"""passbook SAML IDP Views""" from logging import getLogger from django.contrib import auth from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import URLValidator from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseRedirect) from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDictKeyError # from django.utils.html import escape # from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG # from passbook.core.models import Event, Setting, UserAcquirableRelationship from passbook.lib.utils.template import render_to_string # from passbook.core.views.common import ErrorResponseView # from passbook.core.views.settings import GenericSettingView from passbook.saml_idp import exceptions, registry # from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM # from OpenSSL.crypto import Error as CryptoError # from OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) URL_VALIDATOR = URLValidator(schemes=('http', 'https')) def _generate_response(request, processor, remote): """Generate a SAML response using processor and return it in the proper Django response.""" try: ctx = processor.generate_response() ctx['remote'] = remote except exceptions.UserNotAuthorized: return render(request, 'saml/idp/invalid_user.html') return render(request, 'saml/idp/login.html', ctx) def render_xml(request, template, ctx): """Render template with content_type application/xml""" return render(request, template, context=ctx, content_type="application/xml") @csrf_exempt def login_begin(request): """Receives a SAML 2.0 AuthnRequest from a Service Provider and stores it in the session prior to enforcing login.""" if request.method == 'POST': source = request.POST else: source = request.GET # Store these values now, because Django's login cycle won't preserve them. try: request.session['SAMLRequest'] = source['SAMLRequest'] except (KeyError, MultiValueDictKeyError): return HttpResponseBadRequest('the SAML request payload is missing') request.session['RelayState'] = source.get('RelayState', '') return redirect(reverse('passbook_saml_idp:saml_login_process')) def redirect_to_sp(request, acs_url, saml_response, relay_state): """Return autosubmit form""" return render(request, 'core/autosubmit_form.html', { 'url': acs_url, 'attrs': { 'SAMLResponse': saml_response, 'RelayState': relay_state } }) @login_required def login_process(request): """Processor-based login continuation. Presents a SAML 2.0 Assertion for POSTing back to the Service Provider.""" LOGGER.debug("Request: %s", request) proc, remote = registry.find_processor(request) # Check if user has access access = True # if remote.productextensionsaml2_set.exists() and \ # remote.productextensionsaml2_set.first().product_set.exists(): # # Only check if there is a connection from OAuth2 Application to product # product = remote.productextensionsaml2_set.first().product_set.first() # relationship = UserAcquirableRelationship.objects.filter(user=request.user, model=product) # # Product is invitation_only = True and no relation with user exists # if product.invitation_only and not relationship.exists(): # access = False # Check if we should just autosubmit if remote.skip_authorization and access: # full_res = _generate_response(request, proc, remote) ctx = proc.generate_response() # User accepted request # Event.create( # user=request.user, # message=_('You authenticated %s (via SAML) (skipped Authz)' % remote.name), # request=request, # current=False, # hidden=True) return redirect_to_sp( request=request, acs_url=ctx['acs_url'], saml_response=ctx['saml_response'], relay_state=ctx['relay_state']) if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.get('ACSUrl', None) and access: # User accepted request # Event.create( # user=request.user, # message=_('You authenticated %s (via SAML)' % remote.name), # request=request, # current=False, # hidden=True) return redirect_to_sp( request=request, acs_url=request.POST.get('ACSUrl'), saml_response=request.POST.get('SAMLResponse'), relay_state=request.POST.get('RelayState')) try: full_res = _generate_response(request, proc, remote) # if not access: # LOGGER.warning("User '%s' has no invitation to '%s'", request.user, product) # messages.error(request, "You have no access to '%s'" % product.name) # raise Http404 return full_res except exceptions.CannotHandleAssertion as exc: LOGGER.debug(exc) # return ErrorResponseView.as_view()(request, str(exc)) @csrf_exempt def logout(request): """Allows a non-SAML 2.0 URL to log out the user and returns a standard logged-out page. (SalesForce and others use this method, though it's technically not SAML 2.0).""" auth.logout(request) redirect_url = request.GET.get('redirect_to', '') try: URL_VALIDATOR(redirect_url) except ValidationError: pass else: return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) return render(request, 'saml/idp/logged_out.html') @login_required @csrf_exempt def slo_logout(request): """Receives a SAML 2.0 LogoutRequest from a Service Provider, logs out the user and returns a standard logged-out page.""" request.session['SAMLRequest'] = request.POST['SAMLRequest'] # TODO: Parse SAML LogoutRequest from POST data, similar to login_process(). # TODO: Add a URL dispatch for this view. # TODO: Modify the base processor to handle logouts? # TODO: Combine this with login_process(), since they are so very similar? # TODO: Format a LogoutResponse and return it to the browser. # XXX: For now, simply log out without validating the request. auth.logout(request) return render(request, 'saml/idp/logged_out.html') def descriptor(request): """Replies with the XML Metadata IDSSODescriptor.""" entity_id = CONFIG.y('saml_idp.issuer') slo_url = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('passbook_saml_idp:saml_logout')) sso_url = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('passbook_saml_idp:saml_login_begin')) pubkey = '' # TODO: Extract application/provider for pubkey ctx = { 'entity_id': entity_id, 'cert_public_key': pubkey, 'slo_url': slo_url, 'sso_url': sso_url } metadata = render_to_string('saml/xml/metadata.xml', ctx) response = HttpResponse(metadata, content_type='application/xml') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="passbook_metadata.xml' return response # class IDPSettingsView(GenericSettingView): # """IDP Settings""" # form = IDPSettingsForm # template_name = 'saml/idp/settings.html' # def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # self.extra_data['metadata'] = escape(descriptor(request).content.decode('utf-8')) # # Show the certificate fingerprint # sha1_fingerprint = _('') # try: # cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, CONFIG.y('saml_idp.certificate')) # sha1_fingerprint = cert.digest("sha1") # except CryptoError: # pass # self.extra_data['fingerprint'] = sha1_fingerprint # return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)