{% extends "administration/base.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load passbook_utils %}

{% block content %}
<section class="pf-c-page__main-section pf-m-light">
    <div class="pf-c-content">
            <i class="pf-icon pf-icon-process-automation"></i>
            {% trans 'Flows' %}
        <p>{% trans "Flows describe a chain of Stages to authenticate, enroll or recover a user. Stages are chosen based on policies applied to them." %}</p>
<section class="pf-c-page__main-section pf-m-no-padding-mobile">
    <div class="pf-c-card">
        {% if object_list %}
        <div class="pf-c-toolbar">
            <div class="pf-c-toolbar__content">
                {% include 'partials/toolbar_search.html' %}
                <div class="pf-c-toolbar__bulk-select">
                    <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-create' %}">
                        <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-primary">
                            {% trans 'Create' %}
                        <div slot="modal"></div>
                    <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-import' %}">
                        <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-secondary">
                            {% trans 'Import' %}
                        <div slot="modal"></div>
                    <button role="pb-refresh" class="pf-c-button pf-m-primary">
                        {% trans 'Refresh' %}
                {% include 'partials/pagination.html' %}
        <table class="pf-c-table pf-m-compact pf-m-grid-xl" role="grid">
                <tr role="row">
                    <th role="columnheader" scope="col">{% trans 'Identifier' %}</th>
                    <th role="columnheader" scope="col">{% trans 'Designation' %}</th>
                    <th role="columnheader" scope="col">{% trans 'Stages' %}</th>
                    <th role="columnheader" scope="col">{% trans 'Policies' %}</th>
                    <th role="cell"></th>
            <tbody role="rowgroup">
                {% for flow in object_list %}
                <tr role="row">
                    <th role="columnheader">
                            <div><code>{{ flow.slug }}</code></div>
                            <small>{{ flow.name }}</small>
                    <td role="cell">
                            {{ flow.designation }}
                    <td role="cell">
                            {{ flow.stages.all|length }}
                    <td role="cell">
                            {{ flow.policies.all|length }}
                        <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-update' pk=flow.pk %}">
                            <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-secondary">
                                {% trans 'Edit' %}
                            <div slot="modal"></div>
                        <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-delete' pk=flow.pk %}">
                            <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-danger">
                                {% trans 'Delete' %}
                            <div slot="modal"></div>
                        <a class="pf-c-button pf-m-secondary pb-root-link" href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-execute' pk=flow.pk %}?next={{ request.get_full_path }}">{% trans 'Execute' %}</a>
                        <a class="pf-c-button pf-m-secondary pb-root-link" href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-export' pk=flow.pk %}?next={{ request.get_full_path }}">{% trans 'Export' %}</a>
                {% endfor %}
        <div class="pf-c-pagination pf-m-bottom">
            {% include 'partials/pagination.html' %}
        {% else %}
        <div class="pf-c-toolbar">
            <div class="pf-c-toolbar__content">
                {% include 'partials/toolbar_search.html' %}
        <div class="pf-c-empty-state">
            <div class="pf-c-empty-state__content">
                <i class="pf-icon pf-icon-process-automation pf-c-empty-state__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                <h1 class="pf-c-title pf-m-lg">
                    {% trans 'No Flows.' %}
                <div class="pf-c-empty-state__body">
                {% if request.GET.search != "" %}
                    {% trans "Your search query doesn't match any flows." %}
                {% else %}
                    {% trans 'Currently no flows exist. Click the button below to create one.' %}
                {% endif %}
                <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-create' %}">
                    <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-primary">
                        {% trans 'Create' %}
                    <div slot="modal"></div>
                <pb-modal-button href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-import' %}">
                    <pb-spinner-button slot="trigger" class="pf-m-secondary">
                        {% trans 'Import' %}
                    <div slot="modal"></div>
        {% endif %}
{% endblock %}