import { EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGE, EVENT_THEME_CHANGE } from "@goauthentik/common/constants"; import { uiConfig } from "@goauthentik/common/ui/config"; import { LitElement } from "lit"; import AKGlobal from "@goauthentik/common/styles/authentik.css"; import ThemeDark from "@goauthentik/common/styles/theme-dark.css"; import { UiThemeEnum } from "@goauthentik/api"; export function rootInterface(): Interface | undefined { const el = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll("*")).filter( (el) => el instanceof Interface, ); return el[0] as Interface; } let css: Promise | undefined; function fetchCustomCSS(): Promise { if (!css) { css = Promise.all( Array.of(...document.head.querySelectorAll("link[data-inject]")).map( (link) => { return fetch(link.href) .then((res) => { return res.text(); }) .finally(() => { return ""; }); }, ), ); } return css; } export interface AdoptedStyleSheetsElement { adoptedStyleSheets: readonly CSSStyleSheet[]; } const QUERY_MEDIA_COLOR_LIGHT = "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"; export class AKElement extends LitElement { _mediaMatcher?: MediaQueryList; _mediaMatcherHandler?: (ev?: MediaQueryListEvent) => void; _activeTheme?: UiThemeEnum; get activeTheme(): UiThemeEnum | undefined { return this._activeTheme; } private _handleLocaleChange: () => void; constructor() { super(); this._handleLocaleChange = (() => { this.requestUpdate(); }).bind(this); window.addEventListener(EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGE, this._handleLocaleChange); } protected createRenderRoot(): ShadowRoot | Element { const root = super.createRenderRoot() as ShadowRoot; let styleRoot: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement = root; if ("ShadyDOM" in window) { styleRoot = document; } styleRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [...styleRoot.adoptedStyleSheets, AKGlobal]; this._initTheme(styleRoot); this._initCustomCSS(styleRoot); return root; } async getTheme(): Promise { return rootInterface()?.getTheme() || UiThemeEnum.Automatic; } async _initTheme(root: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement): Promise { // Early activate theme based on media query to prevent light flash // when dark is preferred this._activateTheme( root, window.matchMedia(QUERY_MEDIA_COLOR_LIGHT).matches ? UiThemeEnum.Light : UiThemeEnum.Dark, ); this._applyTheme(root, await this.getTheme()); } private async _initCustomCSS(root: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement): Promise { const sheets = await fetchCustomCSS(); => { if (css === "") { return; } new CSSStyleSheet().replace(css).then((sheet) => { root.adoptedStyleSheets = [...root.adoptedStyleSheets, sheet]; }); }); } _applyTheme(root: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement, theme?: UiThemeEnum): void { if (!theme) { theme = UiThemeEnum.Automatic; } if (theme === UiThemeEnum.Automatic) { // Create a media matcher to automatically switch the theme depending on // prefers-color-scheme if (!this._mediaMatcher) { this._mediaMatcher = window.matchMedia(QUERY_MEDIA_COLOR_LIGHT); this._mediaMatcherHandler = (ev?: MediaQueryListEvent) => { const theme = ev?.matches || this._mediaMatcher?.matches ? UiThemeEnum.Light : UiThemeEnum.Dark; this._activateTheme(root, theme); }; this._mediaMatcher.addEventListener("change", this._mediaMatcherHandler); } return; } else if (this._mediaMatcher && this._mediaMatcherHandler) { // Theme isn't automatic and we have a matcher configured, remove the matcher // to prevent changes this._mediaMatcher.removeEventListener("change", this._mediaMatcherHandler); this._mediaMatcher = undefined; } this._activateTheme(root, theme); } static themeToStylesheet(theme?: UiThemeEnum): CSSStyleSheet | undefined { if (theme === UiThemeEnum.Dark) { return ThemeDark; } return undefined; } _activateTheme(root: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement, theme: UiThemeEnum) { if (theme === this._activeTheme) { return; } // Make sure we only get to this callback once we've picked a concise theme choice this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent(EVENT_THEME_CHANGE, { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: theme, }), ); this.setAttribute("theme", theme); const stylesheet = AKElement.themeToStylesheet(theme); const oldStylesheet = AKElement.themeToStylesheet(this._activeTheme); if (stylesheet) { root.adoptedStyleSheets = [...root.adoptedStyleSheets, stylesheet]; } if (oldStylesheet) { root.adoptedStyleSheets = root.adoptedStyleSheets.filter((v) => v !== oldStylesheet); } this._activeTheme = theme; } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); window.removeEventListener(EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGE, this._handleLocaleChange); } } export class Interface extends AKElement { _activateTheme(root: AdoptedStyleSheetsElement, theme: UiThemeEnum): void { super._activateTheme(root, theme); super._activateTheme(document, theme); } async getTheme(): Promise { const config = await uiConfig(); return config.theme.base; } }