import React from "react"; import clsx from "clsx"; import Layout from "@theme/Layout"; import Link from "@docusaurus/Link"; import useDocusaurusContext from "@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext"; import useBaseUrl from "@docusaurus/useBaseUrl"; import styles from "./styles.module.css"; const features = [ { title: "Easy to Use", description: ( <> Identity made easy. authentik makes single-sign on, user enrollment and access control simple. ), }, { title: "Realise your workflow", description: ( <> authentik lets you build your Workflow as you need it, no limitations. ), }, { title: "Powered by Python", description: ( <> Implement custom verification or access control logic using Python code. ), }, ]; function Feature({ imageUrl, title, description }) { const imgUrl = useBaseUrl(imageUrl); return (
{imgUrl && (



); } function Home() { const context = useDocusaurusContext(); const { siteConfig = {} } = context; return (


authentik is an open-source Identity Provider focused on flexibility and versatility

Get Started
authentik logo
{, idx) => ( ))}
library screenshot

What is authentik?

authentik is an open-source Identity Provider focused on flexibility and versatility. You can use authentik in an existing environment to add support for new protocols. authentik is also a great solution for implementing signup/recovery/etc in your application, so you don't have to deal with it.

Upmost flexibility

You can adopt authentik to your environment, regardless of your requirements. Need an Active- Directory integrated SSO Provider? Do you want to implement a custom enrollment process for your customers? Are you developing an application and don't want to deal with User verification and recovery? authentik can do all of that, and more!

library screenshot
); } export default Home;