import { css, CSSResult, html, LitElement, TemplateResult } from "lit-element"; import { Chart, ChartDataset, Tick, LineController, TimeScale, LinearScale, BarController, BarElement, ChartConfiguration, Legend, ChartData } from "chart.js"; import "chartjs-adapter-moment"; Chart.register(LineController, TimeScale, LinearScale, BarController, BarElement, Legend); export abstract class AKChart extends LitElement { abstract apiRequest(): Promise; abstract getChartData(data: T): ChartData; chart?: Chart; static get styles(): CSSResult[] { return [css` :host { position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; display: block; min-height: 25rem; } canvas { width: 100px; height: 100px; } `]; } constructor() { super(); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { if (this.chart) { this.chart.resize(); } }); } configureChart(data: T, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): Chart { const config = { type: "bar", data: this.getChartData(data), options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { type: "time", display: true, ticks: { callback: function (tickValue: string | number, index: number, ticks: Tick[]): string { const valueStamp = (ticks[index]); const delta = - valueStamp.value; const ago = Math.round(delta / 1000 / 3600); return `${ago} Hours ago`; }, autoSkip: true, maxTicksLimit: 8, }, stacked: true, grid: { color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", }, offset: true }, y: { type: "linear", display: true, stacked: true, grid: { color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", }, } }, }, }; return new Chart(ctx, config as ChartConfiguration); } firstUpdated(): void { this.apiRequest().then((r) => { const canvas = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("canvas"); if (!canvas) { console.warn("Failed to get canvas element"); return false; } const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (!ctx) { console.warn("failed to get 2d context"); return false; } this.chart = this.configureChart(r, ctx); }); } render(): TemplateResult { return html``; } }