"""passbook app_gw middleware""" import mimetypes from logging import getLogger from urllib.parse import urlparse import certifi import urllib3 from django.core.cache import cache from django.utils.http import urlencode from django.views.generic import RedirectView from revproxy.exceptions import InvalidUpstream from passbook.app_gw.models import ApplicationGatewayProvider from passbook.app_gw.proxy.response import get_django_response from passbook.app_gw.proxy.utils import encode_items, normalize_request_headers from passbook.app_gw.rewrite import Rewriter from passbook.core.models import Application from passbook.core.policies import PolicyEngine from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG IGNORED_HOSTNAMES_KEY = 'passbook_app_gw_ignored' LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) QUOTE_SAFE = r'<.;>\(}*+|~=-$/_:^@)[{]&\'!,"`' ERRORS_MESSAGES = { 'upstream-no-scheme': ("Upstream URL scheme must be either " "'http' or 'https' (%s).") } # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class ApplicationGatewayMiddleware: """Check if request should be proxied or handeled normally""" ignored_hosts = [] request = None app_gw = None http = None http_no_verify = None host_header = '' _parsed_url = None _request_headers = None def __init__(self, get_response): self.get_response = get_response self.ignored_hosts = cache.get(IGNORED_HOSTNAMES_KEY, []) self.http_no_verify = urllib3.PoolManager() self.http = urllib3.PoolManager( cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where()) def precheck(self, request): """Check if a request should be proxied or forwarded to passbook""" # Check if hostname is in cached list of ignored hostnames # This saves us having to query the database on each request self.host_header = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') if self.host_header in self.ignored_hosts: LOGGER.debug("%s is ignored", self.host_header) return True, None # Look through all ApplicationGatewayProviders and check hostnames matches = ApplicationGatewayProvider.objects.filter( server_name__contains=[self.host_header], enabled=True) if not matches.exists(): # Mo matching Providers found, add host header to ignored list self.ignored_hosts.append(self.host_header) cache.set(IGNORED_HOSTNAMES_KEY, self.ignored_hosts) LOGGER.debug("Ignoring %s", self.host_header) return True, None # At this point we're certain there's a matching ApplicationGateway if len(matches) > 1: # TODO This should never happen raise ValueError app_gw = matches.first() try: # Check if ApplicationGateway is associcaited with application getattr(app_gw, 'application') return False, app_gw except Application.DoesNotExist: LOGGER.debug("ApplicationGateway not associated with Application") return True, None return True, None def __call__(self, request): forward, self.app_gw = self.precheck(request) if forward: return self.get_response(request) self.request = request return self.dispatch(request) def get_upstream(self): """Get upstream as parsed url""" # TODO: How to choose upstream? upstream = self.app_gw.upstream[0] self._parsed_url = urlparse(upstream) if self._parsed_url.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise InvalidUpstream(ERRORS_MESSAGES['upstream-no-scheme'] % upstream) return upstream def _format_path_to_redirect(self, request): LOGGER.debug("Path before: %s", request.get_full_path()) rewriter = Rewriter(self.app_gw, request) after = rewriter.build() LOGGER.debug("Path after: %s", after) return after def get_proxy_request_headers(self, request): """Get normalized headers for the upstream Gets all headers from the original request and normalizes them. Normalization occurs by removing the prefix ``HTTP_`` and replacing and ``_`` by ``-``. Example: ``HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING`` becames ``Accept-Encoding``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 :param request: The original HTTPRequest instance :returns: Normalized headers for the upstream """ return normalize_request_headers(request) def get_request_headers(self): """Return request headers that will be sent to upstream. The header REMOTE_USER is set to the current user if AuthenticationMiddleware is enabled and the view's add_remote_user property is True. .. versionadded:: 0.9.8 """ request_headers = self.get_proxy_request_headers(self.request) request_headers[self.app_gw.authentication_header] = self.request.user.get_username() LOGGER.info("%s set", self.app_gw.authentication_header) return request_headers def check_permission(self): """Check if user is authenticated and has permission to access app""" if not hasattr(self.request, 'user'): return False if not self.request.user.is_authenticated: return False policy_engine = PolicyEngine(self.app_gw.application.policies.all()) policy_engine.for_user(self.request.user).with_request(self.request).build() passing, _messages = policy_engine.result return passing def get_encoded_query_params(self): """Return encoded query params to be used in proxied request""" get_data = encode_items(self.request.GET.lists()) return urlencode(get_data) def _created_proxy_response(self, request, path): request_payload = request.body LOGGER.debug("Request headers: %s", self._request_headers) request_url = self.get_upstream() + path LOGGER.debug("Request URL: %s", request_url) if request.GET: request_url += '?' + self.get_encoded_query_params() LOGGER.debug("Request URL: %s", request_url) http = self.http if not self.app_gw.upstream_ssl_verification: http = self.http_no_verify try: proxy_response = http.urlopen(request.method, request_url, redirect=False, retries=None, headers=self._request_headers, body=request_payload, decode_content=False, preload_content=False) LOGGER.debug("Proxy response header: %s", proxy_response.getheaders()) except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error: LOGGER.exception(error) raise return proxy_response def _replace_host_on_redirect_location(self, request, proxy_response): location = proxy_response.headers.get('Location') if location: if request.is_secure(): scheme = 'https://' else: scheme = 'http://' request_host = scheme + self.host_header upstream_host_http = 'http://' + self._parsed_url.netloc upstream_host_https = 'https://' + self._parsed_url.netloc location = location.replace(upstream_host_http, request_host) location = location.replace(upstream_host_https, request_host) proxy_response.headers['Location'] = location LOGGER.debug("Proxy response LOCATION: %s", proxy_response.headers['Location']) def _set_content_type(self, request, proxy_response): content_type = proxy_response.headers.get('Content-Type') if not content_type: content_type = (mimetypes.guess_type(request.path)[0] or self.app_gw.default_content_type) proxy_response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type LOGGER.debug("Proxy response CONTENT-TYPE: %s", proxy_response.headers['Content-Type']) def dispatch(self, request): """Build proxied request and pass to upstream""" if not self.check_permission(): to_url = 'https://%s/?next=%s' % (CONFIG.get('domains')[0], request.get_full_path()) return RedirectView.as_view(url=to_url)(request) self._request_headers = self.get_request_headers() path = self._format_path_to_redirect(request) proxy_response = self._created_proxy_response(request, path) self._replace_host_on_redirect_location(request, proxy_response) self._set_content_type(request, proxy_response) response = get_django_response(proxy_response, strict_cookies=False) LOGGER.debug("RESPONSE RETURNED: %s", response) return response