"""Docker controller""" from time import sleep from typing import Dict, Tuple from django.conf import settings from docker import DockerClient from docker.errors import DockerException, NotFound from docker.models.containers import Container from yaml import safe_dump from passbook import __version__ from passbook.outposts.controllers.base import BaseController, ControllerException from passbook.outposts.models import ( DockerServiceConnection, Outpost, ServiceConnectionInvalid, ) class DockerController(BaseController): """Docker controller""" client: DockerClient container: Container connection: DockerServiceConnection image_base = "beryju/passbook" def __init__(self, outpost: Outpost, connection: DockerServiceConnection) -> None: super().__init__(outpost, connection) try: self.client = connection.client() except ServiceConnectionInvalid as exc: raise ControllerException from exc def _get_labels(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {} def _get_env(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return { "PASSBOOK_HOST": self.outpost.config.passbook_host, "PASSBOOK_INSECURE": str(self.outpost.config.passbook_host_insecure), "PASSBOOK_TOKEN": self.outpost.token.key, } def _comp_env(self, container: Container) -> bool: """Check if container's env is equal to what we would set. Return true if container needs to be rebuilt.""" should_be = self._get_env() container_env = container.attrs.get("Config", {}).get("Env", {}) for key, expected_value in should_be.items(): if key not in container_env: continue if container_env[key] != expected_value: return True return False def _get_container(self) -> Tuple[Container, bool]: container_name = f"passbook-proxy-{self.outpost.uuid.hex}" try: return self.client.containers.get(container_name), False except NotFound: self.logger.info("Container does not exist, creating") image_name = f"{self.image_base}-{self.outpost.type}:{__version__}" self.client.images.pull(image_name) return ( self.client.containers.create( image=image_name, name=f"passbook-proxy-{self.outpost.uuid.hex}", detach=True, ports={x: x for _, x in self.deployment_ports.items()}, environment=self._get_env(), network_mode="host" if settings.TEST else "bridge", labels=self._get_labels(), ), True, ) def up(self): try: container, has_been_created = self._get_container() # Check if the container is out of date, delete it and retry if len(container.image.tags) > 0: tag: str = container.image.tags[0] _, _, version = tag.partition(":") if version != __version__: self.logger.info( "Container has mismatched version, re-creating...", has=version, should=__version__, ) container.kill() container.remove(force=True) return self.up() # Check that container values match our values if self._comp_env(container): self.logger.info("Container has outdated config, re-creating...") container.kill() container.remove(force=True) return self.up() # Check that container is healthy if ( container.status == "running" and container.attrs.get("State", {}).get("Health", {}).get("Status", "") != "healthy" ): # At this point we know the config is correct, but the container isn't healthy, # so we just restart it with the same config if has_been_created: # Since we've just created the container, give it some time to start. # If its still not up by then, restart it self.logger.info( "Container is unhealthy and new, giving it time to boot." ) sleep(60) self.logger.info("Container is unhealthy, restarting...") container.restart() return None # Check that container is running if container.status != "running": self.logger.info("Container is not running, restarting...") container.start() return None return None except DockerException as exc: raise ControllerException from exc def down(self): try: container, _ = self._get_container() container.kill() container.remove() except DockerException as exc: raise ControllerException from exc def get_static_deployment(self) -> str: """Generate docker-compose yaml for proxy, version 3.5""" ports = [f"{x}:{x}" for _, x in self.deployment_ports.items()] compose = { "version": "3.5", "services": { f"passbook_{self.outpost.type}": { "image": f"{self.image_base}-{self.outpost.type}:{__version__}", "ports": ports, "environment": { "PASSBOOK_HOST": self.outpost.config.passbook_host, "PASSBOOK_INSECURE": str( self.outpost.config.passbook_host_insecure ), "PASSBOOK_TOKEN": self.outpost.token.key, }, } }, } return safe_dump(compose, default_flow_style=False)