title: Configuration

These are all the configuration options you can set via environment variables.

Append any of the following keys to your `.env` file, and run `docker-compose up -d` to apply them.

The double-underscores are intentional, as all these settings are translated to yaml internally, a double-underscore indicates the next level.

All of these variables can be set to values, but you can also use a URI-like format to load values from other places:

- `env://<name>` Loads the value from the environment variable `<name>`. Fallback can be optionally set like `env://<name>?<default>`
- `file://<name>` Loads the value from the file `<name>`. Fallback can be optionally set like `file://<name>?<default>`

## PostgreSQL Settings

- `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST`: Hostname of your PostgreSQL Server
- `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD`: Database password, defaults to the environment variable `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`

## Redis Settings

- `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST`: Hostname of your Redis Server
- `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__PASSWORD`: Password for your Redis Server
- `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_DB`: Database for caching, defaults to 0
- `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__MESSAGE_QUEUE_DB`: Database for the message queue, defaults to 1
- `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__WS_DB`: Database for websocket connections, defaults to 2

## authentik Settings


Log level for the server and worker containers. Possible values: debug, info, warning, error
Defaults to `info`.



  Enable error reporting. Defaults to `false`.

  Error reports are sent to https://sentry.beryju.org, and are used for debugging and general feedback. Anonymous performance data is also sent.


  Unique environment that is attached to your error reports, should be set to your email address for example. Defaults to `customer`.


  Whether or not to send personal data, like usernames. Defaults to `false`.



  Default: `localhost`


  Default: `25`


  Default: `""`


  Default: `""`


  Default: `false`


  Default: `false`


  Default: `10`


  Default: `authentik@localhost`

  Email address authentik will send from, should have a correct @domain



   - `%(type)s`: Outpost type; proxy, ldap, etc
   - `%(version)s`: Current version; 2021.4.1
   - `%(build_hash)s`: Build hash if you're running a beta version

  Placeholder for outpost docker images. Default: `ghcr.io/goauthentik/%(type)s:%(version)s`.



  Controls which avatars are shown. Defaults to `gravatar`. Can be set to `none` to disable avatars.


  Branding title used throughout the UI. Defaults to `authentik`.


  Logo shown in the sidebar and flow executions. Defaults to `/static/dist/assets/icons/icon_left_brand.svg`