# passbook Proxy

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Reverse Proxy based on [oauth2_proxy](https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy), completely managed and monitored by passbook.

## Usage

passbook Proxy is built to be configured by passbook itself, hence the only options you can directly give it are connection params.

The following environment variable are implemented:

`PASSBOOK_HOST`: Full URL to the passbook instance with protocol, i.e. "https://passbook.company.tld"

`PASSBOOK_TOKEN`: Token used to authenticate against passbook. This is generated after an Outpost instance is created.

`PASSBOOK_INSECURE`: This environment variable can optionally be set to ignore the SSL Certificate of the passbook instance. Applies to both HTTP and WS connections.

## Development

passbook Proxy uses an auto-generated API Client to communicate with passbook. This client is not kept in git. To generate the client locally, run `make generate`.

Afterwards you can build the proxy like any other Go project, using `go build`.