################################### # Values directly affecting authentik ################################### image: name: beryju/authentik name_static: beryju/authentik-static name_outposts: beryju/authentik # Prefix used for Outpost deployments, Outpost type and version is appended tag: 2021.1.4-stable pullPolicy: IfNotPresent serverReplicas: 1 workerReplicas: 1 # Enable the Kubernetes integration which lets authentik deploy outposts into kubernetes kubernetesIntegration: true config: # Optionally specify fixed secret_key, otherwise generated automatically # secretKey: _k*@6h2u2@q-dku57hhgzb7tnx*ba9wodcb^s9g0j59@=y(@_o # Enable error reporting errorReporting: enabled: false environment: customer sendPii: false # Log level used by web and worker # Can be either debug, info, warning, error logLevel: warning # Global Email settings email: # SMTP Host Emails are sent to host: localhost port: 25 # Optionally authenticate username: "" password: "" # Use StartTLS useTls: false # Use SSL useSsl: false timeout: 10 # Email address authentik will send from, should have a correct @domain from: authentik@localhost # Enable Database Backups to S3 # backup: # accessKey: access-key # secretKey: secret-key # bucket: s3-bucket # region: eu-central-1 # host: s3-host ingress: annotations: {} # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" hosts: - authentik.k8s.local tls: [] # - secretName: chart-example-tls # hosts: # - authentik.k8s.local ################################### # Values controlling dependencies ################################### install: postgresql: true redis: true # These values influence the bundled postgresql and redis charts, but are also used by authentik to connect postgresql: postgresqlDatabase: authentik redis: cluster: enabled: false master: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/59189742 disableCommands: []