source>
<target>Negate sonucu</target>
<trans-unit id="s3bfa0258999fb629">
<source>Negates the outcome of the binding. Messages are unaffected.</source>
<target>Bağlamanı n sonucunu susturur. Mesajlar etkilenmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2ba5f4d8f3bd7c57">
<target>Sı ra</target>
<trans-unit id="se1e040b55319a0e8">
<target>Zaman aşı mı </target>
<trans-unit id="s29ec5e7889f4787f">
<source>Successfully updated policy.</source>
<target>İlke başarı yla güncelleştirildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfc400b2d71e49d28">
<source>Successfully created policy.</source>
<target>İlke başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="safc0e0656d572f4e">
<source>A policy used for testing. Always returns the same result as specified below after waiting a random duration.</source>
<target>Test için kullanı lan bir ilke. Her zaman rastgele bir süre bekledikten sonra aşağı da belirtilen sonucu döndürür.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9ffa1ac03ce6fd20">
<source>Execution logging</source>
<target>Yürütme günlüğü</target>
<trans-unit id="saf31b3c610036ed6">
<source>When this option is enabled, all executions of this policy will be logged. By default, only execution errors are logged.</source>
<target>Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, bu ilkenin tüm yürütmeleri günlüğe kaydedilir. Varsayı lan olarak, yalnı zca yürütme hataları günlüğe kaydedilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa879d5ce584875cf">
<source>Policy-specific settings</source>
<target>İlke özel ayarlar</target>
<trans-unit id="s838418d1a0815157">
<source>Pass policy?</source>
<target>Geçiş ilkesi?</target>
<trans-unit id="sd8c5339b82b71507">
<source>Wait (min)</source>
<target>Bekle (dk)</target>
<trans-unit id="sda4e78c19f5b6f35">
<source>The policy takes a random time to execute. This controls the minimum time it will take.</source>
<target>İlke yürütmesi rastgele bir zaman alı r. Bu, alacağı minimum süreyi belirler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1d30ff9ba938e68d">
<source>Wait (max)</source>
<target>Bekleyin (maks.)</target>
<trans-unit id="s303b5e552246e613">
<source>Matches an event against a set of criteria. If any of the configured values match, the policy passes.</source>
<target>Bir olayı ölçütler kümesine göre eşleştirir. Yapı landı rı lan değerlerden herhangi biri eşleşirse, ilke geçer.</target>
<trans-unit id="s890810efbe103cbc">
<source>Match created events with this action type. When left empty, all action types will be matched.</source>
<target>Oluşturulan olayları bu eylem türüyle eşleştirin. Boş bı rakı ldı ğı nda tüm eylem türleri eşleştirilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfab527528ea64618">
<source>Matches Event's Client IP (strict matching, for network matching use an Expression Policy.</source>
<target>Olayı n İstemci IP'siyle eşleşir (katı eşleştirme, ağ eşleştirme için bir İfade İlkesi kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5a15a8f39c699273">
<source>Match events created by selected application. When left empty, all applications are matched.</source>
<target>Seçilen uygulama tarafı ndan oluşturulan olayları eşleştir. Boş bı rakı ldı ğı nda, tüm uygulamalar eşleştirilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5a13f4bbe004503f">
<source>Checks if the request's user's password has been changed in the last x days, and denys based on settings.</source>
<target>İsteğin kullanı cı parolası nı n son x gün içinde değiştirilip değiştirilmediğini kontrol eder ve ayarlara göre reddedilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfad8af8ce38104a3">
<source>Maximum age (in days)</source>
<target>Maksimum yaş (gün olarak)</target>
<trans-unit id="s9307f3dbb07a73b5">
<source>Only fail the policy, don't invalidate user's password</source>
<trans-unit id="scea1f16238093e35">
<source>Executes the python snippet to determine whether to allow or deny a request.</source>
<target>Bir isteğe izin verip reddedilmeyeceğini belirlemek için python parçacı ğı nı çalı ştı rı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sabd1bc9fb7da71e7">
<source>Expression using Python.</source>
<target>Python kullanarak ifade.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8d08843f397d9e81">
<source>See documentation for a list of all variables.</source>
<target>Tüm değişkenlerin listesi için belgelere bakı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="se2cc93bd2647baec">
<source>Static rules</source>
<trans-unit id="sc96dd9d2e7b05fc5">
<source>Minimum length</source>
<target>Minimum uzunluk</target>
<trans-unit id="s33d48fb745f4d4ae">
<source>Minimum amount of Uppercase Characters</source>
<target>Minimum Büyük Harf Karakter Miktarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s883b544e2b4aa3b5">
<source>Minimum amount of Lowercase Characters</source>
<target>Minimum Küçük Harf Karakter Miktarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s43be3ce2439ffe9c">
<source>Minimum amount of Digits</source>
<target>Minimum Rakam sayı sı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb3651834cca86735">
<source>Minimum amount of Symbols Characters</source>
<target>Minimum Semboller Karakter Miktarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sc2f116c0ea77d58a">
<source>Error message</source>
<target>Hata mesajı </target>
<trans-unit id="s21d0e290c51a8ef9">
<source>Symbol charset</source>
<target>Sembol karakter seti</target>
<trans-unit id="s545d99afa61e4095">
<source>Characters which are considered as symbols.</source>
<target>Sembol olarak kabul edilen karakterler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1293ad87acc7a609">
<source>HaveIBeenPwned settings</source>
<trans-unit id="sdf4e1c6a2f072600">
<source>Allowed count</source>
<target>İzin verilen sayı sı </target>
<trans-unit id="scd8062ff5e1326d8">
<source>Allow up to N occurrences in the HIBP database.</source>
<target>HIBP veritabanı nda N oluşumuna kadar izin ver.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3fd219b045193507">
<source>zxcvbn settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s28d84abfbaf555ea">
<source>Score threshold</source>
<trans-unit id="s7b3148ffba9f4527">
<source>If the password's score is less than or equal this value, the policy will fail.</source>
<trans-unit id="sd6cd7ce2310a73a4">
<source>Checks the value from the policy request against several rules, mostly used to ensure password strength.</source>
<target>İlke isteğindeki değeri, çoğunlukla parola gücünü sağlamak için kullanı lan çeşitli kurallara göre denetler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2a957e843960b604">
<source>Password field</source>
<target>Parola alanı </target>
<trans-unit id="se8a81c75b6e30a33">
<source>Field key to check, field keys defined in Prompt stages are available.</source>
<target>Alan tuşu kontrol etmek için, İstem aşamaları nda tanı mlanan alan tuşları mevcuttur.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2f8c4cf12350a36c">
<source>Check static rules</source>
<trans-unit id="sd75a9a71309fb387">
<source>Check haveibeenpwned.com</source>
<trans-unit id="se5cb18408df3284e">
<source>For more info see:</source>
<trans-unit id="scef7abb8456b06d6">
<source>Check zxcvbn</source>
<trans-unit id="sdfdb58cd232b363d">
<source>Password strength estimator created by Dropbox, see:</source>
<trans-unit id="s40b034801fcb843b">
<source>Allows/denys requests based on the users and/or the IPs reputation.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları n ve/veya IP'lerin itibarı na göre isteklere izin ver/reddeder.</target>
<trans-unit id="scf4afecb0f1e69b2">
<source>Invalid login attempts will decrease the score for the client's IP, and the
username they are attempting to login as, by one.</source>
<trans-unit id="s8323a9af28e10502">
<source>The policy passes when the reputation score is below the threshold, and
doesn't pass when either or both of the selected options are equal or above the threshold.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1828fbfc2c56379c">
<source>Check IP</source>
<target>IP'yi Kontrol Et</target>
<trans-unit id="s4751df77cfd8a5f9">
<source>Check Username</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Adı nı Kontrol Et</target>
<trans-unit id="se19cc57dd8675498">
<trans-unit id="sdbccb39a658f0e45">
<source>New policy</source>
<trans-unit id="sf693300708a40d2c">
<source>Create a new policy.</source>
<trans-unit id="s5b1fb0d4c0daeba8">
<source>Create Binding</source>
<target>Bağlama Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s9fb28be12e2c6317">
<target>Süper kullanı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s9f5a5f23312798f0">
<trans-unit id="s7eb3d239e0b491ab">
<source>Select groups to add user to</source>
<target>Kullanı cı eklemek için grupları seçin</target>
<trans-unit id="sec5cdfa358f9dbf7">
<source>Warning: Adding the user to the selected group(s) will give them superuser permissions.</source>
<trans-unit id="scab2900019953050">
<source>Successfully updated user.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9c3c272944dcfca3">
<source>Successfully created user.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s03f42eea72154959">
<target>Kullanı cı Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s5a802e46a033c8af">
<source>User's primary identifier. 150 characters or fewer.</source>
<trans-unit id="sd34be0d0fcb39971">
<source>User's display name.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n görünen adı .</target>
<trans-unit id="sd1f44f1a8bc20e67">
<trans-unit id="sbe3b416a356f1c91">
<source>Is active</source>
<trans-unit id="s35fac2e5677d55cd">
<source>Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts.</source>
<target>Bu kullanı cı nı n etkin olarak değerlendirilmesi gerekip gerekmediğini belirtir. Hesapları silmek yerine bunun seçimini kaldı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2e532e19ed477a56">
<trans-unit id="s67560d7e37d984c3">
<source>Policy / User / Group</source>
<target>İlke / Kullanı cı / Grup</target>
<trans-unit id="s030ac0829bb50a49">
<source>Policy <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.policyObj?.name}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.policyObj?.name}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s2a64d2dca3da9b0e">
<source>Group <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.groupObj?.name}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.groupObj?.name}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="se5dc026819a32ff8">
<source>User <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.userObj?.name}"/></source>
<target>Kullanı cı
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.userObj?.name}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s50c312bea93b6925">
<source>Edit Policy</source>
<target>İlkeyi Düzenle</target>
<trans-unit id="s0b55a57f473ab8af">
<source>Update Group</source>
<target>Güncelleme Grubu</target>
<trans-unit id="s494e1ed913d9351a">
<source>Edit Group</source>
<target>Grubu Düzenle</target>
<trans-unit id="sad130c2d925fb7bf">
<source>Update User</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s5cd31f4a88adf180">
<source>Edit User</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Düzenle</target>
<trans-unit id="se291dfd2a59d7842">
<source>Policy binding(s)</source>
<target>İlke bağlama (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="s7e87ab366c199345">
<source>Update Binding</source>
<target>Ciltlemeyi Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s40b80eb4cc1f0e0c">
<source>Edit Binding</source>
<target>Bağlamayı Düzenle</target>
<trans-unit id="sbad5b96fb855ef36">
<source>No Policies bound.</source>
<target>Hiçbir ilke bağlı .</target>
<trans-unit id="sc15d60377cc8aaac">
<source>No policies are currently bound to this object.</source>
<target>Hiçbir ilke şu anda bu nesneye bağlı değildir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sddb040c47daae56b">
<source>Bind existing policy</source>
<trans-unit id="saa855c61e0403fe6">
<source>Warning: Application is not used by any Outpost.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Uygulama herhangi bir Üs tarafı ndan kullanı lmı yor.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb6cbd4f92ebaf5d8">
<trans-unit id="sc92ea8fbf9ba06a7">
<source>Backchannel Providers</source>
<trans-unit id="sd71081c23d1cd38b">
<source>Check access</source>
<target>Erişimi kontrol</target>
<trans-unit id="s42cbd8dca939a9c7">
<trans-unit id="sf22f7f8a9309b4ed">
<source>Check Application access</source>
<target>Uygulama erişimini denetle</target>
<trans-unit id="s2474e7fb1aec9f05">
<trans-unit id="s512957aa09384646">
<trans-unit id="sed02f831e653deb3">
<source>Logins over the last week (per 8 hours)</source>
<trans-unit id="s2b1bc31276c4c477">
<source>Policy / Group / User Bindings</source>
<target>İlke / Grup / Kullanı cı Bağlamaları </target>
<trans-unit id="s473f0143efa3f706">
<source>These policies control which users can access this application.</source>
<target>Bu ilkeler hangi kullanı cı ları n bu uygulamaya erişebileceğini denetler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s24875d5475e82526">
<source>Successfully updated source.</source>
<target>Kaynak başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s60d891ed3ee9ebc5">
<source>Successfully created source.</source>
<target>Kaynak başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8af7239354f7e7b6">
<source>Sync users</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları senkronize et</target>
<trans-unit id="sd80b0b8aeae3abe3">
<source>User password writeback</source>
<target>Kullanı cı parolası nı geri yazma</target>
<trans-unit id="s2b952e9dc99cbded">
<source>Login password is synced from LDAP into authentik automatically. Enable this option only to write password changes in authentik back to LDAP.</source>
<target>Giriş parolası LDAP'den authentik'e otomatik olarak senkronize edilir. Bu seçeneği yalnı zca oentik'te parola değişikliklerini LDAP'ye geri yazmak için etkinleştirin.</target>
<trans-unit id="saf7ce4165a1025f6">
<source>Sync groups</source>
<target>Grupları eşle</target>
<trans-unit id="s2035f889f576bca6">
<source>Connection settings</source>
<target>Bağlantı ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s0a72e65aef45b1e8">
<source>Server URI</source>
<target>Sunucu URI</target>
<trans-unit id="sa599dbe5776897ad">
<source>Specify multiple server URIs by separating them with a comma.</source>
<target>Birden çok sunucu URI'lerini virgülle ayı rarak belirtin.</target>
<trans-unit id="se36b55dfcf5dc80b">
<source>Enable StartTLS</source>
<target>StartTLS'yi Etkinleştir</target>
<trans-unit id="s33683c3b1dbaf264">
<source>To use SSL instead, use 'ldaps://' and disable this option.</source>
<target>Bunun yerine SSL kullanmak için 'ldaps: //' kullanı n ve bu seçeneği devre dı şı bı rakı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2221fef80f4753a2">
<source>TLS Verification Certificate</source>
<target>TLS Doğrulama Sertifikası </target>
<trans-unit id="sb8c13bd58191cea2">
<source>When connecting to an LDAP Server with TLS, certificates are not checked by default. Specify a keypair to validate the remote certificate.</source>
<target>TLS ile bir LDAP Sunucusuna bağlanı rken, sertifikalar varsayı lan olarak denetlenmez. Uzak sertifikayı doğrulamak için bir anahtar çifti belirtin.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb7684e2910a33a1f">
<source>Bind CN</source>
<target>Bağlama CN</target>
<trans-unit id="s3de6db803012016a">
<source>LDAP Attribute mapping</source>
<target>LDAP Öznitelik eşlemesi</target>
<trans-unit id="s7c05ee41d634aa45">
<source>Property mappings used to user creation.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı oluşturma için kullanı lan özellik eşlemeleri.</target>
<trans-unit id="s94333971a07803b9">
<source>Additional settings</source>
<target>Ek ayarlar</target>
<trans-unit id="sd14a19a19d507f9e">
<source>Parent group for all the groups imported from LDAP.</source>
<target>LDAP'den alı nan tüm gruplar için ebeveyn grubu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfbc59ff17a73503d">
<source>User path</source>
<trans-unit id="sd18170637295bace">
<source>Addition User DN</source>
<target>Ekleme Kullanı cı DN</target>
<trans-unit id="s9ae089fd248e72db">
<source>Additional user DN, prepended to the Base DN.</source>
<target>Ek kullanı cı DN, temel DN'ye eklenmiş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5944355d69db1fb8">
<source>Addition Group DN</source>
<target>Toplama Grubu DN</target>
<trans-unit id="sfae9f4ea5749a36b">
<source>Additional group DN, prepended to the Base DN.</source>
<target>Ek grup DN, Base DN için eklenmiş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s66ffc06300964849">
<source>User object filter</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nesne filtresi</target>
<trans-unit id="s1c2a173db0e1ec61">
<source>Consider Objects matching this filter to be Users.</source>
<target>Bu filtreyle eşleşen nesneleri Kullanı cı olarak düşünün.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2ec94a7c7f5bcd1b">
<source>Group object filter</source>
<target>Grup nesnesi filtresi</target>
<trans-unit id="saf5eb7596b3a355b">
<source>Consider Objects matching this filter to be Groups.</source>
<target>Bu filtreyle eşleşen nesneleri Gruplar olarak düşünün.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf325a4adba4d6278">
<source>Group membership field</source>
<target>Grup üyelik alanı </target>
<trans-unit id="s76768bebabb7d543">
<source>Field which contains members of a group. Note that if using the "memberUid" field, the value is assumed to contain a relative distinguished name. e.g. 'memberUid=some-user' instead of 'memberUid=cn=some-user,ou=groups,...'</source>
<target>Bir grubun üyelerini içeren alan. “memberUid” alanı nı kullanı yorsanı z, değerin göreli bir ayı rt edici ad içerdiği varsayı lı r. örn. 'memberUid=cn=some-user yerine 'memberUid=some-user, ou=groups,...'</target>
<trans-unit id="s026555347e589f0e">
<source>Object uniqueness field</source>
<target>Nesne benzersizliği alanı </target>
<trans-unit id="s24211f319e5b7e98">
<source>Field which contains a unique Identifier.</source>
<target>Benzersiz bir Tanı mlayı cı içeren alan.</target>
<trans-unit id="s900b0d85b872d134">
<source>Link users on unique identifier</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları benzersiz tanı mlayı cı ya bağlama</target>
<trans-unit id="s6c70a73265e14521">
<source>Link to a user with identical email address. Can have security implications when a source doesn't validate email addresses</source>
<target>Aynı e-posta adresine sahip bir kullanı cı ya bağlantı verin. Bir kaynak e-posta adreslerini doğrulamadı ğı nda güvenlik etkileri olabilir</target>
<trans-unit id="s995535e7af30d754">
<source>Use the user's email address, but deny enrollment when the email address already exists</source>
<trans-unit id="s542ecb4130f6cea5">
<source>Link to a user with identical username. Can have security implications when a username is used with another source</source>
<trans-unit id="s2a1debf34e5aeba4">
<source>Use the user's username, but deny enrollment when the username already exists</source>
<trans-unit id="s81ce0d54727f42d2">
<source>Unknown user matching mode</source>
<trans-unit id="sd04376c4216c921f">
<source>URL settings</source>
<target>URL ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s872d0e88ab34ed83">
<source>Authorization URL</source>
<target>Yetkilendirme URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="see3ff55262fd6500">
<source>URL the user is redirect to to consent the authorization.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n yetkilendirmeyi onaylamak için yönlendirdiği URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb932dead79567c7b">
<source>Access token URL</source>
<target>Erişim belirteci URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="s88b8a2892635a2fc">
<source>URL used by authentik to retrieve tokens.</source>
<target>Auentik tarafı ndan belirteçleri almak için kullanı lan URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="s69bd313dd12fc2f3">
<source>Profile URL</source>
<target>Profil URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sa8d83cd8023e8e4d">
<source>URL used by authentik to get user information.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı bilgilerini almak için authentik tarafı ndan kullanı lan URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc7707b3ba3a2a7ca">
<source>Request token URL</source>
<target>Belirteç URL'sini iste</target>
<trans-unit id="s3926da5b20cdf3b6">
<source>URL used to request the initial token. This URL is only required for OAuth 1.</source>
<target>İlk belirteci istemek için kullanı lan URL. Bu URL yalnı zca OAuth 1 için gereklidir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s199b55513a739f43">
<source>OIDC Well-known URL</source>
<trans-unit id="s8b149b30b5b523ef">
<source>OIDC well-known configuration URL. Can be used to automatically configure the URLs above.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9db2c836ade1339c">
<source>OIDC JWKS URL</source>
<trans-unit id="s4b2a1b657c160f5b">
<source>JSON Web Key URL. Keys from the URL will be used to validate JWTs from this source.</source>
<trans-unit id="s2df0b65125600de9">
<source>OIDC JWKS</source>
<trans-unit id="s02de8d9e8583b480">
<source>Raw JWKS data.</source>
<trans-unit id="s81a87652ade099e4">
<source>User matching mode</source>
<target>Kullanı cı eşleştirme modu</target>
<trans-unit id="s485c05d34eb00415">
<source>Delete currently set icon.</source>
<target>Şu anda ayarlanan simgeyi sil.</target>
<trans-unit id="se8987bdfb35e46b2">
<source>Consumer key</source>
<target>Tüketici anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="sabaf0061f7e41b0b">
<source>Consumer secret</source>
<target>Tüketici sı rrı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa61966cd83b4924c">
<source>Additional scopes to be passed to the OAuth Provider, separated by space. To replace existing scopes, prefix with *.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1cc0e66dbd2b5502">
<source>Flow settings</source>
<target>Akı ş ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="sfe6977a3aea3ee6e">
<source>Flow to use when authenticating existing users.</source>
<target>Mevcut kullanı cı ları n kimliğini doğrularken kullanmak için akı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2801a48ceac691b3">
<source>Enrollment flow</source>
<target>Kayı t akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="s5d0a14d29ebad561">
<source>Flow to use when enrolling new users.</source>
<target>Yeni kullanı cı ları kaydettirirken kullanmak için akı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s91f389c796720a81">
<source>Load servers</source>
<target>Sunucuları yükle</target>
<trans-unit id="s24f405197ede5ebb">
<source>Re-authenticate with plex</source>
<target>plex ile yeniden kimlik doğrulama</target>
<trans-unit id="sc297b2e13c28ecf9">
<source>Allow friends to authenticate via Plex, even if you don't share any servers</source>
<target>Herhangi bir sunucu paylaşmasan bile arkadaşları nı n Plex aracı lı ğı yla kimlik doğrulaması na izin ver</target>
<trans-unit id="sfee91e08b8b47477">
<source>Allowed servers</source>
<target>İzin verilen sunucular</target>
<trans-unit id="s216eb300543edd91">
<source>Select which server a user has to be a member of to be allowed to authenticate.</source>
<target>Bir kullanı cı nı n kimlik doğrulaması na izin verilmesi için üye olması gereken sunucuyu seçin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s31d7f3ba04d306a5">
<source>SSO URL</source>
<target>SSO URL</target>
<trans-unit id="s1d9d6c5b424fdc1f">
<source>URL that the initial Login request is sent to.</source>
<target>İlk oturum açma isteğinin gönderildiği URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd94db2b8c85d10a6">
<source>SLO URL</source>
<target>SLO URL</target>
<trans-unit id="sc764ddf60b5149de">
<source>Optional URL if the IDP supports Single-Logout.</source>
<target>IDP Tek Oturumu Kapat'ı destekliyorsa isteğe bağlı URL.</target>
<trans-unit id="se7430794fa89005a">
<source>Also known as Entity ID. Defaults the Metadata URL.</source>
<target>Entity ID olarak da bilinir. Metadata URL'sine varsayı lan olarak ayarlanı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5615bb595ad6ded6">
<source>Binding Type</source>
<target>Bağlama Tipi</target>
<trans-unit id="sa2e4d6830226d3ec">
<source>Redirect binding</source>
<target>Yeniden yönlendirme bağlama</target>
<trans-unit id="s6f96a78d81ef277c">
<source>Post-auto binding</source>
<trans-unit id="sc2c70fd56f5d0b48">
<source>Post binding but the request is automatically sent and the user doesn't have to confirm.</source>
<trans-unit id="s968c90258dcf7562">
<source>Post binding</source>
<target>Post ciltleme</target>
<trans-unit id="se10bbf4cf861c81b">
<source>Signing keypair</source>
<target>Anahtar çifti imzalama</target>
<trans-unit id="s838ed611b533b19e">
<source>Keypair which is used to sign outgoing requests. Leave empty to disable signing.</source>
<target>Giden istekleri imzalamak için kullanı lan anahtar çifti. İmzalamayı devre dı şı bı rakmak için boş bı rakı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s39c8c0bf4d927c9f">
<source> Allow IDP-initiated logins</source>
<target>IDP tarafı ndan başlatı lan oturumlara izin ver</target>
<trans-unit id="s65d507f1513c2f03">
<source>Allows authentication flows initiated by the IdP. This can be a security risk, as no validation of the request ID is done.</source>
<target>IdP tarafı ndan başlatı lan kimlik doğrulama akı şları na izin verir. İstek kimliğinin doğrulanması yapı lmadı ğı ndan, bu bir güvenlik riski olabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s297a2075bd7e40db">
<source>NameID Policy</source>
<target>NameID İlkesi</target>
<trans-unit id="s004e9a2c90f23900">
<target>Kalı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s38887b94b3320533">
<source>Email address</source>
<target>E-posta adresi</target>
<trans-unit id="s2d34c87f67f66c6a">
<trans-unit id="s1665454e31e14941">
<source>X509 Subject</source>
<target>X509 Konusu</target>
<trans-unit id="s0c3ac7f9383a8cfd">
<trans-unit id="s20a0ce62823bfa97">
<source>Delete temporary users after</source>
<target>Geçici kullanı cı ları sonra sil</target>
<trans-unit id="s3198c384c2f68b08">
<source>Time offset when temporary users should be deleted. This only applies if your IDP uses the NameID Format 'transient', and the user doesn't log out manually.</source>
<trans-unit id="sb32e9c1faa0b8673">
<source>Pre-authentication flow</source>
<target>Ön kimlik doğrulama akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa3c1f6ac5e63a70f">
<source>Flow used before authentication.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulamadan önce kullanı lan akı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="se12969ade44cd2b6">
<source>New source</source>
<trans-unit id="s19b09f4fc72175d1">
<source>Create a new source.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6152026c364ad974">
<source>Sources of identities, which can either be synced into authentik's database, or can be used by users to authenticate and enroll themselves.</source>
<target>Auentik'in veritabanı na senkronize edilebilen ya da kullanı cı lar tarafı ndan kimlik doğrulaması ve kayı t yaptı rmak için kullanı labilen kimliklerin kaynakları .</target>
<trans-unit id="s0a0ca63b967f1630">
<target>Kaynak (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="s66722bc2ea775e05">
<target>Devre Dı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="s4ff2c202b4e5bdc5">
<trans-unit id="s52b500138a2d2b8a">
<source>Update LDAP Source</source>
<target>LDAP Kaynağı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s31a2d43bc1cf1790">
<source>Not synced yet.</source>
<target>Henüz senkronize edilmedi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s388ee787bbf2271b">
<source>Task finished with warnings</source>
<target>Görev uyarı larla tamamlandı </target>
<trans-unit id="s949826fad0fe0909">
<source>Task finished with errors</source>
<target>Görev hatalarla tamamlandı </target>
<trans-unit id="sbedb77365a066648">
<source>Last sync: <x id="0" equiv-text="${task.taskFinishTimestamp.toLocaleString()}"/></source>
<target>Son senkronizasyon:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${task.taskFinishTimestamp.toLocaleString()}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sf3fec8353106ac2f">
<source>OAuth Source <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.source.name}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="se09d055771f3a11d">
<source>Generic OpenID Connect</source>
<target>Genel OpenID Connect</target>
<trans-unit id="s5c1dc164c89ac13e">
<source>Unknown provider type</source>
<trans-unit id="s355b21b89ce5d9c5">
<trans-unit id="s01088b6625d2443b">
<source>Callback URL</source>
<target>Geri arama URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sb6d5146d5efb3058">
<source>Access Key</source>
<target>Erişim Anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s065604a41e9d1584">
<source>Update OAuth Source</source>
<target>OAuth Kaynağı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s7b576aa71acb36a6">
<trans-unit id="s587ba266269297ab">
<source>Policy Bindings</source>
<target>İlke Bağlamaları </target>
<trans-unit id="s2feae323f46479f8">
<source>These bindings control which users can access this source.
You can only use policies here as access is checked before the user is authenticated.</source>
<trans-unit id="se17fcb1f159ee382">
<source>Update Plex Source</source>
<target>Plex Kaynağı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="saa10777250a6deca">
<source>Update SAML Source</source>
<target>SAML Kaynağı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s643d8f2e5e5e930d">
<source>Successfully updated mapping.</source>
<target>Eşleme başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sffeef5b119d8625c">
<source>Successfully created mapping.</source>
<target>Eşleme başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1c33d22492029aba">
<source>Object field</source>
<target>Nesne alanı </target>
<trans-unit id="s06df3c3b6a503da8">
<source>Field of the user object this value is written to.</source>
<target>Bu değerin yazı ldı ğı kullanı cı nesnesinin alanı .</target>
<trans-unit id="sd39c5e998efecf93">
<source>SAML Attribute Name</source>
<target>SAML Öznitelik Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="scf2790cf3ad89283">
<source>Attribute name used for SAML Assertions. Can be a URN OID, a schema reference, or a any other string. If this property mapping is used for NameID Property, this field is discarded.</source>
<target>SAML Onaylamaları için kullanı lan öznitelik adı . URN OID, şema referansı veya başka bir dize olabilir. Bu özellik eşlemesi NameID özelliği için kullanı lı yorsa, bu alan atı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sab6d24c5ec8dc361">
<source>Friendly Name</source>
<target>Dostça İsim</target>
<trans-unit id="s9f8aac89fe318acc">
<source>Optionally set the 'FriendlyName' value of the Assertion attribute.</source>
<target>İsteğe bağlı olarak onaylama özniteliğinin 'FriendlyName' değerini ayarlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s851c108679653d2a">
<source>Scope name</source>
<target>Kapsam adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s23fd4411419fca06">
<source>Scope which the client can specify to access these properties.</source>
<target>İstemcinin bu özelliklere erişmek için belirtebileceği kapsam.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7754f0e34f27fb6e">
<source>Description shown to the user when consenting. If left empty, the user won't be informed.</source>
<target>Açı klama, izin verirken kullanı cı ya gösterilir. Boş bı rakı lı rsa kullanı cı bilgilendirilmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb6c3bf5489d7556e">
<source>Example context data</source>
<trans-unit id="s4a697f0b36c4fe83">
<source>Active Directory User</source>
<trans-unit id="s9277b90db38e1983">
<source>Active Directory Group</source>
<trans-unit id="sc2e03590269d5a10">
<source>New property mapping</source>
<trans-unit id="s713e8666ed70f8b3">
<source>Create a new property mapping.</source>
<trans-unit id="sce106606ae84d46f">
<source>Property Mappings</source>
<target>Özellik Eşleştirmeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s271a7e04ff9865b1">
<source>Control how authentik exposes and interprets information.</source>
<target>Auentik'in bilgiyi nası l açı ğa çı kardı ğı nı ve yorumlayacağı nı kontrol edin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s59dc0eda07f9e2b6">
<source>Property Mapping(s)</source>
<target>Özellik Eşleme (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="sa57c393736e2732c">
<source>Test Property Mapping</source>
<target>Sı nama Özellik Eşlemesi</target>
<trans-unit id="sc39fb3ff3753d5ab">
<source>Hide managed mappings</source>
<target>Yönetilen eşlemeleri gizle</target>
<trans-unit id="s476ffc07e6d66f18">
<source>Successfully updated token.</source>
<target>Belirteç başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s93c1e5fbe8184895">
<source>Successfully created token.</source>
<target>Belirteç başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5fc4269c2addee61">
<source>Unique identifier the token is referenced by.</source>
<target>Belirteç tarafı ndan başvurulan benzersiz tanı mlayı cı .</target>
<trans-unit id="sb8bc2b8376c96a6b">
<trans-unit id="sbd34d118bcb1aaf2">
<source>API Token</source>
<trans-unit id="se31d92bea7f3a186">
<source>Used to access the API programmatically</source>
<trans-unit id="sfd586951c75eb291">
<source>App password.</source>
<trans-unit id="s59bf194136d0d13a">
<source>Used to login using a flow executor</source>
<trans-unit id="s1b14062c44e5ef45">
<target>Süresi Doluyor</target>
<trans-unit id="safcc54b2aedb1a17">
<source>If this is selected, the token will expire. Upon expiration, the token will be rotated.</source>
<target>Bu seçilirse, belirteç süresi dolacaktı r. Süresi dolduktan sonra, belirteç döndürülür.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4165cd175bc4c0c4">
<source>Expires on</source>
<target>Geçerlilik süresi</target>
<trans-unit id="s1cd198d689c66e4b">
<source>API Access</source>
<target>API Erişimi</target>
<trans-unit id="sf29883ac9ec43085">
<source>App password</source>
<target>Uygulama parolası </target>
<trans-unit id="sfe211545fd02f73e">
<trans-unit id="sd73b202ec04eefd9">
<source>Unknown intent</source>
<trans-unit id="s78fd8c03f8c967f3">
<trans-unit id="sdcc7b2c109ce9775">
<source>Tokens are used throughout authentik for Email validation stages, Recovery keys and API access.</source>
<target>Belirteçler, E-posta doğrulama aşamaları , Kurtarma anahtarları ve API erişimi için authentik boyunca kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf71dba2c30283a54">
<target>Son kullanma tarihi mi?</target>
<trans-unit id="sc7be80a7f8ec597e">
<source>Expiry date</source>
<target>Son kullanma tarihi</target>
<trans-unit id="s71dcd9cf808449aa">
<trans-unit id="sb15e8daacf26bdfc">
<source>Create Token</source>
<target>Belirteç Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s8d7ecd944ebe834b">
<source>Token is managed by authentik.</source>
<target>Token authentik tarafı ndan yönetilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd1288ca57e221cf9">
<source>Update Token</source>
<target>Belirteç Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s41706a202b6c40f1">
<target>Alan Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="se74ce42d41e392ba">
<source>Matching is done based on domain suffix, so if you enter domain.tld, foo.domain.tld will still match.</source>
<target>Eşleştirme, etki alanı sonekine göre yapı lı r, bu nedenle domain.tld girerseniz foo.domain.tld yine de eşleşir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s11326fd2590f4e5e">
<target>Varsayı lan</target>
<trans-unit id="sc19838ca8c135c1b">
<source>Branding settings</source>
<target>Markalama ayarları </target>
<trans-unit id="s99f110d27e30b289">
<target>Başlı k</target>
<trans-unit id="sab6bad52985c6676">
<source>Branding shown in page title and several other places.</source>
<target>Markalama sayfa başlı ğı nda ve başka yerlerde gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4f1af2b48a5e249a">
<trans-unit id="sd6b8b4156f7df696">
<source>Icon shown in sidebar/header and flow executor.</source>
<target>Simge kenar çubuğu/başlı k ve akı ş yürütücüde gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3626433940124897">
<trans-unit id="se99efc0873031976">
<source>Icon shown in the browser tab.</source>
<target>Tarayı cı sekmesinde gösterilen simge.</target>
<trans-unit id="s10356fd921037fbf">
<source>Default flows</source>
<target>Varsayı lan akı şlar</target>
<trans-unit id="sd216b08bafb297ee">
<source>Flow used to authenticate users. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları n kimliğini doğrulamak için kullanı lan akı ş. Boş bı rakı lı rsa, kı sa isme göre sı ralanan ilk uygulanabilir akı ş kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s35e6e60e83a8c003">
<source>Invalidation flow</source>
<target>Geçersizleştirme akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="s7989db5f4819af89">
<source>Flow used to logout. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used.</source>
<target>Çı kı ş yapmak için kullanı lan akı ş. Boş bı rakı lı rsa, kı sa isme göre sı ralanan ilk uygulanabilir akı ş kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfeb779d4ccbc5a0e">
<source>Recovery flow</source>
<target>Kurtarma akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="s1c2fd8097e14a608">
<source>Recovery flow. If left empty, the first applicable flow sorted by the slug is used.</source>
<target>Kurtarma akı şı . Boş bı rakı lı rsa, kı sa isme göre sı ralanan ilk uygulanabilir akı ş kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s836aa192b30c21da">
<source>Unenrollment flow</source>
<target>Kayı t dı şı akı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s081d3c4b47a6ff83">
<source>If set, users are able to unenroll themselves using this flow. If no flow is set, option is not shown.</source>
<target>Ayarlanı rsa, kullanı cı lar bu akı şı kullanarak kendi kayı tları nı kaldı rabilir. Akı ş ayarlanmamı şsa seçenek gösterilmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="secbfd13bdae95a59">
<source>User settings flow</source>
<trans-unit id="s523160b433311521">
<source>If set, users are able to configure details of their profile.</source>
<trans-unit id="s134177568525dbc8">
<source>Device code flow</source>
<trans-unit id="s7b298427bdea81ae">
<source>If set, the OAuth Device Code profile can be used, and the selected flow will be used to enter the code.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7f4e4054fbe132e1">
<source>Other global settings</source>
<target>Diğer genel ayarlar</target>
<trans-unit id="sbadde673052efc02">
<source>Web Certificate</source>
<target>Web Sertifikası </target>
<trans-unit id="s84c5a011acd608c9">
<source>Event retention</source>
<target>Etkinliği saklama</target>
<trans-unit id="s2536ac8d32d2e63f">
<source>Duration after which events will be deleted from the database.</source>
<target>Olayları n veritabanı ndan silineceği süre.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7b1fba26d245cb1c">
<source>When using an external logging solution for archiving, this can be set to "minutes=5".</source>
<target>Arşivleme için harici bir günlük çözümü kullanı rken, bu “Dakika = 5" olarak ayarlanabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s44536d20bb5c8257">
<source>This setting only affects new Events, as the expiration is saved per-event.</source>
<target>Bu ayar, süre sonu olay başı na kaydedildiğinden, yalnı zca yeni Olayları etkiler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s164be9a7537b99f6">
<source>Configure visual settings and defaults for different domains.</source>
<target>Farklı etki alanları için görsel ayarları ve varsayı lanları yapı landı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4802636d55022ed3">
<target>Varsayı lan?</target>
<trans-unit id="s8cb7bb82e96d5d77">
<trans-unit id="sec1808532fe107b9">
<source>Allow users to use Applications based on properties, enforce Password Criteria and selectively apply Stages.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları n özelliklere göre Uygulamaları kullanması na, Parola Ölçütlerini uygulaması na ve Aşama Alanları 'nı seçerek uygulaması na izin verin.</target>
<trans-unit id="se16ac750b81fa93d">
<source>Assigned to <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.boundTo}"/> object(s).</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.boundTo}"/>nesneye atanı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5a48d5171e1a1522">
<source>Warning: Policy is not assigned.</source>
<target>Uyarı : İlke atanmamı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="s544142ce35050751">
<source>Test Policy</source>
<target>Test İlkesi</target>
<trans-unit id="s00c8354318addfa0">
<source>Policy / Policies</source>
<target>İlke / İlkeler</target>
<trans-unit id="s76da2c978dcc5ef4">
<source>Successfully cleared policy cache</source>
<target>İlke önbelleği başarı yla temizlendi</target>
<trans-unit id="sa717841a602fe7d8">
<source>Failed to delete policy cache</source>
<target>İlke önbelleği silinemedi</target>
<trans-unit id="s3ed5607ad78d4224">
<source>Clear cache</source>
<target>Önbelleği temizle</target>
<trans-unit id="s1b07757762cda372">
<source>Clear Policy cache</source>
<target>İlke önbelleği temizle</target>
<trans-unit id="s15b46b78edebb20a">
<source>Are you sure you want to clear the policy cache? This will cause all policies to be re-evaluated on their next usage.</source>
<trans-unit id="s62ddcbaaa91d120d">
<source>Reputation scores</source>
<target>İtibar puanları </target>
<trans-unit id="sd080b2370aa82967">
<source>Reputation for IP and user identifiers. Scores are decreased for each failed login and increased for each successful login.</source>
<target>IP ve kullanı cı tanı mlayı cı ları için itibar. Başarı sı z olan her giriş için puan azaltı lı r ve her başarı lı oturum açma için artı rı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s09242207b5b8f83c">
<trans-unit id="s7d684b6257284e55">
<trans-unit id="s10d2dbc4613397f0">
<trans-unit id="sa33d061d2ade20aa">
<trans-unit id="s9f26843287bb592d">
<trans-unit id="s4dcb9288f7e9e4d7">
<source>Group users together and give them permissions based on the membership.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları birlikte gruplandı rı n ve üyeliğe bağlı olarak izinler verin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s62f93cfcb45d5a06">
<source>Superuser privileges?</source>
<target>Süper kullanı cı ayrı calı kları mı ?</target>
<trans-unit id="s9fdda7ea4642306c">
<target>Grup (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="s416a540b16275f2e">
<source>Create Group</source>
<target>Grup Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s7c5774fad9d050ce">
<source>Create group</source>
<target>Grup oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s2a12e0b5527ff99a">
<source>Enabling this toggle will create a group named after the user, with the user as member.</source>
<target>Bu geçiş özelliğini etkinleştirmek, kullanı cı nı n adı nı taşı yan ve kullanı cı nı n üye olduğu bir grup oluşturur.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6b6e6eb037aef7da">
<source>Use the username and password below to authenticate. The password can be retrieved later on the Tokens page.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulaması için aşağı daki kullanı cı adı ve parolayı kullanı n. Parola daha sonra Belirteçler sayfası ndan alı nabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf6e1665c7022a1f8">
<trans-unit id="sbb57cd8a3ed12915">
<source>Valid for 360 days, after which the password will automatically rotate. You can copy the password from the Token List.</source>
<target>360 gün boyunca geçerlidir, bundan sonra parola otomatik olarak dönecektir. Parolayı Token Listesi'nden kopyalayabilirsiniz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4414164d120de61a">
<source>The following objects use <x id="0" equiv-text="${objName}"/></source>
<target>Aşağı daki nesneler
<x id="0" equiv-text="${objName}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s92e241c9f3c101a2">
<source>connecting object will be deleted</source>
<target>bağlantı lı nesne silinecek</target>
<trans-unit id="se6a13beff646557b">
<source>Successfully updated <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel} ${this.obj?.name}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="s14401ff4a0cba208">
<source>Failed to update <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>: <x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>güncellenemedi:
<x id="1" equiv-text="${e.toString()}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sa95a538bfbb86111">
<source>Are you sure you want to update <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/> "<x id="1" equiv-text="${this.obj?.name}"/>"?</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.objectLabel}"/>“
<x id="1" equiv-text="${this.obj?.name}"/>” güncellemesini istediğinizden emin misiniz?</target>
<trans-unit id="sc92d7cfb6ee1fec6">
<source>Successfully updated password.</source>
<target>Parola başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="se5498954255620b4">
<source>Successfully sent email.</source>
<target>Başarı yla e-posta gönderildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s44ea4e9a81ce730d">
<source>Email stage</source>
<target>E-posta aşaması </target>
<trans-unit id="sdb53ccdd6174e6e3">
<source>Successfully added user(s).</source>
<trans-unit id="s306a35df5d0d38bb">
<source>Users to add</source>
<trans-unit id="s7d499be3b781a3ca">
<target>Kullanı cı (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="s7220fcf4fec4e0df">
<source>Remove Users(s)</source>
<trans-unit id="s5d7748b1d2363478">
<source>Are you sure you want to remove the selected users from the group <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.targetGroup?.name}"/>?</source>
<trans-unit id="sea4f08110bb8f15d">
<trans-unit id="sf466142da6a65052">
<target>Taklit et</target>
<trans-unit id="s58888ef1ee9b5bb8">
<source>User status</source>
<target>Kullanı cı durumu</target>
<trans-unit id="sf9e61f4f8e90f0f1">
<source>Change status</source>
<target>Durumu değiştir</target>
<trans-unit id="sf56998949bdf6b33">
<target>Devre dı şı bı rak</target>
<trans-unit id="s3794c596ee7964ad">
<source>Update password</source>
<target>Parolayı güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sce8d867ca5f35304">
<source>Set password</source>
<target>Parola ayarla</target>
<trans-unit id="s0ae3395d8f48e624">
<source>Successfully generated recovery link</source>
<target>Kurtarma bağlantı sı başarı yla oluşturuldu</target>
<trans-unit id="s8ca0dbaec5d48563">
<source>No recovery flow is configured.</source>
<target>Kurtarma akı şı yapı landı rı lmamı ş.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb69119c9f0547bed">
<source>Copy recovery link</source>
<target>Kurtarma bağlantı sı kopyalama</target>
<trans-unit id="s7fa236d26b798301">
<source>Send link</source>
<target>Bağlantı yı gönder</target>
<trans-unit id="sa9dbe2fb284e26fe">
<source>Send recovery link to user</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ya kurtarma bağlantı sı nı gönder</target>
<trans-unit id="s03fd2c252ad7972a">
<source>Email recovery link</source>
<target>E-posta kurtarma bağlantı sı </target>
<trans-unit id="sd7fa99e4d82b374a">
<source>Recovery link cannot be emailed, user has no email address saved.</source>
<target>Kurtarma bağlantı sı e-posta ile gönderilemez, kullanı cı nı n e-posta adresi kaydedilmez.</target>
<trans-unit id="s720594461542943f">
<source>Add User</source>
<trans-unit id="s4c41f3f4c23e8eaa">
<source>Warning: This group is configured with superuser access. Added users will have superuser access.</source>
<trans-unit id="scee721983b1c28d0">
<source>Add existing user</source>
<trans-unit id="sd600334ec2c39b74">
<source>Create user</source>
<trans-unit id="s53ad3455d9523b54">
<source>Create User</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s06c163334767a381">
<source>Create Service account</source>
<target>Hizmet hesabı oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="sc744f3691efe310d">
<source>Hide service-accounts</source>
<target>Hizmet hesapları nı gizle</target>
<trans-unit id="secdb4b4c4e66aa38">
<source>Group Info</source>
<trans-unit id="s005053d82b712e0a">
<trans-unit id="s634448e4942cf452">
<source>Edit the notes attribute of this group to add notes here.</source>
<trans-unit id="s586d6bd2eca2da93">
<target>Kullanı cı lar</target>
<trans-unit id="sca7cfe2bef51b2a5">
<trans-unit id="s3616cc78631f5893">
<source>Warning: You're about to delete the user you're logged in as (<x id="0" equiv-text="${shouldShowWarning.username}"/>). Proceed at your own risk.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Oturum açtı ğı nı z kullanı cı yı (
<x id="0" equiv-text="${shouldShowWarning.username}"/>) silmek üzeresiniz. Kendi sorumluluğunuzdadı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s510c7add9e24c306">
<source>Hide deactivated user</source>
<trans-unit id="s94055b4eb957dc8f">
<source>User folders</source>
<trans-unit id="sa982875b258fea07">
<source>Successfully added user to group(s).</source>
<trans-unit id="s1bd5920d8adf2bd5">
<source>Groups to add</source>
<trans-unit id="s5f71fa3c53828e30">
<source>Remove from Group(s)</source>
<trans-unit id="sb4c9ed2a487b238f">
<source>Are you sure you want to remove user <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.targetUser?.username}"/> from the following groups?</source>
<trans-unit id="s964f6725aeb7662f">
<source>Add Group</source>
<trans-unit id="s65ca2f256ea09c11">
<source>Add to existing group</source>
<trans-unit id="s505fbbdcbc6aa921">
<source>Add new group</source>
<trans-unit id="s506beb486fa41241">
<source>Application authorizations</source>
<target>Uygulama yetkilendirmeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s7301a7069b7bc83e">
<target>İptal mi edildi?</target>
<trans-unit id="sd924045605feea63">
<target>Süresi Doluyor</target>
<trans-unit id="s1c8916418c334935">
<source>ID Token</source>
<target>Kimlik Belirteci</target>
<trans-unit id="s90760e5e02e95dfe">
<source>Refresh Tokens(s)</source>
<trans-unit id="s1b88fa3df4423292">
<source>Last IP</source>
<target>Son IP</target>
<trans-unit id="se63f9d833700af49">
<target>Oturum (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="sf679b7a62808287e">
<target>Son kullanma tarihi</target>
<trans-unit id="sde1907073fd96017">
<source>(Current session)</source>
<trans-unit id="se8dca0132c66ae03">
<trans-unit id="s76881c01b6a3a8c7">
<target>Rı za(lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="sea2f00b34b385a43">
<source>Successfully updated device.</source>
<target>Cihaz başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s858e7ac4b3cf955f">
<source>Static tokens</source>
<target>Statik belirteçler</target>
<trans-unit id="sfcfcf85a57eea78a">
<source>TOTP Device</source>
<target>TOTP Cihazı </target>
<trans-unit id="s6a406aecb2c0e5c5">
<trans-unit id="sa0b01f479f40c52d">
<target>Aygı t (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="sabb56f74492e7e96">
<source>Update Device</source>
<target>Cihazı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sf05c700a1250824e">
<trans-unit id="s64a33dcdaf90af26">
<source>User Info</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Bilgileri</target>
<trans-unit id="sc44bae5cde0083fa">
<source>Actions over the last week (per 8 hours)</source>
<trans-unit id="sb57dbcda1929c642">
<source>Edit the notes attribute of this user to add notes here.</source>
<trans-unit id="s5c18cae48b93138c">
<trans-unit id="s27586544c447d9e3">
<source>User events</source>
<target>Kullanı cı olayları </target>
<trans-unit id="s4d31797d81e9cea3">
<source>Explicit Consent</source>
<target>Açı k Onayı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb6770fa90be6d8b3">
<source>OAuth Refresh Tokens</source>
<trans-unit id="s28b3de1561da72b3">
<source>MFA Authenticators</source>
<trans-unit id="s7a322c89298dd27c">
<source>Successfully updated invitation.</source>
<target>Davet başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc554339ffc7b04e7">
<source>Successfully created invitation.</source>
<target>Davet başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfcebd18506f1e535">
<target>Akı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="sa84a7fd11ba85e88">
<source>When selected, the invite will only be usable with the flow. By default the invite is accepted on all flows with invitation stages.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7520286c8419a266">
<source>Optional data which is loaded into the flow's 'prompt_data' context variable. YAML or JSON.</source>
<target>Akı şı n 'prompt_data' bağlam değişkenine yüklenen isteğe bağlı veriler. YAML veya JSON.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb8795b799c70776a">
<source>Single use</source>
<target>Tek kullanı mlı k</target>
<trans-unit id="sf232d42142eacc23">
<source>When enabled, the invitation will be deleted after usage.</source>
<target>Etkinleştirildiğinde, davetiye kullanı mdan sonra silinir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa4a8086275475714">
<source>Select an enrollment flow</source>
<target>Bir kayı t akı şı seçme</target>
<trans-unit id="s839cb09cb2193da9">
<source>Link to use the invitation.</source>
<target>Daveti kullanmak için bağlantı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s8226f48cb1a80997">
<trans-unit id="s57448f10eb973100">
<source>Create Invitation Links to enroll Users, and optionally force specific attributes of their account.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları kaydetmek için Davet Bağlantı ları oluşturun ve isteğe bağlı olarak hesapları nı n belirli özniteliklerini zorlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4aee34a672e5cfc0">
<source>Created by</source>
<target>Tarafı ndan yaratı ldı </target>
<trans-unit id="sd5ba2d61ee4796fe">
<target>Davetiye (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="s96dcf7ec8342c335">
<source>Invitation not limited to any flow, and can be used with any enrollment flow.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1b42b49e7b392013">
<source>Update Invitation</source>
<trans-unit id="s38c72e1cf120b8d8">
<source>Create Invitation</source>
<target>Davet Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s802826db4e2c852e">
<source>Warning: No invitation stage is bound to any flow. Invitations will not work as expected.</source>
<target>Uyarı : Hiçbir davetiye aşaması herhangi bir akı şa bağlı değildir. Davetiyeler beklendiği gibi çalı şmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2f995efbb1e46b18">
<source>Auto-detect (based on your browser)</source>
<target>Otomatik algı la (tarayı cı nı za göre)</target>
<trans-unit id="s296fbffaaa7c910a">
<trans-unit id="s81ecf2d4386b8e84">
<target>Devam Et</target>
<trans-unit id="s8b2b2a43fcf688a3">
<source>Successfully updated prompt.</source>
<target>İstemi başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5572ac4d2208f5ec">
<source>Successfully created prompt.</source>
<target>Başarı yla komut istemi oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s54e7a23a95d99649">
<source>Text: Simple Text input</source>
<target>Metin: Basit Metin girişi</target>
<trans-unit id="s63e54b86e2a2cc43">
<source>Text Area: Multiline text input</source>
<trans-unit id="s12de1c06a1e18cc5">
<source>Text (read-only): Simple Text input, but cannot be edited.</source>
<target>Metin (salt okunur): Basit Metin girişi, ancak düzenlenemez.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4e5646b23e41231f">
<source>Text Area (read-only): Multiline text input, but cannot be edited.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1e4c3de6e12cd87b">
<source>Username: Same as Text input, but checks for and prevents duplicate usernames.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı adı : Metin girişi ile aynı , ancak yinelenen kullanı cı adları nı denetler ve engeller.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5462c7f56ed65e6c">
<source>Email: Text field with Email type.</source>
<target>E-posta: E-posta türü ile metin alanı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s1c5574968b29ab1c">
<source>Password: Masked input, multiple inputs of this type on the same prompt need to be identical.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbbb97b1c63507dc0">
<trans-unit id="sdae649fae731e838">
<target>Onay Kutusu</target>
<trans-unit id="s34edeb18f887161d">
<source>Radio Button Group (fixed choice)</source>
<trans-unit id="s57730b6870e8916c">
<source>Dropdown (fixed choice)</source>
<trans-unit id="sac8252732f2edb19">
<trans-unit id="s45960273852a61b2">
<source>Date Time</source>
<target>Tarih Saat</target>
<trans-unit id="sd1f81284eeb7b503">
<trans-unit id="s21e3c227cc2c5873">
<source>Separator: Static Separator Line</source>
<target>Ayı rı cı : Statik Ayı rı cı Hattı </target>
<trans-unit id="s706af57c1af42c6d">
<source>Hidden: Hidden field, can be used to insert data into form.</source>
<target>Gizli: Gizli alan, form içine veri eklemek için kullanı labilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s40e2c72dae905a50">
<source>Static: Static value, displayed as-is.</source>
<target>Statik: Statik değer, olduğu gibi görüntülenir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sdd4bd4224c4e943d">
<source>authentik: Locale: Displays a list of locales authentik supports.</source>
<trans-unit id="saf84e7732a9e1336">
<source>Preview errors</source>
<trans-unit id="sb71ace8e9b35c749">
<source>Data preview</source>
<trans-unit id="s4d53f4b7ff33bedd">
<source>Unique name of this field, used for selecting fields in prompt stages.</source>
<trans-unit id="s3b58f8d2155ae90c">
<source>Field Key</source>
<target>Alan Anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s2b088ba65eb69b7e">
<source>Name of the form field, also used to store the value.</source>
<target>Değeri depolamak için de kullanı lan form alanı nı n adı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s662fcb3761ad9df7">
<source>When used in conjunction with a User Write stage, use attributes.foo to write attributes.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı Yazma aşaması ile birlikte kullanı ldı ğı nda, öznitelikleri yazmak için attributes.foo kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5590dbf7e425789d">
<trans-unit id="s0c135eba6017d94f">
<source>Label shown next to/above the prompt.</source>
<target>Etiket, istemin yanı nda veya üstünde gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sae5d87e99fe081e0">
<trans-unit id="s37dbfe2133b74d2d">
<source>Interpret placeholder as expression</source>
<trans-unit id="s4a953e6234cb4808">
<source>When checked, the placeholder will be evaluated in the same way a property mapping is.
If the evaluation fails, the placeholder itself is returned.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf90be97cb08f3d5a">
<target>Yer tutucu</target>
<trans-unit id="sf76ead4c4708dd06">
<source>Optionally provide a short hint that describes the expected input value.
When creating a fixed choice field, enable interpreting as expression and return a
list to return multiple choices.</source>
<trans-unit id="saa7ba2057bd524a1">
<source>Interpret initial value as expression</source>
<trans-unit id="sd60415c7666859f0">
<source>When checked, the initial value will be evaluated in the same way a property mapping is.
If the evaluation fails, the initial value itself is returned.</source>
<trans-unit id="sa9c7044d9fd1f3e6">
<source>Initial value</source>
<trans-unit id="seab35681cbf36755">
<source>Optionally pre-fill the input with an initial value.
When creating a fixed choice field, enable interpreting as expression and
return a list to return multiple default choices.</source>
<trans-unit id="s72c1c17a9bdc76ad">
<source>Help text</source>
<target>Yardı m metni</target>
<trans-unit id="s584d1c38ad20d560">
<source>Any HTML can be used.</source>
<target>Herhangi bir HTML kullanı labilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s2be6121210e2a2f8">
<trans-unit id="s42fc6f4b64eff5d9">
<source>Single Prompts that can be used for Prompt Stages.</source>
<target>İstemi Aşamaları için kullanı labilecek Tek İstemler.</target>
<trans-unit id="s42a1ebe17efda727">
<trans-unit id="s41b105819b67ee7a">
<trans-unit id="sec7443a45fd141e5">
<target>İstemi (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="scc733ba98740038a">
<source>Update Prompt</source>
<target>Güncelleme İstemi</target>
<trans-unit id="s61b6f3e6bc59c6dd">
<source>Create Prompt</source>
<target>İstemi Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="sff5bb7742c2896c8">
<trans-unit id="sae5da213b7f896ed">
<trans-unit id="s0a61796c1956d32c">
<source>Evaluate when flow is planned</source>
<trans-unit id="sf533f13321fee530">
<source>Evaluate policies during the Flow planning process.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6336fa345e96dde9">
<source>Evaluate when stage is run</source>
<trans-unit id="sff3b708e23bb96b2">
<source>Evaluate policies before the Stage is present to the user.</source>
<target>Aşama kullanı cı ya sunulmadan önce ilkeleri değerlendirin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0dc46deb8f181baf">
<source>Invalid response behavior</source>
<trans-unit id="seb0805249661d15b">
<source>Returns the error message and a similar challenge to the executor</source>
<trans-unit id="sd891d8463d0ebace">
<source>Restarts the flow from the beginning</source>
<trans-unit id="s6b9a1dd402750a8a">
<source>Restarts the flow from the beginning, while keeping the flow context</source>
<trans-unit id="sbc88fb27a4c3b894">
<source>Configure how the flow executor should handle an invalid response to a challenge given by this bound stage.</source>
<trans-unit id="s916b32ac64ea2b05">
<source>Successfully updated stage.</source>
<target>Aşama başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s14c8f36e180d6bbc">
<source>Successfully created stage.</source>
<target>Aşama aşaması başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf22a28f83cc45fcc">
<source>Stage used to configure a duo-based authenticator. This stage should be used for configuration flows.</source>
<target>Aşama ikili tabanlı kimlik doğrulayı cı sı nı yapı landı rmak için kullanı lı r. Bu aşama yapı landı rma akı şları için kullanı lmalı dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5adafce329aaa853">
<source>Authenticator type name</source>
<trans-unit id="s23e6a57201fba25e">
<source>Display name of this authenticator, used by users when they enroll an authenticator.</source>
<trans-unit id="s276d751eb7a186cc">
<source>API Hostname</source>
<target>API Ana bilgisayar adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s5b6b6e2cb884d59f">
<source>Duo Auth API</source>
<trans-unit id="s240ff02ce3a53dee">
<source>Integration key</source>
<target>Entegrasyon anahtarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s56fd9ed596c724fa">
<source>Secret key</source>
<target>Gizli anahtar</target>
<trans-unit id="s88870d7e499e848b">
<source>Duo Admin API (optional)</source>
<trans-unit id="s7f13f4a2d0370cf6">
<source>When using a Duo MFA, Access or Beyond plan, an Admin API application can be created.
This will allow authentik to import devices automatically.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9a34d1520e320465">
<source>Stage-specific settings</source>
<target>Aşama alanı na özgü ayarlar</target>
<trans-unit id="s0dfc6838c9d07677">
<source>Configuration flow</source>
<target>Yapı landı rma akı şı </target>
<trans-unit id="sebf44d2471b608ad">
<source>Flow used by an authenticated user to configure this Stage. If empty, user will not be able to configure this stage.</source>
<target>Bu Aşama'yı yapı landı rmak için kimliği doğrulanmı ş bir kullanı cı tarafı ndan kullanı lan akı ş. Boşsa, kullanı cı bu aşamayı yapı landı ramaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3baf512851453712">
<source>Twilio Account SID</source>
<target>Twilio Hesabı SID</target>
<trans-unit id="sa738ce390bc24875">
<source>Get this value from https://console.twilio.com</source>
<target>Bu değeri https://console.twilio.com adresinden alı n</target>
<trans-unit id="sa7b56a80ab1801f0">
<source>Twilio Auth Token</source>
<target>Twilio Auth Belirteci</target>
<trans-unit id="sfe99a8caa70232ab">
<source>Authentication Type</source>
<target>Kimlik Doğrulama Türü</target>
<trans-unit id="safd0363143a46a91">
<source>Basic Auth</source>
<target>Temel Auth</target>
<trans-unit id="sd06b47084fec0ec5">
<source>Bearer Token</source>
<target>Bearer Belirteci</target>
<trans-unit id="sb1751a1411d6874f">
<source>External API URL</source>
<target>Harici API URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sbdc1176ff9f93da2">
<source>This is the full endpoint to send POST requests to.</source>
<target>Bu, POST istekleri göndermek için tam bitiş noktası dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s51da4de00984fe51">
<source>API Auth Username</source>
<target>API Auth Kullanı cı Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s293ab4331c1dd387">
<source>This is the username to be used with basic auth or the token when used with bearer token</source>
<target>Bu, temel kimlik doğrulama veya taşı yı cı belirteci ile kullanı ldı ğı nda kullanı lacak kullanı cı adı dı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s634d041fd954ab20">
<source>API Auth password</source>
<target>API Auth parolası </target>
<trans-unit id="sb635ad3c2e357d3c">
<source>This is the password to be used with basic auth</source>
<target>Bu, temel kimlik doğrulama ile kullanı lacak paroladı r</target>
<trans-unit id="sa92398dba8b12d85">
<trans-unit id="s38162f615710c7b4">
<source>Modify the payload sent to the custom provider.</source>
<trans-unit id="s5e830ae7688d1219">
<source>Stage used to configure an SMS-based TOTP authenticator.</source>
<target>Aşama, SMS tabanlı bir TOTP kimlik doğrulayı cı sı nı yapı landı rmak için kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0d5d05bf3d122ced">
<trans-unit id="sc3c74f5273df459a">
<trans-unit id="sbbb2180b6aed196e">
<source>From number</source>
<target>Numarası ndan</target>
<trans-unit id="sc647dcb91f6958dd">
<source>Number the SMS will be sent from.</source>
<target>Numara SMS gönderilecektir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0ae0072614320ae2">
<source>Hash phone number</source>
<trans-unit id="s9ca3310e1999fd5b">
<source>If enabled, only a hash of the phone number will be saved. This can be done for data-protection reasons. Devices created from a stage with this enabled cannot be used with the authenticator validation stage.</source>
<trans-unit id="s128e7f5f34bfa155">
<source>Stage used to configure a static authenticator (i.e. static tokens). This stage should be used for configuration flows.</source>
<target>Statik kimlik doğrulayı cı sı nı (yani statik belirteçleri) yapı landı rmak için kullanı lan aşama. Bu aşama yapı landı rma akı şları için kullanı lmalı dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sabf67834e35dede5">
<source>Token count</source>
<target>Belirteç sayı sı </target>
<trans-unit id="sc5a4711395ffb043">
<source>Stage used to configure a TOTP authenticator (i.e. Authy/Google Authenticator).</source>
<target>Bir TOTP kimlik doğrulayı cı sı nı (Authy/Google Authenticator) yapı landı rmak için kullanı lan aşama.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9d8ad4b85287131f">
<trans-unit id="sc04e92d753742189">
<source>6 digits, widely compatible</source>
<target>6 basamaklı , yaygı n olarak uyumlu</target>
<trans-unit id="sdc70195469e83e3f">
<source>8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator</source>
<target>Google Authenticator gibi uygulamalarla uyumlu olmayan 8 haneli</target>
<trans-unit id="s0e15f678445dfc45">
<source>Stage used to validate any authenticator. This stage should be used during authentication or authorization flows.</source>
<target>Aşama, herhangi bir kimlik doğrulayı cı yı doğrulamak için kullanı lı r. Bu aşama kimlik doğrulama veya yetkilendirme akı şları sı rası nda kullanı lmalı dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s73c13e5a6f5e38a3">
<source>Device classes</source>
<target>Cihaz sı nı fları </target>
<trans-unit id="s97d1b0070f50c07f">
<source>Static Tokens</source>
<target>Statik Belirteçler</target>
<trans-unit id="sb8168ae309c66abc">
<source>TOTP Authenticators</source>
<target>TOTP Kimlik Doğrulayı cı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="sde47e4d8b9b21b59">
<source>WebAuthn Authenticators</source>
<target>WebAuthn Kimlik Doğrulayı cı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="s8da88a8a5750bce1">
<source>Duo Authenticators</source>
<target>Duo Kimlik Doğrulayı cı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="s4d182bae8a578010">
<source>SMS-based Authenticators</source>
<target>SMS Tabanlı Kimlik Doğrulayı cı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="sd8d9451f86502d1a">
<source>Device classes which can be used to authenticate.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulaması için kullanı labilecek aygı t sı nı fları .</target>
<trans-unit id="se2e9f5a32c93e5f7">
<source>Last validation threshold</source>
<trans-unit id="s951281efc92b03fc">
<source>If any of the devices user of the types selected above have been used within this duration, this stage will be skipped.</source>
<trans-unit id="s681074b6c1f19c08">
<source>Not configured action</source>
<target>Yapı landı rı lmamı ş eylem</target>
<trans-unit id="sa2c29dc5ed47b26d">
<source>Force the user to configure an authenticator</source>
<target>Kullanı cı yı bir kimlik doğrulayı cı yapı landı rmaya zorla</target>
<trans-unit id="sa30c58514a3dc0fb">
<source>Deny the user access</source>
<target>Kullanı cı erişimini engelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s1e0de9c4f66dc371">
<source>WebAuthn User verification</source>
<trans-unit id="sdb7b2173869822bc">
<source>User verification must occur.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı doğrulaması gerçekleşmelidir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7683363cdf78cf31">
<source>User verification is preferred if available, but not required.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı doğrulaması varsa tercih edilir, ancak gerekli değildir.</target>
<trans-unit id="scb43f5faeb6a7ca9">
<source>User verification should not occur.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı doğrulaması gerçekleşmemelidir.</target>
<trans-unit id="scae166352a31032c">
<source>Configuration stages</source>
<trans-unit id="s6941a67f0038ba4c">
<source>Stages used to configure Authenticator when user doesn't have any compatible devices. After this configuration Stage passes, the user is not prompted again.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7e5af9c6ba6f5cc6">
<source>When multiple stages are selected, the user can choose which one they want to enroll.</source>
<trans-unit id="s34b23ebbac9f6ab9">
<source>User verification</source>
<target>Kullanı cı doğrulaması </target>
<trans-unit id="s9ea472b555374771">
<source>Resident key requirement</source>
<trans-unit id="s5fbaeb14f42815e5">
<source>Authenticator Attachment</source>
<trans-unit id="s502d2473587032e1">
<source>No preference is sent</source>
<trans-unit id="s60cc554fde2676cb">
<source>A non-removable authenticator, like TouchID or Windows Hello</source>
<trans-unit id="sdf1d8edef27236f0">
<source>A "roaming" authenticator, like a YubiKey</source>
<trans-unit id="sfffba7b23d8fb40c">
<source>This stage checks the user's current session against the Google reCaptcha (or compatible) service.</source>
<trans-unit id="sfd1af96798dd8a5f">
<source>Public Key</source>
<target>Genel Anahtar</target>
<trans-unit id="sf339673f0f76a8bd">
<source>Public key, acquired from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html.</source>
<target>https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html adresinden edinilen genel anahtar.</target>
<trans-unit id="s83d0f62ad1731a03">
<source>Private Key</source>
<target>Özel Anahtar</target>
<trans-unit id="s892d2731a6f22e59">
<source>Private key, acquired from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html.</source>
<target>https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html adresinden edinilen özel anahtar.</target>
<trans-unit id="scb6620fcd5bff04c">
<source>Advanced settings</source>
<target>Gelişmiş ayarlar</target>
<trans-unit id="s39e436de1dc4df4f">
<source>JS URL</source>
<trans-unit id="s170b705c55ecb2ae">
<source>URL to fetch JavaScript from, defaults to recaptcha. Can be replaced with any compatible alternative.</source>
<trans-unit id="s275021658614ce9e">
<source>API URL</source>
<trans-unit id="sc8a79fddea3ab4a9">
<source>URL used to validate captcha response, defaults to recaptcha. Can be replaced with any compatible alternative.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1cd617e7bbe278d0">
<source>Prompt for the user's consent. The consent can either be permanent or expire in a defined amount of time.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n rı zası nı isteme. Onay kalı cı olabilir veya belirli bir süre içinde geçerlilik süresi dolabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s26513c9dd154f041">
<source>Always require consent</source>
<target>Her zaman rı za gerektirir</target>
<trans-unit id="s8ce8bdc9cc9c8604">
<source>Consent given last indefinitely</source>
<target>Süresiz olarak verilen izin</target>
<trans-unit id="sb986f15fa9b17805">
<source>Consent expires.</source>
<target>Onayı n süresi doluyor.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6f328f2d8382d998">
<source>Consent expires in</source>
<target>Onayı n süresi</target>
<trans-unit id="se0c660020d9cf5b7">
<source>Offset after which consent expires.</source>
<trans-unit id="s22b10ed263b96194">
<source>Dummy stage used for testing. Shows a simple continue button and always passes.</source>
<target>Test için kullanı lan kukla aşama. Basit bir devam düğmesi gösterir ve her zaman geçer.</target>
<trans-unit id="sdb861d9906f18ac2">
<source>Throw error?</source>
<trans-unit id="s31ebc5431d677f5d">
<source>SMTP Host</source>
<target>SMTP Ana Bilgisayarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s289fce7e694b98ac">
<source>SMTP Port</source>
<target>SMTP Bağlantı Noktası </target>
<trans-unit id="se4a9da0295597e73">
<source>SMTP Username</source>
<target>SMTP Kullanı cı Adı </target>
<trans-unit id="s593db2c00d6516a2">
<source>SMTP Password</source>
<target>SMTP Parolası </target>
<trans-unit id="s0d4268408182491d">
<source>Use TLS</source>
<target>TLS Kullan</target>
<trans-unit id="s480c6c40a248f7d2">
<source>Use SSL</source>
<target>SSL kullan</target>
<trans-unit id="sc1feadd25659c94d">
<source>From address</source>
<target>Gönderen adres</target>
<trans-unit id="sa248e1021d2c27b5">
<source>Verify the user's email address by sending them a one-time-link. Can also be used for recovery to verify the user's authenticity.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n e-posta adresini bir kerelik bağlantı göndererek doğrulayı n. Kullanı cı nı n orijinalliğini doğrulamak için kurtarma için de kullanı labilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s87b7e3bc944c728c">
<source>Activate pending user on success</source>
<target>Bekleyen kullanı cı yı başarı durumunda etkinleştir</target>
<trans-unit id="s9e9c8d99f4c26baf">
<source>When a user returns from the email successfully, their account will be activated.</source>
<target>Bir kullanı cı e-postadan başarı yla döndüğünde, hesabı etkinleştirilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s618d4e53f455c834">
<source>Use global settings</source>
<target>Genel ayarları kullan</target>
<trans-unit id="sae1e1a59d22609c4">
<source>When enabled, global Email connection settings will be used and connection settings below will be ignored.</source>
<target>Etkinleştirildiğinde, genel E-posta bağlantı sı ayarları kullanı lı r ve aşağı daki bağlantı ayarları yoksayı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb1fe947f9ad27b9d">
<source>Token expiry</source>
<target>Belirteç son kullanma tarihi</target>
<trans-unit id="s1c6ba8d100453392">
<source>Time in minutes the token sent is valid.</source>
<target>Gönderilen belirtecin dakika cinsinden geçerlilik süresi.</target>
<trans-unit id="se47baf2fd16b9d2b">
<trans-unit id="s4af8a3ce5a600855">
<source>Let the user identify themselves with their username or Email address.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n kullanı cı adı veya E-posta adresi ile kendilerini tanı mlaması na izin verin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s592ab7d2bc1b8973">
<source>User fields</source>
<target>Kullanı cı alanları </target>
<trans-unit id="s61e48919db20538a">
<trans-unit id="s4cdae7635e757555">
<source>Fields a user can identify themselves with. If no fields are selected, the user will only be able to use sources.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n kendilerini tanı mlayabileceği alanlar. Herhangi bir alan seçilmezse, kullanı cı yalnı zca kaynakları kullanabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3380d7cbcebe50f6">
<source>Password stage</source>
<target>Parola aşaması </target>
<trans-unit id="s08c91cb1a2cd3d97">
<source>When selected, a password field is shown on the same page instead of a separate page. This prevents username enumeration attacks.</source>
<target>Seçildiğinde, ayrı bir sayfa yerine aynı sayfada bir parola alanı gösterilir. Bu, kullanı cı adı numaralandı rma saldı rı ları nı engeller.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd97d8d0906e6cc47">
<source>Case insensitive matching</source>
<target>Harf büyüklüğüne duyarsı z eşleştirme</target>
<trans-unit id="s8aaad223e954f9ca">
<source>When enabled, user fields are matched regardless of their casing.</source>
<target>Etkinleştirildiğinde, kullanı cı alanları muhafazası ne olursa olsun eşleştirilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sbab723b98dcfe23f">
<source>Show matched user</source>
<target>Eşleşen kullanı cı yı göster</target>
<trans-unit id="se50a08ab71bb96ed">
<source>When a valid username/email has been entered, and this option is enabled, the user's username and avatar will be shown. Otherwise, the text that the user entered will be shown.</source>
<target>Geçerli bir kullanı cı adı /e-posta girildiğinde ve bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, kullanı cı nı n kullanı cı adı ve avatarı gösterilir. Aksi takdirde, kullanı cı nı n girdiği metin gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0295ce5d6f635d75">
<source>Source settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s91e3a47599412f51">
<trans-unit id="s17a679298216aca9">
<source>Select sources should be shown for users to authenticate with. This only affects web-based sources, not LDAP.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları n kimlik doğrulaması için belirli kaynaklar gösterilmelidir. Bu, LDAP'yi değil, yalnı zca web tabanlı kaynakları etkiler.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa41aee3ae04c9216">
<source>Show sources' labels</source>
<target>Kaynakları n etiketlerini göster</target>
<trans-unit id="s54cd35e6224ba65d">
<source>By default, only icons are shown for sources. Enable this to show their full names.</source>
<target>Varsayı lan olarak, kaynaklar için yalnı zca simgeler gösterilir. Tam adları nı göstermek için bunu etkinleştirin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9ee20003cb116abf">
<source>Passwordless flow</source>
<target>Parolası z akı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s0c8c4d2bb0a9162a">
<source>Optional passwordless flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page. When configured, users can use this flow to authenticate with a WebAuthn authenticator, without entering any details.</source>
<target>Sayfanı n alt kı smı nda bağlanan isteğe bağlı parolası z akı ş. Yapı landı rı ldı ğı nda, kullanı cı lar herhangi bir ayrı ntı girmeden WebAuthn kimlik doğrulayı cı sı ile kimlik doğrulaması için bu akı şı kullanabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s01a3a7f48ee4edaf">
<source>Optional enrollment flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page.</source>
<target>Sayfanı n alt kı smı nda bağlanan isteğe bağlı kayı t akı şı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s82188c9542510212">
<source>Optional recovery flow, which is linked at the bottom of the page.</source>
<target>Sayfanı n alt kı smı nda bağlı olan isteğe bağlı kurtarma akı şı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s3e59b8b2debf0209">
<source>This stage can be included in enrollment flows to accept invitations.</source>
<target>Bu aşama, davetleri kabul etmek için kayı t akı şları na dahil edilebilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s79ad406777feab1f">
<source>Continue flow without invitation</source>
<target>Davetsiz akı şa devam edin</target>
<trans-unit id="s61ccefd661ac2296">
<source>If this flag is set, this Stage will jump to the next Stage when no Invitation is given. By default this Stage will cancel the Flow when no invitation is given.</source>
<target>Bu bayrak ayarlanı rsa, Davet verilmediğinde bu Aşama bir sonraki Aşama'ya atlanı r. Varsayı lan olarak bu Aşama , davet verilmediğinde Akı şı iptal eder.</target>
<trans-unit id="sdc30bddeda2f0225">
<source>Validate the user's password against the selected backend(s).</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n parolası nı seçili arka uç(lara) göre doğrulayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb8d4f44a1d5b9a14">
<target>Arka uçlar</target>
<trans-unit id="sba42248f3f27955c">
<source>User database + standard password</source>
<target>Kullanı cı veritabanı +standart parola</target>
<trans-unit id="s3330adb3f0922f7b">
<source>User database + app passwords</source>
<target>Kullanı cı veritabanı +uygulama parolaları </target>
<trans-unit id="sc10db51c9bb77d5c">
<source>User database + LDAP password</source>
<target>Kullanı cı veritabanı +LDAP parolası </target>
<trans-unit id="sd35ae4be63df1f9f">
<source>Selection of backends to test the password against.</source>
<target>Parolayı test etmek için arka uçları n seçimi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s482ae78809a6822b">
<source>Flow used by an authenticated user to configure their password. If empty, user will not be able to configure change their password.</source>
<target>Kimliği doğrulanmı ş bir kullanı cı tarafı ndan parolası nı yapı landı rmak için kullanı lan akı ş. Boşsa, kullanı cı parolası nı değiştirmeyi yapı landı ramaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s77994108c886b965">
<source>Failed attempts before cancel</source>
<target>İptal edilmeden önce başarı sı z denemeler</target>
<trans-unit id="sa9020b93c3bd7235">
<source>How many attempts a user has before the flow is canceled. To lock the user out, use a reputation policy and a user_write stage.</source>
<target>Akı ş iptal edilmeden önce bir kullanı cı nı n kaç denemesi vardı r. Kullanı cı yı kilitlemek için itibar ilkesi ve user_write aşaması nı kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s5170f9ef331949c0">
<source>Show arbitrary input fields to the user, for example during enrollment. Data is saved in the flow context under the 'prompt_data' variable.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ya rastgele giriş alanları nı göster, örneğin kayı t sı rası nda. Veriler akı ş bağlamı nda 'prompt_data' değişkeni altı nda kaydedilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s36cb242ac90353bc">
<trans-unit id="s2d5f69929bb7221d">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${prompt.name}"/> ("<x id="1" equiv-text="${prompt.fieldKey}"/>", of type <x id="2" equiv-text="${prompt.type}"/>)</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${prompt.name}"/>(“
<x id="1" equiv-text="${prompt.fieldKey}"/>”,
<x id="2" equiv-text="${prompt.type}"/>türünde)</target>
<trans-unit id="s3b7b519444181264">
<source>Validation Policies</source>
<target>Doğrulama İlkeleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s59691290a232c687">
<source>Selected policies are executed when the stage is submitted to validate the data.</source>
<target>Seçilen ilkeler, verileri doğrulamak için aşama gönderildiğinde yürütülür.</target>
<trans-unit id="sbf4ef82e04772a4e">
<source>Delete the currently pending user. CAUTION, this stage does not ask for confirmation. Use a consent stage to ensure the user is aware of their actions.</source>
<trans-unit id="s8cc920e6a8430a0d">
<source>Log the currently pending user in.</source>
<target>Şu anda bekleyen kullanı cı ya oturum açı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb85ffe141d7c229d">
<source>Session duration</source>
<target>Oturum süresi</target>
<trans-unit id="sece294cd51a85745">
<source>Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 seconds means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed.</source>
<target>Oturumun ne kadar süreceğini belirler. Varsayı lan 0 saniye, oturumları n tarayı cı kapanana kadar sürdüğü anlamı na gelir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf7949fbbab2eb566">
<source>Different browsers handle session cookies differently, and might not remove them even when the browser is closed.</source>
<trans-unit id="s53bbc3ae4b5fa1d0">
<source>See here.</source>
<trans-unit id="s2512334108f06a5a">
<source>Stay signed in offset</source>
<trans-unit id="s1608b2f94fa0dbd4">
<source>If set to a duration above 0, the user will have the option to choose to "stay signed in", which will extend their session by the time specified here.</source>
<trans-unit id="s542a71bb8f41e057">
<source>Terminate other sessions</source>
<trans-unit id="sa920231366378c90">
<source>When enabled, all previous sessions of the user will be terminated.</source>
<trans-unit id="sfee06600c15082a9">
<source>Remove the user from the current session.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı yı geçerli oturumdan kaldı rı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s927398c400970760">
<source>Write any data from the flow's context's 'prompt_data' to the currently pending user. If no user
is pending, a new user is created, and data is written to them.</source>
<trans-unit id="sb379d861cbed0b47">
<source>Never create users</source>
<trans-unit id="s81d673755a86a4f0">
<source>When no user is present in the flow context, the stage will fail.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9940e3f073fbdbd4">
<source>Create users when required</source>
<trans-unit id="s5414356cc10e80fe">
<source>When no user is present in the the flow context, a new user is created.</source>
<trans-unit id="s57337099d96ce6d2">
<source>Always create new users</source>
<trans-unit id="se80dd66f23b4fc39">
<source>Create a new user even if a user is in the flow context.</source>
<trans-unit id="sed3512fe4560c7f4">
<source>Create users as inactive</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ları etkin olmayan olarak oluşturma</target>
<trans-unit id="s9193ef1a39a6c872">
<source>Mark newly created users as inactive.</source>
<target>Yeni oluşturulan kullanı cı ları etkin değil olarak işaretleyin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s89d1847b5e4ad225">
<source>User path template</source>
<trans-unit id="s18269e3889d6fa54">
<source>Path new users will be created under. If left blank, the default path will be used.</source>
<trans-unit id="sc1cb0eef9ed94e6a">
<source>Newly created users are added to this group, if a group is selected.</source>
<target>Bir grup seçiliyse, yeni oluşturulan kullanı cı lar bu gruba eklenir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd8417b41ca27bc8f">
<source>New stage</source>
<trans-unit id="s293801033f9fc0d0">
<source>Create a new stage.</source>
<trans-unit id="s71633a67e0d7c0e4">
<source>Successfully imported device.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7d61705dfb120d7b">
<source>The user in authentik this device will be assigned to.</source>
<trans-unit id="s5eaf1d304e03ed4b">
<source>Duo User ID</source>
<trans-unit id="s003847d8bc01c676">
<source>The user ID in Duo, can be found in the URL after clicking on a user.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbbc806ea3987c781">
<source>Automatic import</source>
<trans-unit id="s77299a9d3dd932cd">
<source>Successfully imported <x id="0" equiv-text="${res.count}"/> devices.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6a615f6165ef01c9">
<source>Start automatic import</source>
<trans-unit id="s9f83d7768aea548a">
<source>Or manually import</source>
<trans-unit id="sddc8efe94cb8c210">
<source>Stages are single steps of a Flow that a user is guided through. A stage can only be executed from within a flow.</source>
<target>Aşamalar, bir Akı ş'ı n kullanı cı nı n yönlendirildiği tek adı mlardı r. Bir aşama yalnı zca bir akı ş içinden yürütülebilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb69a4b0acd0895f2">
<target>Akı şlar</target>
<trans-unit id="s0eaf755fa88c8d97">
<target>Aşama (lar)</target>
<trans-unit id="s3914cb410fca44d4">
<target>İçe Aktar</target>
<trans-unit id="s8a67b33a0d70d322">
<source>Import Duo device</source>
<trans-unit id="s48cf8fd56b1237ed">
<source>Successfully updated flow.</source>
<target>Akı ş başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc3e0c240b159fbce">
<source>Successfully created flow.</source>
<target>Akı ş başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s925936f647ae52cc">
<source>Shown as the Title in Flow pages.</source>
<target>Akı ş sayfaları nda Başlı k olarak gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s50719dda8f90abf4">
<source>Visible in the URL.</source>
<target>URL'de görünür.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0f4c6540c30bd8b4">
<target>Tanı mlama</target>
<trans-unit id="sb25d9afe10941425">
<source>Decides what this Flow is used for. For example, the Authentication flow is redirect to when an un-authenticated user visits authentik.</source>
<target>Bu Akı ş'ı n ne için kullanı ldı ğı na karar verir. Örneğin, kimliği doğrulanmamı ş bir kullanı cı authentik ziyaret ettiğinde kimlik doğrulama akı şı yönlendirir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb36e4c05244278c1">
<source>No requirement</source>
<trans-unit id="s7b105164d209f670">
<source>Require authentication</source>
<trans-unit id="s239c2a351cde6d39">
<source>Require no authentication.</source>
<trans-unit id="s98beadfeeb3acb66">
<source>Require superuser.</source>
<trans-unit id="sfad9279cc42c6b61">
<source>Required authentication level for this flow.</source>
<trans-unit id="sb56674c9ea4f0588">
<source>Behavior settings</source>
<trans-unit id="sb6d7d58cb0a1544e">
<source>Compatibility mode</source>
<target>Uyumluluk modu</target>
<trans-unit id="s14ace18ccf4fb86d">
<source>Increases compatibility with password managers and mobile devices.</source>
<trans-unit id="scfbc2f1396ee8550">
<source>Denied action</source>
<trans-unit id="sff38031cf061e3ae">
<source>Will follow the ?next parameter if set, otherwise show a message</source>
<trans-unit id="s936bf4342b182ad4">
<source>Will either follow the ?next parameter or redirect to the default interface</source>
<trans-unit id="s22b0e8c5277dd5a9">
<source>Will notify the user the flow isn't applicable</source>
<trans-unit id="s2eeca5cfc99ef19b">
<source>Decides the response when a policy denies access to this flow for a user.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbaf20067de176c90">
<source>Appearance settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s2e4818861000b13f">
<trans-unit id="s1efbfc3937d565bd">
<trans-unit id="s374abf1a54d87b67">
<source>Background shown during execution.</source>
<target>Yürütme sı rası nda arka plan gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3ebf4c166058afce">
<source>Clear background</source>
<trans-unit id="sb24755ea94bef31d">
<source>Delete currently set background image.</source>
<target>Şu anda ayarlanmı ş arka plan görüntüsünü sil.</target>
<trans-unit id="sb904f23f17b60c3a">
<source>Successfully imported flow.</source>
<target>Akı ş başarı yla aktarı ldı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s344c4a2a48997e18">
<source>.yaml files, which can be found on goauthentik.io and can be exported by authentik.</source>
<target>.yaml dosyaları , goauthentik.io'da bulunabilir ve authentik tarafı ndan ihraç edilebilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc816360d6f5a1eeb">
<source>Flows describe a chain of Stages to authenticate, enroll or recover a user. Stages are chosen based on policies applied to them.</source>
<target>Akı şlar, bir kullanı cı nı n kimliğini doğrulamak, kaydetmek veya kurtarmak için Aşama zincirini tanı mlar. Aşamalar, bunlara uygulanan ilkelere göre seçilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6f857299d5db1ecf">
<target>Akı ş (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="s9e830cbc0b42a514">
<source>Update Flow</source>
<target>Akı şı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s2f1bcfcc5cae94c3">
<source>Create Flow</source>
<target>Akı ş Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s832282d415294df4">
<source>Import Flow</source>
<target>Akı şı İçe Aktar</target>
<trans-unit id="s098237f7ccb4dc4a">
<source>Successfully cleared flow cache</source>
<target>Akı ş önbelleği başarı yla temizlendi</target>
<trans-unit id="s59572c1be31a812e">
<source>Failed to delete flow cache</source>
<target>Akı ş önbelleği silinemedi</target>
<trans-unit id="sa2b727168b090d34">
<source>Clear Flow cache</source>
<target>Akı ş önbelleğini temizleme</target>
<trans-unit id="sf12d588a76ba7e51">
<source>Are you sure you want to clear the flow cache?
This will cause all flows to be re-evaluated on their next usage.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbe47a5bdeec19ab0">
<source>Stage binding(s)</source>
<target>Aşama bağlama (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="sfa88f413e287bb0f">
<source>Stage type</source>
<target>Aşama türü</target>
<trans-unit id="s04440099d97c0bef">
<source>Edit Stage</source>
<target>Aşama Alanı nı Düzenle</target>
<trans-unit id="s980270d0fab7ecb3">
<source>Update Stage binding</source>
<target>Aşama bağlaması nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sfe938c1585e0bf68">
<source>These bindings control if this stage will be applied to the flow.</source>
<target>Bu bağlamalar, bu aşama akı şa uygulanacak olup olmadı ğı nı denetler.</target>
<trans-unit id="sfac6f995c7670559">
<source>No Stages bound</source>
<target>Hiçbir Aşama Bağlı </target>
<trans-unit id="s955c1fec1c6fb970">
<source>No stages are currently bound to this flow.</source>
<target>Hiçbir aşama şu anda bu akı şa bağlı değildir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9a393a04eaf1eb0e">
<source>Create Stage binding</source>
<target>Aşama bağlama oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s207e8b106806d7e4">
<source>Bind stage</source>
<target>Bağlama aşaması </target>
<trans-unit id="scc2e420c54dc8089">
<source>Bind existing stage</source>
<trans-unit id="s30d1f50f476c3f48">
<source>Flow Overview</source>
<target>Akı şa Genel Bakı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s77099d752f1ab773">
<source>Related actions</source>
<trans-unit id="sd07866d9f38b2c50">
<source>Execute flow</source>
<target>Akı şı yürüt</target>
<trans-unit id="s9ff3121d30f88d52">
<trans-unit id="s6e4c997a101b6abf">
<source>with current user</source>
<trans-unit id="s8ecdbff1a7329b64">
<source>with inspector</source>
<target>müfettiş ile</target>
<trans-unit id="s3576aead3e68c5c9">
<source>Export flow</source>
<target>Akı şı aktar</target>
<trans-unit id="s293aa6a6446fb153">
<trans-unit id="se2c3cbf2ed1403f1">
<source>Stage Bindings</source>
<target>Aşama Bağlamaları </target>
<trans-unit id="s78c08391ffbfb8c0">
<source>These bindings control which users can access this flow.</source>
<target>Bu bağlamalar hangi kullanı cı ları n bu akı şa erişebileceğini denetler.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc1a1ff47c058bb09">
<source>Event Log</source>
<target>Olay Günlüğü</target>
<trans-unit id="s65d67612999165e9">
<source>Event <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.event.pk}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.event.pk}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s455de2f740b073fd">
<source>Event info</source>
<target>Olay bilgileri</target>
<trans-unit id="sb41b2cfbbc52565b">
<trans-unit id="s037bc6d25a03c3c8">
<source>Successfully updated transport.</source>
<target>Aktarı cı başarı lı bir şekilde güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s1575a15cee001915">
<source>Successfully created transport.</source>
<target>Aktarı cı başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4acf840bc792c3ae">
<source>Local (notifications will be created within authentik)</source>
<trans-unit id="sede0abbf2b612812">
<source>Webhook (generic)</source>
<target>Webhook (genel)</target>
<trans-unit id="s76f5dca6404a1210">
<source>Webhook (Slack/Discord)</source>
<target>Webhook (Kayak/Uyuşmazlı k)</target>
<trans-unit id="s6873bdbfa24615fb">
<source>Webhook URL</source>
<target>Web Kancası URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="s25ec2846f6b88214">
<source>Webhook Mapping</source>
<target>Web Kancası Haritalama</target>
<trans-unit id="sca2879d96f58a39c">
<source>Send once</source>
<target>Bir kez gönder</target>
<trans-unit id="s2430e000b7cfefd0">
<source>Only send notification once, for example when sending a webhook into a chat channel.</source>
<target>Yalnı zca bir kez bildirim gönderin, örneğin bir sohbet kanalı na web kancası gönderirken.</target>
<trans-unit id="s819509c33a7534ac">
<source>Notification Transports</source>
<target>Bildirim Aktarı cı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="s57072ffb92b6c9c8">
<source>Define how notifications are sent to users, like Email or Webhook.</source>
<target>E-posta veya Webhook gibi kullanı cı lara bildirimlerin nası l gönderileceğini tanı mlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s624256f8a4bb4c89">
<source>Notification transport(s)</source>
<trans-unit id="sac1332e6f421526e">
<source>Update Notification Transport</source>
<target>Bildirim Aktarı cı sı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s6b5002c605b39d6d">
<source>Create Notification Transport</source>
<target>Bildirim Aktarı cı Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s0a39e4f61ccafacb">
<source>Successfully updated rule.</source>
<target>Kural başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s72e102414fec81a4">
<source>Successfully created rule.</source>
<target>Kural başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa55ee64c5c51df0f">
<source>Select the group of users which the alerts are sent to. If no group is selected the rule is disabled.</source>
<trans-unit id="sffa171e11d4ae513">
<target>Aktarı cı lar</target>
<trans-unit id="s7b18721be331241e">
<source>Select which transports should be used to notify the user. If none are selected, the notification will only be shown in the authentik UI.</source>
<target>Kullanı cı yı bilgilendirmek için hangi aktarı cı ları n kullanı lması gerektiğini seçin. Hiçbiri seçilmemişse, bildirim yalnı zca authentik kullanı cı arabiriminde gösterilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="scd0cfe87af6f2ff2">
<target>Önem derecesi</target>
<trans-unit id="s98c3bdf4fd5cdf65">
<source>Notification Rules</source>
<target>Bildirim Kuralları </target>
<trans-unit id="s107bf77afb93c9b8">
<source>Send notifications whenever a specific Event is created and matched by policies.</source>
<target>Belirli bir Olay oluşturulduğunda ve ilkelerle eşleştirildiğinde bildirim gönderin.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf3f9a0feaf083207">
<source>Sent to group</source>
<target>Gruba gönderildi</target>
<trans-unit id="sc92ed9d5e01d3f24">
<source>Notification rule(s)</source>
<target>Bildirim kuralları </target>
<trans-unit id="s5140d157642d7362">
<source>None (rule disabled)</source>
<target>Hiçbiri (kural devre dı şı )</target>
<trans-unit id="sd1146418b344f81f">
<source>Update Notification Rule</source>
<target>Bildirim Kuralı nı Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sbbc1de43ab6c1f76">
<source>Create Notification Rule</source>
<target>Bildirim Kuralı Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s5795b310ab271d20">
<source>These bindings control upon which events this rule triggers.
Bindings to groups/users are checked against the user of the event.</source>
<trans-unit id="s90c3b62194fe8508">
<source>Outpost Deployment Info</source>
<target>Üs Dağı tı m Bilgileri</target>
<trans-unit id="s35f9df7668d5fa79">
<source>View deployment documentation</source>
<target>Dağı tı m belgelerini görüntüleme</target>
<trans-unit id="sad09c62cb4ebae68">
<source>Click to copy token</source>
<target>Belirteci kopyalamak için tı klayı n</target>
<trans-unit id="s0e03fe2dc5b9164b">
<source>If your authentik Instance is using a self-signed certificate, set this value.</source>
<target>Auentik Örneğiniz kendinden imzalı bir sertifika kullanı yorsa, bu değeri ayarlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc21032b0d37882a0">
<source>If your authentik_host setting does not match the URL you want to login with, add this setting.</source>
<target>Auentik_host ayarı nı z oturum açmak istediğiniz URL'yle eşleşmiyorsa, bu ayarı ekleyin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6f270e1668c036e9">
<source>Successfully updated outpost.</source>
<target>İleri üssü başarı yla güncelledi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s79aed8154d7c472c">
<source>Successfully created outpost.</source>
<target>Üs başarı yla oluşturdu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8afc8c5aafb392d3">
<trans-unit id="s03970aa76a09982d">
<trans-unit id="s9c29565c5ae1cc92">
<source>Selecting an integration enables the management of the outpost by authentik.</source>
<target>Bir entegrasyon seçilmesi, oentik tarafı ndan üssün yönetimini sağlar.</target>
<trans-unit id="s554ce268e9727e79">
<source>You can only select providers that match the type of the outpost.</source>
<target>Yalnı zca üssün türüne uyan sağlayı cı ları seçebilirsiniz.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf9b1c0661a02d9f9">
<target>yapı landı rma</target>
<trans-unit id="s3abecf1e778c9625">
<source>See more here:</source>
<trans-unit id="s74cb3d66f6a668e1">
<trans-unit id="saa8939ac88a76f98">
<source>Last seen</source>
<trans-unit id="s1ac2653a6492b435">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.version}"/>, should be <x id="1" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.versionShould}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.version}"/>,
<x id="1" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.versionShould}"/>olmalı dı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s1e176e35c828318c">
<trans-unit id="s322e34cfcba47155">
<source>Not available</source>
<target>Mevcut değil</target>
<trans-unit id="s02b632a9ac24a824">
<source>Last seen: <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.lastSeen?.toLocaleTimeString()}"/></source>
<target>Son görüldü:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.outpostHealth.lastSeen?.toLocaleTimeString()}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sa43153d53ae65063">
<source>Unknown type</source>
<trans-unit id="s5e169e1bac20b4a6">
<trans-unit id="s8802553bc57617ee">
<source>Outposts are deployments of authentik components to support different environments and protocols, like reverse proxies.</source>
<target>Outposts, ters proxy'ler gibi farklı ortamları ve protokolleri desteklemek için authentik bileşenlerinin dağı tı mları dı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="s84d7d6ebbedcb586">
<source>Health and Version</source>
<target>Sağlı k ve Versiyon</target>
<trans-unit id="s9bf48a89367282cd">
<source>Warning: authentik Domain is not configured, authentication will not work.</source>
<target>Uyarı : authentik Domain yapı landı rı lmamı ş, kimlik doğrulama çalı şmaz.</target>
<trans-unit id="sbf5f4c5ba679e847">
<source>Logging in via <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.config.authentik_host}"/>.</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.config.authentik_host}"/>üzerinden giriş yapı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s59b6028f19d15cda">
<source>No integration active</source>
<target>Entegrasyon etkin</target>
<trans-unit id="s9bd59e0ea70a3e4a">
<source>Update Outpost</source>
<target>Üssü Güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="sc8f286ac783c385d">
<source>View Deployment Info</source>
<target>Dağı tı m Bilgilerini Görüntüle</target>
<trans-unit id="s9ee92717d7f63247">
<source>Detailed health (one instance per column, data is cached so may be out of date)</source>
<trans-unit id="s1d49ec5030447643">
<target>Üs (ler)</target>
<trans-unit id="s1a2f8f4b3861583b">
<source>Create Outpost</source>
<target>Üs Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="sdc1ef94016f0d855">
<source>Successfully updated integration.</source>
<target>Entegrasyon başarı yla güncellendi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc2a1a40a1b4b0170">
<source>Successfully created integration.</source>
<target>Entegrasyon başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="se9b1fec72ffd8f48">
<trans-unit id="sc1231049879b8d33">
<source>If enabled, use the local connection. Required Docker socket/Kubernetes Integration.</source>
<target>Etkinleştirilirse, yerel bağlantı yı kullanı n. Gerekli Docker soketi/Kubernetes Entegrasyonu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s13de04774ff0f210">
<source>Docker URL</source>
<target>Docker URL'si</target>
<trans-unit id="sa7fcf026bd25f231">
<source>Can be in the format of 'unix://' when connecting to a local docker daemon, using 'ssh://' to connect via SSH, or 'https://:2376' when connecting to a remote system.</source>
<target>SSH üzerinden bağlanmak için 'ssh: //' veya uzak bir sisteme bağlanı rken 'https://:2376' kullanarak yerel bir docker daemonuna bağlanı rken 'unix: //' biçiminde olabilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="saf1d289e3137c2ea">
<source>CA which the endpoint's Certificate is verified against. Can be left empty for no validation.</source>
<target>Uç noktanı n Sertifikası karşı doğrulanan CA. Doğrulama yapı lmadan boş bı rakı labilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s0f2e070d38cd36df">
<source>TLS Authentication Certificate/SSH Keypair</source>
<target>TLS Kimlik Doğrulama Sertifikası /SH Anahtar Eşi</target>
<trans-unit id="s2f58bb9905d2b76f">
<source>Certificate/Key used for authentication. Can be left empty for no authentication.</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulama için kullanı lan sertifika/anahtar. Kimlik doğrulama olmadan boş bı rakı labilir.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8b33660e2ed7212c">
<source>When connecting via SSH, this keypair is used for authentication.</source>
<target>SSH üzerinden bağlanı rken, bu anahtar çifti kimlik doğrulama için kullanı lı r.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa668bd79645c3e06">
<trans-unit id="sa85cfb884c17d85d">
<source>Verify Kubernetes API SSL Certificate</source>
<trans-unit id="se78364ee913ae2bd">
<source>New outpost integration</source>
<trans-unit id="s68d69ad0271c8ef6">
<source>Create a new outpost integration.</source>
<trans-unit id="sae239213b7c70376">
<trans-unit id="sb96629f50f2e7fab">
<target>Sağlı ksı z</target>
<trans-unit id="sa8e255492bb6ae0d">
<source>Outpost integration(s)</source>
<target>Üs entegrasyonu</target>
<trans-unit id="s9d18948d25c68d66">
<source>Successfully generated certificate-key pair.</source>
<target>Sertifika-anahtar çifti başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd4ac926e4ebb1cd7">
<source>Common Name</source>
<target>Ortak İsim</target>
<trans-unit id="s592425143c4f5834">
<source>Subject-alt name</source>
<target>Konu-alt adı </target>
<trans-unit id="se9d0f12f95b14095">
<source>Optional, comma-separated SubjectAlt Names.</source>
<target>İsteğe bağlı , virgülle ayrı lmı ş SubjectAlt Adları .</target>
<trans-unit id="s7609ee54e8a7b05a">
<source>Validity days</source>
<target>Geçerlilik günleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s4c24b2baa377e870">
<source>Successfully updated certificate-key pair.</source>
<target>Sertifika anahtarı çifti başarı yla güncelleştirildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s122f308b5f198ba7">
<source>Successfully created certificate-key pair.</source>
<target>Sertifika anahtarı çifti başarı yla oluşturuldu.</target>
<trans-unit id="s08a8716c214a0efb">
<source>PEM-encoded Certificate data.</source>
<target>PEM kodlu Sertifika verileri.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6e612e5a6a359bbb">
<source>Optional Private Key. If this is set, you can use this keypair for encryption.</source>
<target>İsteğe Bağlı Özel Anahtar. Bu ayarlanı rsa, şifreleme için bu anahtar çiftini kullanabilirsiniz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s27ac7a47b390e3cb">
<source>Certificate-Key Pairs</source>
<target>Sertifika Anahtarı Çiftleri</target>
<trans-unit id="sb72ebab438cb2983">
<source>Import certificates of external providers or create certificates to sign requests with.</source>
<target>Harici sağlayı cı ları n sertifikaları nı içe aktarı n veya istekleri imzalamak için sertifikalar oluşturun.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4b5af7736aedd6c1">
<source>Private key available?</source>
<target>Özel anahtar mevcut mu?</target>
<trans-unit id="s1d6e16d86961c782">
<source>Certificate-Key Pair(s)</source>
<target>Sertifika Anahtarı Çiftleri</target>
<trans-unit id="sc1ce2f758935ff48">
<source>Managed by authentik</source>
<target>Auentik tarafı ndan yönetiliyor</target>
<trans-unit id="sf53a78d889b6c775">
<source>Managed by authentik (Discovered)</source>
<target>Auentik tarafı ndan yönetilen (Keşfedildi)</target>
<trans-unit id="sef50d248448e0df1">
<source>Yes (<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.privateKeyType?.toUpperCase()}"/>)</source>
<target>Evet (
<x id="0" equiv-text="${item.privateKeyType?.toUpperCase()}"/>)</target>
<trans-unit id="s09205907b5b56cda">
<target>Hayı r</target>
<trans-unit id="s33aa05f435c29753">
<source>Update Certificate-Key Pair</source>
<target>Sertifika Anahtarı Çiftini Güncelleştir</target>
<trans-unit id="seffdf887fed7f668">
<source>Certificate Fingerprint (SHA1)</source>
<target>Sertifika Parmak İzi (SHA1)</target>
<trans-unit id="sdd6b8b56a811080e">
<source>Certificate Fingerprint (SHA256)</source>
<target>Sertifika Parmak İzi (SHA256)</target>
<trans-unit id="s2a2d3e7c379e9518">
<source>Certificate Subject</source>
<target>Sertifika Konusu</target>
<trans-unit id="s351246c52548086a">
<source>Download Certificate</source>
<target>Sertifikayı İndirin</target>
<trans-unit id="s47bd537a3bcebf19">
<source>Download Private key</source>
<target>Indir Özel anahtar</target>
<trans-unit id="s3a5fec3d73ac9edc">
<source>Create Certificate-Key Pair</source>
<target>Sertifika Anahtarı Çifti Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s45cb501abd43ba52">
<trans-unit id="sf9bddaf910f4eea5">
<source>Generate Certificate-Key Pair</source>
<target>Sertifika Anahtarı Çifti Oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="see2bcbc11bb91960">
<source>Successfully updated instance.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9e51d6de369f320b">
<source>Successfully created instance.</source>
<trans-unit id="s92e91071c6a45eb4">
<source>Disabled blueprints are never applied.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf63c89c0604c288f">
<source>Local path</source>
<trans-unit id="sd6422f7004036cdd">
<source>OCI Registry</source>
<trans-unit id="se2d65e13768468e0">
<trans-unit id="scbb7d3154da629f3">
<source>OCI URL, in the format of oci://registry.domain.tld/path/to/manifest.</source>
<trans-unit id="s0195c0df7294228a">
<source>See more about OCI support here:</source>
<trans-unit id="sfae395b94a5a0040">
<trans-unit id="s7e1342d37124b65b">
<source>Configure the blueprint context, used for templating.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6ec8c9d11310300a">
<trans-unit id="saab79cd956ee56a9">
<trans-unit id="s6835db03209b4f94">
<source>Automate and template configuration within authentik.</source>
<trans-unit id="s23de62f931f7d754">
<source>Last applied</source>
<trans-unit id="s2708cac1f4942708">
<trans-unit id="s880b8b70b22f9977">
<source>Update Blueprint</source>
<trans-unit id="sef3d102324bf8561">
<source>Create Blueprint Instance</source>
<trans-unit id="s32a3efa23718e713">
<source>API Requests</source>
<target>API İstekleri</target>
<trans-unit id="sddb3b0176f437721">
<source>Open API Browser</source>
<target>API Tarayı cı sı nı aç</target>
<trans-unit id="s5be3c6d61cd9182f">
<trans-unit id="sa3438c7bb4e9cce8">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${this.unread}"/> unread</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.unread}"/>okunmamı ş</target>
<trans-unit id="s6e6e737601f44b2c">
<source>Successfully cleared notifications</source>
<target>Bildirimler başarı yla silindi</target>
<trans-unit id="s8cda828dac449ea5">
<source>Clear all</source>
<target>Hepsini temizle</target>
<trans-unit id="s4207178ba0b99418">
<source>A newer version of the frontend is available.</source>
<target>Ön yüzün daha yeni bir sürümü mevcuttur.</target>
<trans-unit id="s96b3cddf33e1c853">
web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections (#7482)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: rollback dependabot's upgrade of context
The most frustrating part of this is that I RAN THIS, dammit, with the updated
context and the current Wizard, and it finished the End-to-End tests without
* Due for amendment
* Revert "Due for amendment"
This reverts commit 829ad5d3f214fa163958593636b28300d010da42.
* web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections
The project "Change Admin UI lists to have sublists per type" requires some initial changes to the
UI to facilitate this request. The AdminSidebar is the principle target of this project, and it is
embedded in the AdminInterface. To facilitate editing the AdminSidebar as an independent entity,
AdminInterface has been moved into its own folder and the AdminSidebar extracted as a standalone Web
Component. This removes, oh, about half the code from AdminInterface. A little cleanup with
`classMap` was also committed.
The rollup config was adjusted to find the new AdminInterface location.
The Sidebar uses the global `config: Config` object to check for Enterprise capabilities. Rather
than plumb all the way down through the Interface => AdminInterface -> AdminSidebar, I chose to make
provide an alternative way of reaching the `config` object, as a *context*. Other configuration
objects (Me, UiConfig, Tenant) interfaces will be contextualized as demand warrants.
Demand will warrant. Just not yet. <sup>1</sup>
The Sidebar has been refactored only slightly; the renderers are entirely the same as they were
prior to extraction. What has been changed is the source of information: when we retrieve the
current version we story *only* the information, and use type information to ensure that the version
we store is the version we care about. The same is true of `impersonation`; we care only about the
name of the person being impersonated being present, so we don't store anything else.
Fetches have been moved from `firstUpdated` to the constructor. No reason to have the sidebar
render twice if the network returns before the render is scheduled.
Because the path used to identify the user being impersonated has changed, the `str()` references in
the XLIFF files had to be adjusted. **This change is to a variable only and does not require
<sup>1</sup> The code is littered with checks to `me()?`, `uiConfig?`, `config?`, etc. In the
*context* of being logged in as an administrator those should never be in doubt. I intend to make
our interfaces not have any doubt.
* Function to help generate sizing solutions across Javascript and CSS.
* web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections
Move open/close logic into the ak-admin-sidebar itself.
This commit removes the responsibility for opening/closing the sidebar from the interface parent
code and places it inside the sidebar entirely. Since the Django invocation passes none of the
properties ak-interface-admin is capable of receiving, this seems like a safe operation.
The sidebar now assumes the responsibility for hooking up the window event listeners for open/close
and resize.
On connection to the DOM, and on resize, the sidebar checks to see if the viewport width meets the
criteria for a behavioral change (slide-overlay vs slide-push), and on slide-push automatically
opens the sidebar on the assumption that there's plenty of room. In order to support more dynamic
styling going forward, I've substituted the 1280px with 80rem, which is the same, but allows for
some better styling if someone with older eyes needs to "zoom in" on the whole thing with a larger
font size.
The hide/show code involves "reaching up" to touch the host's classList. There's a comment
indicating that this is a slightly fragile thing to do, but in a well-known way.
2023-11-20 18:24:59 +00:00
<source>You're currently impersonating <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.impersonation}"/>. Click to stop.</source>
web: Replace lingui.js with lit-localize (#5761)
* \#\# Details
web: replace lingui with lit/localize
\#\# Changes
This rather massive shift replaces the lingui and `t()` syntax with lit-localize, XLIFF, and the `msg()`
syntax used by lit-localize. 90% of this work was mechanized; simple perl scripts found and replaced
all uses of `t()` with the appropriate corresponding syntax for `msg()` and `msg(str())`.
The XLIFF files were auto-generated from the PO files. They have not been audited, and they should be
checked over by professional translators. The actual _strings_ have not been changed, but as this was
a mechanized change there is always the possibility of mis-translation-- not by the translator, but by
the script.
* web: revise lit/localize: fix two installation issues.
* web: revise localization
- Replaced all of Lingui's `t()` syntax with `msg()` syntax.
- Mechanically (i.e with a script) converted all of the PO files to XLIFF files
- Refactored the localization code to be a bit smarter:
- the function `getBestMatchLocale` takes the locale lists and a requested locale, and returns the
first match of:
- The locale's code exactly matches the requested locale
- The locale code exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale (i.e the "en" part of "en-US")
- the locale code's prefix exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale
This function is passed to lit-locate's `loadLocale()`.
- `activateLocale()` just calls `loadLocale()` now.
- `autodetectLanguage` searches the following, and picks the first that returns a valid locale
object, before passing it to `loadLocale()`:
- The User's settings
- A `?locale=` component found in `window.location.search`
- The `window.navigator.language` field
- English
The `msg()` only runs when it's run. This seems obvious, but it means that you cannot cache
strings at load time; they must be kept inside functions that are re-run so that the `msg()` engine
can look up the strings in the preferred language of the user at that moment.
You can use thunks-of-strings if you really need them that way.
* Including the 'xliff-converter' in case anyone wants to review it.
* The xliff-converter is tagged as 'xliff-converter', but has been
\#\# Details
- Resolves #5171
\#\# Changes
\#\#\# New Features
- Adds a "Add an Application" to the LibraryView if there are no applications and the user is an administrator.
\#\#\# Breaking Changes
- Adds breaking change which causes \<issue\>.
\#\# Checklist
- [ ] Local tests pass (`ak test authentik/`)
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make lint-fix`)
If an API change has been made
- [ ] The API schema has been updated (`make gen-build`)
If changes to the frontend have been made
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make web`)
- [ ] The translation files have been updated (`make i18n-extract`)
If applicable
- [ ] The documentation has been updated
- [ ] The documentation has been formatted (`make website`)
* web: fix redundant locales for zh suite.
* web: prettier pass for locale update
* web: localization moderization
Changed the names of the lit-localize commands to make it clear they're
part of the localization effort, and not just "build" and "extract".
* update transifex config
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix package lock?
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* use build not compile
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: conversion to lit-localize
The CI produced a list of problems that I hadn't caught earlier,
due to a typo ("localize build" is correct, "localize compile" is
not) I had left in package.json. They were minor and linty, but
it was still wise to fix them.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
This commit fixes some minor linting issues that were hidden by a typo in package.json. The
issues were not apparently problematic from a Javascript point of view, but they pointed
to sloppy thinking in the progression of types through the system, so I cleaned them
up and formalized the types from LocaleModule to AkLocale.
* web: replace lingui with lit/localize
One problem that has repeatedly come up is that localize's templates do not produce
JavaScript that conforms with our shop style. I've replaced `build-locale` with
a two-step that builds the locale *and* ensures that it conforms to the shop style
via `prettier` every time.
* web: replace lingui with lit-locale
This commit applies the most recent bundle of translations to the
new lit-locale aspect component. It also revises the algorithm
for *finding* the correct locale, replacing the complex fall-back
with some rather straightforward regular expressions.
In the case of Chinese, the fallback comes at the end of the
selection list, which may not be, er, politically valuable
(since Taiwan and Hong Kong come before, being exceptions that
need to be tested). If we need a different order for presentation,
that'll be a future feature.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
Well, that was embarassing.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-06-02 15:08:36 +00:00
<target>Şu anda
web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections (#7482)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: rollback dependabot's upgrade of context
The most frustrating part of this is that I RAN THIS, dammit, with the updated
context and the current Wizard, and it finished the End-to-End tests without
* Due for amendment
* Revert "Due for amendment"
This reverts commit 829ad5d3f214fa163958593636b28300d010da42.
* web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections
The project "Change Admin UI lists to have sublists per type" requires some initial changes to the
UI to facilitate this request. The AdminSidebar is the principle target of this project, and it is
embedded in the AdminInterface. To facilitate editing the AdminSidebar as an independent entity,
AdminInterface has been moved into its own folder and the AdminSidebar extracted as a standalone Web
Component. This removes, oh, about half the code from AdminInterface. A little cleanup with
`classMap` was also committed.
The rollup config was adjusted to find the new AdminInterface location.
The Sidebar uses the global `config: Config` object to check for Enterprise capabilities. Rather
than plumb all the way down through the Interface => AdminInterface -> AdminSidebar, I chose to make
provide an alternative way of reaching the `config` object, as a *context*. Other configuration
objects (Me, UiConfig, Tenant) interfaces will be contextualized as demand warrants.
Demand will warrant. Just not yet. <sup>1</sup>
The Sidebar has been refactored only slightly; the renderers are entirely the same as they were
prior to extraction. What has been changed is the source of information: when we retrieve the
current version we story *only* the information, and use type information to ensure that the version
we store is the version we care about. The same is true of `impersonation`; we care only about the
name of the person being impersonated being present, so we don't store anything else.
Fetches have been moved from `firstUpdated` to the constructor. No reason to have the sidebar
render twice if the network returns before the render is scheduled.
Because the path used to identify the user being impersonated has changed, the `str()` references in
the XLIFF files had to be adjusted. **This change is to a variable only and does not require
<sup>1</sup> The code is littered with checks to `me()?`, `uiConfig?`, `config?`, etc. In the
*context* of being logged in as an administrator those should never be in doubt. I intend to make
our interfaces not have any doubt.
* Function to help generate sizing solutions across Javascript and CSS.
* web: refactor sidebar capabilities for categorical subsections
Move open/close logic into the ak-admin-sidebar itself.
This commit removes the responsibility for opening/closing the sidebar from the interface parent
code and places it inside the sidebar entirely. Since the Django invocation passes none of the
properties ak-interface-admin is capable of receiving, this seems like a safe operation.
The sidebar now assumes the responsibility for hooking up the window event listeners for open/close
and resize.
On connection to the DOM, and on resize, the sidebar checks to see if the viewport width meets the
criteria for a behavioral change (slide-overlay vs slide-push), and on slide-push automatically
opens the sidebar on the assumption that there's plenty of room. In order to support more dynamic
styling going forward, I've substituted the 1280px with 80rem, which is the same, but allows for
some better styling if someone with older eyes needs to "zoom in" on the whole thing with a larger
font size.
The hide/show code involves "reaching up" to touch the host's classList. There's a comment
indicating that this is a slightly fragile thing to do, but in a well-known way.
2023-11-20 18:24:59 +00:00
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.impersonation}"/>kimliğine bürünüyorsunuz. Durdurmak için tı klayı n.</target>
web: Replace lingui.js with lit-localize (#5761)
* \#\# Details
web: replace lingui with lit/localize
\#\# Changes
This rather massive shift replaces the lingui and `t()` syntax with lit-localize, XLIFF, and the `msg()`
syntax used by lit-localize. 90% of this work was mechanized; simple perl scripts found and replaced
all uses of `t()` with the appropriate corresponding syntax for `msg()` and `msg(str())`.
The XLIFF files were auto-generated from the PO files. They have not been audited, and they should be
checked over by professional translators. The actual _strings_ have not been changed, but as this was
a mechanized change there is always the possibility of mis-translation-- not by the translator, but by
the script.
* web: revise lit/localize: fix two installation issues.
* web: revise localization
- Replaced all of Lingui's `t()` syntax with `msg()` syntax.
- Mechanically (i.e with a script) converted all of the PO files to XLIFF files
- Refactored the localization code to be a bit smarter:
- the function `getBestMatchLocale` takes the locale lists and a requested locale, and returns the
first match of:
- The locale's code exactly matches the requested locale
- The locale code exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale (i.e the "en" part of "en-US")
- the locale code's prefix exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale
This function is passed to lit-locate's `loadLocale()`.
- `activateLocale()` just calls `loadLocale()` now.
- `autodetectLanguage` searches the following, and picks the first that returns a valid locale
object, before passing it to `loadLocale()`:
- The User's settings
- A `?locale=` component found in `window.location.search`
- The `window.navigator.language` field
- English
The `msg()` only runs when it's run. This seems obvious, but it means that you cannot cache
strings at load time; they must be kept inside functions that are re-run so that the `msg()` engine
can look up the strings in the preferred language of the user at that moment.
You can use thunks-of-strings if you really need them that way.
* Including the 'xliff-converter' in case anyone wants to review it.
* The xliff-converter is tagged as 'xliff-converter', but has been
\#\# Details
- Resolves #5171
\#\# Changes
\#\#\# New Features
- Adds a "Add an Application" to the LibraryView if there are no applications and the user is an administrator.
\#\#\# Breaking Changes
- Adds breaking change which causes \<issue\>.
\#\# Checklist
- [ ] Local tests pass (`ak test authentik/`)
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make lint-fix`)
If an API change has been made
- [ ] The API schema has been updated (`make gen-build`)
If changes to the frontend have been made
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make web`)
- [ ] The translation files have been updated (`make i18n-extract`)
If applicable
- [ ] The documentation has been updated
- [ ] The documentation has been formatted (`make website`)
* web: fix redundant locales for zh suite.
* web: prettier pass for locale update
* web: localization moderization
Changed the names of the lit-localize commands to make it clear they're
part of the localization effort, and not just "build" and "extract".
* update transifex config
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix package lock?
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* use build not compile
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: conversion to lit-localize
The CI produced a list of problems that I hadn't caught earlier,
due to a typo ("localize build" is correct, "localize compile" is
not) I had left in package.json. They were minor and linty, but
it was still wise to fix them.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
This commit fixes some minor linting issues that were hidden by a typo in package.json. The
issues were not apparently problematic from a Javascript point of view, but they pointed
to sloppy thinking in the progression of types through the system, so I cleaned them
up and formalized the types from LocaleModule to AkLocale.
* web: replace lingui with lit/localize
One problem that has repeatedly come up is that localize's templates do not produce
JavaScript that conforms with our shop style. I've replaced `build-locale` with
a two-step that builds the locale *and* ensures that it conforms to the shop style
via `prettier` every time.
* web: replace lingui with lit-locale
This commit applies the most recent bundle of translations to the
new lit-locale aspect component. It also revises the algorithm
for *finding* the correct locale, replacing the complex fall-back
with some rather straightforward regular expressions.
In the case of Chinese, the fallback comes at the end of the
selection list, which may not be, er, politically valuable
(since Taiwan and Hong Kong come before, being exceptions that
need to be tested). If we need a different order for presentation,
that'll be a future feature.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
Well, that was embarassing.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-06-02 15:08:36 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7031e6928c44cedd">
<source>User interface</source>
<target>Kullanı cı arayüzü</target>
<trans-unit id="s8849ece8c65e3a18">
<target>Gösterge Panoları </target>
<trans-unit id="sc265a3e29e1206e4">
<trans-unit id="s4f1ad6b48a5df506">
<trans-unit id="s1823625e6f831d73">
<trans-unit id="sc0829ee663ced008">
<trans-unit id="sa81e2cdaf6921adc">
<trans-unit id="s5515a897ae98bed9">
<trans-unit id="s6b79e73ca77148a0">
<source>Outpost Integrations</source>
<target>Üs Entegrasyonları </target>
<trans-unit id="sab85321d3b0840b7">
<source>API request failed</source>
<target>API isteği başarı sı z</target>
<trans-unit id="sa3599457b9418bc5">
<source>User's avatar</source>
<target>Kullanı cı nı n avatarı </target>
<trans-unit id="s9bd9ba84819493d4">
<source>Something went wrong! Please try again later.</source>
<target>Bir şeyler ters gitti! Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s4090dd0c0e45988b">
<source>Request ID</source>
<trans-unit id="s4d7fe7be1c49896c">
<source>You may close this page now.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf8c76d5fb408de7b">
<source>You're about to be redirect to the following URL.</source>
<target>Aşağı daki URL'ye yönlendirmek üzeresiniz.</target>
<trans-unit id="s197420b40df164f8">
<source>Follow redirect</source>
<target>Yönlendirmeyi takip et</target>
<trans-unit id="sa11e92683c5860c7">
<source>Request has been denied.</source>
<target>İstek reddedildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8939f574b096054a">
<source>Not you?</source>
<target>Sen değil mi?</target>
<trans-unit id="sc4eedb434536bdb4">
<source>Need an account?</source>
<target>Bir hesaba mı ihtiyacı nı z var?</target>
<trans-unit id="s38f774cd7e9b9dad">
<source>Sign up.</source>
<trans-unit id="sa03aa46068460c95">
<source>Forgot username or password?</source>
<target>Kullanı cı adı veya parolayı mı unuttunuz?</target>
<trans-unit id="s4a87445f3108db7c">
<source>Select one of the sources below to login.</source>
<target>Giriş yapmak için aşağı daki kaynaklardan birini seçin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s091d5407b5b32e84">
<trans-unit id="se5fd752dbbc3cd28">
<source>Use a security key</source>
<target>Güvenlik anahtarı kullan</target>
<trans-unit id="s670ad066cc0e50a3">
<source>Login to continue to <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.challenge.applicationPre}"/>.</source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.challenge.applicationPre}"/>adresine devam etmek için giriş yapı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="scf5ce91bfba10a61">
<source>Please enter your password</source>
<target>Lütfen parolanı zı girin</target>
<trans-unit id="s85366fac18679f28">
<source>Forgot password?</source>
<target>Parolanı mi unuttun?</target>
<trans-unit id="s14c552fb0a4c0186">
<source>Application requires following permissions:</source>
<target>Uygulama aşağı daki izinleri gerektirir:</target>
<trans-unit id="s7073489bb01b3c24">
<source>Application already has access to the following permissions:</source>
<trans-unit id="s98dc556f8bf707dc">
<source>Application requires following new permissions:</source>
<trans-unit id="sbd19064fc3f405c1">
<source>Check your Inbox for a verification email.</source>
<target>Doğrulama e-postası için Gelen Kutunuzu kontrol edin.</target>
<trans-unit id="s8aff572e64b7936b">
<source>Send Email again.</source>
<target>E-postayı tekrar gönder.</target>
<trans-unit id="sdc323c6af4ae9f01">
<source>Successfully copied TOTP Config.</source>
<target>TOTP Yapı landı rması başarı yla kopyalandı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s3687049d1af562c4">
<trans-unit id="s3643189d1abbb7f4">
<trans-unit id="sfe1c86b42ba13376">
<source>Please enter your TOTP Code</source>
<target>Lütfen TOTP Kodunuzu girin</target>
<trans-unit id="sc2ec367e3108fe65">
<source>Duo activation QR code</source>
<trans-unit id="sc5668cb23167e9bb">
<source>Alternatively, if your current device has Duo installed, click on this link:</source>
<target>Alternatif olarak, mevcut cihazı nı zda Duo yüklüyse, şu bağlantı ya tı klayı n:</target>
<trans-unit id="s721d94ae700b5dfd">
<source>Duo activation</source>
<target>İkili aktivasyon</target>
<trans-unit id="s708d9a4a0db0be8f">
<source>Check status</source>
<target>Durumu kontrol et</target>
<trans-unit id="s31fba571065f2c87">
<source>Make sure to keep these tokens in a safe place.</source>
<target>Bu belirteçleri güvenli bir yerde tuttuğunuzdan emin olun.</target>
<trans-unit id="sc0a0c87d5c556c38">
<source>Phone number</source>
<target>Telefon numarası </target>
<trans-unit id="s04c1210202f48dc9">
<source>Please enter your Phone number.</source>
<target>Lütfen Telefon numaranı zı girin.</target>
<trans-unit id="seb0c08d9f233bbfe">
<source>Please enter the code you received via SMS</source>
<trans-unit id="s2b7dbba348234a36">
<source>A code has been sent to you via SMS.</source>
<target>SMS ile size bir kod gönderildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="sa84adff85b5e505c">
<source>Open your two-factor authenticator app to view your authentication code.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7abc9d08b0f70fd6">
<source>Static token</source>
<target>Statik belirteç</target>
<trans-unit id="s844fea0bfb10a72a">
<source>Authentication code</source>
<trans-unit id="s3cd84e82e83e35ad">
<source>Please enter your code</source>
<trans-unit id="s18b910437b73e8e8">
<source>Return to device picker</source>
<target>Aygı t seçiciye geri dön</target>
<trans-unit id="sbcf8604929b6a27a">
<source>Sending Duo push notification</source>
<trans-unit id="s3b68883dda2682ed">
<source>Assertions is empty</source>
<target>İddeler boş</target>
<trans-unit id="sbbb7318812d64e51">
<source>Error when creating credential: <x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></source>
<target>Kimlik bilgisi oluşturulurken hata oluştu:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sfe199b2564b66054">
<source>Error when validating assertion on server: <x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></source>
<target>Sunucuda onaylama işlemi doğrulanı rken hata oluştu:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="se409d01b52c4e12f">
<source>Retry authentication</source>
<target>Kimlik doğrulamayı yeniden deneyin</target>
<trans-unit id="s8d857061510fe794">
<source>Duo push-notifications</source>
<target>Duo push-bildirimleri</target>
<trans-unit id="s47490298c17b753a">
<source>Receive a push notification on your device.</source>
<target>Cihazı nı zda anı nda iletme bildirimi alı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s16bc281dce5685e8">
<target>Kimlik Doğrulayı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="sdefec5401bf67eba">
<source>Use a security key to prove your identity.</source>
<target>Kimliğinizi kanı tlamak için bir güvenlik anahtarı kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="sd6a025d66f2637d1">
<source>Traditional authenticator</source>
<target>Geleneksel kimlik doğrulayı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="sb25e689e00c61829">
<source>Use a code-based authenticator.</source>
<target>Kod tabanlı kimlik doğrulayı cı kullanı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s9e568afec3810bfe">
<source>Recovery keys</source>
<target>Kurtarma tuşları </target>
<trans-unit id="sb17e8c70f9a05c77">
<source>In case you can't access any other method.</source>
<target>Başka bir yönteme erişemiyorsanı z.</target>
<trans-unit id="s97f2dc19fa556a6a">
<trans-unit id="s0e516232f2ab4e04">
<source>Tokens sent via SMS.</source>
<target>Belirteçler SMS ile gönderildi.</target>
<trans-unit id="s6ae0d087036e6d6d">
<source>Select an authentication method.</source>
<target>Bir kimlik doğrulama yöntemi seçin.</target>
<trans-unit id="sac17f177f884e238">
<source>Stay signed in?</source>
<trans-unit id="s859b2e00391da380">
<source>Select Yes to reduce the number of times you're asked to sign in.</source>
<trans-unit id="s420d2cdedcaf8cd0">
<source>Authenticating with Plex...</source>
<target>Plex ile kimlik doğrulaması ...</target>
<trans-unit id="s2ddbebcb8a49b005">
<source>Waiting for authentication...</source>
<trans-unit id="sb15fe7b9d09bb419">
<source>If no Plex popup opens, click the button below.</source>
<trans-unit id="sbc625b4c669b9ce8">
<source>Open login</source>
<trans-unit id="sd766cdc29b25ff95">
<source>Authenticating with Apple...</source>
<target>Apple ile kimlik doğrulaması ...</target>
<trans-unit id="s2c8189544e3ea679">
<target>Yeniden dene</target>
<trans-unit id="sc1589121ae2f5f92">
<source>Enter the code shown on your device.</source>
<trans-unit id="s67664f8ee9aea98d">
<source>Please enter your Code</source>
<target>Lütfen Kodunuzu girin</target>
<trans-unit id="s455a8fc21077e7f9">
<source>You've successfully authenticated your device.</source>
<trans-unit id="s3ab772345f78aee0">
<source>Flow inspector</source>
<target>Akı ş denetçisi</target>
<trans-unit id="s502884e1977b2c06">
<source>Next stage</source>
<target>Sonraki aşama</target>
<trans-unit id="sb3fa80ccfa97ee54">
<source>Stage name</source>
<target>Aşama adı </target>
<trans-unit id="sbea3c1e4f2fd623d">
<source>Stage kind</source>
<target>Aşama türü</target>
<trans-unit id="s2bc8aa1740d3da34">
<source>Stage object</source>
<target>Aşama nesnesi</target>
<trans-unit id="sc3e1c4f1fff8e1ca">
<source>This flow is completed.</source>
<target>Bu akı ş tamamlandı .</target>
<trans-unit id="s342eccabf83c9bde">
<source>Plan history</source>
<target>Plan geçmişi</target>
<trans-unit id="sb2f307e79d20bb56">
<source>Current plan context</source>
<target>Mevcut plan bağlamı </target>
<trans-unit id="sa13e6c8310000e30">
<source>Session ID</source>
<target>Oturum Kimliği</target>
<trans-unit id="s6fe64b4625517333">
<source>Powered by authentik</source>
<target>Auentik tarafı ndan desteklenmektedir</target>
<trans-unit id="sdf34a5599d66f85c">
<source>Background image</source>
<target>Arkaplan resmi</target>
<trans-unit id="s7fa4e5e409d43573">
<source>Error creating credential: <x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></source>
<target>Kimlik bilgisi oluşturulurken hata oluştu:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s9d95f09deb601f34">
<source>Server validation of credential failed: <x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></source>
<target>Kimlik bilgisi sunucu doğrulaması başarı sı z oldu:
<x id="0" equiv-text="${err}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="s6c8f05e3be04f62a">
<source>Register device</source>
<target>Aygı tı kaydet</target>
<trans-unit id="s3fb39fc45e840f78">
<source>Refer to documentation</source>
<trans-unit id="sc741dfb09d3395f0">
<source>No Applications available.</source>
<target>Kullanı labilir Uygulama yok.</target>
<trans-unit id="sf34026321b35315c">
<source>Either no applications are defined, or you don’ t have access to any.</source>
<trans-unit id="s1cf2298d92c327a6">
<source>My Applications</source>
<target>Uygulamaları m</target>
<trans-unit id="s2656433a3b1f7e86">
<source>My applications</source>
<target>Uygulamaları m</target>
<trans-unit id="s06c92148da82be0d">
<source>Change your password</source>
<target>Parolanı zı değiştirin</target>
<trans-unit id="sff50532a2d85e32e">
<source>Change password</source>
<target>Parolayı değiştir</target>
<trans-unit id="saf63d34c8601dd41">
<source><x id="0" equiv-text="${prompt.label}"/></source>
<x id="0" equiv-text="${prompt.label}"/>
<trans-unit id="s33f85f24c0f5f008">
<trans-unit id="s045c3b86aae073c1">
<source>Delete account</source>
<target>Hesabı sil</target>
<trans-unit id="s4a6aa26413287069">
<source>Successfully updated details</source>
<trans-unit id="s6fcd9b5a87ceccd6">
<source>Open settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s8c05cccd470f6b5f">
<source>No settings flow configured.</source>
<trans-unit id="sb546eb04425e07fa">
<source>Update details</source>
<target>Ayrı ntı ları güncelle</target>
<trans-unit id="s30205d424e710818">
<source>Successfully disconnected source</source>
<trans-unit id="s67dedada007d4067">
<source>Failed to disconnected source: <x id="0" equiv-text="${exc}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="sd2208cd1a767644b">
<target>Bağlantı yı kes</target>
<trans-unit id="s7a4f059aaa029719">
<trans-unit id="sababff57115130a0">
<source>Error: unsupported source settings: <x id="0" equiv-text="${source.component}"/></source>
<target>Hata: desteklenmeyen kaynak ayarları :
<x id="0" equiv-text="${source.component}"/></target>
<trans-unit id="sd1031bddc66dc495">
<source>Connect your user account to the services listed below, to allow you to login using the service instead of traditional credentials.</source>
<target>Geleneksel kimlik bilgileri yerine hizmeti kullanarak oturum açmanı za izin vermek için kullanı cı hesabı nı zı aşağı da listelenen hizmetlere bağlayı n.</target>
<trans-unit id="s7968dbed9b106c29">
<source>No services available.</source>
<target>Hizmet yok.</target>
<trans-unit id="s3a135682bd30bdbb">
<source>Create App password</source>
<target>Uygulama parolası oluştur</target>
<trans-unit id="s588796ee929a2e4c">
<source>User details</source>
<target>Kullanı cı ayrı ntı ları </target>
<trans-unit id="s332a5235948c1a1d">
<target>Onaylı </target>
<trans-unit id="sff945d3f59b93c5e">
<source>MFA Devices</source>
<target>MFA Cihazları </target>
<trans-unit id="sc54aafeea9c9bab0">
<source>Connected services</source>
<target>Bağlı hizmetler</target>
<trans-unit id="sc6b4ebd37b7a91c7">
<source>Tokens and App passwords</source>
<target>Belirteçler ve Uygulama parolaları </target>
<trans-unit id="sba65ae54d6585c1a">
<source>Unread notifications</source>
<target>Okunmamı ş bildirimler</target>
<trans-unit id="s5599c62bb78c631f">
<source>Admin interface</source>
<target>Yönetici arayüzü</target>
<trans-unit id="s1298e361e40ee1c5">
<source>Stop impersonation</source>
<target>Taklitçiliği durdurun</target>
<trans-unit id="s6abff64e7ff7fde9">
<source>Avatar image</source>
<target>Avatar resmi</target>
<trans-unit id="sbf9c5c5a8e5efad4">
<trans-unit id="se4cd073c125382af">
<source>Unsynced / N/A</source>
<trans-unit id="s21b3058faf874368">
<source>Outdated outposts</source>
<target>Eski üsler</target>
<trans-unit id="s51f92b6fa76656ca">
<source>Unhealthy outposts</source>
<target>Sağlı ksı z üsler</target>
<trans-unit id="s0fbf6dc6a1966408">
<trans-unit id="s4409ada9c5c2a7f8">
<target>Etkin değil</target>
<trans-unit id="s7ec7036b249f4f22">
<source>Regular user</source>
<target>Düzenli kullanı cı </target>
<trans-unit id="s27976e94b05c6970">
2023-06-12 13:41:44 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1024166475850a65">
<source>Use Server URI for SNI verification</source>
<trans-unit id="se65beb94fffc3c4b">
<source>Required for servers using TLS 1.3+</source>
<trans-unit id="s5506b35a1bceb141">
<source>Client certificate keypair to authenticate against the LDAP Server's Certificate.</source>
<trans-unit id="s4647b2c92638d6fd">
<source>The certificate for the above configured Base DN. As a fallback, the provider uses a self-signed certificate.</source>
<trans-unit id="scd247ffad6e04ac0">
<source>TLS Server name</source>
<trans-unit id="s2acef4f6ba39bf11">
<source>DNS name for which the above configured certificate should be used. The certificate cannot be detected based on the base DN, as the SSL/TLS negotiation happens before such data is exchanged.</source>
<trans-unit id="s000ee3e634868b3c">
<source>TLS Client authentication certificate</source>
2023-06-13 13:41:48 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5da52af9b083c29a">
<trans-unit id="s3ba9b8aeb686d9f7">
<source>Match events created by selected model. When left empty, all models are matched.</source>
2023-06-20 10:09:13 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s254d527e3a53dbb7">
<source>Code-based MFA Support</source>
<trans-unit id="s1889ba2eaeec2f1e">
<source>When enabled, code-based multi-factor authentication can be used by appending a semicolon and the TOTP code to the password. This should only be enabled if all users that will bind to this provider have a TOTP device configured, as otherwise a password may incorrectly be rejected if it contains a semicolon.</source>
2023-07-17 15:57:08 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9f9492d30a96b9c6">
<source>User type</source>
<trans-unit id="s0e427111d750cc02">
<source>Successfully updated license.</source>
<trans-unit id="s06ae64e621f302eb">
<source>Successfully created license.</source>
<trans-unit id="s2905c425adae99bd">
<source>Install ID</source>
<trans-unit id="sb18ec434a8a3aafb">
<source>License key</source>
<trans-unit id="s2e109263b73c12d5">
<trans-unit id="sd49099e9522635f4">
<trans-unit id="s3be1d90ffa46b7f1">
<source>Enterprise is in preview.</source>
<trans-unit id="sd22bd01bdf28c548">
<source>Cumulative license expiry</source>
<trans-unit id="sdeb6cee42435dd07">
<source>Update License</source>
<trans-unit id="s7df5b92a3f93544f">
<source>Warning: The current user count has exceeded the configured licenses.</source>
<trans-unit id="s0141f42936495787">
<source>Click here for more info.</source>
<trans-unit id="s7be2df39f727faa2">
<trans-unit id="s9ce7cc01fb9b5b53">
<source>Manage enterprise licenses</source>
2023-07-21 16:23:51 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf9ebf11ac2645820">
<source>No licenses found.</source>
<trans-unit id="sa1db89262360550b">
<source>Send us feedback!</source>
<trans-unit id="s4015746f55a8d89f">
<source>Get a license</source>
<trans-unit id="sb2cbd06f8e25b47e">
<source>Go to Customer Portal</source>
<trans-unit id="sf58825457d61c429">
<source>Forecast internal users</source>
<trans-unit id="sde9a3f41977ec1f8">
2023-08-23 11:20:42 +00:00
<source>Estimated user count one year from now based on <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.forecast?.internalUsers}"/> current internal users and <x id="1" equiv-text="${this.forecast?.forecastedInternalUsers}"/> forecasted internal users.</source>
2023-07-21 16:23:51 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4557b6b9da258643">
<source>Forecast external users</source>
<trans-unit id="sf52479d6daa0a4a8">
<source>Estimated user count one year from now based on <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.forecast?.externalUsers}"/> current external users and <x id="1" equiv-text="${this.forecast?.forecastedExternalUsers}"/> forecasted external users.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6196153c4b0c1ea0">
<trans-unit id="s0285b4bd69130fa3">
<source>Install License</source>
2023-07-28 12:25:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="scef2eb6a2bfe3110">
<source>Internal users might be users such as company employees, which will get access to the full Enterprise feature set.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf66389b04fcc219c">
<source>External users might be external consultants or B2C customers. These users don't get access to enterprise features.</source>
<trans-unit id="s77e8668a27dbc402">
<source>Service accounts should be used for machine-to-machine authentication or other automations.</source>
<trans-unit id="s28cbd874ba450b4e">
<source>Less details</source>
<trans-unit id="s8fa26f65aed77c96">
<source>More details</source>
2023-07-31 17:35:09 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s08df8d0a773a3ea0">
<source>Remove item</source>
<trans-unit id="s364c4f177a2f8322">
<source>Open API drawer</source>
<trans-unit id="s9ba989e69344ff29">
<source>Open Notification drawer</source>
<trans-unit id="s14bf17e2a1a2c381">
<source>Restart task</source>
<trans-unit id="s19409e8712ddd369">
<source>Add provider</source>
<trans-unit id="s1f7698c061c208c9">
<trans-unit id="scc3487e74c5a3e89">
<source>Copy token</source>
<trans-unit id="s424f57afae0caac4">
<source>Add users</source>
<trans-unit id="sd9f67fbf3f86efcf">
<source>Add group</source>
<trans-unit id="s254a9a23dc1635df">
<source>Import devices</source>
<trans-unit id="sc4fdeccf14be5378">
<trans-unit id="s3b3c333481944862">
<source>Show details</source>
<trans-unit id="sb8f855b49234b81b">
<trans-unit id="s9d8b8aa2b404c2c8">
<trans-unit id="s7cfe12cd14df9950">
<source>Sign out</source>
2023-08-17 21:48:05 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7caa8f7edb920909">
<source>The number of tokens generated whenever this stage is used. Every token generated per stage execution will be attached to a single static device.</source>
<trans-unit id="s4aacc4e0277c1042">
<source>Token length</source>
<trans-unit id="s6931695c4f563bc4">
<source>The length of the individual generated tokens. Can be increased to improve security.</source>
2023-08-23 11:20:42 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s0dd031b58ed4017c">
<source>Internal: <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.internalUsers}"/></source>
<trans-unit id="s57b07e524f8f5c2a">
<source>External: <x id="0" equiv-text="${item.externalUsers}"/></source>
2023-08-30 18:10:36 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7f68101a50f526ee">
<source>Statically deny the flow. To use this stage effectively, disable *Evaluate when flow is planned* on the respective binding.</source>
2023-09-02 16:59:17 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s911a27022aba349f">
<source>Create and bind Policy</source>
<trans-unit id="sb1a4e9b288e2f005">
<source>Federation and Social login</source>
<trans-unit id="s6f367f5604d5056d">
<source>Create and bind Stage</source>
<trans-unit id="s1a65ee08832fbfe2">
<source>Flows and Stages</source>
2023-09-15 11:12:38 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4ba4473f3d4ec896">
<source>New version available</source>
<trans-unit id="s6b1ed7507f26cb4a">
<source>Failure result</source>
<trans-unit id="s2e422519ed38f7d8">
<trans-unit id="s81a45c4fd11e8e1a">
<source>Don't pass</source>
<trans-unit id="s95b73e0f4e47eb9a">
<source>Result used when policy execution fails.</source>
<trans-unit id="s6a3cf855140b9511">
<source>Required: User verification must occur.</source>
<trans-unit id="sc498a3b05cfe2b08">
<source>Preferred: User verification is preferred if available, but not required.</source>
<trans-unit id="s9d2239d2b0402795">
<source>Discouraged: User verification should not occur.</source>
<trans-unit id="s428b7859907f6db2">
<source>Required: The authenticator MUST create a dedicated credential. If it cannot, the RP is prepared for an error to occur</source>
<trans-unit id="s33e3766d4a02b042">
<source>Preferred: The authenticator can create and store a dedicated credential, but if it doesn't that's alright too</source>
<trans-unit id="sfb852dd507c25c24">
<source>Discouraged: The authenticator should not create a dedicated credential</source>
2023-09-25 10:43:24 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s028d385389b5aac0">
<source>Lock the user out of this system</source>
<trans-unit id="sd2122c514f0778b5">
<source>Allow the user to log in and use this system</source>
<trans-unit id="s43fe853bf219a9b8">
<source>Temporarily assume the identity of this user</source>
<trans-unit id="se28b5f3fcadaeeb1">
<source>Enter a new password for this user</source>
<trans-unit id="s6f5bb31e2733ecd5">
<source>Create a link for this user to reset their password</source>
<trans-unit id="s67ac11d47f1ce794">
<source>WebAuthn requires this page to be accessed via HTTPS.</source>
<trans-unit id="se9e9e1d6799b86a5">
<source>WebAuthn not supported by browser.</source>
2023-10-08 22:08:16 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sff0ac1ace2d90709">
<source>Use this provider with nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth. Each application/domain needs its own provider. Additionally, on each domain, /outpost.goauthentik.io must be routed to the outpost (when using a managed outpost, this is done for you).</source>
<trans-unit id="scb58b8a60cad8762">
<source>Default relay state</source>
<trans-unit id="s6827a456c9dfc6ee">
<source>When using IDP-initiated logins, the relay state will be set to this value.</source>
2023-10-12 12:00:45 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s01794c0ee3629c1b">
<source>Flow Info</source>
2023-10-12 13:12:46 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s24bce955914b1f0a">
<source>Stage used to configure a WebAuthn authenticator (i.e. Yubikey, FaceID/Windows Hello).</source>
2023-10-12 19:33:45 +00:00
web: Application wizard v2 with tests (#7004)
* A lot of comments about forms.
* Adding comments to the wizard.
* Broke out the text input into a single renderer. Still works as required.
* web: Legibility in the ApplicationForm.
This is a pretty good result. By using the LightDOM setting, this
provides the existing Authentik form manager with access to the
ak-form-horizontal-element components without having to do any
cross-border magic. It's not ideal, and it shows up just how badly
we've got patternfly splattered everywhere, but the actual results
are remarkable. The patterns for text, switch, radio, textarea,
file, and even select are smaller and easier here.
I'm still noodling on what an unspread search-select element would
look like. It's just dependency injection, so it ought to be as
straightforward as that.
* web: Marking down the start of the 'components' library.
* web: Baby steps
I become frustrated with my inability to make any progress on this project, so I decided to reach
for a tool that I consider highly reliable but also incredibly time-consuming and boring: test
driven development.
In this case, I wrote a story about how I wanted to see the first page rendered: just put the HTML
tag, completely unadorned, that will handle the first page of the wizard. Then, add an event handler
that will send the updated content to some parent object, since what we really want is to
orchestrate the state of the user's input with a centralized location. Then, rather than fiddling
with the attributes and properties of the various pages, I wanted them to be able to "look up" the
values they want, much as we'd expect a standalone form to be able to pull its values from the
server, so I added a context object that receives the update event and incorporates the new
knowledge about the state of the process into itself.
The result is surprisingly satisfying: the first page renders cleanly, displays the content that we
want, and as we fiddle with, we can *watch in real time* as the results of the context are updated
and retransmitted to all receiving objects. And the sending object gets the results so it
re-renders, but it ends up looking the same as it was before the render.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* web: tracked down that weirld bug with the radio.
Because radio inputs are actually multiples, the events handling for
radio is... wonky. If we want our `<ak-radio>` component to be a
unitary event dispatcher, saying "This is the element selected," we
needed to do more than what was currently being handled.
I've intercepted the events that we care about and have placed
them into a controller that dictates both the setting and the
re-render of the component. This makes it "controlled" (to use the
Angular/React/Vue) language and depends on Lit's reactiveElement
lifecycle to work, rather than trust the browser, but the browser's
experience with respect to the `<input type=radio` is pretty bad:
both input elements fire events, one for "losing selection" and
one for "gaining selection". That can be very confusing to handle,
so we funnel them down in our aggregate radio element to a single
event, "selection changed".
As a quality-of-life measure, I've also set the label to be
unselectable; this means that a click on the label will trigger the
selection event, and a long click will not disable selection or
confuse the selection event generator.
* web: now passing the precommit phase
* web: a HACK for Storybook to inject the "use light theme" flag into the body.
This isn't really a very good hack; what it does is say that every story is
responsible for hacking its theme into the parent. This is very annoying, but
it does mean that we can at least show our components in the best light.
* web: ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth, and many fixes!
1. Fixed `eventEmitter` so that if the detail object is a scalar, it will not attempt to "objectify"
it. This was causing a bug where retrofitting the eventEmitter to some older components resulted
in a detail of "some" being translated into ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e']. Not what is wanted.
2. Removed the "transitional form" from the existing components; they had a two-step where the web
component class was just a wrapper around an independent rendering function. While this worked,
it was only to make the case that they *were* independent rendering objects and could be
supported with the right web component framework. We're halfway there now; the last step will be
to transform the horizontal-element and various input CSS into componentized CSS, the way
Patternfly-Elements is currently doing.
3. Fixed the `help` field so that it could take a string or a TemplateResult, and if the latter,
don't bother wrapping it in the helper text functionality; just let it be its own thing. This
supports the multi-line help of redirectURI as well as the `ak-utils-time-delta` capability.
4. Transform Oauth2ProviderForm to use the new components, to the best of our ability. Also used
the `provider = this.wizard.provider` and `provider = this.instance` syntax to make the render
function *completely portable*; it's the exact same text that is dropped into...
5. The complete `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth` component. They're so similar part
of me wonders if I could push them both out to a common reference, or a collection of common
references. Both components use the PropertyMapping and Sources, and both use the same
collection of searches (Crypto, Flow).
6. A Storybook for `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth`, showing the works working.
7. New mocks for `authorizationFlow`, `propertyMappings`, and `hasJWKs`.
This sequence has revealed a bug in the radio control. (It's always the radio control.) If the
default doesn't match the current setting, the radio control doesn't behave as expected; it won't
change when you fully expect that it should. I'll investigate how to harmonize those tomorrow.
* web: Converted our toggle groups to a more streamlined implementation.
* web: one more toggle group.
* initial api and schema
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* separate blueprint importer from yaml parsing
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* cleanup
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: Replace ad-hoc toggle control with ak-toggle-group
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of the Patternfly Toggle Group HTML with a web
component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API with a single event
handler, return the value of the option clicked.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single link of:
<div class="pf-c-toggle-group__item">
class="pf-c-toggle-group__button ${this.mode === ProxyMode.Proxy
? "pf-m-selected"
: ""}"
@click=${() => {
this.mode = ProxyMode.Proxy;
<span class="pf-c-toggle-group__text">${msg("Proxy")}</span>
<div class="pf-c-divider pf-m-vertical" role="separator"></div>
Now looks like:
<option value=${ProxyMode.Proxy}>${msg("Proxy")}</option>
This also means that the three pages that used the Patternfly Toggle Group could eliminate all of
their Patternfly PFToggleGroup needs, as well as the `justify-content: center` extension, which also
eliminated the `css` import.
The savings aren't as spectacular as I'd hoped: removed 178 lines, but added 123; total savings 55
lines of code. I still count this a win: we need never write another toggle component again, and
any bugs, extensions or features we may want to add can be centralized or forked without risking the
whole edifice.
* web: minor code formatting issue.
* add new "must_created" state to blueprints to prevent overwriting objects
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: adding a storybook for the ak-toggle-group component
* Bugs found by CI/CD.
* web: Replace ad-hoc search for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs with ak-crypto-certeficate-search
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of `search-select` for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs
with a web component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single search of:
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<CertificateKeyPair[]> => {
const args: CryptoCertificatekeypairsListRequest = {
ordering: "name",
hasKey: true,
includeDetails: false,
if (query !== undefined) {
args.search = query;
const certificates = await new CryptoApi(
return certificates.results;
.renderElement=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): string => {
return item.name;
.value=${(item: CertificateKeyPair | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.pk;
.selected=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): boolean => {
return this.instance?.tlsVerification === item.pk;
Now looks like:
<ak-crypto-certificate-search certificate=${this.instance?.tlsVerification}>
There are three searches that do not require there to be a valid key with the certificate; these are
supported with the boolean property `nokey`; likewise, there is one search (in SAMLProviderForm)
that states that if there is no current certificate in the SAMLProvider and only one certificate can
be found in the Authentik database, use that one; this is supported with the boolean property
These changes replace 382 lines of object-oriented invocations with 36 lines of declarative
configuration, and 98 lines for the class. Overall, the code for "find a crypto certificate" has
been reduced by 46%.
Suggestions for a better word than `singleton` are welcome!
* web: display tests for CryptoCertificateKeypair search
This adds a Storybook for the CryptoCertificateKeypair search, including
a mock fetch of the data. In the course of running the tests, we discovered
that including the SearchSelect _class_ won't include the customElement declaration
unless you include the whole file! Other bugs found: including the CSS from
Storybook is different from that of LitElement native, so much so that the
adapter needed to be included. FlowSearch had a similar bug. The problem
only manifests when building via Webpack (which Storybook uses) and not
Rollup, but we should support both in distribution.
* Fixed behavioral problem with the radio; the `if` there was
preventing the radio from reflecting the default correctly.
The observed behavior was that the radio wouldn't "activate"
until the item selected during the render pass was clicked on
* Proxy Provider done.
* web: Tactical change. Put all the variants on the second page; it's
a longer list, but it's also easier to manage than all those
required sub-options.
* Rounding out the catalog.
* web: SAML Manual Configuration
Added a 'design document' that just kinda describes what I'm trying
to do, in case I don't get this done by Friday Aug 11, 2023.
I had two tables doing the same thing, so I merged them and then
wrote a few map/filters to specialize them for those two use cases.
Along the way I had to fiddle with the ESLint settings so that
underscore-prefixed unused variables would be ignored.
I cleaned up the visual appeal of the forms in the LDAP application.
I was copy/pasting the "handleProviderEvent" function, so I pulled
it out into ApplicationWizardProviderPageBase. Not so much a matter
of abstraction as just disliking that kind of duplication; it served
no purpose.
* Added SAML Story to Storybook.
* Web: This is coming together amazingly well. Like, almost too well.
* web: 80% of the way there
This commit includes the first three pages of the wizard, the
completion of the wizard framework with evented handling, and control
over progression.
Some shortcomings of this design have become evident: it isn't
possible to communicate between the steps' wrappers, as they are
POJOs without access to the context. An imperative decision-making
process has to be inserted in the orchestration layer,
which is kinda annoying.
But it looks good and it behaves correctly, to the extent that I've
given it behavior. It's an excellent foundation.
* Linting.
* web: application wizard
Found where the hook for form validity should go. Excellent! Now I just need to incorporate
that basic validation into the business logic and we're good to go.
* Turns out that was one layer too many; the topmost component was fine for
maintaining the context.
* It looks like my brilliant strategy has hit a snag.
The idea is simple. Let's start with this picture:
<application-wizard .steps=${[... a collection of step objects ...]}>
<wizard-main .steps=${(steps from above)}>
- ApplicationWizard has a Context for the ApplicationProviderPair (or whatever it's going to be).
This context does not know about the steps; it just knows about: the "application" object, the
"provider" object, and a discriminator to know *which* provider the user has selected.
- ApplicationWizard has Steps that, among other things, provides Panels for:
- Application
- Pick Provider
- Configure Provider
- Submit ApplicationProviderPair to the back-end
- The WizardFrame renders the CurrentPanel for the CurrentStep
The CurrentPanel gets its data from the ApplicationWizard in the form of a Context. It then sends
messages (events) to ApplicationWizard about the contents of each field as the user is filling out
the form, so that the ApplicationWizard can record those in the ApplicationProviderPair for later
When a CurrentForm is valid, the ApplicationWizard updates the Steps object to show that the "Next
button" on the Wizard is now available.
In this way, the user can progress through the system. When they get to the last page, we can
provide in the ApplicationWizard with the means to submit the form and/or send the user back to
the page with the validation failure.
Problem: The context is being updated in real-time, which is triggering re-renders of the form. This
leads to focus problems as the fields that are not yet valid are triggering "focus grab" behavior.
This is a classic problem with "controlled" inputs. What we really want is for the CurrentPanel to
not re-render at all, but to behave like a normal, uncontrolled form, and let the browser do most of
the work. We still want the [Next] button to enable when the form is valid enough to permit that.
Other details: I've ripped out a lot of Jen's work, which is probably a mistake. It's still
preserved elsewhere. I've also cleaned up the various wizardly things to try and look organized.
It *looks* like it should work, it just... doesn't. Not yet.
* Late addition: I had an inspiration about how to reduce the way
reactivity broke focus by, basically, removing the reactivity and
managing the first-time-through lifecycle to prevent the update
from causing refocus. It works well! Now I just need to test it.
* This application fixes the bug with respect to the wizard-level context being updated incorrectly.
- To use uncontrolled inputs, which I prefer, the context object should not be a state or property
at the level of consumers; it should not automatically re-render with every keystroke, i.e. "The
React Way." We're using Web Components, [client-side
validation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation) exists on the
platform already, and live-validation is problematic for any number of reasons.
- The trade-off is that it is now necessary to re-render the target page of the wizard de-novo, but
that's not really as big a deal as it sounds. Lit is ready to do that... and then nothing else
until we request a change-of-page. Excellent.
- The top level context *must* be a state, but it's better if it's a state never actually used by
the top-level context container. The debate about whether or not to make that container a dumb one
(`<slot></slot>`) or to merge it with the top-level object continues; here, I've merged it with
the top-level wizard object, but that object does not refer to the state variable being managed in
its render pass, so changes to it do not cause a re-render of the whole wizard. The purpose of the
top-level page is to manage the *steps*, not the *content of any step*. A step may change
dynamically based on the content of a step, but that's the same thing as *which step*. Lesson:
always know what your state is *about*.
- Deep merging is a complex subject, but here it's appropriate to our needs.
* web: Application Wizard
This commit combines a working (but very unpolished) version of the Application Wizard with Jen's
code for the CoreTransactionApplicationRequest, resulting in a successful round trip.
It fixes a number of bugs with the way ContextProducer decorators were being processed, such that
they just weren't working with our current configuration (although they did work fine in Storybook);
consumers didn't need to be fixed.
It also *removes* the steps-aware context from the Wizard.
That *may* be a mistake. To re-iterate, the `WizardFrame` provides the chrome for a Wizard: the
button bar div, the breadcrumbs div, the header div, and it takes the steps object as its source of
truth for all of the content. The `WizardContent` part of the application has two parts: The
`WizardMain`, which wraps the frame and supplies the context for all the `WizardPanels`, and the
`WizardPanels` themselves, which are dependent on a context from `WizardMain` for the data that
populates each panel. YAGNI right now that the panels need to know anything about the steps, and the
`WizardMain` can just pass a fresh `.steps` object to the `WizardFrame` when they need updating.
Using props drilling may make more sense here.
It certainy does *not* make sense for the panels. They need to be renderable on-demand, and they
need to make sense of what they're rendering on-demand, so the function is
(panel code) => (context) => (rendered panel)
(Yes, that's curried notation. Deal.)
* This commit includes the first WDIO test for the ApplicationWizard. It doesn't do much right now, but
it does log in and navigate to the wizard successfully.
* web: completed test for single application, provided new programming language to make it easier to write tests.
* Almost there.
Missing: The validation is currently not working as expected, and I cannot get the backend
to give me meaningful data helping us "go back" to the field that wasn't valid. I really
don't want to put all the meaningful validation on the front-end; that's the road to -
perdition, the back-end must be usable by people less assiduous than we are.
Also: Need to make the button bar work better; maybe each panel can provide a custom button
bar if one is needed?
* web: Test harness
We have an end-to-end test harness that includes a trivially correct DSL for "This is what a user would do, do this":
const deleteProvider = (theSlug) => ([
["button", '>>>ak-sidebar-item a[href="#/core/providers"]'],
["deletebox", `>>>a[href="#/core/applications/${theSlug}"]`],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk button[slot="trigger"]'],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk div[role="dialog"] ak-spinner-button'],
It's now possible to target individual sequences of events this way. With a little creativity, we could have standalone functions that take parameters for our calls and just do them, without too much struggle.
* web: Revised navigation
After working with the navigation for awhile, I realized that it's a poor map; what I really wanted was
a controller/view pair, where events flow up to the controller and then messages on "what to draw" flow
down to the view. It work quite well, and the wizard frame is smaller and smarter for it.
I've also moved the WDIO-driven tests into the 'tests' folder, because it (a) makes more sense to put
them there, and (b) it prevents any confusion about who's in charge of node_modules.
* web: Simplify, simplify, simplify
This commit changes the way the "wizard step coordinator" layer works, giving the
wizard writer much more power over button bar. It still assumes there are only
three actions the wizard frame wants to commit: next, back, and close. This empowers
the steps themselves to re-arrange their buttons and describe the rules through which
transitions occur.
* web: resetting the form is not working yet...
I vehemently dislike the object-oriented "reset" command; every wizard should start with
an absolutely fresh copy of the data upon entry. Refactoring the wizard to re-build its
content from the inside is the correct way to go, but I don't have a good mental image
of how to make the ModalButton and the component it invokes interact cleanly, which
frustrates the hell out of me.
* web: reset
As I said, I greatly dislike having to be dependent upon "resets"; I prefer my
data to be de novo going into a "new" transaction. That said, we work with
what we've got; I've created an event generated by the wizard that says the
modal just closed; anything wrapping and implementing the wizard can then
capture that event and reset the data. I've also added a pair of functions
that create the two states (what step, what form data) anew, so that resetting
is as trivial as initializing (and is exactly the same, code-wise).
* web: Without error handling, this is complete, but I still need @BeryJu (Jens)
for help with the SAML Upload (it doesn't appear to be correctly handled?) and
the error handling.
* web: revise tests for wizard
This commit replaces the previous WDIO instance with a more formal and straightforward process using
the [pageobjects](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). In this form, every major
component has its own test suite, and a test is a sequence of exercises of those components.
A test then becomes something as straightforward as:
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
expect(await UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My Applications");
await UserLibraryPage.goToAdmin();
expect(await AdminOverviewPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Welcome, ");
await AdminOverviewPage.openApplicationsListPage();
expect(await ApplicationsListPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Applications");
await ApplicationWizard.app.name.setValue(`Test application ${newId}`);
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await (await ApplicationWizard.getProviderType("ldapprovider")).click();
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await ApplicationWizard.ldap.setBindFlow("default-authentication-flow");
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await expect(await ApplicationWizard.commitMessage).toHaveText(
"Your application has been saved"
Whether or not there's another layer of DSL in there or not, this is a pretty nice idiom for
maintaining tests.
* web: updating with forms and fixes for eslint complaints.
* web/add webdriverIO testing layer
This commit adds WebdriverIO as an end-to-end solution to unit testing. WebdriverIO can be run both
locally and remotely, supports strong integration with web components, and is generally robust for
use in pipelines. I'll confess to working through a tutorial on how to do this for web components,
and this is just chapter 2 (I think there are 5 or so chapters...).
There's a makefile, with help! If you just run `make` it tells you:
Specify a command. The choices are:
help Show this help
node_modules Runs `npm install` to prepare this feature
precommit Run the precommit: spell check all comments, eslint with sonarJS, prettier-write
test-good-login Test that we can log into the server. Requires a running instance of the server.
test-bad-login Test that bad usernames and passwords create appropriate error messages
... because Makefiles are documentation, and documentation belongs in Makefiles.
I've chosen to go with a PageObject-oriented low-level DSL; what that means is that for each major
components (a page, a form, a wizard), there's a class that provides human-readable names for
human-interactable and human-viewable objects on the page. The LoginPage object, for example, has
selectors for the username, password, submit button, and the failure alert; accessing those allows
us to test for items as expected., and to write a DSL for "a good login" that's as straightforward
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
await expect(UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My applications");
There was a *lot* of messing around with the LoginPage to get the username and password into the
system. For example, I had to do this with all the `waitForClickable` and `waitForEnable` because
we both keep the buttons inaccessible until the form has something and we "black out" the page (put
a darkening filter over it) while accessing the flow, meaning there was a race condition such that
the test would attempt to interact with the username or password field before it was accessible.
But this works now, which is very nice.
``` JavaScript
get inputUsername() {
return $('>>>input[name="uidField"]');
get btnSubmit() {
return $('>>>button[type="submit"]');
async username(username: string) {
await this.inputUsername.waitForClickable();
await this.inputUsername.setValue(username);
await this.btnSubmit.waitForEnabled();
await this.btnSubmit.click();
The bells & whistles of *Prettier*, *Eslint*, and *Codespell* have also been enabled. I do like my
* web/adding tests: added comments and cleaned up some administrative features.
* web/test: changed the name of one test to reflect it's 'good' status
* core/allow alternative postgres credentials
This commit allows the `dev-reset` command in the Makefile to pick up and use credentials from the
`.env` file if they are present, or fallback to the defaults provided if they are not. This is the
only place in the Makefile where the database credentials are used directly against postgresql
binaries. The syntax was tested with bash, zsh, and csh, and did not fail under those.
The `$${:-}` syntax is a combination of a Makefile idiom for "Pass a single `$` to the environment
where this command will be executed," and the shell expresion `${VARIABLE:-default}` means
"dereference the environment variable; if it is undefined, used the default value provided."
* Re-arrange sequence to avoid recursive make.
Nothing wrong with recursive make; it just wasn't essential
here. `migrate` is just a build target, not a task.
* Cleanup according to the Usage:
checkmake [options] <makefile>...
checkmake -h | --help
checkmake --version
checkmake --list-rules Makefile linting tool.
* core: added 'help' to the Makefile
* get postgres config from authentik config loader
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* don't set -x by default
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* sort help
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update help strings
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: test LDAP wizard sequence
* web: improve testing by adding test admin user via blueprint
* This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Added SCIM to the list of available providers
- Fixed ForwardProxy so that its mode is set correctly. (This is a special case in the committer;
I'm unhappy with that.)
- Fixed the commit messages so that:
- icons are set correctly (Success, Danger, Working)
- icons are colored correctly according to state
- commit message includes a `data-commit-state` field so tests can find it!
- Merged the application wizard tests into a single test pass
- Isolated common parts of the application wizard tests to reduce unnecessary repetition. All
application tests are the same until you reach the provider section anyway.
- Fixed the unit tests so they're finding the right error messages and are enabled to display them
- Moved the test Form handlers into their own folder so they're not cluttering up the Pages folder.
* web: add radius to application wizard
This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Fixed a width-setting bug in the Makefile `make help` feature (i.e "automate that stuff!")
- Added Radius to the list of providers we can offer via the wizard
- Added `launchUrl` and `UI Settings` to features of the application page the wizard can find
- Changed 'SAML Manual Configuration' to just say "SAML Configuration"
- Modified `ak-form-group` to take and honor the `aria-label` property (which in turn makes it
easier to target specific forms with unit testing)
- Reduced the log level for wdio to 'warn'; 'info' was super-spammy and not helpful. It can be put
back with `--logLevel info` from the command line.
* fix blueprints
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update package name
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add dependabot
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* prettier run
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add basic CI
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* remove hooks
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: application wizard refactor & completion
This commit refactors the various components of the Wizard and ApplicationWizard, creating a much
more maintainable and satisfying Wizard experience for both developers (i.e, *me* and *Jens* so
far), and for the customer.
The Wizard base has been refactored into three components:
The `AkWizardController` provides the event listenters for the wizard; it hooks them up, recevies the
events, and forwards them to the wizard. It unwraps the event objects and forwards the relevant
messages contained in the events. It knows of three event categories:
- Navigation requests (move to a different step)
- Update requests (the current step has updated the business content)
- Close requests (close or cancel the wizard).
The `ak-wizard-frame` is the ModalButton interface. It provides the Header, Breadcrumbs (nee`
"navigation block"), Buttons, and a DIV into which the main content is rendered.
`AkWizard` is an *incomplete* implementation of the wizard. It's meant to be inherited by a child
class, which will implement the rest. It extends `AKElement`. It provides the basic content needed,
such as steps, currentStep (as an index), an accessor for the step itself, an accessor for the
frame, and the interface to the `AkWizardController`.
The `ApplicationWizard` itself has been refactored to accommodate these changes. It inherits from
`AkWizard` and provides the business logic for what to do when a form updates, some custom logic for
preventing moving through the wizard when the forms are incomplete, and a persistence layer for
filling out different providers in the same session. It's simplified a *lot*.
The types specified for `AkWizard` are pretty nifty, I think. I could wish the types being passed
via the custom events were more robust, but [strongly typed custom
events](https://github.com/lit/lit-element/issues/808) turn out to be quite the pain in the, er,
neck. As it is, the `precommit` pass did very good at preventing the worst disasters.
The steps themselves were re-written as objects so that they could take advantage of their `valid`
and `disabled` states and provide more meaningful buttons and labels. I think it's a solid
compromise, and it moved a lot of display logic out of the core `handleUpdate()` business method.
The tests, such as they are, are passing.
* Added comment describing new test.
* web: ensuring copy from `main` is canon
* web: fixes after merge
* web: laying the groundwork for future expansion
This commit is a hodge-podge of updates and changes to the web. Functional changes:
- Makefile: Fixed a bug in the `help` section that prevented the WIDTH from being accurately
calculated if `help` was included rather than in-lined.
- ESLint: Modified the "unused vars" rule so that variables starting with an underline are not
considered by the rule. This allows for elided variables in event handlers. It's not a perfect
solution-- a better one would be to use Typescript's function-specialization typing, but there are
too many places where we elide or ignore some variables in a function's usage that switching over
to specialization would be a huge lift.
- locale: It turns out, lit-locale does its own context management. We don't need to have a context
at all in this space, and that's one less listener we need to attach t othe DOM.
- ModalButton: A small thing, but using `nothing` instead of "html``" allows lit better control over
rendering and reduces the number of actual renders of the page.
- FormGroup: Provided a means to modify the aria-label, rather than stick with the just the word
"Details." Specializing this field will both help users of screen readers in the future, and will
allow test suites to find specific form groups now.
- RadioButton: provide a more consistent interface to the RadioButton. First, we dispatch the
events to the outside world, and we set the value locally so that the current `Form.ts` continues
to behave as expected. We also prevent the "button lost value" event from propagating; this
presents a unified select-like interface to users of the RadioButtonGroup. The current value
semantics are preserved; other clients of the RadioButton do not see a change in behavior.
- EventEmitter: If the custom event detail is *not* an object, do not use the object-like semantics
for forwarding it; just send it as-is.
- Comments: In the course of laying the groundwork for the application wizard, I throw a LOT of
comments into the code, describing APIs, interfaces, class and function signatures, to better
document the behavior inside and as signposts for future work.
* web: permit arrays to be sent in custom events without interpolation.
* actually use assignValue or rather serializeFieldRecursive
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: eslint & prettier fixes, plus small aesthetic differences.
* Restoring this file. Not sure where it disappears to.
* fix label in dark mode
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* SCIM Manuel -> SCIM
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix lint errors
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: better converter configuration, CSS repair, and forward-domain-proxy
1. Forward Domain Proxy. I wasn't sure if this method was appropriate for the wizard,
but Jens says it is. I've added it.
2. In the process of doing so, I decided that the Provider.converter field was overly
complexified; I tried too hard to reduce the number of functions I needed to define,
but in the process outsourced some of the logic of converting the Wizard's dataset
into a property typed request to the `commit` phase, which was inappropriate. All
of the logic about a provider, aside from its display, should be here with the code
that distinguishes between providers. This commit makes it so.
3. Small CSS fix: the fields inherited from the Proxy provider forms had some unexpected
CSS which was causing a bit of a weird indent. That has been rectified.
* web: running pre-commit after merge.
* web: ensure the applications wizard tests finish after current changes
* prettier has opinions.
* web: application wizard spit & polish
The "ApplicationWizardHint" now correctly uses the localstorage and allows the user to navigate back
and see the message after it's been hidden, so that it will always be available during the test
The ApplicationList's old "Create Application Form" button has been restored for the purposes of the
test phase.
The ApplicationWizard is now available on both the ApplicationList and ProviderList pages.
Tana and I discussed the microcopy, putting a stronger second-person "You can do..." twist onto the
language, to give the user the sense of empowerment.
The ShowHintController now has both "hide" and "show" operations, to support the hint restoration.
* web: updated storybook stories for the wizard, illustration how "a simple wizard" is configured in source code and tested with storybook.
* web: I hate getting spanked by prettier.
* web: sometimes I wish I had lower standards
Anyway, this was a very stupid bug, because by definition function
definition arguments don't have uses, they're being defined, not
implemented. Fixed, conf fixed to compensate, and consequences
* move context from labs to main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* Revert "move context from labs to main"
This reverts commit 3718ee69048966d26b1c357a7d2653fbb3ab613b.
* web: reify the data loop
I was very unhappy with the "update this dot-path" mechanism I was using earlier; it was hard
for me to read and understand what was happening, and I wrote the darned thing. I decided instead
to go with a hard substitution model; each phase of the wizard is responsible for updating the
*entire* payload, mostly by creating a new payload and substituting the field value associated
with the event.
On the receiver, we have to do that *again* to handle the swapping of providers when the user
chooses one and then another. It looks clunky, and it is, but it's *legible*; a junior dev
could understand what it's doing, and that's the goal.
* Revert "web: reify the data loop"
This reverts commit 09fedcacf02a90a021ce9e18c0eb4bec1ef48302.
* web: revert the 'lit' to 'lit-labs' for task and context.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-10-18 19:43:37 +00:00
<<<<<<< HEAD
<trans-unit id="s1cffe58249b04669">
<source>Internal application name used in URLs.</source>
<trans-unit id="sb3d4f79d9d8b71e5">
<trans-unit id="se2b29e6cfe59414c">
<source>UI Settings</source>
<trans-unit id="s836148f721d8913b">
<source>Transparent Reverse Proxy</source>
<trans-unit id="s945a6b94361ee45b">
<source>For transparent reverse proxies with required authentication</source>
<trans-unit id="s40830ec037f34626">
<source>Configure SAML provider manually</source>
<trans-unit id="sea9fc40dfd1d18b1">
<source>Configure RADIUS provider manually</source>
<trans-unit id="sa1b0052ae095b9b3">
<source>Configure SCIM provider manually</source>
<trans-unit id="s15831fa50a116545">
<source>Saving Application...</source>
<trans-unit id="s823abdb61543a826">
<source>Authentik was unable to save this application:</source>
<trans-unit id="s848288f8c2265aad">
<source>Your application has been saved</source>
<trans-unit id="s67d858051b34c38b">
<source>Method's display Name.</source>
<trans-unit id="h10ef80d434185070">
<source>Use this provider with nginx's <x id="0" equiv-text="<code>"/>auth_request<x id="1" equiv-text="</code>"/> or traefik's
<x id="2" equiv-text="<code>"/>forwardAuth<x id="3" equiv-text="</code>"/>. Each application/domain needs its own provider.
Additionally, on each domain, <x id="4" equiv-text="<code>"/>/outpost.goauthentik.io<x id="5" equiv-text="</code>"/> must be
routed to the outpost (when using a managed outpost, this is done for you).</source>
2023-10-12 19:33:45 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd18b18f91b804c3f">
<source>Custom attributes</source>
<trans-unit id="s71c5d51d5a357dbd">
<source>Don't show this message again.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3e99ea082ca5ade9">
<source>Failed to fetch</source>
<trans-unit id="s98327528f00365a7">
<source>Failed to fetch data.</source>
<trans-unit id="sf485014051ad0cf7">
<source>Successfully assigned permission.</source>
<trans-unit id="sca7fed2bef53cb99">
<trans-unit id="sc92c1a54034e21cc">
<trans-unit id="scd84d10ee9137070">
<source>Assign permission to role</source>
<trans-unit id="s5ee6f1b84e9ebc69">
<source>Assign to new role</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4afb26a8fae257e9">
<source>Directly assigned</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd8051c26e155f043">
<source>Assign permission to user</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf79f8681e5ffaee2">
<source>Assign to new user</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="saabeb4cab074b0b9">
<source>User Object Permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8489d5559dda260c">
<source>Role Object Permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6b2beba7ab637e9e">
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s96d2bb4be3f5e8aa">
<source>Select roles to grant this groups' users' permissions from the selected roles.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb37880a2a7288ef0">
<source>Update Permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="se9c07cf256774d81">
<source>Editing is disabled for managed tokens</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s78ab26da7f067de8">
<source>Select permissions to grant</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sdeb90bfd8a80b86b">
<source>Permissions to add</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s36247910d67421e1">
<source>Select permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s67e136af8fc1107b">
<source>Assign permission</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb923723d27df40ba">
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sc5fb00b25c7f5a02">
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1455753daa00f1bc">
<source>User doesn't have view permission so description cannot be retrieved.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa3a3e09b88ed9791">
<source>Assigned permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9cc631505c17b028">
<source>Assigned global permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8f85a0e678846080">
<source>Assigned object permissions</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9103a949a3963aa9">
<source>Successfully updated role.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sdf87c5661b31359e">
<source>Successfully created role.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3484b1e6d0b5335f">
<source>Manage roles which grant permissions to objects within authentik.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s259de999919316db">
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2ffad156e8332f04">
<source>Update Role</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sc5f923729564fbf3">
<source>Create Role</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s14bfa8fd1bec8889">
<source>Role doesn't have view permission so description cannot be retrieved.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7e796fe83982863f">
<source>Role <x id="0" equiv-text="${this._role?.name || ""}"/></source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s526e2c66bd51ff5f">
<source>Role Info</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
web: Application wizard v2 with tests (#7004)
* A lot of comments about forms.
* Adding comments to the wizard.
* Broke out the text input into a single renderer. Still works as required.
* web: Legibility in the ApplicationForm.
This is a pretty good result. By using the LightDOM setting, this
provides the existing Authentik form manager with access to the
ak-form-horizontal-element components without having to do any
cross-border magic. It's not ideal, and it shows up just how badly
we've got patternfly splattered everywhere, but the actual results
are remarkable. The patterns for text, switch, radio, textarea,
file, and even select are smaller and easier here.
I'm still noodling on what an unspread search-select element would
look like. It's just dependency injection, so it ought to be as
straightforward as that.
* web: Marking down the start of the 'components' library.
* web: Baby steps
I become frustrated with my inability to make any progress on this project, so I decided to reach
for a tool that I consider highly reliable but also incredibly time-consuming and boring: test
driven development.
In this case, I wrote a story about how I wanted to see the first page rendered: just put the HTML
tag, completely unadorned, that will handle the first page of the wizard. Then, add an event handler
that will send the updated content to some parent object, since what we really want is to
orchestrate the state of the user's input with a centralized location. Then, rather than fiddling
with the attributes and properties of the various pages, I wanted them to be able to "look up" the
values they want, much as we'd expect a standalone form to be able to pull its values from the
server, so I added a context object that receives the update event and incorporates the new
knowledge about the state of the process into itself.
The result is surprisingly satisfying: the first page renders cleanly, displays the content that we
want, and as we fiddle with, we can *watch in real time* as the results of the context are updated
and retransmitted to all receiving objects. And the sending object gets the results so it
re-renders, but it ends up looking the same as it was before the render.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* web: tracked down that weirld bug with the radio.
Because radio inputs are actually multiples, the events handling for
radio is... wonky. If we want our `<ak-radio>` component to be a
unitary event dispatcher, saying "This is the element selected," we
needed to do more than what was currently being handled.
I've intercepted the events that we care about and have placed
them into a controller that dictates both the setting and the
re-render of the component. This makes it "controlled" (to use the
Angular/React/Vue) language and depends on Lit's reactiveElement
lifecycle to work, rather than trust the browser, but the browser's
experience with respect to the `<input type=radio` is pretty bad:
both input elements fire events, one for "losing selection" and
one for "gaining selection". That can be very confusing to handle,
so we funnel them down in our aggregate radio element to a single
event, "selection changed".
As a quality-of-life measure, I've also set the label to be
unselectable; this means that a click on the label will trigger the
selection event, and a long click will not disable selection or
confuse the selection event generator.
* web: now passing the precommit phase
* web: a HACK for Storybook to inject the "use light theme" flag into the body.
This isn't really a very good hack; what it does is say that every story is
responsible for hacking its theme into the parent. This is very annoying, but
it does mean that we can at least show our components in the best light.
* web: ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth, and many fixes!
1. Fixed `eventEmitter` so that if the detail object is a scalar, it will not attempt to "objectify"
it. This was causing a bug where retrofitting the eventEmitter to some older components resulted
in a detail of "some" being translated into ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e']. Not what is wanted.
2. Removed the "transitional form" from the existing components; they had a two-step where the web
component class was just a wrapper around an independent rendering function. While this worked,
it was only to make the case that they *were* independent rendering objects and could be
supported with the right web component framework. We're halfway there now; the last step will be
to transform the horizontal-element and various input CSS into componentized CSS, the way
Patternfly-Elements is currently doing.
3. Fixed the `help` field so that it could take a string or a TemplateResult, and if the latter,
don't bother wrapping it in the helper text functionality; just let it be its own thing. This
supports the multi-line help of redirectURI as well as the `ak-utils-time-delta` capability.
4. Transform Oauth2ProviderForm to use the new components, to the best of our ability. Also used
the `provider = this.wizard.provider` and `provider = this.instance` syntax to make the render
function *completely portable*; it's the exact same text that is dropped into...
5. The complete `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth` component. They're so similar part
of me wonders if I could push them both out to a common reference, or a collection of common
references. Both components use the PropertyMapping and Sources, and both use the same
collection of searches (Crypto, Flow).
6. A Storybook for `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth`, showing the works working.
7. New mocks for `authorizationFlow`, `propertyMappings`, and `hasJWKs`.
This sequence has revealed a bug in the radio control. (It's always the radio control.) If the
default doesn't match the current setting, the radio control doesn't behave as expected; it won't
change when you fully expect that it should. I'll investigate how to harmonize those tomorrow.
* web: Converted our toggle groups to a more streamlined implementation.
* web: one more toggle group.
* initial api and schema
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* separate blueprint importer from yaml parsing
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* cleanup
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: Replace ad-hoc toggle control with ak-toggle-group
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of the Patternfly Toggle Group HTML with a web
component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API with a single event
handler, return the value of the option clicked.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single link of:
<div class="pf-c-toggle-group__item">
class="pf-c-toggle-group__button ${this.mode === ProxyMode.Proxy
? "pf-m-selected"
: ""}"
@click=${() => {
this.mode = ProxyMode.Proxy;
<span class="pf-c-toggle-group__text">${msg("Proxy")}</span>
<div class="pf-c-divider pf-m-vertical" role="separator"></div>
Now looks like:
<option value=${ProxyMode.Proxy}>${msg("Proxy")}</option>
This also means that the three pages that used the Patternfly Toggle Group could eliminate all of
their Patternfly PFToggleGroup needs, as well as the `justify-content: center` extension, which also
eliminated the `css` import.
The savings aren't as spectacular as I'd hoped: removed 178 lines, but added 123; total savings 55
lines of code. I still count this a win: we need never write another toggle component again, and
any bugs, extensions or features we may want to add can be centralized or forked without risking the
whole edifice.
* web: minor code formatting issue.
* add new "must_created" state to blueprints to prevent overwriting objects
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: adding a storybook for the ak-toggle-group component
* Bugs found by CI/CD.
* web: Replace ad-hoc search for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs with ak-crypto-certeficate-search
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of `search-select` for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs
with a web component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single search of:
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<CertificateKeyPair[]> => {
const args: CryptoCertificatekeypairsListRequest = {
ordering: "name",
hasKey: true,
includeDetails: false,
if (query !== undefined) {
args.search = query;
const certificates = await new CryptoApi(
return certificates.results;
.renderElement=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): string => {
return item.name;
.value=${(item: CertificateKeyPair | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.pk;
.selected=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): boolean => {
return this.instance?.tlsVerification === item.pk;
Now looks like:
<ak-crypto-certificate-search certificate=${this.instance?.tlsVerification}>
There are three searches that do not require there to be a valid key with the certificate; these are
supported with the boolean property `nokey`; likewise, there is one search (in SAMLProviderForm)
that states that if there is no current certificate in the SAMLProvider and only one certificate can
be found in the Authentik database, use that one; this is supported with the boolean property
These changes replace 382 lines of object-oriented invocations with 36 lines of declarative
configuration, and 98 lines for the class. Overall, the code for "find a crypto certificate" has
been reduced by 46%.
Suggestions for a better word than `singleton` are welcome!
* web: display tests for CryptoCertificateKeypair search
This adds a Storybook for the CryptoCertificateKeypair search, including
a mock fetch of the data. In the course of running the tests, we discovered
that including the SearchSelect _class_ won't include the customElement declaration
unless you include the whole file! Other bugs found: including the CSS from
Storybook is different from that of LitElement native, so much so that the
adapter needed to be included. FlowSearch had a similar bug. The problem
only manifests when building via Webpack (which Storybook uses) and not
Rollup, but we should support both in distribution.
* Fixed behavioral problem with the radio; the `if` there was
preventing the radio from reflecting the default correctly.
The observed behavior was that the radio wouldn't "activate"
until the item selected during the render pass was clicked on
* Proxy Provider done.
* web: Tactical change. Put all the variants on the second page; it's
a longer list, but it's also easier to manage than all those
required sub-options.
* Rounding out the catalog.
* web: SAML Manual Configuration
Added a 'design document' that just kinda describes what I'm trying
to do, in case I don't get this done by Friday Aug 11, 2023.
I had two tables doing the same thing, so I merged them and then
wrote a few map/filters to specialize them for those two use cases.
Along the way I had to fiddle with the ESLint settings so that
underscore-prefixed unused variables would be ignored.
I cleaned up the visual appeal of the forms in the LDAP application.
I was copy/pasting the "handleProviderEvent" function, so I pulled
it out into ApplicationWizardProviderPageBase. Not so much a matter
of abstraction as just disliking that kind of duplication; it served
no purpose.
* Added SAML Story to Storybook.
* Web: This is coming together amazingly well. Like, almost too well.
* web: 80% of the way there
This commit includes the first three pages of the wizard, the
completion of the wizard framework with evented handling, and control
over progression.
Some shortcomings of this design have become evident: it isn't
possible to communicate between the steps' wrappers, as they are
POJOs without access to the context. An imperative decision-making
process has to be inserted in the orchestration layer,
which is kinda annoying.
But it looks good and it behaves correctly, to the extent that I've
given it behavior. It's an excellent foundation.
* Linting.
* web: application wizard
Found where the hook for form validity should go. Excellent! Now I just need to incorporate
that basic validation into the business logic and we're good to go.
* Turns out that was one layer too many; the topmost component was fine for
maintaining the context.
* It looks like my brilliant strategy has hit a snag.
The idea is simple. Let's start with this picture:
<application-wizard .steps=${[... a collection of step objects ...]}>
<wizard-main .steps=${(steps from above)}>
- ApplicationWizard has a Context for the ApplicationProviderPair (or whatever it's going to be).
This context does not know about the steps; it just knows about: the "application" object, the
"provider" object, and a discriminator to know *which* provider the user has selected.
- ApplicationWizard has Steps that, among other things, provides Panels for:
- Application
- Pick Provider
- Configure Provider
- Submit ApplicationProviderPair to the back-end
- The WizardFrame renders the CurrentPanel for the CurrentStep
The CurrentPanel gets its data from the ApplicationWizard in the form of a Context. It then sends
messages (events) to ApplicationWizard about the contents of each field as the user is filling out
the form, so that the ApplicationWizard can record those in the ApplicationProviderPair for later
When a CurrentForm is valid, the ApplicationWizard updates the Steps object to show that the "Next
button" on the Wizard is now available.
In this way, the user can progress through the system. When they get to the last page, we can
provide in the ApplicationWizard with the means to submit the form and/or send the user back to
the page with the validation failure.
Problem: The context is being updated in real-time, which is triggering re-renders of the form. This
leads to focus problems as the fields that are not yet valid are triggering "focus grab" behavior.
This is a classic problem with "controlled" inputs. What we really want is for the CurrentPanel to
not re-render at all, but to behave like a normal, uncontrolled form, and let the browser do most of
the work. We still want the [Next] button to enable when the form is valid enough to permit that.
Other details: I've ripped out a lot of Jen's work, which is probably a mistake. It's still
preserved elsewhere. I've also cleaned up the various wizardly things to try and look organized.
It *looks* like it should work, it just... doesn't. Not yet.
* Late addition: I had an inspiration about how to reduce the way
reactivity broke focus by, basically, removing the reactivity and
managing the first-time-through lifecycle to prevent the update
from causing refocus. It works well! Now I just need to test it.
* This application fixes the bug with respect to the wizard-level context being updated incorrectly.
- To use uncontrolled inputs, which I prefer, the context object should not be a state or property
at the level of consumers; it should not automatically re-render with every keystroke, i.e. "The
React Way." We're using Web Components, [client-side
validation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation) exists on the
platform already, and live-validation is problematic for any number of reasons.
- The trade-off is that it is now necessary to re-render the target page of the wizard de-novo, but
that's not really as big a deal as it sounds. Lit is ready to do that... and then nothing else
until we request a change-of-page. Excellent.
- The top level context *must* be a state, but it's better if it's a state never actually used by
the top-level context container. The debate about whether or not to make that container a dumb one
(`<slot></slot>`) or to merge it with the top-level object continues; here, I've merged it with
the top-level wizard object, but that object does not refer to the state variable being managed in
its render pass, so changes to it do not cause a re-render of the whole wizard. The purpose of the
top-level page is to manage the *steps*, not the *content of any step*. A step may change
dynamically based on the content of a step, but that's the same thing as *which step*. Lesson:
always know what your state is *about*.
- Deep merging is a complex subject, but here it's appropriate to our needs.
* web: Application Wizard
This commit combines a working (but very unpolished) version of the Application Wizard with Jen's
code for the CoreTransactionApplicationRequest, resulting in a successful round trip.
It fixes a number of bugs with the way ContextProducer decorators were being processed, such that
they just weren't working with our current configuration (although they did work fine in Storybook);
consumers didn't need to be fixed.
It also *removes* the steps-aware context from the Wizard.
That *may* be a mistake. To re-iterate, the `WizardFrame` provides the chrome for a Wizard: the
button bar div, the breadcrumbs div, the header div, and it takes the steps object as its source of
truth for all of the content. The `WizardContent` part of the application has two parts: The
`WizardMain`, which wraps the frame and supplies the context for all the `WizardPanels`, and the
`WizardPanels` themselves, which are dependent on a context from `WizardMain` for the data that
populates each panel. YAGNI right now that the panels need to know anything about the steps, and the
`WizardMain` can just pass a fresh `.steps` object to the `WizardFrame` when they need updating.
Using props drilling may make more sense here.
It certainy does *not* make sense for the panels. They need to be renderable on-demand, and they
need to make sense of what they're rendering on-demand, so the function is
(panel code) => (context) => (rendered panel)
(Yes, that's curried notation. Deal.)
* This commit includes the first WDIO test for the ApplicationWizard. It doesn't do much right now, but
it does log in and navigate to the wizard successfully.
* web: completed test for single application, provided new programming language to make it easier to write tests.
* Almost there.
Missing: The validation is currently not working as expected, and I cannot get the backend
to give me meaningful data helping us "go back" to the field that wasn't valid. I really
don't want to put all the meaningful validation on the front-end; that's the road to -
perdition, the back-end must be usable by people less assiduous than we are.
Also: Need to make the button bar work better; maybe each panel can provide a custom button
bar if one is needed?
* web: Test harness
We have an end-to-end test harness that includes a trivially correct DSL for "This is what a user would do, do this":
const deleteProvider = (theSlug) => ([
["button", '>>>ak-sidebar-item a[href="#/core/providers"]'],
["deletebox", `>>>a[href="#/core/applications/${theSlug}"]`],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk button[slot="trigger"]'],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk div[role="dialog"] ak-spinner-button'],
It's now possible to target individual sequences of events this way. With a little creativity, we could have standalone functions that take parameters for our calls and just do them, without too much struggle.
* web: Revised navigation
After working with the navigation for awhile, I realized that it's a poor map; what I really wanted was
a controller/view pair, where events flow up to the controller and then messages on "what to draw" flow
down to the view. It work quite well, and the wizard frame is smaller and smarter for it.
I've also moved the WDIO-driven tests into the 'tests' folder, because it (a) makes more sense to put
them there, and (b) it prevents any confusion about who's in charge of node_modules.
* web: Simplify, simplify, simplify
This commit changes the way the "wizard step coordinator" layer works, giving the
wizard writer much more power over button bar. It still assumes there are only
three actions the wizard frame wants to commit: next, back, and close. This empowers
the steps themselves to re-arrange their buttons and describe the rules through which
transitions occur.
* web: resetting the form is not working yet...
I vehemently dislike the object-oriented "reset" command; every wizard should start with
an absolutely fresh copy of the data upon entry. Refactoring the wizard to re-build its
content from the inside is the correct way to go, but I don't have a good mental image
of how to make the ModalButton and the component it invokes interact cleanly, which
frustrates the hell out of me.
* web: reset
As I said, I greatly dislike having to be dependent upon "resets"; I prefer my
data to be de novo going into a "new" transaction. That said, we work with
what we've got; I've created an event generated by the wizard that says the
modal just closed; anything wrapping and implementing the wizard can then
capture that event and reset the data. I've also added a pair of functions
that create the two states (what step, what form data) anew, so that resetting
is as trivial as initializing (and is exactly the same, code-wise).
* web: Without error handling, this is complete, but I still need @BeryJu (Jens)
for help with the SAML Upload (it doesn't appear to be correctly handled?) and
the error handling.
* web: revise tests for wizard
This commit replaces the previous WDIO instance with a more formal and straightforward process using
the [pageobjects](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). In this form, every major
component has its own test suite, and a test is a sequence of exercises of those components.
A test then becomes something as straightforward as:
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
expect(await UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My Applications");
await UserLibraryPage.goToAdmin();
expect(await AdminOverviewPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Welcome, ");
await AdminOverviewPage.openApplicationsListPage();
expect(await ApplicationsListPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Applications");
await ApplicationWizard.app.name.setValue(`Test application ${newId}`);
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await (await ApplicationWizard.getProviderType("ldapprovider")).click();
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await ApplicationWizard.ldap.setBindFlow("default-authentication-flow");
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await expect(await ApplicationWizard.commitMessage).toHaveText(
"Your application has been saved"
Whether or not there's another layer of DSL in there or not, this is a pretty nice idiom for
maintaining tests.
* web: updating with forms and fixes for eslint complaints.
* web/add webdriverIO testing layer
This commit adds WebdriverIO as an end-to-end solution to unit testing. WebdriverIO can be run both
locally and remotely, supports strong integration with web components, and is generally robust for
use in pipelines. I'll confess to working through a tutorial on how to do this for web components,
and this is just chapter 2 (I think there are 5 or so chapters...).
There's a makefile, with help! If you just run `make` it tells you:
Specify a command. The choices are:
help Show this help
node_modules Runs `npm install` to prepare this feature
precommit Run the precommit: spell check all comments, eslint with sonarJS, prettier-write
test-good-login Test that we can log into the server. Requires a running instance of the server.
test-bad-login Test that bad usernames and passwords create appropriate error messages
... because Makefiles are documentation, and documentation belongs in Makefiles.
I've chosen to go with a PageObject-oriented low-level DSL; what that means is that for each major
components (a page, a form, a wizard), there's a class that provides human-readable names for
human-interactable and human-viewable objects on the page. The LoginPage object, for example, has
selectors for the username, password, submit button, and the failure alert; accessing those allows
us to test for items as expected., and to write a DSL for "a good login" that's as straightforward
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
await expect(UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My applications");
There was a *lot* of messing around with the LoginPage to get the username and password into the
system. For example, I had to do this with all the `waitForClickable` and `waitForEnable` because
we both keep the buttons inaccessible until the form has something and we "black out" the page (put
a darkening filter over it) while accessing the flow, meaning there was a race condition such that
the test would attempt to interact with the username or password field before it was accessible.
But this works now, which is very nice.
``` JavaScript
get inputUsername() {
return $('>>>input[name="uidField"]');
get btnSubmit() {
return $('>>>button[type="submit"]');
async username(username: string) {
await this.inputUsername.waitForClickable();
await this.inputUsername.setValue(username);
await this.btnSubmit.waitForEnabled();
await this.btnSubmit.click();
The bells & whistles of *Prettier*, *Eslint*, and *Codespell* have also been enabled. I do like my
* web/adding tests: added comments and cleaned up some administrative features.
* web/test: changed the name of one test to reflect it's 'good' status
* core/allow alternative postgres credentials
This commit allows the `dev-reset` command in the Makefile to pick up and use credentials from the
`.env` file if they are present, or fallback to the defaults provided if they are not. This is the
only place in the Makefile where the database credentials are used directly against postgresql
binaries. The syntax was tested with bash, zsh, and csh, and did not fail under those.
The `$${:-}` syntax is a combination of a Makefile idiom for "Pass a single `$` to the environment
where this command will be executed," and the shell expresion `${VARIABLE:-default}` means
"dereference the environment variable; if it is undefined, used the default value provided."
* Re-arrange sequence to avoid recursive make.
Nothing wrong with recursive make; it just wasn't essential
here. `migrate` is just a build target, not a task.
* Cleanup according to the Usage:
checkmake [options] <makefile>...
checkmake -h | --help
checkmake --version
checkmake --list-rules Makefile linting tool.
* core: added 'help' to the Makefile
* get postgres config from authentik config loader
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* don't set -x by default
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* sort help
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update help strings
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: test LDAP wizard sequence
* web: improve testing by adding test admin user via blueprint
* This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Added SCIM to the list of available providers
- Fixed ForwardProxy so that its mode is set correctly. (This is a special case in the committer;
I'm unhappy with that.)
- Fixed the commit messages so that:
- icons are set correctly (Success, Danger, Working)
- icons are colored correctly according to state
- commit message includes a `data-commit-state` field so tests can find it!
- Merged the application wizard tests into a single test pass
- Isolated common parts of the application wizard tests to reduce unnecessary repetition. All
application tests are the same until you reach the provider section anyway.
- Fixed the unit tests so they're finding the right error messages and are enabled to display them
- Moved the test Form handlers into their own folder so they're not cluttering up the Pages folder.
* web: add radius to application wizard
This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Fixed a width-setting bug in the Makefile `make help` feature (i.e "automate that stuff!")
- Added Radius to the list of providers we can offer via the wizard
- Added `launchUrl` and `UI Settings` to features of the application page the wizard can find
- Changed 'SAML Manual Configuration' to just say "SAML Configuration"
- Modified `ak-form-group` to take and honor the `aria-label` property (which in turn makes it
easier to target specific forms with unit testing)
- Reduced the log level for wdio to 'warn'; 'info' was super-spammy and not helpful. It can be put
back with `--logLevel info` from the command line.
* fix blueprints
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update package name
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add dependabot
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* prettier run
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add basic CI
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* remove hooks
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: application wizard refactor & completion
This commit refactors the various components of the Wizard and ApplicationWizard, creating a much
more maintainable and satisfying Wizard experience for both developers (i.e, *me* and *Jens* so
far), and for the customer.
The Wizard base has been refactored into three components:
The `AkWizardController` provides the event listenters for the wizard; it hooks them up, recevies the
events, and forwards them to the wizard. It unwraps the event objects and forwards the relevant
messages contained in the events. It knows of three event categories:
- Navigation requests (move to a different step)
- Update requests (the current step has updated the business content)
- Close requests (close or cancel the wizard).
The `ak-wizard-frame` is the ModalButton interface. It provides the Header, Breadcrumbs (nee`
"navigation block"), Buttons, and a DIV into which the main content is rendered.
`AkWizard` is an *incomplete* implementation of the wizard. It's meant to be inherited by a child
class, which will implement the rest. It extends `AKElement`. It provides the basic content needed,
such as steps, currentStep (as an index), an accessor for the step itself, an accessor for the
frame, and the interface to the `AkWizardController`.
The `ApplicationWizard` itself has been refactored to accommodate these changes. It inherits from
`AkWizard` and provides the business logic for what to do when a form updates, some custom logic for
preventing moving through the wizard when the forms are incomplete, and a persistence layer for
filling out different providers in the same session. It's simplified a *lot*.
The types specified for `AkWizard` are pretty nifty, I think. I could wish the types being passed
via the custom events were more robust, but [strongly typed custom
events](https://github.com/lit/lit-element/issues/808) turn out to be quite the pain in the, er,
neck. As it is, the `precommit` pass did very good at preventing the worst disasters.
The steps themselves were re-written as objects so that they could take advantage of their `valid`
and `disabled` states and provide more meaningful buttons and labels. I think it's a solid
compromise, and it moved a lot of display logic out of the core `handleUpdate()` business method.
The tests, such as they are, are passing.
* Added comment describing new test.
* web: ensuring copy from `main` is canon
* web: fixes after merge
* web: laying the groundwork for future expansion
This commit is a hodge-podge of updates and changes to the web. Functional changes:
- Makefile: Fixed a bug in the `help` section that prevented the WIDTH from being accurately
calculated if `help` was included rather than in-lined.
- ESLint: Modified the "unused vars" rule so that variables starting with an underline are not
considered by the rule. This allows for elided variables in event handlers. It's not a perfect
solution-- a better one would be to use Typescript's function-specialization typing, but there are
too many places where we elide or ignore some variables in a function's usage that switching over
to specialization would be a huge lift.
- locale: It turns out, lit-locale does its own context management. We don't need to have a context
at all in this space, and that's one less listener we need to attach t othe DOM.
- ModalButton: A small thing, but using `nothing` instead of "html``" allows lit better control over
rendering and reduces the number of actual renders of the page.
- FormGroup: Provided a means to modify the aria-label, rather than stick with the just the word
"Details." Specializing this field will both help users of screen readers in the future, and will
allow test suites to find specific form groups now.
- RadioButton: provide a more consistent interface to the RadioButton. First, we dispatch the
events to the outside world, and we set the value locally so that the current `Form.ts` continues
to behave as expected. We also prevent the "button lost value" event from propagating; this
presents a unified select-like interface to users of the RadioButtonGroup. The current value
semantics are preserved; other clients of the RadioButton do not see a change in behavior.
- EventEmitter: If the custom event detail is *not* an object, do not use the object-like semantics
for forwarding it; just send it as-is.
- Comments: In the course of laying the groundwork for the application wizard, I throw a LOT of
comments into the code, describing APIs, interfaces, class and function signatures, to better
document the behavior inside and as signposts for future work.
* web: permit arrays to be sent in custom events without interpolation.
* actually use assignValue or rather serializeFieldRecursive
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: eslint & prettier fixes, plus small aesthetic differences.
* Restoring this file. Not sure where it disappears to.
* fix label in dark mode
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* SCIM Manuel -> SCIM
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix lint errors
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: better converter configuration, CSS repair, and forward-domain-proxy
1. Forward Domain Proxy. I wasn't sure if this method was appropriate for the wizard,
but Jens says it is. I've added it.
2. In the process of doing so, I decided that the Provider.converter field was overly
complexified; I tried too hard to reduce the number of functions I needed to define,
but in the process outsourced some of the logic of converting the Wizard's dataset
into a property typed request to the `commit` phase, which was inappropriate. All
of the logic about a provider, aside from its display, should be here with the code
that distinguishes between providers. This commit makes it so.
3. Small CSS fix: the fields inherited from the Proxy provider forms had some unexpected
CSS which was causing a bit of a weird indent. That has been rectified.
* web: running pre-commit after merge.
* web: ensure the applications wizard tests finish after current changes
* prettier has opinions.
* web: application wizard spit & polish
The "ApplicationWizardHint" now correctly uses the localstorage and allows the user to navigate back
and see the message after it's been hidden, so that it will always be available during the test
The ApplicationList's old "Create Application Form" button has been restored for the purposes of the
test phase.
The ApplicationWizard is now available on both the ApplicationList and ProviderList pages.
Tana and I discussed the microcopy, putting a stronger second-person "You can do..." twist onto the
language, to give the user the sense of empowerment.
The ShowHintController now has both "hide" and "show" operations, to support the hint restoration.
* web: updated storybook stories for the wizard, illustration how "a simple wizard" is configured in source code and tested with storybook.
* web: I hate getting spanked by prettier.
* web: sometimes I wish I had lower standards
Anyway, this was a very stupid bug, because by definition function
definition arguments don't have uses, they're being defined, not
implemented. Fixed, conf fixed to compensate, and consequences
* move context from labs to main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* Revert "move context from labs to main"
This reverts commit 3718ee69048966d26b1c357a7d2653fbb3ab613b.
* web: reify the data loop
I was very unhappy with the "update this dot-path" mechanism I was using earlier; it was hard
for me to read and understand what was happening, and I wrote the darned thing. I decided instead
to go with a hard substitution model; each phase of the wizard is responsible for updating the
*entire* payload, mostly by creating a new payload and substituting the field value associated
with the event.
On the receiver, we have to do that *again* to handle the swapping of providers when the user
chooses one and then another. It looks clunky, and it is, but it's *legible*; a junior dev
could understand what it's doing, and that's the goal.
* Revert "web: reify the data loop"
This reverts commit 09fedcacf02a90a021ce9e18c0eb4bec1ef48302.
* web: revert the 'lit' to 'lit-labs' for task and context.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-10-18 19:43:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2da4aa7a9abeb653">
<source>Pseudolocale (for testing)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4bd386db7302bb22">
<source>Create With Wizard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s070fdfb03034ca9b">
<source>One hint, 'New Application Wizard', is currently hidden</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s61bd841e66966325">
<source>External applications that use authentik as an identity provider via protocols like OAuth2 and SAML. All applications are shown here, even ones you cannot access.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1cc306d8e28c4464">
<source>Deny message</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6985c401e1100122">
<source>Message shown when this stage is run.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s09f0c100d0ad2fec">
<source>Open Wizard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf2ef885f7d0a101d">
<source>Demo Wizard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s77505ee5d2e45e53">
<source>Run the demo wizard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4498e890d47a8066">
<source>OAuth2/OIDC (Open Authorization/OpenID Connect)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4f2e195d09e2868c">
<source>LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7f5bb0c9923315ed">
<source>Forward Auth (Single Application)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf8008d2d6b064b95">
<source>Forward Auth (Domain Level)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sfa8a1ffa9fee07d3">
<source>SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s848a23972e388662">
<source>RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3e902999ddf7b50e">
<source>SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management)</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sdc5690be4a342985">
<source>The token has been copied to your clipboard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7f3edfee24690c9f">
<source>The token was displayed because authentik does not have permission to write to the clipboard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="saf6097bfa25205b8">
<source>A copy of this recovery link has been placed in your clipboard</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s895514dda9cb9c94">
<source>Create recovery link</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
<trans-unit id="se5c795faf2c07514">
<source>Create Recovery Link</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s84fcddede27b8e2a">
2023-10-08 22:08:16 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1a635369edaf4dc3">
<source>Service account</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sff930bf2834e2201">
<source>Service account (internal)</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s66313b45b69cfc88">
<source>Check the release notes</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb4d7bae2440d9781">
<source>User Statistics</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s0924f51b028233a3">
<source><No name set></source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sdc9a6ad1af30572c">
<source>For nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sfc31264ef7ff86ef">
<source>For nginx's auth_request or traefik's forwardAuth per root domain</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sc615309d10a9228c">
<source>RBAC is in preview.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s32babfed740fd3c1">
<source>User type used for newly created users.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-06 12:51:41 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4a34a6be4c68ec87">
<source>Users created</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-06 12:51:41 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s275c956687e2e656">
<source>Failed logins</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb35c08e3a541188f">
<source>Also known as Client ID.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd46fd9b647cfea10">
<source>Also known as Client Secret.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4476e9c50cfd13f4">
<source>Global status</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd21a971eea208533">
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sadadfe9dfa06d7dd">
<source>No sync status.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2b1c81130a65a55b">
<source>Sync currently running.</source>
2023-10-16 15:31:50 +00:00
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf36170f71cea38c2">
web: Application wizard v2 with tests (#7004)
* A lot of comments about forms.
* Adding comments to the wizard.
* Broke out the text input into a single renderer. Still works as required.
* web: Legibility in the ApplicationForm.
This is a pretty good result. By using the LightDOM setting, this
provides the existing Authentik form manager with access to the
ak-form-horizontal-element components without having to do any
cross-border magic. It's not ideal, and it shows up just how badly
we've got patternfly splattered everywhere, but the actual results
are remarkable. The patterns for text, switch, radio, textarea,
file, and even select are smaller and easier here.
I'm still noodling on what an unspread search-select element would
look like. It's just dependency injection, so it ought to be as
straightforward as that.
* web: Marking down the start of the 'components' library.
* web: Baby steps
I become frustrated with my inability to make any progress on this project, so I decided to reach
for a tool that I consider highly reliable but also incredibly time-consuming and boring: test
driven development.
In this case, I wrote a story about how I wanted to see the first page rendered: just put the HTML
tag, completely unadorned, that will handle the first page of the wizard. Then, add an event handler
that will send the updated content to some parent object, since what we really want is to
orchestrate the state of the user's input with a centralized location. Then, rather than fiddling
with the attributes and properties of the various pages, I wanted them to be able to "look up" the
values they want, much as we'd expect a standalone form to be able to pull its values from the
server, so I added a context object that receives the update event and incorporates the new
knowledge about the state of the process into itself.
The result is surprisingly satisfying: the first page renders cleanly, displays the content that we
want, and as we fiddle with, we can *watch in real time* as the results of the context are updated
and retransmitted to all receiving objects. And the sending object gets the results so it
re-renders, but it ends up looking the same as it was before the render.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* Now, it's starting to look like a complete package. The LDAP method is working, but there is a bug:
the radio is sending the wrong value !?!?!?. Track that down, dammit. The search wrappers now resend
their events as standard `input` events, and that actually seems to work well; the browser is
decorating it with the right target, with the right `name` attribute, and since we have good
definitions of the `value` as a string (the real value of any search object is its UUID4), that
works quite well. Added search wrappers for CoreGroup and CryptoCertificate (CertificateKeyPairs),
and the latter has flags for "use the first one if it's the only one" and "allow the display of
keyless certificates."
Not sure why `state()` is blocking the transmission of typing information from the typed element
to the context handler, but it's a bug in the typechecker, and it's not a problem so far.
* web: tracked down that weirld bug with the radio.
Because radio inputs are actually multiples, the events handling for
radio is... wonky. If we want our `<ak-radio>` component to be a
unitary event dispatcher, saying "This is the element selected," we
needed to do more than what was currently being handled.
I've intercepted the events that we care about and have placed
them into a controller that dictates both the setting and the
re-render of the component. This makes it "controlled" (to use the
Angular/React/Vue) language and depends on Lit's reactiveElement
lifecycle to work, rather than trust the browser, but the browser's
experience with respect to the `<input type=radio` is pretty bad:
both input elements fire events, one for "losing selection" and
one for "gaining selection". That can be very confusing to handle,
so we funnel them down in our aggregate radio element to a single
event, "selection changed".
As a quality-of-life measure, I've also set the label to be
unselectable; this means that a click on the label will trigger the
selection event, and a long click will not disable selection or
confuse the selection event generator.
* web: now passing the precommit phase
* web: a HACK for Storybook to inject the "use light theme" flag into the body.
This isn't really a very good hack; what it does is say that every story is
responsible for hacking its theme into the parent. This is very annoying, but
it does mean that we can at least show our components in the best light.
* web: ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth, and many fixes!
1. Fixed `eventEmitter` so that if the detail object is a scalar, it will not attempt to "objectify"
it. This was causing a bug where retrofitting the eventEmitter to some older components resulted
in a detail of "some" being translated into ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e']. Not what is wanted.
2. Removed the "transitional form" from the existing components; they had a two-step where the web
component class was just a wrapper around an independent rendering function. While this worked,
it was only to make the case that they *were* independent rendering objects and could be
supported with the right web component framework. We're halfway there now; the last step will be
to transform the horizontal-element and various input CSS into componentized CSS, the way
Patternfly-Elements is currently doing.
3. Fixed the `help` field so that it could take a string or a TemplateResult, and if the latter,
don't bother wrapping it in the helper text functionality; just let it be its own thing. This
supports the multi-line help of redirectURI as well as the `ak-utils-time-delta` capability.
4. Transform Oauth2ProviderForm to use the new components, to the best of our ability. Also used
the `provider = this.wizard.provider` and `provider = this.instance` syntax to make the render
function *completely portable*; it's the exact same text that is dropped into...
5. The complete `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth` component. They're so similar part
of me wonders if I could push them both out to a common reference, or a collection of common
references. Both components use the PropertyMapping and Sources, and both use the same
collection of searches (Crypto, Flow).
6. A Storybook for `ak-application-wizard-authentication-by-oauth`, showing the works working.
7. New mocks for `authorizationFlow`, `propertyMappings`, and `hasJWKs`.
This sequence has revealed a bug in the radio control. (It's always the radio control.) If the
default doesn't match the current setting, the radio control doesn't behave as expected; it won't
change when you fully expect that it should. I'll investigate how to harmonize those tomorrow.
* web: Converted our toggle groups to a more streamlined implementation.
* web: one more toggle group.
* initial api and schema
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* separate blueprint importer from yaml parsing
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* cleanup
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: Replace ad-hoc toggle control with ak-toggle-group
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of the Patternfly Toggle Group HTML with a web
component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API with a single event
handler, return the value of the option clicked.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single link of:
<div class="pf-c-toggle-group__item">
class="pf-c-toggle-group__button ${this.mode === ProxyMode.Proxy
? "pf-m-selected"
: ""}"
@click=${() => {
this.mode = ProxyMode.Proxy;
<span class="pf-c-toggle-group__text">${msg("Proxy")}</span>
<div class="pf-c-divider pf-m-vertical" role="separator"></div>
Now looks like:
<option value=${ProxyMode.Proxy}>${msg("Proxy")}</option>
This also means that the three pages that used the Patternfly Toggle Group could eliminate all of
their Patternfly PFToggleGroup needs, as well as the `justify-content: center` extension, which also
eliminated the `css` import.
The savings aren't as spectacular as I'd hoped: removed 178 lines, but added 123; total savings 55
lines of code. I still count this a win: we need never write another toggle component again, and
any bugs, extensions or features we may want to add can be centralized or forked without risking the
whole edifice.
* web: minor code formatting issue.
* add new "must_created" state to blueprints to prevent overwriting objects
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: adding a storybook for the ak-toggle-group component
* Bugs found by CI/CD.
* web: Replace ad-hoc search for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs with ak-crypto-certeficate-search
This commit replaces various ad-hoc implementations of `search-select` for CryptoCertificateKeyPairs
with a web component that encapsulates all of the needed behavior and exposes a single API.
The results are: Lots of visual clutter is eliminated. A single search of:
.fetchObjects=${async (query?: string): Promise<CertificateKeyPair[]> => {
const args: CryptoCertificatekeypairsListRequest = {
ordering: "name",
hasKey: true,
includeDetails: false,
if (query !== undefined) {
args.search = query;
const certificates = await new CryptoApi(
return certificates.results;
.renderElement=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): string => {
return item.name;
.value=${(item: CertificateKeyPair | undefined): string | undefined => {
return item?.pk;
.selected=${(item: CertificateKeyPair): boolean => {
return this.instance?.tlsVerification === item.pk;
Now looks like:
<ak-crypto-certificate-search certificate=${this.instance?.tlsVerification}>
There are three searches that do not require there to be a valid key with the certificate; these are
supported with the boolean property `nokey`; likewise, there is one search (in SAMLProviderForm)
that states that if there is no current certificate in the SAMLProvider and only one certificate can
be found in the Authentik database, use that one; this is supported with the boolean property
These changes replace 382 lines of object-oriented invocations with 36 lines of declarative
configuration, and 98 lines for the class. Overall, the code for "find a crypto certificate" has
been reduced by 46%.
Suggestions for a better word than `singleton` are welcome!
* web: display tests for CryptoCertificateKeypair search
This adds a Storybook for the CryptoCertificateKeypair search, including
a mock fetch of the data. In the course of running the tests, we discovered
that including the SearchSelect _class_ won't include the customElement declaration
unless you include the whole file! Other bugs found: including the CSS from
Storybook is different from that of LitElement native, so much so that the
adapter needed to be included. FlowSearch had a similar bug. The problem
only manifests when building via Webpack (which Storybook uses) and not
Rollup, but we should support both in distribution.
* Fixed behavioral problem with the radio; the `if` there was
preventing the radio from reflecting the default correctly.
The observed behavior was that the radio wouldn't "activate"
until the item selected during the render pass was clicked on
* Proxy Provider done.
* web: Tactical change. Put all the variants on the second page; it's
a longer list, but it's also easier to manage than all those
required sub-options.
* Rounding out the catalog.
* web: SAML Manual Configuration
Added a 'design document' that just kinda describes what I'm trying
to do, in case I don't get this done by Friday Aug 11, 2023.
I had two tables doing the same thing, so I merged them and then
wrote a few map/filters to specialize them for those two use cases.
Along the way I had to fiddle with the ESLint settings so that
underscore-prefixed unused variables would be ignored.
I cleaned up the visual appeal of the forms in the LDAP application.
I was copy/pasting the "handleProviderEvent" function, so I pulled
it out into ApplicationWizardProviderPageBase. Not so much a matter
of abstraction as just disliking that kind of duplication; it served
no purpose.
* Added SAML Story to Storybook.
* Web: This is coming together amazingly well. Like, almost too well.
* web: 80% of the way there
This commit includes the first three pages of the wizard, the
completion of the wizard framework with evented handling, and control
over progression.
Some shortcomings of this design have become evident: it isn't
possible to communicate between the steps' wrappers, as they are
POJOs without access to the context. An imperative decision-making
process has to be inserted in the orchestration layer,
which is kinda annoying.
But it looks good and it behaves correctly, to the extent that I've
given it behavior. It's an excellent foundation.
* Linting.
* web: application wizard
Found where the hook for form validity should go. Excellent! Now I just need to incorporate
that basic validation into the business logic and we're good to go.
* Turns out that was one layer too many; the topmost component was fine for
maintaining the context.
* It looks like my brilliant strategy has hit a snag.
The idea is simple. Let's start with this picture:
<application-wizard .steps=${[... a collection of step objects ...]}>
<wizard-main .steps=${(steps from above)}>
- ApplicationWizard has a Context for the ApplicationProviderPair (or whatever it's going to be).
This context does not know about the steps; it just knows about: the "application" object, the
"provider" object, and a discriminator to know *which* provider the user has selected.
- ApplicationWizard has Steps that, among other things, provides Panels for:
- Application
- Pick Provider
- Configure Provider
- Submit ApplicationProviderPair to the back-end
- The WizardFrame renders the CurrentPanel for the CurrentStep
The CurrentPanel gets its data from the ApplicationWizard in the form of a Context. It then sends
messages (events) to ApplicationWizard about the contents of each field as the user is filling out
the form, so that the ApplicationWizard can record those in the ApplicationProviderPair for later
When a CurrentForm is valid, the ApplicationWizard updates the Steps object to show that the "Next
button" on the Wizard is now available.
In this way, the user can progress through the system. When they get to the last page, we can
provide in the ApplicationWizard with the means to submit the form and/or send the user back to
the page with the validation failure.
Problem: The context is being updated in real-time, which is triggering re-renders of the form. This
leads to focus problems as the fields that are not yet valid are triggering "focus grab" behavior.
This is a classic problem with "controlled" inputs. What we really want is for the CurrentPanel to
not re-render at all, but to behave like a normal, uncontrolled form, and let the browser do most of
the work. We still want the [Next] button to enable when the form is valid enough to permit that.
Other details: I've ripped out a lot of Jen's work, which is probably a mistake. It's still
preserved elsewhere. I've also cleaned up the various wizardly things to try and look organized.
It *looks* like it should work, it just... doesn't. Not yet.
* Late addition: I had an inspiration about how to reduce the way
reactivity broke focus by, basically, removing the reactivity and
managing the first-time-through lifecycle to prevent the update
from causing refocus. It works well! Now I just need to test it.
* This application fixes the bug with respect to the wizard-level context being updated incorrectly.
- To use uncontrolled inputs, which I prefer, the context object should not be a state or property
at the level of consumers; it should not automatically re-render with every keystroke, i.e. "The
React Way." We're using Web Components, [client-side
validation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Form_validation) exists on the
platform already, and live-validation is problematic for any number of reasons.
- The trade-off is that it is now necessary to re-render the target page of the wizard de-novo, but
that's not really as big a deal as it sounds. Lit is ready to do that... and then nothing else
until we request a change-of-page. Excellent.
- The top level context *must* be a state, but it's better if it's a state never actually used by
the top-level context container. The debate about whether or not to make that container a dumb one
(`<slot></slot>`) or to merge it with the top-level object continues; here, I've merged it with
the top-level wizard object, but that object does not refer to the state variable being managed in
its render pass, so changes to it do not cause a re-render of the whole wizard. The purpose of the
top-level page is to manage the *steps*, not the *content of any step*. A step may change
dynamically based on the content of a step, but that's the same thing as *which step*. Lesson:
always know what your state is *about*.
- Deep merging is a complex subject, but here it's appropriate to our needs.
* web: Application Wizard
This commit combines a working (but very unpolished) version of the Application Wizard with Jen's
code for the CoreTransactionApplicationRequest, resulting in a successful round trip.
It fixes a number of bugs with the way ContextProducer decorators were being processed, such that
they just weren't working with our current configuration (although they did work fine in Storybook);
consumers didn't need to be fixed.
It also *removes* the steps-aware context from the Wizard.
That *may* be a mistake. To re-iterate, the `WizardFrame` provides the chrome for a Wizard: the
button bar div, the breadcrumbs div, the header div, and it takes the steps object as its source of
truth for all of the content. The `WizardContent` part of the application has two parts: The
`WizardMain`, which wraps the frame and supplies the context for all the `WizardPanels`, and the
`WizardPanels` themselves, which are dependent on a context from `WizardMain` for the data that
populates each panel. YAGNI right now that the panels need to know anything about the steps, and the
`WizardMain` can just pass a fresh `.steps` object to the `WizardFrame` when they need updating.
Using props drilling may make more sense here.
It certainy does *not* make sense for the panels. They need to be renderable on-demand, and they
need to make sense of what they're rendering on-demand, so the function is
(panel code) => (context) => (rendered panel)
(Yes, that's curried notation. Deal.)
* This commit includes the first WDIO test for the ApplicationWizard. It doesn't do much right now, but
it does log in and navigate to the wizard successfully.
* web: completed test for single application, provided new programming language to make it easier to write tests.
* Almost there.
Missing: The validation is currently not working as expected, and I cannot get the backend
to give me meaningful data helping us "go back" to the field that wasn't valid. I really
don't want to put all the meaningful validation on the front-end; that's the road to -
perdition, the back-end must be usable by people less assiduous than we are.
Also: Need to make the button bar work better; maybe each panel can provide a custom button
bar if one is needed?
* web: Test harness
We have an end-to-end test harness that includes a trivially correct DSL for "This is what a user would do, do this":
const deleteProvider = (theSlug) => ([
["button", '>>>ak-sidebar-item a[href="#/core/providers"]'],
["deletebox", `>>>a[href="#/core/applications/${theSlug}"]`],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk button[slot="trigger"]'],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk div[role="dialog"] ak-spinner-button'],
It's now possible to target individual sequences of events this way. With a little creativity, we could have standalone functions that take parameters for our calls and just do them, without too much struggle.
* web: Revised navigation
After working with the navigation for awhile, I realized that it's a poor map; what I really wanted was
a controller/view pair, where events flow up to the controller and then messages on "what to draw" flow
down to the view. It work quite well, and the wizard frame is smaller and smarter for it.
I've also moved the WDIO-driven tests into the 'tests' folder, because it (a) makes more sense to put
them there, and (b) it prevents any confusion about who's in charge of node_modules.
* web: Simplify, simplify, simplify
This commit changes the way the "wizard step coordinator" layer works, giving the
wizard writer much more power over button bar. It still assumes there are only
three actions the wizard frame wants to commit: next, back, and close. This empowers
the steps themselves to re-arrange their buttons and describe the rules through which
transitions occur.
* web: resetting the form is not working yet...
I vehemently dislike the object-oriented "reset" command; every wizard should start with
an absolutely fresh copy of the data upon entry. Refactoring the wizard to re-build its
content from the inside is the correct way to go, but I don't have a good mental image
of how to make the ModalButton and the component it invokes interact cleanly, which
frustrates the hell out of me.
* web: reset
As I said, I greatly dislike having to be dependent upon "resets"; I prefer my
data to be de novo going into a "new" transaction. That said, we work with
what we've got; I've created an event generated by the wizard that says the
modal just closed; anything wrapping and implementing the wizard can then
capture that event and reset the data. I've also added a pair of functions
that create the two states (what step, what form data) anew, so that resetting
is as trivial as initializing (and is exactly the same, code-wise).
* web: Without error handling, this is complete, but I still need @BeryJu (Jens)
for help with the SAML Upload (it doesn't appear to be correctly handled?) and
the error handling.
* web: revise tests for wizard
This commit replaces the previous WDIO instance with a more formal and straightforward process using
the [pageobjects](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). In this form, every major
component has its own test suite, and a test is a sequence of exercises of those components.
A test then becomes something as straightforward as:
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
expect(await UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My Applications");
await UserLibraryPage.goToAdmin();
expect(await AdminOverviewPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Welcome, ");
await AdminOverviewPage.openApplicationsListPage();
expect(await ApplicationsListPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("Applications");
await ApplicationWizard.app.name.setValue(`Test application ${newId}`);
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await (await ApplicationWizard.getProviderType("ldapprovider")).click();
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await ApplicationWizard.ldap.setBindFlow("default-authentication-flow");
await ApplicationWizard.nextButton.click();
await expect(await ApplicationWizard.commitMessage).toHaveText(
"Your application has been saved"
Whether or not there's another layer of DSL in there or not, this is a pretty nice idiom for
maintaining tests.
* web: updating with forms and fixes for eslint complaints.
* web/add webdriverIO testing layer
This commit adds WebdriverIO as an end-to-end solution to unit testing. WebdriverIO can be run both
locally and remotely, supports strong integration with web components, and is generally robust for
use in pipelines. I'll confess to working through a tutorial on how to do this for web components,
and this is just chapter 2 (I think there are 5 or so chapters...).
There's a makefile, with help! If you just run `make` it tells you:
Specify a command. The choices are:
help Show this help
node_modules Runs `npm install` to prepare this feature
precommit Run the precommit: spell check all comments, eslint with sonarJS, prettier-write
test-good-login Test that we can log into the server. Requires a running instance of the server.
test-bad-login Test that bad usernames and passwords create appropriate error messages
... because Makefiles are documentation, and documentation belongs in Makefiles.
I've chosen to go with a PageObject-oriented low-level DSL; what that means is that for each major
components (a page, a form, a wizard), there's a class that provides human-readable names for
human-interactable and human-viewable objects on the page. The LoginPage object, for example, has
selectors for the username, password, submit button, and the failure alert; accessing those allows
us to test for items as expected., and to write a DSL for "a good login" that's as straightforward
await LoginPage.open();
await LoginPage.login("ken@goauthentik.io", "eat10bugs");
await expect(UserLibraryPage.pageHeader).toHaveText("My applications");
There was a *lot* of messing around with the LoginPage to get the username and password into the
system. For example, I had to do this with all the `waitForClickable` and `waitForEnable` because
we both keep the buttons inaccessible until the form has something and we "black out" the page (put
a darkening filter over it) while accessing the flow, meaning there was a race condition such that
the test would attempt to interact with the username or password field before it was accessible.
But this works now, which is very nice.
``` JavaScript
get inputUsername() {
return $('>>>input[name="uidField"]');
get btnSubmit() {
return $('>>>button[type="submit"]');
async username(username: string) {
await this.inputUsername.waitForClickable();
await this.inputUsername.setValue(username);
await this.btnSubmit.waitForEnabled();
await this.btnSubmit.click();
The bells & whistles of *Prettier*, *Eslint*, and *Codespell* have also been enabled. I do like my
* web/adding tests: added comments and cleaned up some administrative features.
* web/test: changed the name of one test to reflect it's 'good' status
* core/allow alternative postgres credentials
This commit allows the `dev-reset` command in the Makefile to pick up and use credentials from the
`.env` file if they are present, or fallback to the defaults provided if they are not. This is the
only place in the Makefile where the database credentials are used directly against postgresql
binaries. The syntax was tested with bash, zsh, and csh, and did not fail under those.
The `$${:-}` syntax is a combination of a Makefile idiom for "Pass a single `$` to the environment
where this command will be executed," and the shell expresion `${VARIABLE:-default}` means
"dereference the environment variable; if it is undefined, used the default value provided."
* Re-arrange sequence to avoid recursive make.
Nothing wrong with recursive make; it just wasn't essential
here. `migrate` is just a build target, not a task.
* Cleanup according to the Usage:
checkmake [options] <makefile>...
checkmake -h | --help
checkmake --version
checkmake --list-rules Makefile linting tool.
* core: added 'help' to the Makefile
* get postgres config from authentik config loader
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* don't set -x by default
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* sort help
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update help strings
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: test LDAP wizard sequence
* web: improve testing by adding test admin user via blueprint
* This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Added SCIM to the list of available providers
- Fixed ForwardProxy so that its mode is set correctly. (This is a special case in the committer;
I'm unhappy with that.)
- Fixed the commit messages so that:
- icons are set correctly (Success, Danger, Working)
- icons are colored correctly according to state
- commit message includes a `data-commit-state` field so tests can find it!
- Merged the application wizard tests into a single test pass
- Isolated common parts of the application wizard tests to reduce unnecessary repetition. All
application tests are the same until you reach the provider section anyway.
- Fixed the unit tests so they're finding the right error messages and are enabled to display them
- Moved the test Form handlers into their own folder so they're not cluttering up the Pages folder.
* web: add radius to application wizard
This commit continues the application wizard buildout. In this commit are the following changes:
- Fixed a width-setting bug in the Makefile `make help` feature (i.e "automate that stuff!")
- Added Radius to the list of providers we can offer via the wizard
- Added `launchUrl` and `UI Settings` to features of the application page the wizard can find
- Changed 'SAML Manual Configuration' to just say "SAML Configuration"
- Modified `ak-form-group` to take and honor the `aria-label` property (which in turn makes it
easier to target specific forms with unit testing)
- Reduced the log level for wdio to 'warn'; 'info' was super-spammy and not helpful. It can be put
back with `--logLevel info` from the command line.
* fix blueprints
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* update package name
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add dependabot
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* prettier run
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* add basic CI
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* remove hooks
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: application wizard refactor & completion
This commit refactors the various components of the Wizard and ApplicationWizard, creating a much
more maintainable and satisfying Wizard experience for both developers (i.e, *me* and *Jens* so
far), and for the customer.
The Wizard base has been refactored into three components:
The `AkWizardController` provides the event listenters for the wizard; it hooks them up, recevies the
events, and forwards them to the wizard. It unwraps the event objects and forwards the relevant
messages contained in the events. It knows of three event categories:
- Navigation requests (move to a different step)
- Update requests (the current step has updated the business content)
- Close requests (close or cancel the wizard).
The `ak-wizard-frame` is the ModalButton interface. It provides the Header, Breadcrumbs (nee`
"navigation block"), Buttons, and a DIV into which the main content is rendered.
`AkWizard` is an *incomplete* implementation of the wizard. It's meant to be inherited by a child
class, which will implement the rest. It extends `AKElement`. It provides the basic content needed,
such as steps, currentStep (as an index), an accessor for the step itself, an accessor for the
frame, and the interface to the `AkWizardController`.
The `ApplicationWizard` itself has been refactored to accommodate these changes. It inherits from
`AkWizard` and provides the business logic for what to do when a form updates, some custom logic for
preventing moving through the wizard when the forms are incomplete, and a persistence layer for
filling out different providers in the same session. It's simplified a *lot*.
The types specified for `AkWizard` are pretty nifty, I think. I could wish the types being passed
via the custom events were more robust, but [strongly typed custom
events](https://github.com/lit/lit-element/issues/808) turn out to be quite the pain in the, er,
neck. As it is, the `precommit` pass did very good at preventing the worst disasters.
The steps themselves were re-written as objects so that they could take advantage of their `valid`
and `disabled` states and provide more meaningful buttons and labels. I think it's a solid
compromise, and it moved a lot of display logic out of the core `handleUpdate()` business method.
The tests, such as they are, are passing.
* Added comment describing new test.
* web: ensuring copy from `main` is canon
* web: fixes after merge
* web: laying the groundwork for future expansion
This commit is a hodge-podge of updates and changes to the web. Functional changes:
- Makefile: Fixed a bug in the `help` section that prevented the WIDTH from being accurately
calculated if `help` was included rather than in-lined.
- ESLint: Modified the "unused vars" rule so that variables starting with an underline are not
considered by the rule. This allows for elided variables in event handlers. It's not a perfect
solution-- a better one would be to use Typescript's function-specialization typing, but there are
too many places where we elide or ignore some variables in a function's usage that switching over
to specialization would be a huge lift.
- locale: It turns out, lit-locale does its own context management. We don't need to have a context
at all in this space, and that's one less listener we need to attach t othe DOM.
- ModalButton: A small thing, but using `nothing` instead of "html``" allows lit better control over
rendering and reduces the number of actual renders of the page.
- FormGroup: Provided a means to modify the aria-label, rather than stick with the just the word
"Details." Specializing this field will both help users of screen readers in the future, and will
allow test suites to find specific form groups now.
- RadioButton: provide a more consistent interface to the RadioButton. First, we dispatch the
events to the outside world, and we set the value locally so that the current `Form.ts` continues
to behave as expected. We also prevent the "button lost value" event from propagating; this
presents a unified select-like interface to users of the RadioButtonGroup. The current value
semantics are preserved; other clients of the RadioButton do not see a change in behavior.
- EventEmitter: If the custom event detail is *not* an object, do not use the object-like semantics
for forwarding it; just send it as-is.
- Comments: In the course of laying the groundwork for the application wizard, I throw a LOT of
comments into the code, describing APIs, interfaces, class and function signatures, to better
document the behavior inside and as signposts for future work.
* web: permit arrays to be sent in custom events without interpolation.
* actually use assignValue or rather serializeFieldRecursive
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: eslint & prettier fixes, plus small aesthetic differences.
* Restoring this file. Not sure where it disappears to.
* fix label in dark mode
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* SCIM Manuel -> SCIM
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix lint errors
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: better converter configuration, CSS repair, and forward-domain-proxy
1. Forward Domain Proxy. I wasn't sure if this method was appropriate for the wizard,
but Jens says it is. I've added it.
2. In the process of doing so, I decided that the Provider.converter field was overly
complexified; I tried too hard to reduce the number of functions I needed to define,
but in the process outsourced some of the logic of converting the Wizard's dataset
into a property typed request to the `commit` phase, which was inappropriate. All
of the logic about a provider, aside from its display, should be here with the code
that distinguishes between providers. This commit makes it so.
3. Small CSS fix: the fields inherited from the Proxy provider forms had some unexpected
CSS which was causing a bit of a weird indent. That has been rectified.
* web: running pre-commit after merge.
* web: ensure the applications wizard tests finish after current changes
* prettier has opinions.
* web: application wizard spit & polish
The "ApplicationWizardHint" now correctly uses the localstorage and allows the user to navigate back
and see the message after it's been hidden, so that it will always be available during the test
The ApplicationList's old "Create Application Form" button has been restored for the purposes of the
test phase.
The ApplicationWizard is now available on both the ApplicationList and ProviderList pages.
Tana and I discussed the microcopy, putting a stronger second-person "You can do..." twist onto the
language, to give the user the sense of empowerment.
The ShowHintController now has both "hide" and "show" operations, to support the hint restoration.
* web: updated storybook stories for the wizard, illustration how "a simple wizard" is configured in source code and tested with storybook.
* web: I hate getting spanked by prettier.
* web: sometimes I wish I had lower standards
Anyway, this was a very stupid bug, because by definition function
definition arguments don't have uses, they're being defined, not
implemented. Fixed, conf fixed to compensate, and consequences
* move context from labs to main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* Revert "move context from labs to main"
This reverts commit 3718ee69048966d26b1c357a7d2653fbb3ab613b.
* web: reify the data loop
I was very unhappy with the "update this dot-path" mechanism I was using earlier; it was hard
for me to read and understand what was happening, and I wrote the darned thing. I decided instead
to go with a hard substitution model; each phase of the wizard is responsible for updating the
*entire* payload, mostly by creating a new payload and substituting the field value associated
with the event.
On the receiver, we have to do that *again* to handle the swapping of providers when the user
chooses one and then another. It looks clunky, and it is, but it's *legible*; a junior dev
could understand what it's doing, and that's the goal.
* Revert "web: reify the data loop"
This reverts commit 09fedcacf02a90a021ce9e18c0eb4bec1ef48302.
* web: revert the 'lit' to 'lit-labs' for task and context.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-10-18 19:43:37 +00:00
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd94e99af8b41ff54">
<source>0: Too guessable: risky password. (guesses &lt; 10^3)</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sc926385d1a624c3a">
<source>1: Very guessable: protection from throttled online attacks. (guesses &lt; 10^6)</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8aae61c41319602c">
<source>2: Somewhat guessable: protection from unthrottled online attacks. (guesses &lt; 10^8)</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sc1f4b57e722a89d6">
<source>3: Safely unguessable: moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses &lt; 10^10)</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd47f3d3c9741343d">
<source>4: Very unguessable: strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses &gt;= 10^10)</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-15 22:14:30 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3d2a8b86a4f5a810">
<source>Successfully created user and added to group <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.group.name}"/></source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-16 23:07:21 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s824e0943a7104668">
<source>This user will be added to the group "<x id="0" equiv-text="${this.targetGroup.name}"/>".</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-18 00:55:48 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s62e7f6ed7d9cb3ca">
<source>Pretend user exists</source>
2023-10-19 12:53:56 +00:00
2023-11-18 00:55:48 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s52bdc80690a9a8dc">
<source>When enabled, the stage will always accept the given user identifier and continue.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="scda8dc24b561e205">
<source>There was an error in the application.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sdaca9c2c0361ed3a">
<source>Review the application.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb50000a8fada5672">
<source>There was an error in the provider.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s21f95eaf151d4ce3">
<source>Review the provider.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9fd39a5cb20b4e61">
<source>There was an error</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7a6b3453209e1066">
<source>There was an error creating the application, but no error message was sent. Please review the server logs.</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1a711c19cda48375">
<source>Configure LDAP Provider</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9368e965b5c292ab">
<source>Configure OAuth2/OpenId Provider</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf5cbccdc6254c8dc">
<source>Configure Proxy Provider</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf6d46bb442b77e91">
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2c8c6f89089b31d4">
<source>Configure Radius Provider</source>
2023-10-23 16:48:12 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sfe906cde5dddc041">
<source>Configure SAML Provider</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb3defbacd01ad972">
<source>Property mappings used for user mapping.</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7ccce0ec8d228db6">
<source>Configure SCIM Provider</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd7728d2b6e1d25e9">
<source>Property mappings used for group creation.</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
2023-12-06 17:06:07 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7513372fe60f6387">
<source>Event volume</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
2023-12-19 12:32:10 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s047a5f0211fedc72">
<source>Require Outpost (flow can only be executed from an outpost).</source>
2023-10-25 16:25:37 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3271da6c18c25b18">
<source>Connection settings.</source>
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2f4ca2148183d692">
<source>Successfully updated endpoint.</source>
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5adee855dbe191d9">
<source>Successfully created endpoint.</source>
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s61e136c0658e27d5">
2023-10-27 09:39:39 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa062b019ff0c8809">
2023-11-06 12:51:41 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s97f9bf19fa5b57d1">
2023-11-06 12:51:41 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7c100119e9ffcc32">
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6b05f9d8801fc14f">
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb474f652a2c2fc76">
<source>Hostname/IP to connect to.</source>
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8276649077e8715c">
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf1dabfe0fe8a75ad">
<source>Update Endpoint</source>
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s008496c7716b9812">
<source>These bindings control which users will have access to this endpoint. Users must also have access to the application.</source>
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s38e7cd1a24e70faa">
<source>Create Endpoint</source>
2023-11-14 12:05:18 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4770c10e5b1c028c">
<source>RAC is in preview.</source>
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s168565f5ac74a89f">
<source>Update RAC Provider</source>
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8465a2caa2d9ea5d">
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9857d883d8eb98fc">
<source>General settings</source>
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sd2066881798a1b96">
<source>RDP settings</source>
2023-11-15 15:28:56 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb864dc36a463a155">
<source>Ignore server certificate</source>
2023-11-15 22:14:30 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s20366a8d1eaaca54">
<source>Enable wallpaper</source>
2023-11-16 23:07:21 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s1e44c5350ef7598c">
<source>Enable font-smoothing</source>
2023-11-18 00:55:48 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s04ff5d6ae711e6d6">
<source>Enable full window dragging</source>
2023-11-18 00:55:48 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s663ccbfdf27e8dd0">
<source>Network binding</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb108a06693c67753">
<source>No binding</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5aab90c74f1233b8">
<source>Bind ASN</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s488303b048afe83b">
<source>Bind ASN and Network</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3268dcfe0c8234dc">
<source>Bind ASN, Network and IP</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s226381aca231644f">
<source>Configure if sessions created by this stage should be bound to the Networks they were created in.</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s2555a1f20f3fd93e">
<source>GeoIP binding</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s3d63c78f93c9a92e">
<source>Bind Continent</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s395d5863b3a259b5">
<source>Bind Continent and Country</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s625ea0c32b4b136c">
<source>Bind Continent, Country and City</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4bc7a1a88961be90">
<source>Configure if sessions created by this stage should be bound to their GeoIP-based location</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa06cd519ff151b6d">
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s28b99b59541f54ca">
<source>Connection failed after <x id="0" equiv-text="${this.connectionAttempt}"/> attempts.</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7c7d956418e1c8c8">
<source>Re-connecting in <x id="0" equiv-text="${Math.max(1, delay / 1000)}"/> second(s).</source>
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sfc003381f593d943">
web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
* web: break circular dependency between AKElement & Interface.
This commit changes the way the root node of the web application shell is
discovered by child components, such that the base class shared by both
no longer results in a circular dependency between the two models.
I've run this in isolation and have seen no failures of discovery; the identity
token exists as soon as the Interface is constructed and is found by every item
on the page.
* web: fix broken typescript references
This built... and then it didn't? Anyway, the current fix is to
provide type information the AkInterface for the data that consumers
* web: extract the form processing from the form submission process
Our forms have a lot of customized value handling, and the function `serializeForm` takes
our input structures and creates a JSON object ready for submission across the wire for
the various models provided by the API.
That function was embedded in the `ak-form` object, but it has no actual dependencies on
the state of that object; aside from identifying the input elements, which is done at the
very start of processing, this large block of code stands alone. Separating out the
"processing the form" from "identifying the form" allows us to customize our form handling
and preserve form information on the client for transactional purposes such as our wizard.
* web: multi-select, but there's a styling issue.
* web: provide a closed control for multi-select
This commit creates a new control, using the ak-form-element-horizontal as a *CLOSED*
object, for our multi-select. This control right now is limited to what we expect to
be using in the wizard, but that doesn't mean it can't be smarter in the future.
* web: hung up by a silly spelling error
* web: update the form-handling method
With the `serializeForm` method extracted, it's much easier to examine and parse
every *form* with every keystroke, preserving them against the changes that
happen as the customer navigates the Wizard. With that in place, it became
straightforward to retrofit the "handle changes to the application, to the provider, and to the providerType"
into the three pages of the wizard, and to provide *all* of the form elements in a base class
such that no specialized handling needs to happen to any of the child pages.
Fixed an ugly typo in the oauth2 provider, as well.
* web: wizard should work with multi-select and should reflect default values
(Note: This commit is predicated on both the "Extract serializeForm function from Form.ts" and
"Provide a controlled multi-select input control" PRs.)
The initial attempt at the wizard was woefully naive in its implementation, missing some critical
details along the way. This revision starts off with one stronger assumption: trust that Jens knows
what he's doing, and knew what he was building when he wrote the initial `Form` handler.
The problem with the `Form` handler, and the reason I avoided it, was simply that it does too many
things, especially in its ModelForm variant: it receives a model from the back-end, renders a
(hand-written) form for that model, allows the user to interact with that model, and facilitates
saving it to the back-end again, complete with on-page notifications of success or failure.
The Wizard could not use all of that. It needs to gather the information for *two* models (an
Application and a Provider, plus the ProviderType) and has a new and specialized end-point for a
transaction that allows the committing or roll back of both models to happen simultaneously,
predicated on success or failure respectively.
With "Extract `serializeForm` completed, it was possible to repurpose the forms that already
existed, stripping them down to just their input components, and eventing the entire thing in a
single event loop of "events flow up, data flows down." In this case, the *entire form* is
serialized on a per-event basis and pushed up the to the orchestration layer, which saves them off.
Writing a parent `BasePanel` class that has accessors for `formValues` and `valid` means that the
state of every page is accessible with a simple query. This simplified the `BaseProviderPanel` class
to just specialize the `dispatchUpdate` method to send the wizard update with the new provider
information filled out.
Because the *form* is being treated as the source of truth about the state of a `Partial<Application>`
or `Partial<*Provider>` object, the defaults are now being captured as expected.
Likewise, this simplified the `providerCache` layer which preserves customer input in the event that
the customer starts filling out the wrong provider to a simple conditional clause in the
orchestrator. The Wizard has much fewer smarts because it doesn't (and probably never did) need
Along with the above changes, the following has also been done:
For SAML and SCIM, the providerMappings now works. They weren't being managed as `state` objects,
so they weren't receiving updates when the update event retrieved the information from the back-end.
In order to make clear what's happening, I have extracted the loops from the original definition and
built them as named objects: `propertyMappings`, `pmUserValues`, `pmGroupValues` and so on, which I
then pass into the new multi-select component.
I fixed a really embarrassing typo in Oauth2's "advanced settings" block.
I have extracted the CoreGroup search-select into a custom component.
I deleted the `merge` function. That was a faulty experiment with non-deterministic outcomes, and I
was never happy with it. I'm glad its gone.
I've added a title header to each of the providers, so the user can be sure that they're looking
at the right provider type when they start filling out the form.
I've created a new token, `data-ak-control`, with which we can mark all objects that we can treat as
Authentik value-producing components, the form value of which is available through a `json()`
method. I've added this bit of intelligence to the `serializeForm` function, short-circuiting the
complex processing and putting the "this is the shape of the value we expect from this input" *onto
the input itself*. Which is where it belongs.
* web: add error handling to wizard.
* web: improve error handling in light components
Rather than reproduce the error handling across all of the LightComponents,
I've made a parent class that takes the common fields to distribute between
the ak-form-element-horizontal and the input object itself. This made it
much easier to properly display errors in freeform input fields in the
wizard, as well as working with the routine error handling in Form.ts
* Added the radio control to the list of LightComponents.
* Fix bug where event was recorded twice.
* Fixed merge bug (?) that somehow deleted the Authorization Select block in OAuth2.
* web: prettier had opinions
* web: added error handling and display
* web: bump @lit-labs/context from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1 in /web
Bumps [@lit-labs/context](https://github.com/lit/lit/tree/HEAD/packages/labs/context) from 0.4.1 to 0.5.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lit/lit/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/lit/lit/blob/main/packages/labs/context/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lit/lit/commits/@lit-labs/context@0.5.1/packages/labs/context)
- dependency-name: "@lit-labs/context"
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* web: updated wizard to run with latest package.json configuration
Apparently, there were stale dependencies in package-lock.json that were conflicting
with the requests in our package.json. By running `npm update`, I was able to resolve
the conflict.
I have also removed the default names from the context names collection; they weren't doing
any good, and they permit frictionless renaming of dependencies, which is never a good
* web: schlepping on the errors messages
During testing, I realized I was unhappy with the error messages. They're not very helpful.
By adding links to navigate back to the place where the error occurred, and providing better
context for what the error could have been, I hope to help the use correct their errors.
* make package the same as main
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-12-06 11:28:19 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s31aa94a0b3c7edb2">
<source>Select endpoint to connect to</source>
2023-12-06 17:06:07 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa2ea0fcd3ffa80e0">
<source>Connection expiry</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2023-12-30 20:33:14 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6dd297c217729828">
<source>Determines how long a session lasts before being disconnected and requiring re-authorization.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s744401846fea6e76">
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sab21e1f62676b56c">
<source>Successfully updated brand.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa43e43fd3a23e22d">
<source>Successfully created brand.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s41b3f9b4c98aabd9">
<source>Use this brand for each domain that doesn't have a dedicated brand.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s17260b71484b307f">
<source>Set custom attributes using YAML or JSON. Any attributes set here will be inherited by users, if the request is handled by this brand.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s79fc990a2b58f27f">
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s02774bc46a167346">
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s801bf3d03f4a3ff1">
<source>Update Brand</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5c3efec5330e0000">
<source>Create Brand</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sa9d13ce9e83aac17">
<source>To let a user directly reset a their password, configure a recovery flow on the currently active brand.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6709b81e1ed4e39f">
<source>The current brand must have a recovery flow configured to use a recovery link</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s634e2fd82c397576">
<source>Successfully updated settings.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb8e4edaea6f1d935">
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s945856050217c828">
<source>Configure how authentik should show avatars for users. The following values can be set:</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sf4ef4c8ce713f775">
<source>Disables per-user avatars and just shows a 1x1 pixel transparent picture</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5446842a7e4a963b">
<source>Uses gravatar with the user's email address</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s35363b9e1cc2abd3">
<source>Generated avatars based on the user's name</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s48110ca292cad513">
<source>Any URL: If you want to use images hosted on another server, you can set any URL. Additionally, these placeholders can be used:</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sbe1dfda044bdc93b">
<source>The user's username</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s653f257c9c2d4dc5">
<source>The email address, md5 hashed</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s9c9183cd80916b4f">
<source>The user's UPN, if set (otherwise an empty string)</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="h4963ed14d7e239a9">
<source>An attribute path like
<x id="0" equiv-text="<code>"/>attributes.something.avatar<x id="1" equiv-text="</code>"/>, which can be used in
combination with the file field to allow users to upload custom
avatars for themselves.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s4c80c34a67a6f1c9">
<source>Multiple values can be set, comma-separated, and authentik will fallback to the next mode when no avatar could be found.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="h2fafcc3ebafea2f8">
<source>For example, setting this to <x id="0" equiv-text="<code>"/>gravatar,initials<x id="1" equiv-text="</code>"/> will
attempt to get an avatar from Gravatar, and if the user has not
configured on there, it will fallback to a generated avatar.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sea247dfb18f696d2">
<source>Default user change name</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s078ffec0257621c0">
<source>Enable the ability for users to change their name.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s26ad11b21253152b">
<source>Default user change email</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s5fc6c14d106f40d3">
<source>Enable the ability for users to change their email.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s23564aa839755965">
<source>Default user change username</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s6d816a95ca43a99d">
<source>Enable the ability for users to change their username.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s57b52b60ed5e2bc7">
<source>Footer links</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s7349802b2f7f99c2">
<source>This option configures the footer links on the flow executor pages. It must be a valid JSON list and can be used as follows:</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s166b59f3cc5d8ec3">
<source>GDPR compliance</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="sb8b23770f899e5bb">
<source>When enabled, all the events caused by a user will be deleted upon the user's deletion.</source>
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s29501761df0fe837">
2023-12-08 01:52:59 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="s8f503553d8432487">
<source>Globally enable/disable impersonation.</source>
2023-12-20 08:45:34 +00:00
2024-01-03 11:22:25 +00:00
<trans-unit id="see1eb81c1f734079">
<source>System settings</source>
2023-06-12 13:41:44 +00:00
web: Replace lingui.js with lit-localize (#5761)
* \#\# Details
web: replace lingui with lit/localize
\#\# Changes
This rather massive shift replaces the lingui and `t()` syntax with lit-localize, XLIFF, and the `msg()`
syntax used by lit-localize. 90% of this work was mechanized; simple perl scripts found and replaced
all uses of `t()` with the appropriate corresponding syntax for `msg()` and `msg(str())`.
The XLIFF files were auto-generated from the PO files. They have not been audited, and they should be
checked over by professional translators. The actual _strings_ have not been changed, but as this was
a mechanized change there is always the possibility of mis-translation-- not by the translator, but by
the script.
* web: revise lit/localize: fix two installation issues.
* web: revise localization
- Replaced all of Lingui's `t()` syntax with `msg()` syntax.
- Mechanically (i.e with a script) converted all of the PO files to XLIFF files
- Refactored the localization code to be a bit smarter:
- the function `getBestMatchLocale` takes the locale lists and a requested locale, and returns the
first match of:
- The locale's code exactly matches the requested locale
- The locale code exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale (i.e the "en" part of "en-US")
- the locale code's prefix exactly matches the prefix of the requested locale
This function is passed to lit-locate's `loadLocale()`.
- `activateLocale()` just calls `loadLocale()` now.
- `autodetectLanguage` searches the following, and picks the first that returns a valid locale
object, before passing it to `loadLocale()`:
- The User's settings
- A `?locale=` component found in `window.location.search`
- The `window.navigator.language` field
- English
The `msg()` only runs when it's run. This seems obvious, but it means that you cannot cache
strings at load time; they must be kept inside functions that are re-run so that the `msg()` engine
can look up the strings in the preferred language of the user at that moment.
You can use thunks-of-strings if you really need them that way.
* Including the 'xliff-converter' in case anyone wants to review it.
* The xliff-converter is tagged as 'xliff-converter', but has been
\#\# Details
- Resolves #5171
\#\# Changes
\#\#\# New Features
- Adds a "Add an Application" to the LibraryView if there are no applications and the user is an administrator.
\#\#\# Breaking Changes
- Adds breaking change which causes \<issue\>.
\#\# Checklist
- [ ] Local tests pass (`ak test authentik/`)
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make lint-fix`)
If an API change has been made
- [ ] The API schema has been updated (`make gen-build`)
If changes to the frontend have been made
- [ ] The code has been formatted (`make web`)
- [ ] The translation files have been updated (`make i18n-extract`)
If applicable
- [ ] The documentation has been updated
- [ ] The documentation has been formatted (`make website`)
* web: fix redundant locales for zh suite.
* web: prettier pass for locale update
* web: localization moderization
Changed the names of the lit-localize commands to make it clear they're
part of the localization effort, and not just "build" and "extract".
* update transifex config
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* fix package lock?
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* use build not compile
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
* web: conversion to lit-localize
The CI produced a list of problems that I hadn't caught earlier,
due to a typo ("localize build" is correct, "localize compile" is
not) I had left in package.json. They were minor and linty, but
it was still wise to fix them.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
This commit fixes some minor linting issues that were hidden by a typo in package.json. The
issues were not apparently problematic from a Javascript point of view, but they pointed
to sloppy thinking in the progression of types through the system, so I cleaned them
up and formalized the types from LocaleModule to AkLocale.
* web: replace lingui with lit/localize
One problem that has repeatedly come up is that localize's templates do not produce
JavaScript that conforms with our shop style. I've replaced `build-locale` with
a two-step that builds the locale *and* ensures that it conforms to the shop style
via `prettier` every time.
* web: replace lingui with lit-locale
This commit applies the most recent bundle of translations to the
new lit-locale aspect component. It also revises the algorithm
for *finding* the correct locale, replacing the complex fall-back
with some rather straightforward regular expressions.
In the case of Chinese, the fallback comes at the end of the
selection list, which may not be, er, politically valuable
(since Taiwan and Hong Kong come before, being exceptions that
need to be tested). If we need a different order for presentation,
that'll be a future feature.
* web: replace lingui with lit/locale
Well, that was embarassing.
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
Co-authored-by: Jens Langhammer <jens@goauthentik.io>
2023-06-02 15:08:36 +00:00