import { TITLE_DEFAULT } from "@goauthentik/app/common/constants"; import { Interface } from "@goauthentik/elements/Base"; import "@goauthentik/elements/LoadingOverlay"; import Guacamole from "guacamole-common-js"; import { msg, str } from "@lit/localize"; import { CSSResult, TemplateResult, css, html } from "lit"; import { customElement, property, state } from "lit/decorators.js"; import AKGlobal from "@goauthentik/common/styles/authentik.css"; import PFContent from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/Content/content.css"; import PFPage from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/Page/page.css"; import PFBase from "@patternfly/patternfly/patternfly-base.css"; enum GuacClientState { IDLE = 0, CONNECTING = 1, WAITING = 2, CONNECTED = 3, DISCONNECTING = 4, DISCONNECTED = 5, } const AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE = "audio/L16;rate=44100,channels=2"; const RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS_INITIAL = 5; const RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 5; @customElement("ak-rac") export class RacInterface extends Interface { static get styles(): CSSResult[] { return [ PFBase, PFPage, PFContent, AKGlobal, css` :host { cursor: none; } canvas { z-index: unset !important; } .container { overflow: hidden; height: 100vh; background-color: black; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } ak-loading-overlay { z-index: 5; } `, ]; } client?: Guacamole.Client; tunnel?: Guacamole.Tunnel; @state() container?: HTMLElement; @state() clientState?: GuacClientState; @state() reconnectingMessage = ""; @property() token?: string; @property() endpointName?: string; @state() clipboardWatcherTimer = 0; _previousClipboardValue: unknown; // Set to `true` if we've successfully connected once hasConnected = false; // Keep track of current connection attempt connectionAttempt = 0; static domSize(): DOMRect { return document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); } constructor() { super(); this.initKeyboard(); this.checkClipboard(); this.clipboardWatcherTimer = setInterval( this.checkClipboard.bind(this), 500, ) as unknown as number; } connectedCallback(): void { super.connectedCallback(); window.addEventListener( "focus", () => { this.checkClipboard(); }, { capture: false, }, ); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { this.client?.sendSize( Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().width), Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().height), ); }); } disconnectedCallback(): void { super.disconnectedCallback(); clearInterval(this.clipboardWatcherTimer); } async firstUpdated(): Promise { this.updateTitle(); const wsUrl = `${window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws")}//${ }/ws/rac/${this.token}/`; this.tunnel = new Guacamole.WebSocketTunnel(wsUrl); this.tunnel.receiveTimeout = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds this.tunnel.onerror = (status) => { console.debug("authentik/rac: tunnel error: ", status); this.reconnect(); }; this.client = new Guacamole.Client(this.tunnel); this.client.onerror = (err) => { console.debug("authentik/rac: error: ", err); this.reconnect(); }; this.client.onstatechange = (state) => { this.clientState = state; if (state === GuacClientState.CONNECTED) { this.onConnected(); } }; this.client.onclipboard = (stream, mimetype) => { // If the received data is text, read it as a simple string if (/^text\//.exec(mimetype)) { const reader = new Guacamole.StringReader(stream); let data = ""; reader.ontext = (text) => { data += text; }; reader.onend = () => { this._previousClipboardValue = data; navigator.clipboard.writeText(data); }; } else { const reader = new Guacamole.BlobReader(stream, mimetype); reader.onend = () => { const blob = reader.getBlob(); navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({ [blob.type]: blob, }), ]); }; } console.debug("authentik/rac: updated clipboard from remote"); }; const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.set("screen_width", Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().width).toString()); params.set("screen_height", Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().height).toString()); params.set("screen_dpi", (window.devicePixelRatio * 96).toString()); this.client.connect(params.toString()); } reconnect(): void { this.clientState = undefined; this.connectionAttempt += 1; if (!this.hasConnected) { // Check connection attempts if we haven't had a successful connection if (this.connectionAttempt >= RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS_INITIAL) { this.hasConnected = true; this.reconnectingMessage = msg( str`Connection failed after ${this.connectionAttempt} attempts.`, ); return; } } else { if (this.connectionAttempt >= RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS) { this.reconnectingMessage = msg( str`Connection failed after ${this.connectionAttempt} attempts.`, ); return; } } const delay = 500 * this.connectionAttempt; this.reconnectingMessage = msg( str`Re-connecting in ${Math.max(1, delay / 1000)} second(s).`, ); setTimeout(() => { this.firstUpdated(); }, delay); } updateTitle(): void { let title = this.tenant?.brandingTitle || TITLE_DEFAULT; if (this.endpointName) { title = `${this.endpointName} - ${title}`; } document.title = `${title}`; } onConnected(): void { console.debug("authentik/rac: connected"); if (!this.client) { return; } this.hasConnected = true; this.container = this.client.getDisplay().getElement(); this.initMouse(this.container); this.client?.sendSize( Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().width), Math.floor(RacInterface.domSize().height), ); } initMouse(container: HTMLElement): void { const mouse = new Guacamole.Mouse(container); const handler = (mouseState: Guacamole.Mouse.State, scaleMouse = false) => { if (!this.client) return; if (scaleMouse) { mouseState.y = mouseState.y / this.client.getDisplay().getScale(); mouseState.x = mouseState.x / this.client.getDisplay().getScale(); } this.client.sendMouseState(mouseState); }; mouse.onmouseup = mouse.onmousedown = (mouseState) => { this.container?.focus(); handler(mouseState); }; mouse.onmousemove = (mouseState) => { handler(mouseState, true); }; } initAudioInput(): void { const stream = this.client?.createAudioStream(AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE); if (!stream) return; // Guacamole.AudioPlayer const recorder = Guacamole.AudioRecorder.getInstance(stream, AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE); // If creation of the AudioRecorder failed, simply end the stream if (!recorder) { stream.sendEnd(); return; } // Otherwise, ensure that another audio stream is created after this // audio stream is closed recorder.onclose = this.initAudioInput.bind(this); } initKeyboard(): void { const keyboard = new Guacamole.Keyboard(document); keyboard.onkeydown = (keysym) => { this.client?.sendKeyEvent(1, keysym); }; keyboard.onkeyup = (keysym) => { this.client?.sendKeyEvent(0, keysym); }; } async checkClipboard(): Promise { try { if (!this._previousClipboardValue) { this._previousClipboardValue = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); return; } const newValue = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); if (newValue !== this._previousClipboardValue) { console.debug(`authentik/rac: new clipboard value: ${newValue}`); this._previousClipboardValue = newValue; this.writeClipboard(newValue); } } catch (ex) { // The error is most likely caused by the document not being in focus // in which case we can ignore it and just retry if (ex instanceof DOMException) { return; } console.warn("authentik/rac: error reading clipboard", ex); } } private writeClipboard(value: string) { if (!this.client) { return; } const stream = this.client.createClipboardStream("text/plain", "clipboard"); const writer = new Guacamole.StringWriter(stream); writer.sendText(value); writer.sendEnd(); console.debug("authentik/rac: Sent clipboard"); } render(): TemplateResult { return html` ${this.clientState !== GuacClientState.CONNECTED ? html` ${this.hasConnected ? html`${this.reconnectingMessage}` : html`${msg("Connecting...")}`} ` : html``}
`; } }