--- title: Overview --- The proxy outpost sets the following user-specific headers: - X-authentik-username: `akadmin` The username of the currently logged in user - X-authentik-groups: `foo|bar|baz` The groups the user is member of, separated by a pipe - X-authentik-email: `root@localhost` The email address of the currently logged in user - X-authentik-name: `authentik Default Admin` Full name of the current user - X-authentik-uid: `900347b8a29876b45ca6f75722635ecfedf0e931c6022e3a29a8aa13fb5516fb` The hashed identifier of the currently logged in user. Additionally, you can set `additionalHeaders` on groups or users to set additional headers. If you enable *Set HTTP-Basic Authentication* option, the HTTP Authorization header is being set. Besides these user-specific headers, some application specific headers are also set: - X-authentik-meta-outpost: `authentik Embedded Outpost` The authentik outpost's name. - X-authentik-meta-provider: `test` The authentik provider's name. - X-authentik-meta-app: `test` The authentik application's slug. - X-authentik-meta-version: `goauthentik.io/outpost/1.2.3` The authentik outpost's version. ### Only in proxy mode - X-Forwarded-Host: The original Host header sent by the client. This is set as the `Host` header is set to the host of the configured backend. ## HTTPS The outpost listens on both 9000 for HTTP and 9443 for HTTPS. :::info If your upstream host is HTTPS, and you're not using forward auth, you need to access the outpost over HTTPS too. ::: ## Logging out Login is done automatically when you visit the domain without a valid cookie. When using single-application mode, navigate to `app.domain.tld/outpost.goauthentik.io/sign_out`. When using domain-level mode, navigate to `auth.domain.tld/outpost.goauthentik.io/sign_out`, where auth.domain.tld is the external host configured for the provider. To log out, navigate to `/outpost.goauthentik.io/sign_out`. ## Allowing unauthenticated requests To allow un-authenticated requests to certain paths/URLs, you can use the *Unauthenticated URLs* / *Unauthenticated Paths* field. Each new line is interpreted as a regular expression, and is compiled and checked using the standard Golang regex parser. The behaviour of this field changes depending on which mode you're in. ### Proxy and Forward auth (single application) In this mode, the regular expressions are matched against the Request's Path. ### Forward auth (domain level) In this mode, the regular expressions are matched against the Request's full URL. ## Dynamic backend selection You can configure the backend the proxy should access dynamically via *Scope mappings*. To do so, create a new *Scope mapping*, with a name and scope of your choice. As expression, use this: ```python return { "ak_proxy": { "backend_override": f"http://foo.bar.baz/{request.user.username}" } } ``` Afterwards, edit the *Proxy provider* and add this new mapping. The expression is only evaluated when the user logs into the application.