diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst index 83c9b65b..44c82b66 100644 --- a/README.rst +++ b/README.rst @@ -86,6 +86,68 @@ Testing password ``ereuse``. 3. Execute at the root folder of the project ``python3 setup.py test``. + +Migrations +********** +At this stage, migration files are created manually. +Set up the database: + +.. code:: bash + + $ sudo su - postgres + $ bash $PATH_TO_DEVIHUBTEAL/examples/create-db.sh devicehub dhub + +Initialize the database: + +.. code:: bash + + $ export dhi=dbtest; dh inv add --common --name dbtest + +This command will create the schemas, tables in the specified database. +Then we need to stamp the initial migration. + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic stamp head + + +This command will set the revision **fbb7e2a0cde0_initial** as our initial migration. +For more info in migration stamping please see https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/cookbook.html + + +Whenever a change needed eg to create a new schema, alter an existing table, column or perform any +operation on tables, create a new revision file: + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic revision -m "A table change" + +This command will create a new revision file with name `_a_table_change`. +Edit the generated file with the necessary operations to perform the migration: + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic edit + +Apply migrations using: + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic -x inventory=dbtest upgrade head + +Then to go back to previous db version: + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic -x inventory=dbtest downgrade + +To see a full list of migrations use + +.. code:: bash + + $ alembic history + + Generating the docs ******************* diff --git a/alembic.ini b/alembic.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52e70f8d --- /dev/null +++ b/alembic.ini @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# A generic, single database configuration. + +[alembic] +# path to migration scripts +script_location = ereuse_devicehub/migrations + +# template used to generate migration files +# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s + +# timezone to use when rendering the date +# within the migration file as well as the filename. +# string value is passed to dateutil.tz.gettz() +# leave blank for localtime +# timezone = + +# max length of characters to apply to the +# "slug" field +#truncate_slug_length = 40 + +# set to 'true' to run the environment during +# the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate +# revision_environment = false + +# set to 'true' to allow .pyc and .pyo files without +# a source .py file to be detected as revisions in the +# versions/ directory +# sourceless = false + +# version location specification; this defaults +# to alembic/versions. When using multiple version +# directories, initial revisions must be specified with --version-path +# version_locations = %(here)s/bar %(here)s/bat alembic/versions + +# the output encoding used when revision files +# are written from script.py.mako +# output_encoding = utf-8 + +sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname + + +# Logging configuration +[loggers] +keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic + +[handlers] +keys = console + +[formatters] +keys = generic + +[logger_root] +level = WARN +handlers = console +qualname = + +[logger_sqlalchemy] +level = WARN +handlers = +qualname = sqlalchemy.engine + +[logger_alembic] +level = INFO +handlers = +qualname = alembic + +[handler_console] +class = StreamHandler +args = (sys.stderr,) +level = NOTSET +formatter = generic + +[formatter_generic] +format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s +datefmt = %H:%M:%S diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/alembic.ini b/ereuse_devicehub/alembic.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8022031 --- /dev/null +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/alembic.ini @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# A generic, single database configuration. + +[alembic] +# path to migration scripts +script_location = migrations + +# template used to generate migration files +# file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s + +# timezone to use when rendering the date +# within the migration file as well as the filename. +# string value is passed to dateutil.tz.gettz() +# leave blank for localtime +# timezone = + +# max length of characters to apply to the +# "slug" field +#truncate_slug_length = 40 + +# set to 'true' to run the environment during +# the 'revision' command, regardless of autogenerate +# revision_environment = false + +# set to 'true' to allow .pyc and .pyo files without +# a source .py file to be detected as revisions in the +# versions/ directory +# sourceless = false + +# version location specification; this defaults +# to alembic/versions. When using multiple version +# directories, initial revisions must be specified with --version-path +# version_locations = %(here)s/bar %(here)s/bat alembic/versions + +# the output encoding used when revision files +# are written from script.py.mako +# output_encoding = utf-8 + +sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname + + +# Logging configuration +[loggers] +keys = root,sqlalchemy,alembic + +[handlers] +keys = console + +[formatters] +keys = generic + +[logger_root] +level = WARN +handlers = console +qualname = + +[logger_sqlalchemy] +level = WARN +handlers = +qualname = sqlalchemy.engine + +[logger_alembic] +level = INFO +handlers = +qualname = alembic + +[handler_console] +class = StreamHandler +args = (sys.stderr,) +level = NOTSET +formatter = generic + +[formatter_generic] +format = %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s +datefmt = %H:%M:%S diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/devicehub.py b/ereuse_devicehub/devicehub.py index 834fdcc7..4316f3ef 100644 --- a/ereuse_devicehub/devicehub.py +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/devicehub.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from ereuse_utils.session import DevicehubClient from flask.globals import _app_ctx_stack, g from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from teal.teal import Teal +from teal.db import SchemaSQLAlchemy from ereuse_devicehub.auth import Auth from ereuse_devicehub.client import Client @@ -115,6 +116,16 @@ class Devicehub(Teal): self.db.session.commit() print('done.') + + def _init_db(self, exclude_schema=None) -> bool: + if exclude_schema: + assert isinstance(self.db, SchemaSQLAlchemy) + self.db.create_all(exclude_schema=exclude_schema) + else: + self.db.create_all() + + return True + @click.confirmation_option(prompt='Are you sure you want to delete the inventory {}?' .format(os.environ.get('dhi'))) def delete_inventory(self): diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/README b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98e4f9c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Generic single-database configuration. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/env.py b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/env.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae6c14c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/env.py @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +from __future__ import with_statement + +import os +from logging.config import fileConfig + +from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config +from sqlalchemy import pool +from sqlalchemy import create_engine +from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base +from alembic import context + +from ereuse_devicehub.config import DevicehubConfig + +# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides +# access to the values within the .ini file in use. +config = context.config + +# Interpret the config file for Python logging. +# This line sets up loggers basically. +fileConfig(config.config_file_name) + +# add your model's MetaData object here +# for 'autogenerate' support +# from myapp import mymodel +# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata +# target_metadata = None +from ereuse_devicehub.db import db +from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import Thing +target_metadata = Thing.metadata + +# other values from the config, defined by the needs of env.py, +# can be acquired: +# my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option") +# ... etc. + + +def get_url(): + # url = os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] + url = DevicehubConfig.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI + return url + + +def run_migrations_offline(): + """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. + + This configures the context with just a URL + and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable + here as well. By skipping the Engine creation + we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. + + Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the + script output. + + """ + url = get_url() + context.configure(url=url, target_metadata=target_metadata, literal_binds=True) + + with context.begin_transaction(): + context.run_migrations() + + +def run_migrations_online(): + """Run migrations in 'online' mode. + + In this scenario we need to create an Engine + and associate a connection with the context. + + """ + # connectable = engine_from_config( + # config.get_section(config.config_ini_section), + # prefix="sqlalchemy.", + # poolclass=pool.NullPool, + # ) + + url = get_url() + connectable = create_engine(url) + + with connectable.connect() as connection: + context.configure(connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata) + + with context.begin_transaction(): + context.run_migrations() + + +if context.is_offline_mode(): + run_migrations_offline() +else: + run_migrations_online() diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/script.py.mako b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/script.py.mako new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fbbfa7f --- /dev/null +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/script.py.mako @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +"""${message} + +Revision ID: ${up_revision} +Revises: ${down_revision | comma,n} +Create Date: ${create_date} + +""" +from alembic import op +import sqlalchemy as sa +import sqlalchemy_utils +import citext +import teal +${imports if imports else ""} + +# revision identifiers, used by Alembic. +revision = ${repr(up_revision)} +down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)} +branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)} +depends_on = ${repr(depends_on)} + + +def get_inv(): + INV = context.get_x_argument(as_dictionary=True).get('inventory') + if not INV: + raise ValueError("Inventory value is not specified") + return INV + +def upgrade(): + ${upgrades if upgrades else "pass"} + + +def downgrade(): + ${downgrades if downgrades else "pass"} diff --git a/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/fbb7e2a0cde0_initial.py b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/fbb7e2a0cde0_initial.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..334fb1b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ereuse_devicehub/migrations/versions/fbb7e2a0cde0_initial.py @@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@ +"""Initial + +Revision ID: fbb7e2a0cde0 +Revises: +Create Date: 2020-05-07 10:04:40.269511 + +""" +import os +from alembic import op +from alembic import context +import sqlalchemy as sa +from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql +import sqlalchemy_utils +import citext + +import teal +from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import TransferState, Severity + +# revision identifiers, used by Alembic. +revision = 'fbb7e2a0cde0' +down_revision = None +branch_labels = None +depends_on = None + +def get_inv(): + INV = context.get_x_argument(as_dictionary=True).get('inventory') + if not INV: + raise ValueError("Inventory value is not specified") + return INV + + +def upgrade(): + # Create Common schema + op.execute("create schema common") + op.execute(f"create schema {get_inv()}") + + # Inventory table + op.create_table('inventory', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False, comment='The name of the inventory as in the URL and schema.'), + sa.Column('name', citext.CIText(), nullable=False, comment='The human name of the inventory.'), + sa.Column('tag_provider', teal.db.URL(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('tag_token', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False, comment='The token to access a Tag service.'), + sa.Column('org_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('name'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('tag_token'), + schema='common' + ) + op.create_index('id_hash', 'inventory', ['id'], unique=False, schema='common', postgresql_using='hash') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_common_inventory_created'), 'inventory', ['created'], unique=False, schema='common') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_common_inventory_updated'), 'inventory', ['updated'], unique=False, schema='common') + + # Manufacturer table + op.create_table('manufacturer', + sa.Column('name', citext.CIText(), nullable=False, comment='The normalized name of the manufacturer.'), + sa.Column('url', teal.db.URL(), nullable=True, comment='An URL to a page describing the manufacturer.'), + sa.Column('logo', teal.db.URL(), nullable=True, comment='An URL pointing to the logo of the manufacturer.'), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('name'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('url'), + schema='common' + ) + + # User table + op.create_table('user', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('email', sqlalchemy_utils.types.email.EmailType(length=255), nullable=False), + sa.Column('password', sqlalchemy_utils.types.password.PasswordType(max_length=64), nullable=True), + sa.Column('token', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('ethereum_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('email'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('ethereum_address'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('token'), + schema='common' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_common_user_created'), 'user', ['created'], unique=False, schema='common') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_common_user_updated'), 'user', ['updated'], unique=False, schema='common') + + # User Inventory table + op.create_table('user_inventory', + sa.Column('user_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('inventory_id', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['inventory_id'], ['common.inventory.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('user_id', 'inventory_id'), + schema='common' + ) + + # Device table + op.create_table('device', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False, comment='The identifier of the device for this database. Used only\n internally for software; users should not use this.\n '), + sa.Column('type', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=False), + sa.Column('hid', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The Hardware ID (HID) is the unique ID traceability\n systems use to ID a device globally. This field is auto-generated\n from Devicehub using literal identifiers from the device,\n so it can re-generated *offline*.\n \n The HID is the result of concatenating,\n in the following order: the type of device (ex. Computer),\n the manufacturer name, the model name, and the S/N. It is joined\n with hyphens, and adapted to comply with the URI specification, so\n it can be used in the URI identifying the device on the Internet.\n The conversion is done as follows:\n \n 1. non-ASCII characters are converted to their ASCII equivalent or\n removed.\n 2. Characterst that are not letters or numbers are converted to \n underscores, in a way that there are no trailing underscores\n and no underscores together, and they are set to lowercase.\n \n Ex. ``laptop-acer-aod270-lusga_0d0242201212c7614``\n '), + sa.Column('model', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The model of the device in lower case.\n\n\n The model is the unambiguous, as technical as possible, denomination\n for the product. This field, among others, is used to identify\n the product.\n '), + sa.Column('manufacturer', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The normalized name of the manufacturer,\n in lower case.\n\n Although as of now Devicehub does not enforce normalization,\n users can choose a list of normalized manufacturer names\n from the own ``/manufacturers`` REST endpoint.\n '), + sa.Column('serial_number', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The serial number of the device in lower case.'), + sa.Column('brand', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='A naming for consumers. This field can represent\n several models, so it can be ambiguous, and it is not used to\n identify the product.\n '), + sa.Column('generation', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The generation of the device.'), + sa.Column('version', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='The version code of this device, like v1 or A001.'), + sa.Column('weight', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=4), nullable=True, comment='The weight of the device in Kg.'), + sa.Column('width', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=4), nullable=True, comment='The width of the device in meters.'), + sa.Column('height', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=4), nullable=True, comment='The height of the device in meters.'), + sa.Column('depth', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=4), nullable=True, comment='The depth of the device in meters.'), + sa.Column('color', sqlalchemy_utils.types.color.ColorType(length=20), nullable=True, comment='The predominant color of the device.'), + sa.Column('production_date', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True, comment='The date of production of the device.\n This is timezone naive, as Workbench cannot report this data with timezone information.\n '), + sa.Column('variant', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='A variant or sub-model of the device.'), + sa.Column('sku', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a\n merchant-specific identifier for a product or service.\n '), + sa.Column('image', teal.db.URL(), nullable=True, comment='An image of the device.'), + sa.Column('max_drill_bit_size', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('size', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The capacity in Liters.'), + sa.Column('max_allowed_weight', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('wheel_size', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('gears', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('device_id', 'device', ['id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_device_created'), 'device', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_device_updated'), 'device', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('type_index', 'device', ['type'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_table('agent', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('type', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('name', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='The name of the organization or person.'), + sa.Column('tax_id', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=True, comment='The Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization, \n e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain.\n '), + sa.Column('country', sa.Enum('AF', 'AX', 'AL', 'DZ', 'AS', 'AD', 'AO', 'AI', 'AQ', 'AG', 'AR', 'AM', 'AW', 'AU', 'AT', 'AZ', 'BS', 'BH', 'BD', 'BB', 'BY', 'BE', 'BZ', 'BJ', 'BM', 'BT', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BA', 'BW', 'BV', 'BR', 'IO', 'BN', 'BG', 'BF', 'BI', 'KH', 'CM', 'CA', 'CV', 'KY', 'CF', 'TD', 'CL', 'CN', 'CX', 'CC', 'CO', 'KM', 'CG', 'CD', 'CK', 'CR', 'CI', 'HR', 'CU', 'CW', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DK', 'DJ', 'DM', 'DO', 'EC', 'EG', 'SV', 'GQ', 'ER', 'EE', 'ET', 'FK', 'FO', 'FJ', 'FI', 'FR', 'GF', 'PF', 'TF', 'GA', 'GM', 'GE', 'DE', 'GH', 'GI', 'GR', 'GL', 'GD', 'GP', 'GU', 'GT', 'GG', 'GN', 'GW', 'GY', 'HT', 'HM', 'VA', 'HN', 'HK', 'HU', 'IS', 'IN', 'ID', 'IR', 'IQ', 'IE', 'IM', 'IL', 'IT', 'JM', 'JP', 'JE', 'JO', 'KZ', 'KE', 'KI', 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KG', 'LA', 'LV', 'LB', 'LS', 'LR', 'LY', 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'MO', 'MK', 'MG', 'MW', 'MY', 'MV', 'ML', 'MT', 'MH', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MU', 'YT', 'MX', 'FM', 'MD', 'MC', 'MN', 'ME', 'MS', 'MA', 'MZ', 'MM', 'NA', 'NR', 'NP', 'NL', 'NC', 'NZ', 'NI', 'NE', 'NG', 'NU', 'NF', 'MP', 'NO', 'OM', 'PK', 'PW', 'PS', 'PA', 'PG', 'PY', 'PE', 'PH', 'PN', 'PL', 'PT', 'PR', 'QA', 'RE', 'RO', 'RU', 'RW', 'BL', 'SH', 'KN', 'LC', 'MF', 'PM', 'VC', 'WS', 'SM', 'ST', 'SA', 'SN', 'RS', 'SC', 'SL', 'SG', 'SX', 'SK', 'SI', 'SB', 'SO', 'ZA', 'GS', 'SS', 'ES', 'LK', 'SD', 'SR', 'SJ', 'SZ', 'SE', 'CH', 'SY', 'TW', 'TJ', 'TZ', 'TH', 'TL', 'TG', 'TK', 'TO', 'TT', 'TN', 'TR', 'TM', 'TC', 'TV', 'UG', 'UA', 'AE', 'GB', 'US', 'UM', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VU', 'VE', 'VN', 'VG', 'VI', 'WF', 'EH', 'YE', 'ZM', 'ZW', name='country'), nullable=True, comment='Country issuing the tax_id number.'), + sa.Column('telephone', sqlalchemy_utils.types.phone_number.PhoneNumberType(length=20), nullable=True), + sa.Column('email', sqlalchemy_utils.types.email.EmailType(length=255), nullable=True), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('email'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('tax_id', 'country', name='Registration Number per country.'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('tax_id', 'name', name='One tax ID with one name.'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('agent_type', 'agent', ['type'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_agent_created'), 'agent', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_agent_updated'), 'agent', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Computer table + op.create_table('computer', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('chassis', sa.Enum('Tower', 'Docking', 'AllInOne', 'Microtower', 'PizzaBox', 'Lunchbox', 'Stick', 'Netbook', 'Handheld', 'Laptop', 'Convertible', 'Detachable', 'Tablet', 'Virtual', name='computerchassis'), nullable=False, comment='The physical form of the computer.\n\n It is a subset of the Linux definition of DMI / DMI decode.\n '), + sa.Column('ethereum_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('deposit', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('owner_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('transfer_state', teal.db.IntEnum(TransferState), nullable=False, comment='State of transfer for a given Lot of devices.\n '), + sa.Column('receiver_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('deliverynote_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('layout', sa.Enum('US', 'AF', 'ARA', 'AL', 'AM', 'AT', 'AU', 'AZ', 'BY', 'BE', 'BD', 'BA', 'BR', 'BG', 'DZ', 'MA', 'CM', 'MM', 'CA', 'CD', 'CN', 'HR', 'CZ', 'DK', 'NL', 'BT', 'EE', 'IR', 'IQ', 'FO', 'FI', 'FR', 'GH', 'GN', 'GE', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IL', 'IT', 'JP', 'KG', 'KH', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LATAM', 'LT', 'LV', 'MAO', 'ME', 'MK', 'MT', 'MN', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'RU', 'RS', 'SI', 'SK', 'ES', 'SE', 'CH', 'SY', 'TJ', 'LK', 'TH', 'TR', 'TW', 'UA', 'GB', 'UZ', 'VN', 'KR', 'IE', 'PK', 'MV', 'ZA', 'EPO', 'NP', 'NG', 'ET', 'SN', 'BRAI', 'TM', 'ML', 'TZ', 'TG', 'KE', 'BW', 'PH', 'MD', 'ID', 'MY', 'BN', 'IN', 'IS', 'NEC_VNDR_JP', name='layouts'), nullable=True, comment='Layout of a built-in keyboard of the computer,\n if any.\n '), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['owner_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['receiver_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('ethereum_address'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Computer accessory + op.create_table('computer_accessory', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('layout', sa.Enum('US', 'AF', 'ARA', 'AL', 'AM', 'AT', 'AU', 'AZ', 'BY', 'BE', 'BD', 'BA', 'BR', 'BG', 'DZ', 'MA', 'CM', 'MM', 'CA', 'CD', 'CN', 'HR', 'CZ', 'DK', 'NL', 'BT', 'EE', 'IR', 'IQ', 'FO', 'FI', 'FR', 'GH', 'GN', 'GE', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IL', 'IT', 'JP', 'KG', 'KH', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LATAM', 'LT', 'LV', 'MAO', 'ME', 'MK', 'MT', 'MN', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'RU', 'RS', 'SI', 'SK', 'ES', 'SE', 'CH', 'SY', 'TJ', 'LK', 'TH', 'TR', 'TW', 'UA', 'GB', 'UZ', 'VN', 'KR', 'IE', 'PK', 'MV', 'ZA', 'EPO', 'NP', 'NG', 'ET', 'SN', 'BRAI', 'TM', 'ML', 'TZ', 'TG', 'KE', 'BW', 'PH', 'MD', 'ID', 'MY', 'BN', 'IN', 'IS', 'NEC_VNDR_JP', name='layouts'), nullable=True), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Device search table + op.create_table('device_search', + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('properties', postgresql.TSVECTOR(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('tags', postgresql.TSVECTOR(), nullable=True), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ondelete='CASCADE'), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('device_id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('properties gist', 'device_search', ['properties'], unique=False, postgresql_using='gist', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('tags gist', 'device_search', ['tags'], unique=False, postgresql_using='gist', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Lot table + op.create_table('lot', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('name', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('description', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='A comment about the lot.'), + sa.Column('closed', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='A closed lot cannot be modified anymore.'), + sa.Column('deposit', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('owner_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('transfer_state', teal.db.IntEnum(TransferState), nullable=False, comment='State of transfer for a given Lot of devices.\n '), + sa.Column('receiver_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('deliverynote_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['owner_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['receiver_address'], ['common.user.ethereum_address'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_lot_created'), 'lot', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_lot_updated'), 'lot', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Mobile table + op.create_table('mobile', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('imei', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The International Mobile Equipment Identity of\n the smartphone as an integer.\n '), + sa.Column('meid', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The Mobile Equipment Identifier as a hexadecimal\n string.\n '), + sa.Column('ram_size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, comment='The total of RAM of the device in MB.'), + sa.Column('data_storage_size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, comment='The total of data storage of the device in MB'), + sa.Column('display_size', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=1), nullable=True, comment='The total size of the device screen'), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Monitor table + op.create_table('monitor', + sa.Column('size', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=1), nullable=False, comment='The size of the monitor in inches.'), + sa.Column('technology', sa.Enum('CRT', 'TFT', 'LED', 'PDP', 'LCD', 'OLED', 'AMOLED', name='displaytech'), nullable=True, comment='The technology the monitor uses to display\n the image.\n '), + sa.Column('resolution_width', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, comment='The maximum horizontal resolution the\n monitor can natively support in pixels.\n '), + sa.Column('resolution_height', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, comment='The maximum vertical resolution the\n monitor can natively support in pixels.\n '), + sa.Column('refresh_rate', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('contrast_ratio', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('touchable', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether it is a touchscreen.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Networtking table + op.create_table('networking', + sa.Column('speed', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The maximum speed this network adapter can handle,\n in mbps.\n '), + sa.Column('wireless', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether it is a wireless interface.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Organization table + op.create_table('organization', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.agent.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Printer table + op.create_table('printer', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('wireless', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether it is a wireless printer.'), + sa.Column('scanning', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether the printer has scanning capabilities.'), + sa.Column('technology', sa.Enum('Toner', 'Inkjet', 'SolidInk', 'Dye', 'Thermal', name='printertechnology'), nullable=True, comment='Technology used to print.'), + sa.Column('monochrome', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether the printer is only monochrome.'), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Proof table + op.create_table('proof', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('type', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('ethereum_hash', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_proof_created'), 'proof', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_proof_updated'), 'proof', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Action table + op.create_table('action', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('type', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('name', citext.CIText(), nullable=False, comment='A name or title for the action. Used when searching\n for actions.\n '), + sa.Column('severity', teal.db.IntEnum(Severity), nullable=False, comment='A flag evaluating the action execution. Ex. failed actions\n have the value `Severity.Error`. Devicehub uses 4 severity levels:\n\n * Info (Pass): default neutral severity. The action succeeded.\n * Notice: The action succeeded but it is raising awareness.\n Notices are not usually that important but something\n (good or bad) worth checking.\n * Warning: The action succeeded but there is something important\n to check negatively affecting the action.\n * Error (Fail): the action failed.\n\n Devicehub specially raises user awareness when an action\n has a Severity of ``Warning`` or greater.\n '), + sa.Column('closed', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether the author has finished the action.\n After this is set to True, no modifications are allowed.\n By default actions are closed when performed.\n '), + sa.Column('description', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False, comment='A comment about the action.'), + sa.Column('start_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=True, comment='When the action starts. For some actions like\n reservations the time when they are available, for others like renting\n when the renting starts.\n '), + sa.Column('end_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=True, comment='When the action ends. For some actions like reservations\n the time when they expire, for others like renting\n the time the end rents. For punctual actions it is the time \n they are performed; it differs with ``created`` in which\n created is the where the system received the action.\n '), + sa.Column('snapshot_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('author_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False, comment='The user that recorded this action in the system.\n \n This does not necessarily has to be the person that produced\n the action in the real world. For that purpose see\n ``agent``.\n '), + sa.Column('agent_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False, comment='The direct performer or driver of the action. \n e.g. John wrote a book.\n \n It can differ with the user that registered the action in the\n system, which can be in their behalf.\n '), + sa.Column('parent_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=True, comment='For actions that are performed to components, \n the device parent at that time.\n \n For example: for a ``EraseBasic`` performed on a data storage, this\n would point to the computer that contained this data storage, if any.\n '), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['agent_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.agent.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['parent_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.computer.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['snapshot_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.snapshot.id'], name='snapshot_actions', use_alter=True), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_action_created'), 'action', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_action_updated'), 'action', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('ix_id', 'action', ['id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('ix_parent_id', 'action', ['parent_id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('ix_type', 'action', ['type'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Component table + op.create_table('component', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('parent_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('focal_length', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('video_height', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('video_width', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('horizontal_view_angle', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('facing', sa.Enum('Front', 'Back', name='camerafacing'), nullable=True), + sa.Column('vertical_view_angle', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('video_stabilization', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('flash', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['parent_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.computer.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('parent_index', 'component', ['parent_id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Deliverynote table + op.create_table('deliverynote', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('document_id', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('creator_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('supplier_email', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('receiver_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('date', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False, comment='The date the DeliveryNote initiated'), + sa.Column('deposit', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('expected_devices', postgresql.JSONB(astext_type=sa.Text()), nullable=False), + sa.Column('transferred_devices', sa.ARRAY(sa.Integer(), dimensions=1), nullable=True), + sa.Column('transfer_state', teal.db.IntEnum(TransferState), nullable=False, comment='State of transfer for a given Lot of devices.\n '), + sa.Column('ethereum_address', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('lot_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['creator_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['lot_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.lot.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['receiver_address'], ['common.user.email'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['supplier_email'], ['common.user.email'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('ethereum_address'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_deliverynote_created'), 'deliverynote', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_deliverynote_updated'), 'deliverynote', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Individual table + op.create_table('individual', + sa.Column('active_org_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('user_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['active_org_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.organization.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.agent.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('user_id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Lot device table + op.create_table('lot_device', + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('lot_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('created', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('author_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False, comment='The user that put the device in the lot.'), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['lot_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.lot.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('device_id', 'lot_id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Path table + op.create_table('path', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), server_default=sa.text('gen_random_uuid()'), nullable=False), + sa.Column('lot_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('path', sqlalchemy_utils.types.ltree.LtreeType(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=True, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['lot_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.lot.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('path', deferrable='True', initially='immediate', name='path_unique'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('lot_id_index', 'path', ['lot_id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('path_btree', 'path', ['path'], unique=False, postgresql_using='btree', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index('path_gist', 'path', ['path'], unique=False, postgresql_using='gist', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Proof recycling table + op.create_table('proof_recycling', + sa.Column('collection_point', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('date', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('contact', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('ticket', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('gps_location', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('recycler_code', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.proof.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Proof reuse table + op.create_table('proof_reuse', + sa.Column('receiver_segment', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id_receipt', citext.CIText(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('supplier_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('receiver_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('price', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.proof.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['receiver_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['supplier_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Proof transfer table + op.create_table('proof_transfer', + sa.Column('supplier_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('receiver_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('deposit', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.proof.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['receiver_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['supplier_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Tag table + op.create_table('tag', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', citext.CIText(), nullable=False, comment='The ID of the tag.'), + sa.Column('org_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('provider', teal.db.URL(), nullable=True, comment='The tag provider URL. If None, the provider is\n this Devicehub.\n '), + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('secondary', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='A secondary identifier for this tag. \n It has the same constraints as the main one. Only needed in special cases.\n '), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ondelete='SET NULL'), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['org_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.organization.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', 'org_id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('id', 'org_id', name='one tag id per organization'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('secondary', 'org_id', name='one secondary tag per organization'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('device_id_index', 'tag', ['device_id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_tag_created'), 'tag', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_tag_secondary'), 'tag', ['secondary'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_tag_updated'), 'tag', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # ActionComponent table + op.create_table('action_component', + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('action_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['action_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('device_id', 'action_id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Action device table + op.create_table('action_device', + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('action_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['action_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('device_id', 'action_id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # ActionWithOneDevice table + op.create_table('action_with_one_device', + sa.Column('device_id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['device_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.device.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index('action_one_device_id_index', 'action_with_one_device', ['device_id'], unique=False, postgresql_using='hash', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Allocate table + op.create_table('allocate', + sa.Column('to_id', postgresql.UUID(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('organization', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['to_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # BAtter table + op.create_table('battery', + sa.Column('wireless', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='If the battery can be charged wirelessly.'), + sa.Column('technology', sa.Enum('LiIon', 'NiCd', 'NiMH', 'LiPoly', 'LiFe', 'LiMn', 'Al', name='batterytechnology'), nullable=True), + sa.Column('size', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, comment='Maximum battery capacity by design, in mAh.\n\n Use BatteryTest\'s "size" to get the actual size of the battery.\n '), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # DataStorage table + op.create_table('data_storage', + sa.Column('size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, comment='The size of the data-storage in MB.'), + sa.Column('interface', sa.Enum('ATA', 'USB', 'PCI', name='datastorageinterface'), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Deallocate table + op.create_table('deallocate', + sa.Column('from_id', postgresql.UUID(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('organization', citext.CIText(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['from_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Display table + op.create_table('display', + sa.Column('size', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=1), nullable=False, comment='The size of the monitor in inches.'), + sa.Column('technology', sa.Enum('CRT', 'TFT', 'LED', 'PDP', 'LCD', 'OLED', 'AMOLED', name='displaytech'), nullable=True, comment='The technology the monitor uses to display\n the image.\n '), + sa.Column('resolution_width', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, comment='The maximum horizontal resolution the\n monitor can natively support in pixels.\n '), + sa.Column('resolution_height', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False, comment='The maximum vertical resolution the\n monitor can natively support in pixels.\n '), + sa.Column('refresh_rate', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('contrast_ratio', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('touchable', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether it is a touchscreen.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # GraphiCard table + op.create_table('graphic_card', + sa.Column('memory', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The amount of memory of the Graphic Card in MB.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Membership table + op.create_table('membership', + sa.Column('updated', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='The last time Devicehub recorded a change for \n this thing.\n '), + sa.Column('created', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), server_default=sa.text('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'), nullable=False, comment='When Devicehub created this.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('organization_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('individual_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['individual_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.individual.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['organization_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.organization.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('organization_id', 'individual_id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('id', 'organization_id', name='One member id per organization.'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + op.create_index(op.f('ix_membership_created'), 'membership', ['created'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.create_index(op.f('ix_membership_updated'), 'membership', ['updated'], unique=False, schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Migrate table + op.create_table('migrate', + sa.Column('other', teal.db.URL(), nullable=False, comment='\n The URL of the Migrate in the other end.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Motherboard table + op.create_table('motherboard', + sa.Column('slots', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='PCI slots the motherboard has.'), + sa.Column('usb', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('firewire', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('serial', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('pcmcia', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('bios_date', sa.Date(), nullable=True, comment='The date of the BIOS version.'), + sa.Column('ram_slots', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('ram_max_size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Network adapter + op.create_table('network_adapter', + sa.Column('speed', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The maximum speed this network adapter can handle,\n in mbps.\n '), + sa.Column('wireless', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Whether it is a wireless interface.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Organize table + op.create_table('organize', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Processor table + op.create_table('processor', + sa.Column('speed', sa.Float(), nullable=True, comment='The regular CPU speed.'), + sa.Column('cores', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The number of regular cores.'), + sa.Column('threads', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The number of threads per core.'), + sa.Column('address', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The address of the CPU: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bits.'), + sa.Column('abi', sa.Unicode(), nullable=True, comment='The Application Binary Interface of the processor.'), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # RamModule table + op.create_table('ram_module', + sa.Column('size', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True, comment='The capacity of the RAM stick.'), + sa.Column('speed', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('interface', sa.Enum('SDRAM', 'DDR', 'DDR2', 'DDR3', 'DDR4', 'DDR5', 'DDR6', name='raminterface'), nullable=True), + sa.Column('format', sa.Enum('DIMM', 'SODIMM', name='ramformat'), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Receive table + op.create_table('receive', + sa.Column('role', sa.Enum('Intermediary', 'FinalUser', 'CollectionPoint', 'RecyclingPoint', 'Transporter', name='receiverrole'), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Sound card table + op.create_table('sound_card', + sa.Column('id', sa.BigInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.component.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Benchmark table + op.create_table('benchmark', + sa.Column('elapsed', sa.Interval(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Erase basic table + op.create_table('erase_basic', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('method', sa.Enum('Shred', 'Disintegration', name='physicalerasuremethod'), nullable=True), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('install', + sa.Column('elapsed', sa.Interval(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('address', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Live table + op.create_table('live', + sa.Column('ip', teal.db.IP(), nullable=False, comment='The IP where the live was triggered.'), + sa.Column('subdivision_confidence', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('subdivision', sa.Enum('AE-AJ', 'AE-AZ', 'AE-DU', 'AE-FU', 'AE-RK', 'AE-SH', 'AE-UQ', 'AF-BAL', 'AF-BAM', 'AF-BDG', 'AF-BDS', 'AF-BGL', 'AF-FRAU', 'AF-FYB', 'AF-GHA', 'AF-GHO', 'AF-HEL', 'AF-HER', 'AF-JOW', 'AF-KAB', 'AF-KANN', 'AF-KAP', 'AF-KDZ', 'AF-KNR', 'AF-LAG', 'AF-LOW', 'AF-NAN', 'AF-NIM', 'AF-ORU', 'AF-PAR', 'AF-PIA', 'AF-PKA', 'AF-SAM', 'AF-SAR', 'AF-TAK', 'AF-WAR', 'AF-ZAB', 'AL-BR', 'AL-BU', 'AL-DI', 'AL-DL', 'AL-DR', 'AL-DV', 'AL-EL', 'AL-ER', 'AL-FR', 'AL-GJ', 'AL-GR', 'AL-HA', 'AL-KA', 'AL-KB', 'AL-KC', 'AL-KO', 'AL-KR', 'AL-KU', 'AL-LA', 'AL-LB', 'AL-LE', 'AL-LU', 'AL-MK', 'AL-MM', 'AL-MR', 'AL-MT', 'AL-PG', 'AL-PQ', 'AL-PR', 'AL-PU', 'AL-SH', 'AL-SK', 'AL-SR', 'AL-TE', 'AL-TP', 'AL-TR', 'AL-VL', 'AM-AG', 'AM-AR', 'AM-AV', 'AM-ER', 'AM-GR', 'AM-KT', 'AM-LO', 'AM-SH', 'AM-SU', 'AM-TV', 'AM-VD', 'AO-BGO', 'AO-BGU', 'AO-BIE', 'AO-CAB', 'AO-CCU', 'AO-CNN', 'AO-CNO', 'AO-CUS', 'AO-HUA', 'AO-HUI', 'AO-LNO', 'AO-LSU', 'AO-LUA', 'AO-MAL', 'AO-MOX', 'AO-NAM', 'AO-UIG', 'AO-ZAI', 'AR-A', 'AR-B', 'AR-C', 'AR-D', 'AR-E', 'AR-F', 'AR-G', 'AR-H', 'AR-J', 'AR-K', 'AR-L', 'AR-M', 'AR-N', 'AR-P', 'AR-Q', 'AR-R', 'AR-S', 'AR-T', 'AR-U', 'AR-V', 'AR-W', 'AR-X', 'AR-Y', 'AR-Z', 'AT-1', 'AT-2', 'AT-3', 'AT-4', 'AT-5', 'AT-6', 'AT-7', 'AT-8', 'AT-9', 'AU-CT', 'AU-NS', 'AU-NT', 'AU-QL', 'AU-SA', 'AU-TS', 'AU-VI', 'AU-WA', 'AZ-AB', 'AZ-ABS', 'AZ-AGA', 'AZ-AGC', 'AZ-AGM', 'AZ-AGS', 'AZ-AGU', 'AZ-AST', 'AZ-BA', 'AZ-BAB', 'AZ-BAL', 'AZ-BAR', 'AZ-BEY', 'AZ-BIL', 'AZ-CAB', 'AZ-CAL', 'AZ-CUL', 'AZ-DAS', 'AZ-DAV', 'AZ-FUZ', 'AZ-GA', 'AZ-GAD', 'AZ-GOR', 'AZ-GOY', 'AZ-HAC', 'AZ-IMI', 'AZ-ISM', 'AZ-KAL', 'AZ-KUR', 'AZ-LA', 'AZ-LAC', 'AZ-LAN', 'AZ-LER', 'AZ-MAS', 'AZ-MI', 'AZ-MM', 'AZ-NA', 'AZ-NEF', 'AZ-OGU', 'AZ-ORD', 'AZ-QAB', 'AZ-QAX', 'AZ-QAZ', 'AZ-QBA', 'AZ-QBI', 'AZ-QOB', 'AZ-QUS', 'AZ-SA', 'AZ-SAB', 'AZ-SAD', 'AZ-SAH', 'AZ-SAK', 'AZ-SAL', 'AZ-SAR', 'AZ-SAT', 'AZ-SIY', 'AZ-SKR', 'AZ-SM', 'AZ-SMI', 'AZ-SMX', 'AZ-SS', 'AZ-SUS', 'AZ-TAR', 'AZ-TOV', 'AZ-UCA', 'AZ-XA', 'AZ-XAC', 'AZ-XAN', 'AZ-XCI', 'AZ-XIZ', 'AZ-XVD', 'AZ-YAR', 'AZ-YE', 'AZ-YEV', 'AZ-ZAN', 'AZ-ZAQ', 'AZ-ZAR', 'BA-BIH', 'BA-SRP', 'BD-01', 'BD-02', 'BD-03', 'BD-04', 'BD-05', 'BD-06', 'BD-07', 'BD-08', 'BD-09', 'BD-1', 'BD-10', 'BD-11', 'BD-12', 'BD-13', 'BD-14', 'BD-15', 'BD-16', 'BD-17', 'BD-18', 'BD-19', 'BD-2', 'BD-20', 'BD-21', 'BD-22', 'BD-23', 'BD-24', 'BD-25', 'BD-26', 'BD-27', 'BD-28', 'BD-29', 'BD-3', 'BD-30', 'BD-31', 'BD-32', 'BD-33', 'BD-34', 'BD-35', 'BD-36', 'BD-37', 'BD-38', 'BD-39', 'BD-4', 'BD-40', 'BD-41', 'BD-42', 'BD-43', 'BD-44', 'BD-45', 'BD-46', 'BD-47', 'BD-48', 'BD-49', 'BD-5', 'BD-50', 'BD-51', 'BD-52', 'BD-53', 'BD-54', 'BD-55', 'BD-56', 'BD-57', 'BD-58', 'BD-59', 'BD-6', 'BD-60', 'BD-61', 'BD-62', 'BD-63', 'BD-64', 'BE-BRU', 'BE-VAN', 'BE-VBR', 'BE-VLG', 'BE-VLI', 'BE-VOV', 'BE-VWV', 'BE-WAL', 'BE-WBR', 'BE-WHT', 'BE-WLG', 'BE-WLX', 'BE-WNA', 'BF-BAL', 'BF-BAM', 'BF-BAN', 'BF-BAZ', 'BF-BGR', 'BF-BLG', 'BF-BLK', 'BF-COM', 'BF-GAN', 'BF-GNA', 'BF-GOU', 'BF-HOU', 'BF-IOB', 'BF-KAD', 'BF-KEN', 'BF-KMD', 'BF-KMP', 'BF-KOP', 'BF-KOS', 'BF-KOT', 'BF-KOW', 'BF-LER', 'BF-LOR', 'BF-MOU', 'BF-NAM', 'BF-NAO', 'BF-NAY', 'BF-NOU', 'BF-OUB', 'BF-OUD', 'BF-PAS', 'BF-PON', 'BF-SEN', 'BF-SIS', 'BF-SMT', 'BF-SNG', 'BF-SOM', 'BF-SOR', 'BF-TAP', 'BF-TUI', 'BF-YAG', 'BF-YAT', 'BF-ZIR', 'BF-ZON', 'BF-ZOU', 'BG-01', 'BG-02', 'BG-03', 'BG-04', 'BG-05', 'BG-06', 'BG-07', 'BG-08', 'BG-09', 'BG-10', 'BG-11', 'BG-12', 'BG-13', 'BG-14', 'BG-15', 'BG-16', 'BG-17', 'BG-18', 'BG-19', 'BG-20', 'BG-21', 'BG-22', 'BG-23', 'BG-24', 'BG-25', 'BG-26', 'BG-27', 'BG-28', 'BH-01', 'BH-02', 'BH-03', 'BH-04', 'BH-05', 'BH-06', 'BH-07', 'BH-08', 'BH-09', 'BH-10', 'BH-11', 'BH-12', 'BI-BB', 'BI-BJ', 'BI-BR', 'BI-CA', 'BI-CI', 'BI-GI', 'BI-KI', 'BI-KR', 'BI-KY', 'BI-MA', 'BI-MU', 'BI-MW', 'BI-MY', 'BI-NG', 'BI-RT', 'BI-RY', 'BJ-AK', 'BJ-AL', 'BJ-AQ', 'BJ-BO', 'BJ-CO', 'BJ-DO', 'BJ-KO', 'BJ-LI', 'BJ-MO', 'BJ-OU', 'BJ-PL', 'BJ-ZO', 'BN-BE', 'BN-BM', 'BN-TE', 'BN-TU', 'BO-B', 'BO-C', 'BO-H', 'BO-L', 'BO-N', 'BO-O', 'BO-P', 'BO-S', 'BO-T', 'BR-AC', 'BR-AL', 'BR-AM', 'BR-AP', 'BR-BA', 'BR-CE', 'BR-DF', 'BR-ES', 'BR-GO', 'BR-MA', 'BR-MG', 'BR-MS', 'BR-MT', 'BR-PA', 'BR-PB', 'BR-PE', 'BR-PI', 'BR-PR', 'BR-RJ', 'BR-RN', 'BR-RO', 'BR-RR', 'BR-RS', 'BR-SC', 'BR-SE', 'BR-SP', 'BR-TO', 'BS-AC', 'BS-BI', 'BS-CI', 'BS-EX', 'BS-FC', 'BS-FP', 'BS-GH', 'BS-GT', 'BS-HI', 'BS-HR', 'BS-IN', 'BS-KB', 'BS-LI', 'BS-MG', 'BS-MH', 'BS-NB', 'BS-NP', 'BS-RI', 'BS-RS', 'BS-SP', 'BS-SR', 'BT-11', 'BT-12', 'BT-13', 'BT-14', 'BT-15', 'BT-21', 'BT-22', 'BT-23', 'BT-24', 'BT-31', 'BT-32', 'BT-33', 'BT-34', 'BT-41', 'BT-42', 'BT-43', 'BT-44', 'BT-45', 'BT-GA', 'BT-TY', 'BW-CE', 'BW-CH', 'BW-GH', 'BW-KG', 'BW-KL', 'BW-KW', 'BW-NE', 'BW-NG', 'BW-SE', 'BW-SO', 'BY-BR', 'BY-HO', 'BY-HR', 'BY-MA', 'BY-MI', 'BY-VI', 'BZ-BZ', 'BZ-CY', 'BZ-CZL', 'BZ-OW', 'BZ-SC', 'BZ-TOL', 'CA-AB', 'CA-BC', 'CA-MB', 'CA-NB', 'CA-NL', 'CA-NS', 'CA-NT', 'CA-NU', 'CA-ON', 'CA-PE', 'CA-QC', 'CA-SK', 'CA-YT', 'CD-BC', 'CD-BN', 'CD-EQ', 'CD-KA', 'CD-KE', 'CD-KN', 'CD-KW', 'CD-MA', 'CD-NK', 'CD-OR', 'CD-SK', 'CF-AC', 'CF-BB', 'CF-BGF', 'CF-BK', 'CF-HK', 'CF-HM', 'CF-HS', 'CF-KB', 'CF-KG', 'CF-LB', 'CF-MB', 'CF-MP', 'CF-NM', 'CF-OP', 'CF-SE', 'CF-UK', 'CF-VK', 'CG-11', 'CG-12', 'CG-13', 'CG-14', 'CG-15', 'CG-2', 'CG-5', 'CG-7', 'CG-8', 'CG-9', 'CG-BZV', 'CH-AG', 'CH-AI', 'CH-AR', 'CH-BE', 'CH-BL', 'CH-BS', 'CH-FR', 'CH-GE', 'CH-GL', 'CH-GR', 'CH-JU', 'CH-LU', 'CH-NE', 'CH-NW', 'CH-OW', 'CH-SG', 'CH-SH', 'CH-SO', 'CH-SZ', 'CH-TG', 'CH-TI', 'CH-UR', 'CH-VD', 'CH-VS', 'CH-ZG', 'CH-ZH', 'CI-01', 'CI-02', 'CI-03', 'CI-04', 'CI-05', 'CI-06', 'CI-07', 'CI-08', 'CI-09', 'CI-10', 'CI-11', 'CI-12', 'CI-13', 'CI-14', 'CI-15', 'CI-16', 'CL-AI', 'CL-AN', 'CL-AR', 'CL-AT', 'CL-BI', 'CL-CO', 'CL-LI', 'CL-LL', 'CL-MA', 'CL-ML', 'CL-RM', 'CL-TA', 'CL-VS', 'CM-AD', 'CM-CE', 'CM-EN', 'CM-ES', 'CM-LT', 'CM-NO', 'CM-NW', 'CM-OU', 'CM-SU', 'CM-SW', 'CN-11', 'CN-12', 'CN-13', 'CN-14', 'CN-15', 'CN-21', 'CN-22', 'CN-23', 'CN-31', 'CN-32', 'CN-33', 'CN-34', 'CN-35', 'CN-36', 'CN-37', 'CN-41', 'CN-42', 'CN-43', 'CN-44', 'CN-45', 'CN-46', 'CN-50', 'CN-51', 'CN-52', 'CN-53', 'CN-54', 'CN-61', 'CN-62', 'CN-63', 'CN-64', 'CN-65', 'CN-71', 'CN-91', 'CN-92', 'CO-AMA', 'CO-ANT', 'CO-ARA', 'CO-ATL', 'CO-BOL', 'CO-BOY', 'CO-CAL', 'CO-CAQ', 'CO-CAS', 'CO-CAU', 'CO-CES', 'CO-CHO', 'CO-COR', 'CO-CUN', 'CO-DC', 'CO-GUA', 'CO-GUV', 'CO-HUI', 'CO-LAG', 'CO-MAG', 'CO-MET', 'CO-NAR', 'CO-NSA', 'CO-PUT', 'CO-QUI', 'CO-RIS', 'CO-SAN', 'CO-SAP', 'CO-SUC', 'CO-TOL', 'CO-VAC', 'CO-VAU', 'CO-VID', 'CR-A', 'CR-C', 'CR-G', 'CR-H', 'CR-L', 'CR-P', 'CR-SJ', 'CU-01', 'CU-02', 'CU-03', 'CU-04', 'CU-05', 'CU-06', 'CU-07', 'CU-08', 'CU-09', 'CU-10', 'CU-11', 'CU-12', 'CU-13', 'CU-14', 'CU-99', 'CV-B', 'CV-BR', 'CV-BV', 'CV-CA', 'CV-CR', 'CV-CS', 'CV-FO', 'CV-MA', 'CV-MO', 'CV-PA', 'CV-PN', 'CV-PR', 'CV-RG', 'CV-S', 'CV-SF', 'CV-SL', 'CV-SN', 'CV-SV', 'CV-TA', 'CY-01', 'CY-02', 'CY-03', 'CY-04', 'CY-05', 'CY-06', 'CZ-JC', 'CZ-JM', 'CZ-KA', 'CZ-KR', 'CZ-LI', 'CZ-MO', 'CZ-OL', 'CZ-PA', 'CZ-PL', 'CZ-PR', 'CZ-ST', 'CZ-US', 'CZ-VY', 'CZ-ZL', 'DE-BB', 'DE-BE', 'DE-BW', 'DE-BY', 'DE-HB', 'DE-HE', 'DE-HH', 'DE-MV', 'DE-NI', 'DE-NW', 'DE-RP', 'DE-SH', 'DE-SL', 'DE-SN', 'DE-ST', 'DE-TH', 'DJ-AS', 'DJ-DI', 'DJ-DJ', 'DJ-OB', 'DJ-TA', 'DK-015', 'DK-020', 'DK-025', 'DK-030', 'DK-035', 'DK-040', 'DK-042', 'DK-050', 'DK-055', 'DK-060', 'DK-065', 'DK-070', 'DK-076', 'DK-080', 'DK-101', 'DK-147', 'DO-01', 'DO-02', 'DO-03', 'DO-04', 'DO-05', 'DO-06', 'DO-07', 'DO-08', 'DO-09', 'DO-10', 'DO-11', 'DO-12', 'DO-13', 'DO-14', 'DO-15', 'DO-16', 'DO-17', 'DO-18', 'DO-19', 'DO-20', 'DO-21', 'DO-22', 'DO-23', 'DO-24', 'DO-25', 'DO-26', 'DO-27', 'DO-28', 'DO-29', 'DO-30', 'DZ-01', 'DZ-02', 'DZ-03', 'DZ-04', 'DZ-05', 'DZ-06', 'DZ-07', 'DZ-08', 'DZ-09', 'DZ-10', 'DZ-11', 'DZ-12', 'DZ-13', 'DZ-14', 'DZ-15', 'DZ-16', 'DZ-17', 'DZ-18', 'DZ-19', 'DZ-20', 'DZ-21', 'DZ-22', 'DZ-23', 'DZ-24', 'DZ-25', 'DZ-26', 'DZ-27', 'DZ-28', 'DZ-29', 'DZ-30', 'DZ-31', 'DZ-32', 'DZ-33', 'DZ-34', 'DZ-35', 'DZ-36', 'DZ-37', 'DZ-38', 'DZ-39', 'DZ-40', 'DZ-41', 'DZ-42', 'DZ-43', 'DZ-44', 'DZ-45', 'DZ-46', 'DZ-47', 'DZ-48', 'EC-A', 'EC-B', 'EC-C', 'EC-D', 'EC-E', 'EC-F', 'EC-G', 'EC-H', 'EC-I', 'EC-L', 'EC-M', 'EC-N', 'EC-O', 'EC-P', 'EC-R', 'EC-S', 'EC-T', 'EC-U', 'EC-W', 'EC-X', 'EC-Y', 'EC-Z', 'EE-37', 'EE-39', 'EE-44', 'EE-49', 'EE-51', 'EE-57', 'EE-59', 'EE-65', 'EE-67', 'EE-70', 'EE-74', 'EE-78', 'EE-82', 'EE-84', 'EE-86', 'EG-ALX', 'EG-ASN', 'EG-AST', 'EG-BA', 'EG-BH', 'EG-BNS', 'EG-C', 'EG-DK', 'EG-DT', 'EG-FYM', 'EG-GH', 'EG-GZ', 'EG-IS', 'EG-JS', 'EG-KB', 'EG-KFS', 'EG-KN', 'EG-MN', 'EG-MNF', 'EG-MT', 'EG-PTS', 'EG-SHG', 'EG-SHR', 'EG-SIN', 'EG-SUZ', 'EG-WAD', 'ER-AN', 'ER-DK', 'ER-DU', 'ER-GB', 'ER-MA', 'ER-SK', 'ES-A', 'ES-AB', 'ES-AL', 'ES-AN', 'ES-AR', 'ES-AV', 'ES-B', 'ES-BA', 'ES-BI', 'ES-BU', 'ES-C', 'ES-CA', 'ES-CC', 'ES-CE', 'ES-CL', 'ES-CM', 'ES-CN', 'ES-CO', 'ES-CR', 'ES-CS', 'ES-CT', 'ES-CU', 'ES-EX', 'ES-GA', 'ES-GC', 'ES-GI', 'ES-GR', 'ES-GU', 'ES-H', 'ES-HU', 'ES-J', 'ES-L', 'ES-LE', 'ES-LO', 'ES-LU', 'ES-M', 'ES-MA', 'ES-ML', 'ES-MU', 'ES-NA', 'ES-O', 'ES-OR', 'ES-P', 'ES-PM', 'ES-PO', 'ES-PV', 'ES-S', 'ES-SA', 'ES-SE', 'ES-SG', 'ES-SO', 'ES-SS', 'ES-T', 'ES-TE', 'ES-TF', 'ES-TO', 'ES-V', 'ES-VA', 'ES-VC', 'ES-VI', 'ES-Z', 'ES-ZA', 'ET-AA', 'ET-AF', 'ET-AM', 'ET-BE', 'ET-DD', 'ET-GA', 'ET-HA', 'ET-OR', 'ET-SN', 'ET-SO', 'ET-TI', 'FI-AL', 'FI-ES', 'FI-IS', 'FI-LL', 'FI-LS', 'FI-OL', 'FJ-C', 'FJ-E', 'FJ-N', 'FJ-R', 'FJ-W', 'FM-KSA', 'FM-PNI', 'FM-TRK', 'FM-YAP', 'FR-01', 'FR-02', 'FR-03', 'FR-04', 'FR-05', 'FR-06', 'FR-07', 'FR-08', 'FR-09', 'FR-10', 'FR-11', 'FR-12', 'FR-13', 'FR-14', 'FR-15', 'FR-16', 'FR-17', 'FR-18', 'FR-19', 'FR-21', 'FR-22', 'FR-23', 'FR-24', 'FR-25', 'FR-26', 'FR-27', 'FR-28', 'FR-29', 'FR-2A', 'FR-2B', 'FR-30', 'FR-31', 'FR-32', 'FR-33', 'FR-34', 'FR-35', 'FR-36', 'FR-37', 'FR-38', 'FR-39', 'FR-40', 'FR-41', 'FR-42', 'FR-43', 'FR-44', 'FR-45', 'FR-46', 'FR-47', 'FR-48', 'FR-49', 'FR-50', 'FR-51', 'FR-52', 'FR-53', 'FR-54', 'FR-55', 'FR-56', 'FR-57', 'FR-58', 'FR-59', 'FR-60', 'FR-61', 'FR-62', 'FR-63', 'FR-64', 'FR-65', 'FR-66', 'FR-67', 'FR-68', 'FR-69', 'FR-70', 'FR-71', 'FR-72', 'FR-73', 'FR-74', 'FR-75', 'FR-76', 'FR-77', 'FR-78', 'FR-79', 'FR-80', 'FR-81', 'FR-82', 'FR-83', 'FR-84', 'FR-85', 'FR-86', 'FR-87', 'FR-88', 'FR-89', 'FR-90', 'FR-91', 'FR-92', 'FR-93', 'FR-94', 'FR-95', 'FR-A', 'FR-B', 'FR-C', 'FR-D', 'FR-E', 'FR-F', 'FR-G', 'FR-GF', 'FR-GP', 'FR-H', 'FR-I', 'FR-J', 'FR-K', 'FR-L', 'FR-M', 'FR-MQ', 'FR-N', 'FR-NC', 'FR-O', 'FR-P', 'FR-PF', 'FR-PM', 'FR-Q', 'FR-R', 'FR-RE', 'FR-S', 'FR-T', 'FR-TF', 'FR-U', 'FR-V', 'FR-WF', 'FR-YT', 'GA-1', 'GA-2', 'GA-3', 'GA-4', 'GA-5', 'GA-6', 'GA-7', 'GA-8', 'GA-9', 'GB-ABD', 'GB-ABE', 'GB-AGB', 'GB-AGY', 'GB-ANS', 'GB-ANT', 'GB-ARD', 'GB-ARM', 'GB-BAS', 'GB-BBD', 'GB-BDF', 'GB-BDG', 'GB-BEN', 'GB-BEX', 'GB-BFS', 'GB-BGE', 'GB-BGW', 'GB-BIR', 'GB-BKM', 'GB-BLA', 'GB-BLY', 'GB-BMH', 'GB-BNB', 'GB-BNE', 'GB-BNH', 'GB-BNS', 'GB-BOL', 'GB-BPL', 'GB-BRC', 'GB-BRD', 'GB-BRY', 'GB-BST', 'GB-BUR', 'GB-CAM', 'GB-CAY', 'GB-CGN', 'GB-CGV', 'GB-CHA', 'GB-CHS', 'GB-CKF', 'GB-CKT', 'GB-CLD', 'GB-CLK', 'GB-CLR', 'GB-CMA', 'GB-CMD', 'GB-CMN', 'GB-CON', 'GB-COV', 'GB-CRF', 'GB-CRY', 'GB-CSR', 'GB-CWY', 'GB-DAL', 'GB-DBY', 'GB-DEN', 'GB-DER', 'GB-DEV', 'GB-DGN', 'GB-DGY', 'GB-DNC', 'GB-DND', 'GB-DOR', 'GB-DOW', 'GB-DRY', 'GB-DUD', 'GB-DUR', 'GB-EAL', 'GB-EAW', 'GB-EAY', 'GB-EDH', 'GB-EDU', 'GB-ELN', 'GB-ELS', 'GB-ENF', 'GB-ENG', 'GB-ERW', 'GB-ERY', 'GB-ESS', 'GB-ESX', 'GB-FAL', 'GB-FER', 'GB-FIF', 'GB-FLN', 'GB-GAT', 'GB-GBN', 'GB-GLG', 'GB-GLS', 'GB-GRE', 'GB-GSY', 'GB-GWN', 'GB-HAL', 'GB-HAM', 'GB-HAV', 'GB-HCK', 'GB-HEF', 'GB-HIL', 'GB-HLD', 'GB-HMF', 'GB-HNS', 'GB-HPL', 'GB-HRT', 'GB-HRW', 'GB-HRY', 'GB-IOM', 'GB-IOS', 'GB-IOW', 'GB-ISL', 'GB-IVC', 'GB-JSY', 'GB-KEC', 'GB-KEN', 'GB-KHL', 'GB-KIR', 'GB-KTT', 'GB-KWL', 'GB-LAN', 'GB-LBH', 'GB-LCE', 'GB-LDS', 'GB-LEC', 'GB-LEW', 'GB-LIN', 'GB-LIV', 'GB-LMV', 'GB-LND', 'GB-LRN', 'GB-LSB', 'GB-LUT', 'GB-MAN', 'GB-MDB', 'GB-MDW', 'GB-MFT', 'GB-MIK', 'GB-MLN', 'GB-MON', 'GB-MRT', 'GB-MRY', 'GB-MTY', 'GB-MYL', 'GB-NAY', 'GB-NBL', 'GB-NDN', 'GB-NEL', 'GB-NET', 'GB-NFK', 'GB-NGM', 'GB-NIR', 'GB-NLK', 'GB-NLN', 'GB-NSM', 'GB-NTA', 'GB-NTH', 'GB-NTL', 'GB-NTT', 'GB-NTY', 'GB-NWM', 'GB-NWP', 'GB-NYK', 'GB-NYM', 'GB-OLD', 'GB-OMH', 'GB-ORK', 'GB-OXF', 'GB-PEM', 'GB-PKN', 'GB-PLY', 'GB-POL', 'GB-POR', 'GB-POW', 'GB-PTE', 'GB-RCC', 'GB-RCH', 'GB-RCT', 'GB-RDB', 'GB-RDG', 'GB-RFW', 'GB-RIC', 'GB-ROT', 'GB-RUT', 'GB-SAW', 'GB-SAY', 'GB-SCB', 'GB-SCT', 'GB-SFK', 'GB-SFT', 'GB-SGC', 'GB-SHF', 'GB-SHN', 'GB-SHR', 'GB-SKP', 'GB-SLF', 'GB-SLG', 'GB-SLK', 'GB-SND', 'GB-SOL', 'GB-SOM', 'GB-SOS', 'GB-SRY', 'GB-STB', 'GB-STE', 'GB-STG', 'GB-STH', 'GB-STN', 'GB-STS', 'GB-STT', 'GB-STY', 'GB-SWA', 'GB-SWD', 'GB-SWK', 'GB-TAM', 'GB-TFW', 'GB-THR', 'GB-TOB', 'GB-TOF', 'GB-TRF', 'GB-TWH', 'GB-UKM', 'GB-VGL', 'GB-WAR', 'GB-WBK', 'GB-WDU', 'GB-WFT', 'GB-WGN', 'GB-WILL', 'GB-WKF', 'GB-WLL', 'GB-WLN', 'GB-WLS', 'GB-WLV', 'GB-WND', 'GB-WNM', 'GB-WOK', 'GB-WOR', 'GB-WRL', 'GB-WRT', 'GB-WRX', 'GB-WSM', 'GB-WSX', 'GB-YOR', 'GB-ZET', 'GE-AB', 'GE-AJ', 'GE-GU', 'GE-IM', 'GE-KA', 'GE-KK', 'GE-MM', 'GE-RL', 'GE-SJ', 'GE-SK', 'GE-SZ', 'GE-TB', 'GH-AA', 'GH-AH', 'GH-BA', 'GH-CP', 'GH-EP', 'GH-NP', 'GH-TV', 'GH-UE', 'GH-UW', 'GH-WP', 'GM-B', 'GM-L', 'GM-M', 'GM-N', 'GM-U', 'GM-W', 'GN-B', 'GN-BE', 'GN-BF', 'GN-BK', 'GN-C', 'GN-CO', 'GN-D', 'GN-DB', 'GN-DI', 'GN-DL', 'GN-DU', 'GN-F', 'GN-FA', 'GN-FO', 'GN-FR', 'GN-GA', 'GN-GU', 'GN-K', 'GN-KA', 'GN-KB', 'GN-KD; 2', 'GN-KE', 'GN-KN', 'GN-KO', 'GN-KS', 'GN-L', 'GN-LA', 'GN-LE', 'GN-LO', 'GN-M', 'GN-MC', 'GN-MD', 'GN-ML', 'GN-MM', 'GN-N', 'GN-NZ', 'GN-PI', 'GN-SI', 'GN-TE', 'GN-TO', 'GN-YO', 'GQ-AN', 'GQ-BN', 'GQ-BS', 'GQ-C', 'GQ-CS', 'GQ-I', 'GQ-KN', 'GQ-LI', 'GQ-WN', 'GR-01', 'GR-03', 'GR-04', 'GR-05', 'GR-06', 'GR-07', 'GR-11', 'GR-12', 'GR-13', 'GR-14', 'GR-15', 'GR-16', 'GR-17', 'GR-21', 'GR-22', 'GR-23', 'GR-24', 'GR-31', 'GR-32', 'GR-33', 'GR-34', 'GR-41', 'GR-42', 'GR-43', 'GR-44', 'GR-51', 'GR-52', 'GR-53', 'GR-54', 'GR-55', 'GR-56', 'GR-57', 'GR-58', 'GR-59', 'GR-61', 'GR-62', 'GR-63', 'GR-64', 'GR-69', 'GR-71', 'GR-72', 'GR-73', 'GR-81', 'GR-82', 'GR-83', 'GR-84', 'GR-85', 'GR-91', 'GR-92', 'GR-93', 'GR-94', 'GR-A1', 'GR-I', 'GR-II', 'GR-III', 'GR-IV', 'GR-IX', 'GR-V', 'GR-VI', 'GR-VII', 'GR-VIII', 'GR-X', 'GR-XI', 'GR-XII', 'GR-XIII', 'GT-AV', 'GT-BV', 'GT-CM', 'GT-CQ', 'GT-ES', 'GT-GU', 'GT-HU', 'GT-IZ', 'GT-JA', 'GT-JU', 'GT-PE', 'GT-PR', 'GT-QC', 'GT-QZ', 'GT-RE', 'GT-SA', 'GT-SM', 'GT-SO', 'GT-SR', 'GT-SU', 'GT-TO', 'GT-ZA', 'GW-BA', 'GW-BL', 'GW-BM', 'GW-BS', 'GW-CA', 'GW-GA', 'GW-L', 'GW-N', 'GW-OI', 'GW-QU', 'GW-S', 'GW-TO', 'GY-BA', 'GY-CU', 'GY-DE', 'GY-EB', 'GY-ES', 'GY-MA', 'GY-PM', 'GY-PT', 'GY-UD', 'GY-UT', 'HN-AT', 'HN-CH', 'HN-CL', 'HN-CM', 'HN-CP', 'HN-CR', 'HN-EP', 'HN-FM', 'HN-GD', 'HN-IB', 'HN-IN', 'HN-LE', 'HN-LP', 'HN-OC', 'HN-OL', 'HN-SB', 'HN-VA', 'HN-YO', 'HR-01', 'HR-02', 'HR-03', 'HR-04', 'HR-05', 'HR-06', 'HR-07', 'HR-08', 'HR-09', 'HR-10', 'HR-11', 'HR-12', 'HR-13', 'HR-14', 'HR-15', 'HR-16', 'HR-17', 'HR-18', 'HR-19', 'HR-20', 'HR-21', 'HT-AR', 'HT-CE', 'HT-GA', 'HT-ND', 'HT-NE', 'HT-NO', 'HT-OU', 'HT-SD', 'HT-SE', 'HU-BA', 'HU-BC', 'HU-BE', 'HU-BK', 'HU-BU', 'HU-BZ', 'HU-CS', 'HU-DE', 'HU-DU', 'HU-EG', 'HU-FE', 'HU-GS', 'HU-GY', 'HU-HB', 'HU-HE', 'HU-HV', 'HU-JN', 'HU-KE', 'HU-KM', 'HU-KV', 'HU-MI', 'HU-NK', 'HU-NO', 'HU-NY', 'HU-PE', 'HU-PS', 'HU-SD', 'HU-SF', 'HU-SH', 'HU-SK', 'HU-SN', 'HU-SO', 'HU-SS', 'HU-ST', 'HU-SZ', 'HU-TB', 'HU-TO', 'HU-VA', 'HU-VE', 'HU-VM', 'HU-ZA', 'HU-ZE', 'ID-AC', 'ID-BA', 'ID-BB', 'ID-BE', 'ID-BT', 'ID-GO', 'ID-IJ', 'ID-JA', 'ID-JB', 'ID-JI', 'ID-JK', 'ID-JT', 'ID-JW', 'ID-KA', 'ID-KB', 'ID-KI', 'ID-KS', 'ID-KT', 'ID-LA', 'ID-MA', 'ID-MU', 'ID-NB', 'ID-NT', 'ID-NU', 'ID-PA', 'ID-RI', 'ID-SA', 'ID-SB', 'ID-SG', 'ID-SL', 'ID-SM', 'ID-SN', 'ID-SS', 'ID-ST', 'ID-SU', 'ID-YO', 'IE-C', 'IE-C; 2', 'IE-CE', 'IE-CN', 'IE-CW', 'IE-D', 'IE-DL', 'IE-G', 'IE-KE', 'IE-KK', 'IE-KY', 'IE-L', 'IE-LD', 'IE-LH', 'IE-LK', 'IE-LM', 'IE-LS', 'IE-M', 'IE-MH', 'IE-MN', 'IE-MO', 'IE-OY', 'IE-RN', 'IE-SO', 'IE-TA', 'IE-U', 'IE-WD', 'IE-WH', 'IE-WW', 'IE-WX', 'IL-D', 'IL-HA', 'IL-JM', 'IL-M', 'IL-TA', 'IL-Z', 'IN-AN', 'IN-AP', 'IN-AR', 'IN-AS', 'IN-BR', 'IN-CH', 'IN-CT', 'IN-DD', 'IN-DL', 'IN-DN', 'IN-GA', 'IN-GJ', 'IN-HP', 'IN-HR', 'IN-JH', 'IN-JK', 'IN-KA', 'IN-KL', 'IN-LD', 'IN-MH', 'IN-ML', 'IN-MN', 'IN-MP', 'IN-MZ', 'IN-NL', 'IN-OR', 'IN-PB', 'IN-PY', 'IN-RJ', 'IN-SK', 'IN-TN', 'IN-TR', 'IN-UL', 'IN-UP', 'IN-WB', 'IQ-AN', 'IQ-AR', 'IQ-BA', 'IQ-BB', 'IQ-BG', 'IQ-DA', 'IQ-DI', 'IQ-DQ', 'IQ-KA', 'IQ-MA', 'IQ-MU', 'IQ-NA', 'IQ-NI', 'IQ-QA', 'IQ-SD', 'IQ-SU', 'IQ-TS', 'IQ-WA', 'IR-01', 'IR-02', 'IR-03', 'IR-04', 'IR-05', 'IR-06', 'IR-07', 'IR-08', 'IR-09', 'IR-10', 'IR-11', 'IR-12', 'IR-13', 'IR-14', 'IR-15', 'IR-16', 'IR-17', 'IR-18', 'IR-19', 'IR-20', 'IR-21', 'IR-22', 'IR-23', 'IR-24', 'IR-25', 'IR-26', 'IR-27', 'IR-28', 'IS-0', 'IS-1', 'IS-2', 'IS-3', 'IS-4', 'IS-5', 'IS-6', 'IS-7', 'IS-8', 'IT-21', 'IT-23', 'IT-25', 'IT-32', 'IT-34', 'IT-36', 'IT-42', 'IT-45', 'IT-52', 'IT-55', 'IT-57', 'IT-62', 'IT-65', 'IT-67', 'IT-72', 'IT-75', 'IT-77', 'IT-78', 'IT-82', 'IT-88', 'IT-AG', 'IT-AL', 'IT-AN', 'IT-AO', 'IT-AP', 'IT-AQ', 'IT-AR', 'IT-AT', 'IT-AV', 'IT-BA', 'IT-BG', 'IT-BI', 'IT-BL', 'IT-BN', 'IT-BO', 'IT-BR', 'IT-BS', 'IT-BZ', 'IT-CA', 'IT-CB', 'IT-CE', 'IT-CH', 'IT-CL', 'IT-CN', 'IT-CO', 'IT-CR', 'IT-CS', 'IT-CT', 'IT-CZ', 'IT-DU', 'IT-EN', 'IT-FE', 'IT-FG', 'IT-FI', 'IT-FO', 'IT-FR', 'IT-GE', 'IT-GO', 'IT-GR', 'IT-IM', 'IT-IS', 'IT-KR', 'IT-LC', 'IT-LE', 'IT-LI', 'IT-LO', 'IT-LT', 'IT-LU', 'IT-MC', 'IT-ME', 'IT-MI', 'IT-MN', 'IT-MO', 'IT-MS', 'IT-MT', 'IT-NA', 'IT-NO', 'IT-NU', 'IT-OR', 'IT-PA', 'IT-PC', 'IT-PD', 'IT-PE', 'IT-PG', 'IT-PI', 'IT-PN', 'IT-PO', 'IT-PR', 'IT-PS', 'IT-PT', 'IT-PV', 'IT-PZ', 'IT-RA', 'IT-RC', 'IT-RE', 'IT-RG', 'IT-RI', 'IT-RM', 'IT-RN', 'IT-RO', 'IT-SA', 'IT-SI', 'IT-SO', 'IT-SP', 'IT-SR', 'IT-SS', 'IT-SV', 'IT-TA', 'IT-TE', 'IT-TN', 'IT-TO', 'IT-TP', 'IT-TR', 'IT-TS', 'IT-TV', 'IT-VA', 'IT-VB', 'IT-VC', 'IT-VE', 'IT-VI', 'IT-VR', 'IT-VT', 'IT-VV', 'JM-01', 'JM-02', 'JM-03', 'JM-04', 'JM-05', 'JM-06', 'JM-07', 'JM-08', 'JM-09', 'JM-10', 'JM-11', 'JM-12', 'JM-13', 'JM-14', 'JO-AJ', 'JO-AM', 'JO-AQ', 'JO-AT', 'JO-AZ', 'JO-BA', 'JO-IR', 'JO-JA', 'JO-KA', 'JO-MA', 'JO-MD', 'JO-MN', 'JP-01', 'JP-02', 'JP-03', 'JP-04', 'JP-05', 'JP-06', 'JP-07', 'JP-08', 'JP-09', 'JP-10', 'JP-11', 'JP-12', 'JP-13', 'JP-14', 'JP-15', 'JP-16', 'JP-17', 'JP-18', 'JP-19', 'JP-20', 'JP-21', 'JP-22', 'JP-23', 'JP-24', 'JP-25', 'JP-26', 'JP-27', 'JP-28', 'JP-29', 'JP-30', 'JP-31', 'JP-32', 'JP-33', 'JP-34', 'JP-35', 'JP-36', 'JP-37', 'JP-38', 'JP-39', 'JP-40', 'JP-41', 'JP-42', 'JP-43', 'JP-44', 'JP-45', 'JP-46', 'JP-47', 'KE-110', 'KE-200', 'KE-300', 'KE-400', 'KE-500', 'KE-600', 'KE-700', 'KE-900', 'KG-B', 'KG-C', 'KG-GB', 'KG-J', 'KG-N', 'KG-O', 'KG-T', 'KG-Y', 'KH-1', 'KH-10', 'KH-11', 'KH-12', 'KH-13', 'KH-14', 'KH-15', 'KH-16', 'KH-17', 'KH-18', 'KH-19', 'KH-2', 'KH-20', 'KH-21', 'KH-22', 'KH-23', 'KH-24', 'KH-3', 'KH-4', 'KH-5', 'KH-6', 'KH-7', 'KH-8', 'KH-9', 'KI-G', 'KI-L', 'KI-P', 'KM-A', 'KM-G', 'KM-M', 'KP-CHA', 'KP-HAB', 'KP-HAN', 'KP-HWB', 'KP-HWN', 'KP-KAE', 'KP-KAN', 'KP-NAJ', 'KP-NAM', 'KP-PYB', 'KP-PYN', 'KP-PYO', 'KP-YAN', 'KR-11', 'KR-26', 'KR-27', 'KR-28', 'KR-29', 'KR-30', 'KR-31', 'KR-41', 'KR-42', 'KR-43', 'KR-44', 'KR-45', 'KR-46', 'KR-47', 'KR-48', 'KR-49', 'KW-AH', 'KW-FA', 'KW-HA', 'KW-JA', 'KW-KU', 'KZ-AKM', 'KZ-AKT', 'KZ-ALA', 'KZ-ALM', 'KZ-AST', 'KZ-ATY', 'KZ-KAR', 'KZ-KUS', 'KZ-KZY', 'KZ-MAN', 'KZ-PAV', 'KZ-SEV', 'KZ-VOS', 'KZ-YUZ', 'KZ-ZAP', 'KZ-ZHA', 'LA-AT', 'LA-BK', 'LA-BL', 'LA-CH', 'LA-HO', 'LA-KH', 'LA-LM', 'LA-LP', 'LA-OU', 'LA-PH', 'LA-SL', 'LA-SV', 'LA-VI', 'LA-VT', 'LA-XA', 'LA-XE', 'LA-XI', 'LA-XN', 'LB-AS', 'LB-BA', 'LB-BI', 'LB-JA', 'LB-JL', 'LB-NA', 'LK-1', 'LK-11', 'LK-12', 'LK-13', 'LK-2', 'LK-21', 'LK-22', 'LK-23', 'LK-3', 'LK-31', 'LK-32', 'LK-33', 'LK-4', 'LK-41', 'LK-42', 'LK-43', 'LK-44', 'LK-45', 'LK-5', 'LK-51', 'LK-52', 'LK-53', 'LK-6', 'LK-61', 'LK-62', 'LK-7', 'LK-71', 'LK-72', 'LK-8', 'LK-81', 'LK-82', 'LK-9', 'LK-91', 'LK-92', 'LR-BG', 'LR-BM', 'LR-CM', 'LR-GB', 'LR-GG', 'LR-GK', 'LR-LO', 'LR-MG', 'LR-MO', 'LR-MY', 'LR-NI', 'LR-RI', 'LR-SI', 'LS-A', 'LS-B', 'LS-C', 'LS-D', 'LS-E', 'LS-F', 'LS-G', 'LS-H', 'LS-J', 'LS-K', 'LT-AL', 'LT-KL', 'LT-KU', 'LT-MR', 'LT-PN', 'LT-SA', 'LT-TA', 'LT-TE', 'LT-UT', 'LT-VL', 'LU-D', 'LU-G', 'LU-L', 'LV-AI', 'LV-AL', 'LV-BL', 'LV-BU', 'LV-CE', 'LV-DA', 'LV-DGV', 'LV-DO', 'LV-GU', 'LV-JEL', 'LV-JK', 'LV-JL', 'LV-JUR', 'LV-KR', 'LV-KU', 'LV-LE', 'LV-LM', 'LV-LPX', 'LV-LU', 'LV-MA', 'LV-OG', 'LV-PR', 'LV-RE', 'LV-REZ', 'LV-RI', 'LV-RIX', 'LV-SA', 'LV-TA', 'LV-TU', 'LV-VE', 'LV-VEN', 'LV-VK', 'LV-VM', 'LY-BA', 'LY-BU', 'LY-FA', 'LY-JA', 'LY-JG', 'LY-JU', 'LY-MI', 'LY-NA', 'LY-SF', 'LY-TB', 'LY-WA', 'LY-WU', 'LY-ZA', 'MA-01', 'MA-02', 'MA-03', 'MA-04', 'MA-05', 'MA-06', 'MA-07', 'MA-08', 'MA-09', 'MA-10', 'MA-11', 'MA-12', 'MA-13', 'MA-14', 'MA-15', 'MA-16', 'MA-AGD', 'MA-ASZ', 'MA-AZI', 'MA-BAH', 'MA-BEM', 'MA-BER', 'MA-BES', 'MA-BOD', 'MA-BOM', 'MA-CAS', 'MA-CHE', 'MA-CHI', 'MA-ERR', 'MA-ESI', 'MA-ESM', 'MA-FES', 'MA-FIG', 'MA-GUE', 'MA-HAJ', 'MA-HAO', 'MA-HOC', 'MA-IFR', 'MA-JDI', 'MA-JRA', 'MA-KEN', 'MA-KES', 'MA-KHE', 'MA-KHN', 'MA-KHO', 'MA-LAA', 'MA-LAR', 'MA-MAR', 'MA-MEK', 'MA-MEL', 'MA-NAD', 'MA-OUA', 'MA-OUD', 'MA-OUJ', 'MA-RBA', 'MA-SAF', 'MA-SEF', 'MA-SET', 'MA-SIK', 'MA-TAO', 'MA-TAR', 'MA-TAT', 'MA-TAZ', 'MA-TET', 'MA-TIZ', 'MA-TNG', 'MA-TNT', 'MD-BA', 'MD-CA', 'MD-CH', 'MD-CU', 'MD-ED', 'MD-GA', 'MD-LA', 'MD-OR', 'MD-SN', 'MD-SO', 'MD-TA', 'MD-TI', 'MD-UN', 'MG-A', 'MG-D', 'MG-F', 'MG-M', 'MG-T', 'MG-U', 'MH-ALK', 'MH-ALL', 'MH-ARN', 'MH-AUR', 'MH-EBO', 'MH-ENI', 'MH-JAL', 'MH-KIL', 'MH-KWA', 'MH-L', 'MH-LAE', 'MH-LIB', 'MH-LIK', 'MH-MAJ', 'MH-MAL', 'MH-MEJ', 'MH-MIL', 'MH-NMK', 'MH-NMU', 'MH-RON', 'MH-T', 'MH-UJA', 'MH-UJL', 'MH-UTI', 'MH-WTH', 'MH-WTJ', 'ML-1', 'ML-2', 'ML-3', 'ML-4', 'ML-5', 'ML-6', 'ML-7', 'ML-8', 'ML-BKO', 'MM-01', 'MM-02', 'MM-03', 'MM-04', 'MM-05', 'MM-06', 'MM-07', 'MM-11', 'MM-12', 'MM-13', 'MM-14', 'MM-15', 'MM-16', 'MM-17', 'MN-035', 'MN-037', 'MN-039', 'MN-041', 'MN-043', 'MN-046', 'MN-047', 'MN-049', 'MN-051', 'MN-053', 'MN-055', 'MN-057', 'MN-059', 'MN-061', 'MN-063', 'MN-064', 'MN-065', 'MN-067', 'MN-069', 'MN-071', 'MN-073', 'MN-1', 'MR-01', 'MR-02', 'MR-03', 'MR-04', 'MR-05', 'MR-06', 'MR-07', 'MR-08', 'MR-09', 'MR-10', 'MR-11', 'MR-12', 'MR-NKC', 'MU-AG', 'MU-BL', 'MU-BR', 'MU-CC', 'MU-CU', 'MU-FL', 'MU-GP', 'MU-MO', 'MU-PA', 'MU-PL', 'MU-PU', 'MU-PW', 'MU-QB', 'MU-RO', 'MU-RR', 'MU-SA', 'MU-VP', 'MV-01', 'MV-02', 'MV-03', 'MV-04', 'MV-05', 'MV-07', 'MV-08', 'MV-12', 'MV-13', 'MV-14', 'MV-17', 'MV-20', 'MV-23', 'MV-24', 'MV-25', 'MV-26', 'MV-27', 'MV-28', 'MV-29', 'MV-MLE', 'MW-BA', 'MW-BL', 'MW-C', 'MW-CK', 'MW-CR', 'MW-CT', 'MW-DE', 'MW-DO', 'MW-KR', 'MW-KS', 'MW-LI', 'MW-LK', 'MW-MC', 'MW-MG', 'MW-MH', 'MW-MU', 'MW-MW', 'MW-MZ', 'MW-N', 'MW-NB', 'MW-NI', 'MW-NK', 'MW-NS', 'MW-NU', 'MW-PH', 'MW-RU', 'MW-S', 'MW-SA', 'MW-TH', 'MW-ZO', 'MX-AGU', 'MX-BCN', 'MX-BCS', 'MX-CAM', 'MX-CHH', 'MX-CHP', 'MX-COA', 'MX-COL', 'MX-DIF', 'MX-DUR', 'MX-GRO', 'MX-GUA', 'MX-HID', 'MX-JAL', 'MX-MEX', 'MX-MIC', 'MX-MOR', 'MX-NAY', 'MX-NLE', 'MX-OAX', 'MX-PUE', 'MX-QUE', 'MX-ROO', 'MX-SIN', 'MX-SLP', 'MX-SON', 'MX-TAB', 'MX-TAM', 'MX-TLA', 'MX-VER', 'MX-YUC', 'MX-ZAC', 'MY-A', 'MY-B', 'MY-C', 'MY-D', 'MY-J', 'MY-K', 'MY-L', 'MY-M', 'MY-N', 'MY-P', 'MY-R', 'MY-SA', 'MY-SK', 'MY-T', 'MY-W', 'MZ-A', 'MZ-B', 'MZ-G', 'MZ-I', 'MZ-L', 'MZ-MPM', 'MZ-N', 'MZ-P', 'MZ-Q', 'MZ-S', 'MZ-T', 'NA-CA', 'NA-ER', 'NA-HA', 'NA-KA', 'NA-KH', 'NA-KU', 'NA-OD', 'NA-OH', 'NA-OK', 'NA-ON', 'NA-OS', 'NA-OT', 'NA-OW', 'NE-1', 'NE-2', 'NE-3', 'NE-4', 'NE-5', 'NE-6', 'NE-7', 'NE-8', 'NG-AB', 'NG-AD', 'NG-AK', 'NG-AN', 'NG-BA', 'NG-BE', 'NG-BO', 'NG-BY', 'NG-CR', 'NG-DE', 'NG-EB', 'NG-ED', 'NG-EK', 'NG-EN', 'NG-FC', 'NG-GO', 'NG-IM', 'NG-JI', 'NG-KD', 'NG-KE', 'NG-KN', 'NG-KO', 'NG-KT', 'NG-KW', 'NG-LA', 'NG-NA', 'NG-NI', 'NG-OG', 'NG-ON', 'NG-OS', 'NG-OY', 'NG-PL', 'NG-RI', 'NG-SO', 'NG-TA', 'NG-YO', 'NG-ZA', 'NI-AN', 'NI-AS', 'NI-BO', 'NI-CA', 'NI-CI', 'NI-CO', 'NI-ES', 'NI-GR', 'NI-JI', 'NI-LE', 'NI-MD', 'NI-MN', 'NI-MS', 'NI-MT', 'NI-NS', 'NI-RI', 'NI-SJ', 'NL-DR', 'NL-FL', 'NL-FR', 'NL-GE', 'NL-GR', 'NL-LI', 'NL-NB', 'NL-NH', 'NL-OV', 'NL-UT', 'NL-ZE', 'NL-ZH', 'NO-01', 'NO-02', 'NO-03', 'NO-04', 'NO-05', 'NO-06', 'NO-07', 'NO-08', 'NO-09', 'NO-10', 'NO-11', 'NO-12', 'NO-14', 'NO-15', 'NO-16', 'NO-17', 'NO-18', 'NO-19', 'NO-20', 'NO-21', 'NO-22', 'NP-1', 'NP-2', 'NP-3', 'NP-4', 'NP-5', 'NP-BA', 'NP-BH', 'NP-DH', 'NP-GA', 'NP-JA', 'NP-KA', 'NP-KO', 'NP-LU', 'NP-MA', 'NP-ME', 'NP-NA', 'NP-RA', 'NP-SA', 'NP-SE', 'NZ-AUK', 'NZ-BOP', 'NZ-CAN', 'NZ-GIS', 'NZ-HKB', 'NZ-MBH', 'NZ-MWT', 'NZ-N', 'NZ-NSN', 'NZ-NTL', 'NZ-OTA', 'NZ-S', 'NZ-STL', 'NZ-TAS', 'NZ-TKI', 'NZ-WGN', 'NZ-WKO', 'NZ-WTC', 'OM-BA', 'OM-DA', 'OM-JA', 'OM-MA', 'OM-MU', 'OM-SH', 'OM-WU', 'OM-ZA', 'PA-0', 'PA-1', 'PA-2', 'PA-3', 'PA-4', 'PA-5', 'PA-6', 'PA-7', 'PA-8', 'PA-9', 'PE-AMA', 'PE-ANC', 'PE-APU', 'PE-ARE', 'PE-AYA', 'PE-CAJ', 'PE-CAL', 'PE-CUS', 'PE-HUC', 'PE-HUV', 'PE-ICA', 'PE-JUN', 'PE-LAL', 'PE-LAM', 'PE-LIM', 'PE-LOR', 'PE-MDD', 'PE-MOQ', 'PE-PAS', 'PE-PIU', 'PE-PUN', 'PE-SAM', 'PE-TAC', 'PE-TUM', 'PE-UCA', 'PG-CPK', 'PG-CPM', 'PG-EBR', 'PG-EHG', 'PG-EPW', 'PG-ESW', 'PG-GPK', 'PG-MBA', 'PG-MPL', 'PG-MPM', 'PG-MRL', 'PG-NCD', 'PG-NIK', 'PG-NPP', 'PG-NSA', 'PG-SAN', 'PG-SHM', 'PG-WBK', 'PG-WHM', 'PG-WPD', 'PH-00', 'PH-01', 'PH-02', 'PH-03', 'PH-04', 'PH-05', 'PH-06', 'PH-07', 'PH-08', 'PH-09', 'PH-10', 'PH-11', 'PH-12', 'PH-13', 'PH-14', 'PH-15', 'PH-ABR', 'PH-AGN', 'PH-AGS', 'PH-AKL', 'PH-ALB', 'PH-ANT', 'PH-APA', 'PH-AUR', 'PH-BAN', 'PH-BAS', 'PH-BEN', 'PH-BIL', 'PH-BOH', 'PH-BTG', 'PH-BTN', 'PH-BUK', 'PH-BUL', 'PH-CAG', 'PH-CAM', 'PH-CAN', 'PH-CAP', 'PH-CAS', 'PH-CAT', 'PH-CAV', 'PH-CEB', 'PH-COM', 'PH-DAO', 'PH-DAS', 'PH-DAV', 'PH-EAS', 'PH-GUI', 'PH-IFU', 'PH-ILI', 'PH-ILN', 'PH-ILS', 'PH-ISA', 'PH-KAL', 'PH-LAG', 'PH-LAN', 'PH-LAS', 'PH-LEY', 'PH-LUN', 'PH-MAD', 'PH-MAG', 'PH-MAS', 'PH-MDC', 'PH-MDR', 'PH-MOU', 'PH-MSC', 'PH-MSR', 'PH-NCO', 'PH-NEC', 'PH-NER', 'PH-NSA', 'PH-NUE', 'PH-NUV', 'PH-PAM', 'PH-PAN', 'PH-PLW', 'PH-QUE', 'PH-QUI', 'PH-RIZ', 'PH-ROM', 'PH-SAR', 'PH-SCO', 'PH-SIG', 'PH-SLE', 'PH-SLU', 'PH-SOR', 'PH-SUK', 'PH-SUN', 'PH-SUR', 'PH-TAR', 'PH-TAW', 'PH-WSA', 'PH-ZAN', 'PH-ZAS', 'PH-ZMB', 'PH-ZSI', 'PK-BA', 'PK-IS', 'PK-JK', 'PK-NA', 'PK-NW', 'PK-PB', 'PK-SD', 'PK-TA', 'PL-DS', 'PL-KP', 'PL-LB', 'PL-LD', 'PL-LU', 'PL-MA', 'PL-MZ', 'PL-OP', 'PL-PD', 'PL-PK', 'PL-PM', 'PL-SK', 'PL-SL', 'PL-WN', 'PL-WP', 'PL-ZP', 'PT-01', 'PT-02', 'PT-03', 'PT-04', 'PT-05', 'PT-06', 'PT-07', 'PT-08', 'PT-09', 'PT-10', 'PT-11', 'PT-12', 'PT-13', 'PT-14', 'PT-15', 'PT-16', 'PT-17', 'PT-18', 'PT-20', 'PT-30', 'PY-1', 'PY-10', 'PY-11', 'PY-12', 'PY-13', 'PY-14', 'PY-15', 'PY-16', 'PY-19', 'PY-2', 'PY-3', 'PY-4', 'PY-5', 'PY-6', 'PY-7', 'PY-8', 'PY-9', 'PY-ASU', 'QA-DA', 'QA-GH', 'QA-JB', 'QA-JU', 'QA-KH', 'QA-MS', 'QA-RA', 'QA-US', 'QA-WA', 'RO-AB', 'RO-AG', 'RO-AR', 'RO-B', 'RO-BC', 'RO-BH', 'RO-BN', 'RO-BR', 'RO-BT', 'RO-BV', 'RO-BZ', 'RO-CJ', 'RO-CL', 'RO-CS', 'RO-CT', 'RO-CV', 'RO-DB', 'RO-DJ', 'RO-GJ', 'RO-GL', 'RO-GR', 'RO-HD', 'RO-HR', 'RO-IF', 'RO-IL', 'RO-IS', 'RO-MH', 'RO-MM', 'RO-MS', 'RO-NT', 'RO-OT', 'RO-PH', 'RO-SB', 'RO-SJ', 'RO-SM', 'RO-SV', 'RO-TL', 'RO-TM', 'RO-TR', 'RO-VL', 'RO-VN', 'RO-VS', 'RU-AD', 'RU-AGB', 'RU-AL', 'RU-ALT', 'RU-AMU', 'RU-ARK', 'RU-AST', 'RU-BA', 'RU-BEL', 'RU-BRY', 'RU-BU', 'RU-CE', 'RU-CHE', 'RU-CHI', 'RU-CHU', 'RU-CU', 'RU-DA', 'RU-DU', 'RU-EVE', 'RU-IN', 'RU-IRK', 'RU-IVA', 'RU-KAM', 'RU-KB', 'RU-KC', 'RU-KDA', 'RU-KEM', 'RU-KGD', 'RU-KGN', 'RU-KHA', 'RU-KHM', 'RU-KIR', 'RU-KK', 'RU-KL', 'RU-KLU', 'RU-KO', 'RU-KOP', 'RU-KOR', 'RU-KOS', 'RU-KR', 'RU-KRS', 'RU-KYA', 'RU-LEN', 'RU-LIP', 'RU-MAG', 'RU-ME', 'RU-MO', 'RU-MOS', 'RU-MOW', 'RU-MUR', 'RU-NEN', 'RU-NGR', 'RU-NIZ', 'RU-NVS', 'RU-OMS', 'RU-ORE', 'RU-ORL', 'RU-PER', 'RU-PNZ', 'RU-PRI', 'RU-PSK', 'RU-ROS', 'RU-RYA', 'RU-SA', 'RU-SAK', 'RU-SAM', 'RU-SAR', 'RU-SE', 'RU-SMO', 'RU-SPE', 'RU-STA', 'RU-SVE', 'RU-TA', 'RU-TAM', 'RU-TAY', 'RU-TOM', 'RU-TUL', 'RU-TVE', 'RU-TY', 'RU-TYU', 'RU-ULY', 'RU-UOB', 'RU-VGG', 'RU-VLA', 'RU-VLG', 'RU-VOR', 'RU-YAN', 'RU-YAR', 'RU-YEV', 'RW-B', 'RW-C', 'RW-D', 'RW-E', 'RW-F', 'RW-G', 'RW-H', 'RW-I', 'RW-J', 'RW-K', 'RW-L', 'RW-M', 'SA-01', 'SA-02', 'SA-03', 'SA-04', 'SA-05', 'SA-06', 'SA-07', 'SA-08', 'SA-09', 'SA-10', 'SA-11', 'SA-12', 'SA-14', 'SB-CE', 'SB-CT', 'SB-GU', 'SB-IS', 'SB-MK', 'SB-ML', 'SB-TE', 'SB-WE', 'SD-01', 'SD-02', 'SD-03', 'SD-04', 'SD-05', 'SD-06', 'SD-07', 'SD-08', 'SD-09', 'SD-10', 'SD-11', 'SD-12', 'SD-13', 'SD-14', 'SD-15', 'SD-16', 'SD-17', 'SD-18', 'SD-19', 'SD-20', 'SD-21', 'SD-22', 'SD-23', 'SD-24', 'SD-25', 'SD-26', 'SE-AB', 'SE-AC', 'SE-BD', 'SE-C', 'SE-D', 'SE-E', 'SE-F', 'SE-G', 'SE-H', 'SE-I', 'SE-K', 'SE-M', 'SE-N', 'SE-O', 'SE-S', 'SE-T', 'SE-U', 'SE-W', 'SE-X', 'SE-Y', 'SE-Z', 'SH-AC', 'SH-SH', 'SH-TA', 'SI-01', 'SI-02', 'SI-03', 'SI-04', 'SI-05', 'SI-06', 'SI-07', 'SI-08', 'SI-09', 'SI-10', 'SI-11', 'SI-12', 'SK-BC', 'SK-BL', 'SK-KI', 'SK-NI', 'SK-PV', 'SK-TA', 'SK-TC', 'SK-ZI', 'SL-E', 'SL-N', 'SL-S', 'SL-W', 'SN-DB', 'SN-DK', 'SN-FK', 'SN-KD', 'SN-KL', 'SN-LG', 'SN-SL', 'SN-TC', 'SN-TH', 'SN-ZG', 'SO-AW', 'SO-BK', 'SO-BN', 'SO-BR', 'SO-BY', 'SO-GA', 'SO-GE', 'SO-HI', 'SO-JD', 'SO-JH', 'SO-MU', 'SO-NU', 'SO-SA', 'SO-SD', 'SO-SH', 'SO-SO', 'SO-TO', 'SO-WO', 'SR-BR', 'SR-CM', 'SR-CR', 'SR-MA', 'SR-NI', 'SR-PM', 'SR-PR', 'SR-SA', 'SR-SI', 'SR-WA', 'ST-P', 'ST-S', 'SV-AH', 'SV-CA', 'SV-CH', 'SV-CU', 'SV-LI', 'SV-MO', 'SV-PA', 'SV-SA', 'SV-SM', 'SV-SO', 'SV-SS', 'SV-SV', 'SV-UN', 'SV-US', 'SY-DI', 'SY-DR', 'SY-DY', 'SY-HA', 'SY-HI', 'SY-HL', 'SY-HM', 'SY-ID', 'SY-LA', 'SY-QU', 'SY-RA', 'SY-RD', 'SY-SU', 'SY-TA', 'SZ-HH', 'SZ-LU', 'SZ-MA', 'SZ-SH', 'TD-BA', 'TD-BET', 'TD-BI', 'TD-CB', 'TD-GR', 'TD-KA', 'TD-LC', 'TD-LO', 'TD-LR', 'TD-MC', 'TD-MK', 'TD-OD', 'TD-SA', 'TD-TA', 'TG-C', 'TG-K', 'TG-M', 'TG-P', 'TG-S', 'TH-10', 'TH-11', 'TH-12', 'TH-13', 'TH-14', 'TH-15', 'TH-16', 'TH-17', 'TH-18', 'TH-19', 'TH-20', 'TH-21', 'TH-22', 'TH-23', 'TH-24', 'TH-25', 'TH-26', 'TH-27', 'TH-30', 'TH-31', 'TH-32', 'TH-33', 'TH-34', 'TH-35', 'TH-36', 'TH-37', 'TH-39', 'TH-40', 'TH-41', 'TH-42', 'TH-43', 'TH-44', 'TH-45', 'TH-46', 'TH-47', 'TH-48', 'TH-49', 'TH-50', 'TH-51', 'TH-52', 'TH-53', 'TH-54', 'TH-55', 'TH-56', 'TH-57', 'TH-58', 'TH-60', 'TH-61', 'TH-62', 'TH-63', 'TH-64', 'TH-65', 'TH-66', 'TH-67', 'TH-70', 'TH-71', 'TH-72', 'TH-73', 'TH-74', 'TH-75', 'TH-76', 'TH-77', 'TH-80', 'TH-81', 'TH-82', 'TH-83', 'TH-84', 'TH-85', 'TH-86', 'TH-90', 'TH-91', 'TH-92', 'TH-93', 'TH-94', 'TH-95', 'TH-96', 'TH-S', 'TJ-GB', 'TJ-KT', 'TJ-SU', 'TL-AL', 'TL-AN', 'TL-BA', 'TL-BO', 'TL-CO', 'TL-DI', 'TL-ER', 'TL-LA', 'TL-LI', 'TL-MF', 'TL-MT', 'TL-OE', 'TL-VI', 'TM-A', 'TM-B', 'TM-D', 'TM-L', 'TM-M', 'TN-11', 'TN-12', 'TN-13', 'TN-21', 'TN-22', 'TN-23', 'TN-31', 'TN-32', 'TN-33', 'TN-34', 'TN-41', 'TN-42', 'TN-43', 'TN-51', 'TN-52', 'TN-53', 'TN-61', 'TN-71', 'TN-72', 'TN-73', 'TN-81', 'TN-82', 'TN-83', 'TR-01', 'TR-02', 'TR-03', 'TR-04', 'TR-05', 'TR-06', 'TR-07', 'TR-08', 'TR-09', 'TR-10', 'TR-11', 'TR-12', 'TR-13', 'TR-14', 'TR-15', 'TR-16', 'TR-17', 'TR-18', 'TR-19', 'TR-20', 'TR-21', 'TR-22', 'TR-23', 'TR-24', 'TR-25', 'TR-26', 'TR-27', 'TR-28', 'TR-29', 'TR-30', 'TR-31', 'TR-32', 'TR-33', 'TR-34', 'TR-35', 'TR-36', 'TR-37', 'TR-38', 'TR-39', 'TR-40', 'TR-41', 'TR-42', 'TR-43', 'TR-44', 'TR-45', 'TR-46', 'TR-47', 'TR-48', 'TR-49', 'TR-50', 'TR-51', 'TR-52', 'TR-53', 'TR-54', 'TR-55', 'TR-56', 'TR-57', 'TR-58', 'TR-59', 'TR-60', 'TR-61', 'TR-62', 'TR-63', 'TR-64', 'TR-65', 'TR-66', 'TR-67', 'TR-68', 'TR-69', 'TR-70', 'TR-71', 'TR-72', 'TR-73', 'TR-74', 'TR-75', 'TR-76', 'TR-77', 'TR-78', 'TR-79', 'TR-80', 'TR-81', 'TT-ARI', 'TT-CHA', 'TT-CTT', 'TT-DMN', 'TT-ETO', 'TT-PED', 'TT-POS', 'TT-PRT', 'TT-PTF', 'TT-RCM', 'TT-SFO', 'TT-SGE', 'TT-SIP', 'TT-SJL', 'TT-TUP', 'TT-WTO', 'TW-CHA', 'TW-CYQ', 'TW-HSQ', 'TW-HUA', 'TW-ILA', 'TW-KEE', 'TW-KHQ', 'TW-MIA', 'TW-NAN', 'TW-PEN', 'TW-PIF', 'TW-TAO', 'TW-TNQ', 'TW-TPQ', 'TW-TTT', 'TW-TXQ', 'TW-YUN', 'TZ-01', 'TZ-02', 'TZ-03', 'TZ-04', 'TZ-05', 'TZ-06', 'TZ-07', 'TZ-08', 'TZ-09', 'TZ-10', 'TZ-11', 'TZ-12', 'TZ-13', 'TZ-14', 'TZ-15', 'TZ-16', 'TZ-17', 'TZ-18', 'TZ-19', 'TZ-20', 'TZ-21', 'TZ-22', 'TZ-23', 'TZ-24', 'TZ-25', 'UA-05', 'UA-07', 'UA-09', 'UA-12', 'UA-14', 'UA-18', 'UA-21', 'UA-23', 'UA-26', 'UA-30', 'UA-32', 'UA-35', 'UA-40', 'UA-43', 'UA-46', 'UA-48', 'UA-51', 'UA-53', 'UA-56', 'UA-59', 'UA-61', 'UA-63', 'UA-65', 'UA-68', 'UA-71', 'UA-74', 'UA-77', 'UG-AJM', 'UG-APA', 'UG-ARU', 'UG-BUA', 'UG-BUG', 'UG-BUN', 'UG-BUS', 'UG-C', 'UG-E', 'UG-GUL', 'UG-HOI', 'UG-IGA', 'UG-JIN', 'UG-KAP', 'UG-KAS', 'UG-KAT', 'UG-KBL', 'UG-KBR', 'UG-KIB', 'UG-KIS', 'UG-KIT', 'UG-KLA', 'UG-KLE', 'UG-KLG', 'UG-KLI', 'UG-KOT', 'UG-KUM', 'UG-LIR', 'UG-LUW', 'UG-MBL', 'UG-MBR', 'UG-MOR', 'UG-MOY', 'UG-MPI', 'UG-MSI', 'UG-MSK', 'UG-MUB', 'UG-MUK', 'UG-N', 'UG-NAK', 'UG-NEB', 'UG-NTU', 'UG-PAL', 'UG-RAK', 'UG-RUK', 'UG-SEM', 'UG-SOR', 'UG-TOR', 'UG-W', 'UM-67', 'UM-71', 'UM-76', 'UM-79', 'UM-81', 'UM-84', 'UM-86', 'UM-89', 'UM-95', 'US-AK', 'US-AL', 'US-AR', 'US-AS', 'US-AZ', 'US-CA', 'US-CO', 'US-CT', 'US-DC', 'US-DE', 'US-FL', 'US-GA', 'US-GU', 'US-HI', 'US-IA', 'US-ID', 'US-IL', 'US-IN', 'US-KS', 'US-KY', 'US-LA', 'US-MA', 'US-MD', 'US-ME', 'US-MI', 'US-MN', 'US-MO', 'US-MP', 'US-MS', 'US-MT', 'US-NC', 'US-ND', 'US-NE', 'US-NH', 'US-NJ', 'US-NM', 'US-NV', 'US-NY', 'US-OH', 'US-OK', 'US-OR', 'US-PA', 'US-PR', 'US-RI', 'US-SC', 'US-SD', 'US-TN', 'US-TX', 'US-UM', 'US-UT', 'US-VA', 'US-VI', 'US-VT', 'US-WA', 'US-WI', 'US-WV', 'US-WY', 'UY-AR', 'UY-CA', 'UY-CL', 'UY-CO', 'UY-DU', 'UY-FD', 'UY-FS', 'UY-LA', 'UY-MA', 'UY-MO', 'UY-PA', 'UY-RN', 'UY-RO', 'UY-RV', 'UY-SA', 'UY-SJ', 'UY-SO', 'UY-TA', 'UY-TT', 'UZ-AN', 'UZ-BU', 'UZ-FA', 'UZ-JI', 'UZ-NG', 'UZ-NW', 'UZ-QA', 'UZ-QR', 'UZ-SA', 'UZ-SI', 'UZ-SU', 'UZ-TK', 'UZ-TO', 'UZ-XO', 'VE-A', 'VE-B', 'VE-C', 'VE-D', 'VE-E', 'VE-F', 'VE-G', 'VE-H', 'VE-I', 'VE-J', 'VE-K', 'VE-L', 'VE-M', 'VE-N', 'VE-O', 'VE-P', 'VE-R', 'VE-S', 'VE-T', 'VE-U', 'VE-V', 'VE-W', 'VE-X', 'VE-Y', 'VE-Z', 'VN-01', 'VN-02', 'VN-03', 'VN-04', 'VN-05', 'VN-06', 'VN-07', 'VN-09', 'VN-13', 'VN-14', 'VN-15', 'VN-18', 'VN-20', 'VN-21', 'VN-22', 'VN-23', 'VN-24', 'VN-25', 'VN-26', 'VN-27', 'VN-28', 'VN-29', 'VN-30', 'VN-31', 'VN-32', 'VN-33', 'VN-34', 'VN-35', 'VN-36', 'VN-37', 'VN-39', 'VN-40', 'VN-41', 'VN-43', 'VN-44', 'VN-45', 'VN-46', 'VN-47', 'VN-48', 'VN-49', 'VN-50', 'VN-51', 'VN-52', 'VN-53', 'VN-54', 'VN-55', 'VN-56', 'VN-57', 'VN-58', 'VN-59', 'VN-60', 'VN-61', 'VN-62', 'VN-63', 'VN-64', 'VN-65', 'VN-66', 'VN-67', 'VN-68', 'VN-69', 'VN-70', 'VU-MAP', 'VU-PAM', 'VU-SAM', 'VU-SEE', 'VU-TAE', 'VU-TOB', 'WS-AA', 'WS-AL', 'WS-AT', 'WS-FA', 'WS-GE', 'WS-GI', 'WS-PA', 'WS-SA', 'WS-TU', 'WS-VF', 'WS-VS', 'YE-AB', 'YE-AD', 'YE-AM', 'YE-BA', 'YE-DA', 'YE-DH', 'YE-HD', 'YE-HJ', 'YE-HU', 'YE-IB', 'YE-JA', 'YE-LA', 'YE-MA', 'YE-MR', 'YE-MW', 'YE-SD', 'YE-SH', 'YE-SN', 'YE-TA', 'YU-CG', 'YU-KM', 'YU-SR', 'YU-VO', 'ZA-EC', 'ZA-FS', 'ZA-GT', 'ZA-MP', 'ZA-NC', 'ZA-NL', 'ZA-NP', 'ZA-NW', 'ZA-WC', 'ZM-01', 'ZM-02', 'ZM-03', 'ZM-04', 'ZM-05', 'ZM-06', 'ZM-07', 'ZM-08', 'ZM-09', 'ZW-BU', 'ZW-HA', 'ZW-MA', 'ZW-MC', 'ZW-ME', 'ZW-MI', 'ZW-MN', 'ZW-MS', 'ZW-MV', 'ZW-MW', name='subdivision'), nullable=False), + sa.Column('city', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=False), + sa.Column('city_confidence', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('isp', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=False), + sa.Column('organization', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=True), + sa.Column('organization_type', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=True), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Rate table + op.create_table('rate', + sa.Column('rating', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='The rating for the content.'), + sa.Column('version', teal.db.StrictVersionType(), nullable=True, comment='The version of the software.'), + sa.Column('appearance', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='Subjective value representing aesthetic aspects.'), + sa.Column('functionality', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='Subjective value representing usage aspects.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Snapshot table + op.create_table('snapshot', + sa.Column('uuid', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True), + sa.Column('version', teal.db.StrictVersionType(length=32), nullable=False), + sa.Column('software', sa.Enum('Workbench', 'WorkbenchAndroid', 'AndroidApp', 'Web', 'DesktopApp', name='snapshotsoftware'), nullable=False), + sa.Column('elapsed', sa.Interval(), nullable=True, comment='For Snapshots made with Workbench, the total amount \n of time it took to complete.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + sa.UniqueConstraint('uuid'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Test table + op.create_table('test', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # BenchmarkDataStorage table + op.create_table('benchmark_data_storage', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('read_speed', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=False), + sa.Column('write_speed', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.benchmark.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # BenchmarkWithRate table + op.create_table('benchmark_with_rate', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('rate', sa.Float(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.benchmark.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # MeasureBattery table + op.create_table('measure_battery', + sa.Column('size', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, comment='Maximum battery capacity, in mAh.'), + sa.Column('voltage', sa.Integer(), nullable=False, comment='The actual voltage of the battery, in mV.'), + sa.Column('cycle_count', sa.Integer(), nullable=True, comment='The number of full charges – discharges \n cycles.\n '), + sa.Column('health', sa.Enum('Cold', 'Dead', 'Good', 'Overheat', 'OverVoltage', 'UnspecifiedValue', name='batteryhealth'), nullable=True, comment='The health of the Battery. \n Only reported in Android.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Price table + op.create_table('price', + sa.Column('currency', sa.Enum('AFN', 'ARS', 'AWG', 'AUD', 'AZN', 'BSD', 'BBD', 'BDT', 'BYR', 'BZD', 'BMD', 'BOB', 'BAM', 'BWP', 'BGN', 'BRL', 'BND', 'KHR', 'CAD', 'KYD', 'CLP', 'CNY', 'COP', 'CRC', 'HRK', 'CUP', 'CZK', 'DKK', 'DOP', 'XCD', 'EGP', 'SVC', 'EEK', 'EUR', 'FKP', 'FJD', 'GHC', 'GIP', 'GTQ', 'GGP', 'GYD', 'HNL', 'HKD', 'HUF', 'ISK', 'INR', 'IDR', 'IRR', 'IMP', 'ILS', 'JMD', 'JPY', 'JEP', 'KZT', 'KPW', 'KRW', 'KGS', 'LAK', 'LVL', 'LBP', 'LRD', 'LTL', 'MKD', 'MYR', 'MUR', 'MXN', 'MNT', 'MZN', 'NAD', 'NPR', 'ANG', 'NZD', 'NIO', 'NGN', 'NOK', 'OMR', 'PKR', 'PAB', 'PYG', 'PEN', 'PHP', 'PLN', 'QAR', 'RON', 'RUB', 'SHP', 'SAR', 'RSD', 'SCR', 'SGD', 'SBD', 'SOS', 'ZAR', 'LKR', 'SEK', 'CHF', 'SRD', 'SYP', 'TWD', 'THB', 'TTD', 'TRY', 'TRL', 'TVD', 'UAH', 'GBP', 'USD', 'UYU', 'UZS', 'VEF', 'VND', 'YER', 'ZWD', name='currency'), nullable=False, comment='The currency of this price as for ISO 4217.'), + sa.Column('price', sa.Numeric(precision=19, scale=4), nullable=False, comment='The value.'), + sa.Column('software', sa.Enum('Ereuse', name='pricesoftware'), nullable=True, comment='The software used to compute this price,\n if the price was computed automatically. This field is None\n if the price has been manually set.\n '), + sa.Column('version', teal.db.StrictVersionType(), nullable=True, comment='The version of the software, or None.'), + sa.Column('rating_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True, comment='The Rate used to auto-compute\n this price, if it has not been set manually.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action_with_one_device.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['rating_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.rate.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # ProofDataWipe table + op.create_table('proof_data_wipe', + sa.Column('date', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('result', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, comment='Identifies proof datawipe as a result.'), + sa.Column('proof_author_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('erasure_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['erasure_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.erase_basic.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.proof.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['proof_author_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # PRoofFuntion + op.create_table('proof_function', + sa.Column('disk_usage', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('proof_author_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('rate_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.proof.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['proof_author_id'], ['common.user.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['rate_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.rate.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # RateComputer table + op.create_table('rate_computer', + sa.Column('processor', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='The rate of the Processor.'), + sa.Column('ram', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='The rate of the RAM.'), + sa.Column('data_storage', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment="'Data storage rate, like HHD, SSD.'"), + sa.Column('graphic_card', sa.Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=True, comment='Graphic card rate.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.rate.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # SnapshotRequest table + op.create_table('snapshot_request', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('request', sa.JSON(), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.snapshot.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Step table + op.create_table('step', + sa.Column('erasure_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('type', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=False), + sa.Column('num', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('severity', teal.db.IntEnum(Severity), nullable=False), + sa.Column('start_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, comment='When the action starts. For some actions like\n reservations the time when they are available, for others like renting\n when the renting starts.\n '), + sa.Column('end_time', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, comment='When the action ends. For some actions like reservations\n the time when they expire, for others like renting\n the time the end rents. For punctual actions it is the time \n they are performed; it differs with ``created`` in which\n created is the where the system received the action.\n '), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['erasure_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.erase_basic.id'], ondelete='CASCADE'), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('erasure_id', 'num'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('stress_test', + sa.Column('elapsed', sa.Interval(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('test_audio', + sa.Column('speaker', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether the speaker works as expected.'), + sa.Column('microphone', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether the microphone works as expected.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('test_bios', + sa.Column('beeps_power_on', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether there are no beeps or error\n codes when booting up.\n \n Reference: R2 provision 6 page 23.\n '), + sa.Column('access_range', sa.Enum('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', name='biosaccessrange'), nullable=True, comment='Difficulty to modify the boot menu.\n \n This is used as an usability measure for accessing and modifying\n a bios, specially as something as important as modifying the boot\n menu.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('test_camera', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('test_connectivity', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + op.create_table('test_data_storage', + sa.Column('length', sa.Enum('Short', 'Extended', name='testdatastoragelength'), nullable=False), + sa.Column('status', sa.Unicode(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('lifetime', sa.Interval(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('assessment', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('reallocated_sector_count', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('power_cycle_count', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('reported_uncorrectable_errors', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('command_timeout', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('current_pending_sector_count', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('offline_uncorrectable', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('remaining_lifetime_percentage', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True), + sa.Column('elapsed', sa.Interval(), nullable=False), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # TestDisplayHinge table + op.create_table('test_display_hinge', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # TestKeyboard table + op.create_table('test_keyboard', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # TestPowerAdapter table + op.create_table('test_power_adapter', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # TestTrackpad table + op.create_table('test_trackpad', + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # VisualTest table + op.create_table('visual_test', + sa.Column('appearance_range', sa.Enum('Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', name='appearancerange'), nullable=True, comment='Grades the imperfections that aesthetically affect the device, but not its usage.'), + sa.Column('functionality_range', sa.Enum('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', name='functionalityrange'), nullable=True, comment='Grades the defects of a device that affect its usage.'), + sa.Column('labelling', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, comment='Whether there are tags to be removed.'), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.test.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + + # Trade table + op.create_table('trade', + sa.Column('shipping_date', sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=True, comment='When are the devices going to be ready \n for shipping?\n '), + sa.Column('invoice_number', citext.CIText(), nullable=True, comment='The id of the invoice so they can be linked.'), + sa.Column('price_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True, comment='The price set for this trade. \n If no price is set it is supposed that the trade was\n not payed, usual in donations.\n '), + sa.Column('to_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.Column('confirms_id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True, comment='An organize action that this association confirms. \n \n For example, a ``Sell`` or ``Rent``\n can confirm a ``Reserve`` action.\n '), + sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['confirms_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.organize.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [f'{get_inv()}.action.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['price_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.price.id'], ), + sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['to_id'], [f'{get_inv()}.agent.id'], ), + sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), + schema=f'{get_inv()}' + ) + # ### end Alembic commands ### + + +def downgrade(): + # Drop table, indexes in inventory schema + op.drop_table('trade', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('visual_test', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_trackpad', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_power_adapter', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_keyboard', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_display_hinge', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_data_storage', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_connectivity', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_camera', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_bios', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test_audio', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('stress_test', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('step', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('snapshot_request', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('rate_computer', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('proof_function', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('proof_data_wipe', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('price', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('measure_battery', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('benchmark_with_rate', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('benchmark_data_storage', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('test', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_constraint("snapshot_actions", "action", type_="foreignkey", schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('snapshot', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('rate', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('live', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('install', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('erase_basic', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('benchmark', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('sound_card', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('receive', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('ram_module', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('processor', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('organize', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('network_adapter', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('motherboard', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('migrate', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_membership_updated'), table_name='membership', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_membership_created'), table_name='membership', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('membership', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('graphic_card', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('display', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('deallocate', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('data_storage', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('battery', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('allocate', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('action_one_device_id_index', table_name='action_with_one_device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('action_with_one_device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('action_device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('action_component', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_tag_updated'), table_name='tag', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_tag_secondary'), table_name='tag', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_tag_created'), table_name='tag', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('device_id_index', table_name='tag', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('tag', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('proof_transfer', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('proof_reuse', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('proof_recycling', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('path_gist', table_name='path', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('path_btree', table_name='path', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('lot_id_index', table_name='path', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.execute(f"DROP VIEW {get_inv()}.lot_device_descendants") + op.execute(f"DROP VIEW {get_inv()}.lot_parent") + + op.drop_table('path', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('lot_device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('individual', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_deliverynote_updated'), table_name='deliverynote', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_deliverynote_created'), table_name='deliverynote', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('deliverynote', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('parent_index', table_name='component', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('component', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('ix_type', table_name='action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('ix_parent_id', table_name='action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('ix_id', table_name='action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_action_updated'), table_name='action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_action_created'), table_name='action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('action', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_proof_updated'), table_name='proof', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_proof_created'), table_name='proof', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('proof', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('printer', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('organization', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('networking', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('monitor', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('mobile', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_lot_updated'), table_name='lot', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_lot_created'), table_name='lot', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('lot', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('tags gist', table_name='device_search', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('properties gist', table_name='device_search', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('device_search', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('computer_accessory', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_table('computer', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + op.drop_index('type_index', table_name='device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_device_updated'), table_name='device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_device_created'), table_name='device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('device_id', table_name='device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('device', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_agent_updated'), table_name='agent', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_agent_created'), table_name='agent', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_index('agent_type', table_name='agent', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + op.drop_table('agent', schema=f'{get_inv()}') + + # Drop table, indexes in common schema + op.drop_table('user_inventory', schema='common') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_common_user_updated'), table_name='user', schema='common') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_common_user_created'), table_name='user', schema='common') + op.drop_table('user', schema='common') + + op.drop_table('manufacturer', schema='common') + + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_common_inventory_updated'), table_name='inventory', schema='common') + op.drop_index(op.f('ix_common_inventory_created'), table_name='inventory', schema='common') + op.drop_index('id_hash', table_name='inventory', schema='common') + op.drop_table('inventory', schema='common') + + # Drop sequences + op.execute(f"DROP SEQUENCE {get_inv()}.device_seq;") + + # Drop functions + op.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS {get_inv()}.add_edge") + op.execute(f"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS {get_inv()}.delete_edge") + + # Drop Create Common schema + op.execute("drop schema common") + op.execute(f"drop schema {get_inv()}") diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 726d9636..046e8df9 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +alembic==1.4.2 anytree==2.4.3 apispec==0.39.0 boltons==18.0.1