import { css, CSSResult, customElement, html, LitElement, property, TemplateResult } from "lit-element"; // @ts-ignore import CodeMirrorStyle from "codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"; // @ts-ignore import CodeMirrorTheme from "codemirror/theme/monokai.css"; import { ColorStyles } from "../../constants"; import { COMMON_STYLES } from "../../common/styles"; import { Route } from "./Route"; import { ROUTES } from "../../routes"; import { RouteMatch } from "./RouteMatch"; import "../../pages/generic/SiteShell"; @customElement("ak-router-outlet") export class RouterOutlet extends LitElement { @property({attribute: false}) current?: RouteMatch; @property() defaultUrl?: string; static get styles(): CSSResult[] { return [ CodeMirrorStyle, CodeMirrorTheme, ColorStyles, css` :host { height: 100vh; } *:first-child { height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } `, ].concat(...COMMON_STYLES); } constructor() { super(); window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => this.navigate()); } firstUpdated(): void { this.navigate(); } navigate(): void { let activeUrl = window.location.hash.slice(1, Infinity); if (activeUrl === "") { activeUrl = this.defaultUrl || "/"; window.location.hash = `#${activeUrl}`; console.debug(`authentik/router: set to ${window.location.hash}`); return; } let matchedRoute: RouteMatch | null = null; ROUTES.some((route) => { console.debug(`authentik/router: matching ${activeUrl} against ${route.url}`); const match = route.url.exec(activeUrl); if (match != null) { matchedRoute = new RouteMatch(route); matchedRoute.arguments = match.groups || {}; matchedRoute.fullUrl = activeUrl; console.debug(`authentik/router: found match ${matchedRoute}`); return true; } }); if (!matchedRoute) { console.debug(`authentik/router: route "${activeUrl}" not defined, defaulting to shell`); const route = new Route( RegExp(""), html`
` ); matchedRoute = new RouteMatch(route); matchedRoute.arguments = route.url.exec(activeUrl)?.groups || {}; matchedRoute.fullUrl = activeUrl; } this.current = matchedRoute; } render(): TemplateResult | undefined { // TODO: Render 404 when current Route is empty return this.current?.render(); } }