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Alexandre NICOLAIE a2714ab1f1
outposts: make metrics compliant with Prometheus best-practices ()
web/outpost: make metrics compliant with Prometheus best-practices

Today, all NewHistogramVec store values in nanoseconds without changing
the default histogram bucket, which are made for seconds, making them
a bit useless. In addition, some metrics names are not self-explanatoryand
and do not comply with Prometheus best practices.

This commit tries to fix all of this "issues".

NOTE: I kept old metrics in order to avoid breaking changes with
existing dashboards and metrics.

Signed-off-by: Alexandre NICOLAIE <>
2023-07-27 18:51:08 +02:00

272 lines
8.3 KiB

package flow
import (
log ""
var (
FlowTimingGet = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "authentik_outpost_flow_timing_get_seconds",
Help: "Duration it took to get a challenge in seconds",
}, []string{"stage", "flow"})
FlowTimingPost = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "authentik_outpost_flow_timing_post_seconds",
Help: "Duration it took to send a challenge in seconds",
}, []string{"stage", "flow"})
// NOTE: the following metrics are kept for compatibility purpose
FlowTimingGetLegacy = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "authentik_outpost_flow_timing_get",
Help: "Duration it took to get a challenge",
}, []string{"stage", "flow"})
FlowTimingPostLegacy = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "authentik_outpost_flow_timing_post",
Help: "Duration it took to send a challenge",
}, []string{"stage", "flow"})
type SolverFunction func(*api.ChallengeTypes, api.ApiFlowsExecutorSolveRequest) (api.FlowChallengeResponseRequest, error)
type FlowExecutor struct {
Params url.Values
Answers map[StageComponent]string
Context context.Context
solvers map[StageComponent]SolverFunction
cip string
api *api.APIClient
flowSlug string
log *log.Entry
token string
session *http.Cookie
transport http.RoundTripper
sp *sentry.Span
func NewFlowExecutor(ctx context.Context, flowSlug string, refConfig *api.Configuration, logFields log.Fields) *FlowExecutor {
rsp := sentry.StartSpan(ctx, "authentik.outposts.flow_executor")
rsp.Description = flowSlug
l := log.WithField("flow", flowSlug).WithFields(logFields)
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Warning("Failed to create cookiejar")
transport := web.NewUserAgentTransport(constants.OutpostUserAgent(), web.NewTracingTransport(rsp.Context(), ak.GetTLSTransport()))
fe := &FlowExecutor{
Params: url.Values{},
Answers: make(map[StageComponent]string),
Context: rsp.Context(),
flowSlug: flowSlug,
log: l,
sp: rsp,
cip: "",
transport: transport,
fe.solvers = map[StageComponent]SolverFunction{
StageIdentification: fe.solveChallenge_Identification,
StagePassword: fe.solveChallenge_Password,
StageAuthenticatorValidate: fe.solveChallenge_AuthenticatorValidate,
StageUserLogin: fe.solveChallenge_UserLogin,
// Create new http client that also sets the correct ip
config := api.NewConfiguration()
config.Host = refConfig.Host
config.Scheme = refConfig.Scheme
config.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Jar: jar,
Transport: fe,
fe.token = strings.Split(refConfig.DefaultHeader["Authorization"], " ")[1]
config.AddDefaultHeader(HeaderAuthentikOutpostToken, fe.token)
fe.api = api.NewAPIClient(config)
return fe
func (fe *FlowExecutor) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
res, err := fe.transport.RoundTrip(req)
if res != nil {
for _, cookie := range res.Cookies() {
if cookie.Name == "authentik_session" {
fe.session = cookie
return res, err
func (fe *FlowExecutor) ApiClient() *api.APIClient {
return fe.api
type challengeInt interface {
GetComponent() string
GetType() api.ChallengeChoices
GetResponseErrors() map[string][]api.ErrorDetail
func (fe *FlowExecutor) DelegateClientIP(a string) {
fe.cip = a
fe.api.GetConfig().AddDefaultHeader(HeaderAuthentikRemoteIP, fe.cip)
func (fe *FlowExecutor) CheckApplicationAccess(appSlug string) (bool, error) {
acsp := sentry.StartSpan(fe.Context, "authentik.outposts.flow_executor.check_access")
defer acsp.Finish()
p, _, err := fe.api.CoreApi.CoreApplicationsCheckAccessRetrieve(acsp.Context(), appSlug).Execute()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to check access: %w", err)
if !p.Passing {
fe.log.Info("Access denied for user")
return false, nil
fe.log.Debug("User has access")
return true, nil
func (fe *FlowExecutor) getAnswer(stage StageComponent) string {
if v, o := fe.Answers[stage]; o {
return v
return ""
func (fe *FlowExecutor) GetSession() *http.Cookie {
return fe.session
func (fe *FlowExecutor) SetSession(s *http.Cookie) {
fe.session = s
// WarmUp Ensure authentik's flow cache is warmed up
func (fe *FlowExecutor) WarmUp() error {
gcsp := sentry.StartSpan(fe.Context, "authentik.outposts.flow_executor.get_challenge")
defer gcsp.Finish()
req := fe.api.FlowsApi.FlowsExecutorGet(gcsp.Context(), fe.flowSlug).Query(fe.Params.Encode())
_, _, err := req.Execute()
return err
func (fe *FlowExecutor) Execute() (bool, error) {
initial, err := fe.getInitialChallenge()
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer fe.sp.Finish()
return fe.solveFlowChallenge(initial, 1)
func (fe *FlowExecutor) getInitialChallenge() (*api.ChallengeTypes, error) {
// Get challenge
gcsp := sentry.StartSpan(fe.Context, "authentik.outposts.flow_executor.get_challenge")
req := fe.api.FlowsApi.FlowsExecutorGet(gcsp.Context(), fe.flowSlug).Query(fe.Params.Encode())
challenge, _, err := req.Execute()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
i := challenge.GetActualInstance()
if i == nil {
return nil, errors.New("response instance was null")
ch := i.(challengeInt)
fe.log.WithField("component", ch.GetComponent()).WithField("type", ch.GetType()).Debug("Got challenge")
gcsp.SetTag("authentik.flow.challenge", string(ch.GetType()))
gcsp.SetTag("authentik.flow.component", ch.GetComponent())
"stage": ch.GetComponent(),
"flow": fe.flowSlug,
}).Observe(float64(gcsp.EndTime.Sub(gcsp.StartTime)) / float64(time.Second))
"stage": ch.GetComponent(),
"flow": fe.flowSlug,
return challenge, nil
func (fe *FlowExecutor) solveFlowChallenge(challenge *api.ChallengeTypes, depth int) (bool, error) {
// Resole challenge
scsp := sentry.StartSpan(fe.Context, "authentik.outposts.flow_executor.solve_challenge")
responseReq := fe.api.FlowsApi.FlowsExecutorSolve(scsp.Context(), fe.flowSlug).Query(fe.Params.Encode())
i := challenge.GetActualInstance()
if i == nil {
return false, errors.New("response request instance was null")
ch := i.(challengeInt)
// Check for any validation errors that we might've gotten
if len(ch.GetResponseErrors()) > 0 {
for key, errs := range ch.GetResponseErrors() {
for _, err := range errs {
return false, fmt.Errorf("flow error %s: %s", key, err.String)
switch ch.GetType() {
return true, nil
if ch.GetComponent() == string(StageAccessDenied) {
return false, nil
solver, ok := fe.solvers[StageComponent(ch.GetComponent())]
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported challenge type %s", ch.GetComponent())
rr, err := solver(challenge, responseReq)
if err != nil {
return false, err
responseReq = responseReq.FlowChallengeResponseRequest(rr)
response, _, err := responseReq.Execute()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to submit challenge %w", err)
i = response.GetActualInstance()
if i == nil {
return false, errors.New("response instance was null")
ch = i.(challengeInt)
fe.log.WithField("component", ch.GetComponent()).WithField("type", ch.GetType()).Debug("Got response")
scsp.SetTag("authentik.flow.challenge", string(ch.GetType()))
scsp.SetTag("authentik.flow.component", ch.GetComponent())
"stage": ch.GetComponent(),
"flow": fe.flowSlug,
}).Observe(float64(scsp.EndTime.Sub(scsp.StartTime)) / float64(time.Second))
"stage": ch.GetComponent(),
"flow": fe.flowSlug,
if depth >= 10 {
return false, errors.New("exceeded stage recursion depth")
return fe.solveFlowChallenge(response, depth+1)