--- title: User --- ## Attributes ### `goauthentik.io/user/can-change-username` Optional flag, when set to false prevents the user from changing their own username. ### `goauthentik.io/user/can-change-email` Optional flag, when set to false prevents the user from changing their own email. ### `goauthentik.io/user/token-expires`: Optional flag, when set to false, Tokens created by the user will not expire. ### `goauthentik.io/user/debug`: See [Troubleshooting access problems](../troubleshooting/access.md), when set, the user gets a more detailed explanation of access decisions. ### `additionalHeaders`: :::info This field is only used by the Proxy Provider. ::: Some applications can be configured to create new users using header information forwarded from Authentik. You can forward additional header information by adding each header underneath `additionalHeaders`: #### Example: ``` additionalHeaders: REMOTE-USER: joe.smith REMOTE-EMAIL: joe@jsmith.com REMOTE-NAME: Joseph ``` These headers will now be passed to the application when the user logs in. Most applications will need to be configured to accept these headers. Some examples of applications that can accept additional headers from an Authentik Proxy Provider are [Grafana](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/auth/auth-proxy/) and [Tandoor Recipes](https://docs.tandoor.dev/features/authentication/). ## Object attributes The User object has the following attributes: - `username`: User's username. - `email` User's email. - `name` User's display name. - `is_staff` Boolean field if user is staff. - `is_active` Boolean field if user is active. - `date_joined` Date user joined/was created. - `password_change_date` Date password was last changed. - `attributes` Dynamic attributes, see above - `group_attributes()` Merged attributes of all groups the user is member of and the user's own attributes. - `ak_groups` This is a queryset of all the user's groups. You can do additional filtering like ```python user.ak_groups.filter(name__startswith='test') ``` see [here](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/models/querysets/#id4) To get the name of all groups, you can do ```python [group.name for group in user.ak_groups.all()] ``` ## Examples List all the User's group names: ```python for group in user.ak_groups.all(): yield group.name ```