--- title: Configuration --- These are all the configuration options you can set via environment variables. Append any of the following keys to your `.env` file, and run `docker-compose up -d` to apply them. :::info The double-underscores are intentional, as all these settings are translated to yaml internally, a double-underscore indicates the next level. ::: All of these variables can be set to values, but you can also use a URI-like format to load values from other places: - `env://` Loads the value from the environment variable ``. Fallback can be optionally set like `env://?` - `file://` Loads the value from the file ``. Fallback can be optionally set like `file://?` ## PostgreSQL Settings - `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST`: Hostname of your PostgreSQL Server - `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME`: Database name - `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER`: Database user - `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PORT`: Database port, defaults to 5432 - `AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD`: Database password, defaults to the environment variable `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` ## Redis Settings - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST`: Hostname of your Redis Server - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__PORT`: Redis port, defaults to 6379 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__PASSWORD`: Password for your Redis Server - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_DB`: Database for caching, defaults to 0 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__MESSAGE_QUEUE_DB`: Database for the message queue, defaults to 1 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__WS_DB`: Database for websocket connections, defaults to 2 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__OUTPOST_SESSION_DB`: Database for sessions for the embedded outpost, defaults to 3 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT`: Timeout for cached data until it expires in seconds, defaults to 300 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT_FLOWS`: Timeout for cached flow plans until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT_POLICIES`: Timeout for cached policies until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300 - `AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT_REPUTATION`: Timeout for cached reputation until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300 ## authentik Settings ### AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY Secret key used for cookie signing and unique user IDs, don't change this after the first install. ### AUTHENTIK_LOG_LEVEL Log level for the server and worker containers. Possible values: debug, info, warning, error Starting with 2021.12.3, you can also set the log level to *trace*. This has no affect on the core authentik server, but shows additional messages for the embedded outpost. Defaults to `info`. ### AUTHENTIK_COOKIE_DOMAIN Which domain the session cookie should be set to. By default, the cookie is set to the domain authentik is accessed under. ### AUTHENTIK_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK Disable the inbuilt update-checker. Defaults to `false`. ### AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING - `AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENABLED` Enable error reporting. Defaults to `false`. Error reports are sent to https://sentry.beryju.org, and are used for debugging and general feedback. Anonymous performance data is also sent. - `AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENVIRONMENT` Unique environment that is attached to your error reports, should be set to your email address for example. Defaults to `customer`. - `AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__SEND_PII` Whether or not to send personal data, like usernames. Defaults to `false`. ### AUTHENTIK_EMAIL - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__HOST` Default: `localhost` - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__PORT` Default: `25` - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USERNAME` Default: `` (Don't add quotation marks) - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__PASSWORD` Default: `` (Don't add quotation marks) - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USE_TLS` Default: `false` - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USE_SSL` Default: `false` - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__TIMEOUT` Default: `10` - `AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__FROM` Default: `authentik@localhost` Email address authentik will send from, should have a correct @domain To change the sender's display name, use a format like `Name `. ### AUTHENTIK_OUTPOSTS - `AUTHENTIK_OUTPOSTS__CONTAINER_IMAGE_BASE` Placeholders: - `%(type)s`: Outpost type; proxy, ldap, etc - `%(version)s`: Current version; 2021.4.1 - `%(build_hash)s`: Build hash if you're running a beta version Placeholder for outpost docker images. Default: `ghcr.io/goauthentik/%(type)s:%(version)s`. - `AUTHENTIK_OUTPOSTS__DISCOVER` Configure the automatic discovery of integrations. Defaults to `true`. By default, the following is discovered: - Kubernetes in-cluster config - Kubeconfig - Existence of a docker socket ### AUTHENTIK_AVATARS Configure how authentik should show avatars for users. Following values can be set: - `none`: Disables per-user avatars and just shows a 1x1 pixel transparent picture - `gravatar`: Uses gravatar with the user's email address (default) - Any URL: If you want to use images hosted on another server, you can set any URL. Additionally, these placeholders can be used: - `%(username)s`: The user's username - `%(mail_hash)s`: The email address, md5 hashed - `%(upn)s`: The user's UPN, if set (otherwise an empty string) ### AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_NAME :::info Requires authentik 2021.12.5 ::: Enable the ability for users to change their name, defaults to `true`. ### AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_EMAIL :::info Requires authentik 2021.12.1 ::: Enable the ability for users to change their Email address, defaults to `true`. ### AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_USERNAME :::info Requires authentik 2021.12.1 ::: Enable the ability for users to change their Usernames, defaults to `true`. ### AUTHENTIK_GDPR_COMPLIANCE :::info Requires authentik 2021.12.1 ::: When enabled, all the events caused by a user will be deleted upon the user's deletion. Defaults to `true`. ### AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH :::info Requires authentik 2022.4.1 ::: Configure the length of generated tokens. Defaults to 128. ### AUTHENTIK_FOOTER_LINKS :::info Requires authentik 2021.12.1 ::: This option configures the footer links on the flow executor pages. The setting can be used as follows: ``` AUTHENTIK_FOOTER_LINKS='[{"name": "Link Name","href":"https://goauthentik.io"}]' ``` ## Debugging To check if your config has been applied correctly, you can run the following command to output the full config: ``` docker-compose run --rm worker dump_config # Or for kubernetes kubectl exec -it deployment/authentik-worker -c authentik -- ak dump_config ```