"""passbook sentry integration""" from aioredis.errors import ReplyError from billiard.exceptions import WorkerLostError from botocore.client import ClientError from celery.exceptions import CeleryError from channels_redis.core import ChannelFull from django.core.exceptions import DisallowedHost, ValidationError from django.db import InternalError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError from django_redis.exceptions import ConnectionInterrupted from ldap3.core.exceptions import LDAPException from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError as RedisConnectionError from redis.exceptions import RedisError, ResponseError from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException from structlog import get_logger from websockets.exceptions import WebSocketException LOGGER = get_logger() class SentryIgnoredException(Exception): """Base Class for all errors that are suppressed, and not sent to sentry.""" def before_send(event, hint): """Check if error is database error, and ignore if so""" ignored_classes = ( # Inbuilt types KeyboardInterrupt, ConnectionResetError, OSError, # Django DB Errors OperationalError, InternalError, ProgrammingError, DisallowedHost, ValidationError, # Redis errors RedisConnectionError, ConnectionInterrupted, RedisError, ResponseError, ReplyError, # websocket errors ChannelFull, WebSocketException, # rest_framework error APIException, # celery errors WorkerLostError, CeleryError, # S3 errors ClientError, # custom baseclass SentryIgnoredException, # ldap errors LDAPException, ) if "exc_info" in hint: _, exc_value, _ = hint["exc_info"] if isinstance(exc_value, ignored_classes): LOGGER.info("Supressing error %r", exc_value) return None return event