.PHONY: gen dev-reset all clean test web website

PWD = $(shell pwd)
UID = $(shell id -u)
GID = $(shell id -g)
NPM_VERSION = $(shell python -m scripts.npm_version)
PY_SOURCES = authentik tests scripts lifecycle
DOCKER_IMAGE ?= "authentik:test"

pg_user := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config postgresql.user 2>/dev/null)
pg_host := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config postgresql.host 2>/dev/null)
pg_name := $(shell python -m authentik.lib.config postgresql.name 2>/dev/null)

CODESPELL_ARGS = -D - -D .github/codespell-dictionary.txt \
		-I .github/codespell-words.txt \
		-S 'web/src/locales/**' \
		authentik \
		internal \
		cmd \
		web/src \
		website/src \
		website/blog \
		website/developer-docs \
		website/docs \
		website/integrations \

all: lint-fix lint test gen web  ## Lint, build, and test everything

HELP_WIDTH := $(shell grep -h '^[a-z][^ ]*:.*\#\#' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) 2>/dev/null | \
	cut -d':' -f1 | awk '{printf "%d\n", length}' | sort -rn | head -1)

help:  ## Show this help
	@echo "\nSpecify a command. The choices are:\n"
	@grep -Eh '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
		awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "  \033[0;36m%-$(HELP_WIDTH)s  \033[m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | \
	@echo ""

	go test -timeout 0 -v -race -cover ./...

test-docker:  ## Run all tests in a docker-compose
	echo "PG_PASS=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
	echo "AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
	docker-compose pull -q
	docker-compose up --no-start
	docker-compose start postgresql redis
	docker-compose run -u root server test-all
	rm -f .env

test: ## Run the server tests and produce a coverage report (locally)
	coverage run manage.py test --keepdb authentik
	coverage html
	coverage report

lint-fix:  ## Lint and automatically fix errors in the python source code. Reports spelling errors.
	isort $(PY_SOURCES)
	black $(PY_SOURCES)
	ruff $(PY_SOURCES)
	codespell -w $(CODESPELL_ARGS)

lint: ## Lint the python and golang sources
	bandit -r $(PY_SOURCES) -x node_modules
	./web/node_modules/.bin/pyright $(PY_SOURCES)
	pylint $(PY_SOURCES)
	golangci-lint run -v

migrate: ## Run the Authentik Django server's migrations
	python -m lifecycle.migrate

i18n-extract: i18n-extract-core web-i18n-extract  ## Extract strings that require translation into files to send to a translation service

	ak makemessages --ignore web --ignore internal --ignore web --ignore web-api --ignore website -l en

install: web-install website-install  ## Install all requires dependencies for `web`, `website` and `core`
	poetry install

	dropdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} ${pg_name}
	# Also remove the test-db if it exists
	dropdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} test_${pg_name} || true
	redis-cli -n 0 flushall

	createdb -U ${pg_user} -h ${pg_host} ${pg_name}

dev-reset: dev-drop-db dev-create-db migrate  ## Drop and restore the Authentik PostgreSQL instance to a "fresh install" state.

## API Schema

gen-build:  ## Extract the schema from the database
	AUTHENTIK_DEBUG=true ak make_blueprint_schema > blueprints/schema.json
	AUTHENTIK_DEBUG=true ak spectacular --file schema.yml

gen-changelog:  ## (Release) generate the changelog based from the commits since the last tag
	git log --pretty=format:" - %s" $(shell git describe --tags $(shell git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))...$(shell git branch --show-current) | sort > changelog.md
	npx prettier --write changelog.md

gen-diff:  ## (Release) generate the changelog diff between the current schema and the last tag
	git show $(shell git describe --tags $(shell git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)):schema.yml > old_schema.yml
	docker run \
		--rm -v ${PWD}:/local \
		--user ${UID}:${GID} \
		docker.io/openapitools/openapi-diff:2.1.0-beta.6 \
		--markdown /local/diff.md \
		/local/old_schema.yml /local/schema.yml
	rm old_schema.yml
	sed -i 's/{/{/g' diff.md
	sed -i 's/}/}/g' diff.md
	npx prettier --write diff.md

	rm -rf web/api/src/
	rm -rf api/

gen-client-ts:  ## Build and install the authentik API for Typescript into the authentik UI Application
	docker run \
		--rm -v ${PWD}:/local \
		--user ${UID}:${GID} \
		docker.io/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.5.0 generate \
		-i /local/schema.yml \
		-g typescript-fetch \
		-o /local/gen-ts-api \
		-c /local/scripts/api-ts-config.yaml \
		--additional-properties=npmVersion=${NPM_VERSION} \
		--git-repo-id authentik \
		--git-user-id goauthentik
	mkdir -p web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api
	cd gen-ts-api && npm i
	\cp -rfv gen-ts-api/* web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api

gen-client-go:  ## Build and install the authentik API for Golang
	mkdir -p ./gen-go-api ./gen-go-api/templates
	wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/config.yaml -O ./gen-go-api/config.yaml
	wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/templates/README.mustache -O ./gen-go-api/templates/README.mustache
	wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/templates/go.mod.mustache -O ./gen-go-api/templates/go.mod.mustache
	cp schema.yml ./gen-go-api/
	docker run \
		--rm -v ${PWD}/gen-go-api:/local \
		--user ${UID}:${GID} \
		docker.io/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.5.0 generate \
		-i /local/schema.yml \
		-g go \
		-o /local/ \
		-c /local/config.yaml
	go mod edit -replace goauthentik.io/api/v3=./gen-go-api
	rm -rf ./gen-go-api/config.yaml ./gen-go-api/templates/

gen-dev-config:  ## Generate a local development config file
	python -m scripts.generate_config

gen: gen-build gen-clean gen-client-ts

## Web

web-build: web-install  ## Build the Authentik UI
	cd web && npm run build

web: web-lint-fix web-lint web-check-compile web-i18n-extract  ## Automatically fix formatting issues in the Authentik UI source code, lint the code, and compile it

web-install:  ## Install the necessary libraries to build the Authentik UI
	cd web && npm ci

web-watch:  ## Build and watch the Authentik UI for changes, updating automatically
	rm -rf web/dist/
	mkdir web/dist/
	touch web/dist/.gitkeep
	cd web && npm run watch

web-storybook-watch:  ## Build and run the storybook documentation server
	cd web && npm run storybook

	cd web && npm run prettier

	cd web && npm run lint
	cd web && npm run lit-analyse

	cd web && npm run tsc

	cd web && npm run extract-locales

## Website

website: website-lint-fix website-build  ## Automatically fix formatting issues in the Authentik website/docs source code, lint the code, and compile it

	cd website && npm ci

	cd website && npm run prettier

	cd website && npm run build

website-watch:  ## Build and watch the documentation website, updating automatically
	cd website && npm run watch

## Docker

docker:  ## Build a docker image of the current source tree
	DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --progress plain --tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}

## CI
# These targets are use by GitHub actions to allow usage of matrix
# which makes the YAML File a lot smaller

	python -V
	node --version

ci-pylint: ci--meta-debug
	pylint $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-black: ci--meta-debug
	black --check $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-ruff: ci--meta-debug
	ruff check $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-codespell: ci--meta-debug
	codespell $(CODESPELL_ARGS) -s

ci-isort: ci--meta-debug
	isort --check $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-bandit: ci--meta-debug
	bandit -r $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-pyright: ci--meta-debug
	./web/node_modules/.bin/pyright $(PY_SOURCES)

ci-pending-migrations: ci--meta-debug
	ak makemigrations --check