import { css, customElement, html, LitElement, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element"; import { Application } from "../../api/application"; import { DefaultClient, PBResponse } from "../../api/client"; import { COMMON_STYLES } from "../../common/styles"; import { truncate } from "../../utils"; @customElement("pb-library") export class ApplicationViewPage extends LitElement { @property() apps?: PBResponse; static get styles() { return COMMON_STYLES.concat( css` { max-height: 24px; } ` ); } firstUpdated() { Application.list().then((r) => (this.apps = r)); } renderEmptyState() { return html` {% trans 'No Applications available.' %} {% trans "Either no applications are defined, or you don't have access to any." %} {% if perms.passbook_core.add_application %} {% trans 'Create Application' %} {% endif %} `; } renderApp(app: Application): TemplateResult { return html` ${app.meta_icon ? html`` : html``} ${} ${app.meta_publisher} ${truncate(app.meta_description, 35)} `; } renderLoading() { return html` `; } render() { return html` Applications ${this.apps ? html` ${ => this.renderApp(app))} ` : this.renderLoading()} `; } }