import { css, CSSResult, customElement, html, LitElement, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element"; import { unsafeHTML } from "lit-html/directives/unsafe-html"; import { convertToSlug } from "../../utils"; import { SpinnerButton } from "./SpinnerButton"; import { PRIMARY_CLASS } from "../../constants"; import { showMessage } from "../messages/MessageContainer"; import { COMMON_STYLES } from "../../common/styles"; @customElement("ak-modal-button") export class ModalButton extends LitElement { @property() href?: string; @property({type: Boolean}) open = false; @property() modal = ""; static get styles(): CSSResult[] { return COMMON_STYLES.concat( css` :host { text-align: left; } ::slotted(*) { overflow-y: auto; } .pf-c-page__main-section { margin-right: 0; } ` ); } constructor() { super(); window.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if (e.code === "Escape") { = false; } }); } updateHandlers(): void { // Ensure links close the modal this.shadowRoot?.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((a) => { if ( == "_blank") { return; } // Make click on a close the modal a.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); = false; }); }); // Make name field update slug field this.shadowRoot?.querySelectorAll("input[name=name]").forEach((input) => { const form = input.closest("form"); if (form === null) { return; } const slugField = form.querySelector("input[name=slug]"); if (!slugField) { return; } // Only attach handler if the slug is already equal to the name // if not, they are probably completely different and shouldn't update // each other if (convertToSlug(input.value) !== slugField.value) { return; } input.addEventListener("input", () => { slugField.value = convertToSlug(input.value); }); }); // Ensure forms sends in AJAX this.shadowRoot?.querySelectorAll("form").forEach((form) => { form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(form); fetch(this.href ? this.href : form.action, { method: form.method, body: formData, redirect: "manual", }) .then((response) => { return response.text(); }) .then((responseData) => { if (responseData.indexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken") !== -1) { this.modal = responseData; console.debug("authentik/modalbutton: re-showing form"); } else { = false; console.debug("authentik/modalbutton: successful submit"); this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ak-refresh", { bubbles: true, composed: true, }) ); } }) .catch((e) => { showMessage({ level_tag: "error", message: "Unexpected error" }); console.log(e); }); }); }); } onClick(): void { if (!this.href) { this.updateHandlers(); = true; } else { const request = new Request(this.href); fetch(request, { mode: "same-origin", }) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((responseData) => { this.modal = responseData; = true; this.querySelectorAll("ak-spinner-button").forEach((sb) => { sb.setDone(PRIMARY_CLASS); }); }) .catch((e) => { showMessage({ level_tag: "error", message: "Unexpected error" }); console.log(e); }); } } renderModal(): TemplateResult { return html`
`; } render(): TemplateResult { return html` this.onClick()}> ${ ? this.renderModal() : ""}`; } updated(): void { this.updateHandlers(); } }