"""Wrapper for ldap3 to easily manage user""" from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import ldap3 import ldap3.core.exceptions from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from structlog import get_logger from passbook.core.exceptions import PropertyMappingExpressionException from passbook.core.models import Group, User from passbook.sources.ldap.models import LDAPPropertyMapping, LDAPSource LOGGER = get_logger() class Connector: """Wrapper for ldap3 to easily manage user authentication and creation""" _source: LDAPSource def __init__(self, source: LDAPSource): self._source = source @staticmethod def encode_pass(password: str) -> bytes: """Encodes a plain-text password so it can be used by AD""" return '"{}"'.format(password).encode("utf-16-le") @property def base_dn_users(self) -> str: """Shortcut to get full base_dn for user lookups""" if self._source.additional_user_dn: return f"{self._source.additional_user_dn},{self._source.base_dn}" return self._source.base_dn @property def base_dn_groups(self) -> str: """Shortcut to get full base_dn for group lookups""" if self._source.additional_group_dn: return f"{self._source.additional_group_dn},{self._source.base_dn}" return self._source.base_dn def sync_groups(self): """Iterate over all LDAP Groups and create passbook_core.Group instances""" if not self._source.sync_groups: LOGGER.warning("Group syncing is disabled for this Source") return groups = self._source.connection.extend.standard.paged_search( search_base=self.base_dn_groups, search_filter=self._source.group_object_filter, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, attributes=ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ) for group in groups: attributes = group.get("attributes", {}) if self._source.object_uniqueness_field not in attributes: LOGGER.warning( "Cannot find uniqueness Field in attributes", user=attributes.keys() ) continue uniq = attributes[self._source.object_uniqueness_field] _, created = Group.objects.update_or_create( attributes__ldap_uniq=uniq, parent=self._source.sync_parent_group, defaults={ "name": attributes.get("name", ""), "attributes": { "ldap_uniq": uniq, "distinguishedName": attributes.get("distinguishedName"), }, }, ) LOGGER.debug( "Synced group", group=attributes.get("name", ""), created=created ) def sync_users(self): """Iterate over all LDAP Users and create passbook_core.User instances""" if not self._source.sync_users: LOGGER.warning("User syncing is disabled for this Source") return users = self._source.connection.extend.standard.paged_search( search_base=self.base_dn_users, search_filter=self._source.user_object_filter, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, attributes=ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ) for user in users: attributes = user.get("attributes", {}) if self._source.object_uniqueness_field not in attributes: LOGGER.warning( "Cannot find uniqueness Field in attributes", user=user.keys() ) continue uniq = attributes[self._source.object_uniqueness_field] try: defaults = self._build_object_properties(attributes) user, created = User.objects.update_or_create( attributes__ldap_uniq=uniq, defaults=defaults, ) except IntegrityError as exc: LOGGER.warning("Failed to create user", exc=exc) LOGGER.warning( ( "To merge new User with existing user, set the User's " f"Attribute 'ldap_uniq' to '{uniq}'" ) ) else: if created: user.set_unusable_password() user.save() LOGGER.debug( "Synced User", user=attributes.get("name", ""), created=created ) def sync_membership(self): """Iterate over all Users and assign Groups using memberOf Field""" users = self._source.connection.extend.standard.paged_search( search_base=self.base_dn_users, search_filter=self._source.user_object_filter, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, attributes=[ self._source.user_group_membership_field, self._source.object_uniqueness_field, ], ) group_cache: Dict[str, Group] = {} for user in users: member_of = user.get("attributes", {}).get( self._source.user_group_membership_field, [] ) uniq = user.get("attributes", {}).get( self._source.object_uniqueness_field, [] ) for group_dn in member_of: # Check if group_dn is within our base_dn_groups, and skip if not if not group_dn.endswith(self.base_dn_groups): continue # Check if we fetched the group already, and if not cache it for later if group_dn not in group_cache: groups = Group.objects.filter( attributes__distinguishedName=group_dn ) if not groups.exists(): LOGGER.warning( "Group does not exist in our DB yet, run sync_groups first.", group=group_dn, ) return group_cache[group_dn] = groups.first() group = group_cache[group_dn] users = User.objects.filter(attributes__ldap_uniq=uniq) group.user_set.add(*list(users)) # Now that all users are added, lets write everything for _, group in group_cache.items(): group.save() LOGGER.debug("Successfully updated group membership") def _build_object_properties( self, attributes: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]: properties = {"attributes": {}} for mapping in self._source.property_mappings.all().select_subclasses(): if not isinstance(mapping, LDAPPropertyMapping): continue mapping: LDAPPropertyMapping try: value = mapping.evaluate(user=None, request=None, ldap=attributes) if value is None: continue object_field = mapping.object_field if object_field.startswith("attributes."): properties["attributes"][ object_field.replace("attributes.", "") ] = value else: properties[object_field] = value except PropertyMappingExpressionException as exc: LOGGER.warning("Mapping failed to evaluate", exc=exc, mapping=mapping) continue if self._source.object_uniqueness_field in attributes: properties["attributes"]["ldap_uniq"] = attributes.get( self._source.object_uniqueness_field ) properties["attributes"]["distinguishedName"] = attributes.get( "distinguishedName" ) return properties def auth_user(self, password: str, **filters: str) -> Optional[User]: """Try to bind as either user_dn or mail with password. Returns True on success, otherwise False""" users = User.objects.filter(**filters) if not users.exists(): return None user: User = users.first() if "distinguishedName" not in user.attributes: LOGGER.debug( "User doesn't have DN set, assuming not LDAP imported.", user=user ) return None # Either has unusable password, # or has a password, but couldn't be authenticated by ModelBackend. # This means we check with a bind to see if the LDAP password has changed if self.auth_user_by_bind(user, password): # Password given successfully binds to LDAP, so we save it in our Database LOGGER.debug("Updating user's password in DB", user=user) user.set_password(password) user.save() return user # Password doesn't match LOGGER.debug("Failed to bind, password invalid") return None def auth_user_by_bind(self, user: User, password: str) -> Optional[User]: """Attempt authentication by binding to the LDAP server as `user`. This method should be avoided as its slow to do the bind.""" # Try to bind as new user LOGGER.debug("Attempting Binding as user", user=user) try: temp_connection = ldap3.Connection( self._source.connection.server, user=user.attributes.get("distinguishedName"), password=password, raise_exceptions=True, ) temp_connection.bind() return user except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult as exception: LOGGER.debug("LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult", user=user, error=exception) except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPException as exception: LOGGER.warning(exception) return None