"""passbook saml source processor""" from base64 import b64decode from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict import xmlsec from defusedxml.lxml import fromstring from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from structlog import get_logger from passbook.core.models import User from passbook.flows.models import Flow from passbook.flows.planner import ( PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER, PLAN_CONTEXT_SSO, FlowPlanner, ) from passbook.flows.views import SESSION_KEY_PLAN from passbook.lib.utils.urls import redirect_with_qs from passbook.policies.utils import delete_none_keys from passbook.sources.saml.exceptions import ( InvalidSignature, MismatchedRequestID, MissingSAMLResponse, UnsupportedNameIDFormat, ) from passbook.sources.saml.models import SAMLSource from passbook.sources.saml.processors.constants import ( NS_MAP, SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_EMAIL, SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT, SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT, SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_WINDOWS, SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_X509, ) from passbook.sources.saml.processors.request import SESSION_REQUEST_ID from passbook.stages.password.stage import PLAN_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND from passbook.stages.prompt.stage import PLAN_CONTEXT_PROMPT LOGGER = get_logger() if TYPE_CHECKING: from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element # nosec CACHE_SEEN_REQUEST_ID = "passbook_saml_seen_ids_%s" DEFAULT_BACKEND = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend" class ResponseProcessor: """SAML Response Processor""" _source: SAMLSource _root: Any _root_xml: str def __init__(self, source: SAMLSource): self._source = source def parse(self, request: HttpRequest): """Check if `request` contains SAML Response data, parse and validate it.""" # First off, check if we have any SAML Data at all. raw_response = request.POST.get("SAMLResponse", None) if not raw_response: raise MissingSAMLResponse("Request does not contain 'SAMLResponse'") # Check if response is compressed, b64 decode it self._root_xml = b64decode(raw_response.encode()).decode() self._root = fromstring(self._root_xml) if self._source.signing_kp: self._verify_signed() self._verify_request_id(request) def _verify_signed(self): """Verify SAML Response's Signature""" signature_nodes = self._root.xpath( "/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/ds:Signature", namespaces=NS_MAP ) if len(signature_nodes) != 1: raise InvalidSignature() signature_node = signature_nodes[0] xmlsec.tree.add_ids(self._root, ["ID"]) ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory( self._source.signing_kp.certificate_data, xmlsec.constants.KeyDataFormatCertPem, ) ctx.key = key ctx.set_enabled_key_data([xmlsec.constants.KeyDataX509]) try: ctx.verify(signature_node) except (xmlsec.InternalError, xmlsec.VerificationError) as exc: raise InvalidSignature from exc LOGGER.debug("Successfully verified signautre") def _verify_request_id(self, request: HttpRequest): if self._source.allow_idp_initiated: # If IdP-initiated SSO flows are enabled, we want to cache the Response ID # somewhat mitigate replay attacks seen_ids = cache.get(CACHE_SEEN_REQUEST_ID % self._source.pk, []) if self._root.attrib["ID"] in seen_ids: raise SuspiciousOperation("Replay attack detected") seen_ids.append(self._root.attrib["ID"]) cache.set(CACHE_SEEN_REQUEST_ID % self._source.pk, seen_ids) return if ( SESSION_REQUEST_ID not in request.session or "InResponseTo" not in self._root.attrib ): raise MismatchedRequestID( "Missing InResponseTo and IdP-initiated Logins are not allowed" ) if request.session[SESSION_REQUEST_ID] != self._root.attrib["InResponseTo"]: raise MismatchedRequestID("Mismatched request ID") def _handle_name_id_transient(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Handle a NameID with the Format of Transient. This is a bit more complex than other formats, as we need to create a temporary User that is used in the session. This user has an attribute that refers to our Source for cleanup. The user is also deleted on logout and periodically.""" # Create a temporary User name_id = self._get_name_id().text user: User = User.objects.create( username=name_id, attributes={ "saml": {"source": self._source.pk.hex, "delete_on_logout": True} }, ) LOGGER.debug("Created temporary user for NameID Transient", username=name_id) user.set_unusable_password() user.save() return self._flow_response( request, self._source.authentication_flow, **{ PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER: user, PLAN_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND: DEFAULT_BACKEND, }, ) def _get_name_id(self) -> "Element": """Get NameID Element""" assertion = self._root.find("{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Assertion") subject = assertion.find("{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}Subject") name_id = subject.find("{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}NameID") if name_id is None: raise ValueError("NameID Element not found!") return name_id def _get_name_id_filter(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns the subject's NameID as a Filter for the `User`""" name_id_el = self._get_name_id() name_id = name_id_el.text if not name_id: raise UnsupportedNameIDFormat("Subject's NameID is empty.") _format = name_id_el.attrib["Format"] if _format == SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_EMAIL: return {"email": name_id} if _format == SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT: return {"username": name_id} if _format == SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_X509: # This attribute is statically set by the LDAP source return {"attributes__distinguishedName": name_id} if _format == SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_WINDOWS: if "\\" in name_id: name_id = name_id.split("\\")[1] return {"username": name_id} raise UnsupportedNameIDFormat( f"Assertion contains NameID with unsupported format {_format}." ) def prepare_flow(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Prepare flow plan depending on whether or not the user exists""" name_id = self._get_name_id() # Sanity check, show a warning if NameIDPolicy doesn't match what we go if self._source.name_id_policy != name_id.attrib["Format"]: LOGGER.warning( "NameID from IdP doesn't match our policy", expected=self._source.name_id_policy, got=name_id.attrib["Format"], ) # transient NameIDs are handeled seperately as they don't have to go through flows. if name_id.attrib["Format"] == SAML_NAME_ID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT: return self._handle_name_id_transient(request) name_id_filter = self._get_name_id_filter() matching_users = User.objects.filter(**name_id_filter) if matching_users.exists(): # User exists already, switch to authentication flow return self._flow_response( request, self._source.authentication_flow, **{ PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER: matching_users.first(), PLAN_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND: DEFAULT_BACKEND, }, ) return self._flow_response( request, self._source.enrollment_flow, **{PLAN_CONTEXT_PROMPT: delete_none_keys(name_id_filter)}, ) def _flow_response( self, request: HttpRequest, flow: Flow, **kwargs ) -> HttpResponse: kwargs[PLAN_CONTEXT_SSO] = True request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] = FlowPlanner(flow).plan(request, kwargs) return redirect_with_qs( "passbook_flows:flow-executor-shell", request.GET, flow_slug=flow.slug, )