from typing import List from uuid import UUID import click.testing import pytest from boltons.urlutils import URL import ereuse_devicehub.cli from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Organization from ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory import Inventory from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user import User from tests.conftest import TestConfig """Tests the management of inventories in a multi-inventory environment (several Devicehub instances that point at different schemas). """ class NoExcCliRunner(click.testing.CliRunner): """Runner that interfaces with the Devicehub CLI.""" def invoke(self, *args, input=None, env=None, catch_exceptions=False, color=False, **extra): r = super().invoke(ereuse_devicehub.cli.cli, args, input, env, catch_exceptions, color, **extra) assert r.exit_code == 0, 'CLI code {}: {}'.format(r.exit_code, r.output) return r def inv(self, name: str): """Set an inventory as an environment variable.""" self.env = {'dhi': name} @pytest.fixture() def cli(config, _app): """Returns an interface for the dh CLI client, cleaning the database afterwards. """ def drop_schemas(): with _app.app_context(): _app.db.drop_schema(schema='tdb1') _app.db.drop_schema(schema='tdb2') _app.db.drop_schema(schema='common') drop_schemas() ereuse_devicehub.cli.DevicehubGroup.CONFIG = TestConfig yield NoExcCliRunner() drop_schemas() @pytest.fixture() def tdb1(config): return Devicehub(inventory='tdb1', config=config, db=db) @pytest.fixture() def tdb2(config): return Devicehub(inventory='tdb2', config=config, db=db) @pytest.mark.mvp def test_inventory_create_delete_user(cli, tdb1, tdb2): """Tests creating two inventories with users, one user has access to the first inventory and the other to both. Finally, deletes the first inventory, deleting only the first user too. """ # Create first DB cli.inv('tdb1') cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '-n', 'Test DB1', '-on', 'ACME DB1', '-oi', 'acme-id', '-tu', '', '-tt', '3c66a6ad-22de-4db6-ac46-d8982522ec40', '--common') # Create an user for first DB cli.invoke('user', 'add', '', '-a', 'Foo', '-c', 'ES', '-p', 'Such password') with tdb1.app_context(): # There is a row for the inventory inv = # type: Inventory assert == 'tdb1' assert == 'Test DB1' assert inv.tag_provider == URL('') assert inv.tag_token == UUID('3c66a6ad-22de-4db6-ac46-d8982522ec40') assert db.has_schema('tdb1') org = # type: Organization # assert inv.org_id == assert == 'ACME DB1' assert org.tax_id == 'acme-id' user = # type: User assert == '' cli.inv('tdb2') # Create a second DB # Note how we don't create common anymore cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '-n', 'Test DB2', '-on', 'ACME DB2', '-oi', 'acme-id-2', '-tu', '', '-tt', 'fbad1c08-ffdc-4a61-be49-464962c186a8') # Create an user for with access for both DB cli.invoke('user', 'add', '', '-a', 'Bar', '-p', 'Wow password') with tdb2.app_context(): inventories = Inventory.query.all() # type: List[Inventory] assert len(inventories) == 2 assert inventories[0].id == 'tdb1' assert inventories[1].id == 'tdb2' assert db.has_schema('tdb2') org_db2 = assert org_db2 != org assert == 'ACME DB2' users = User.query.all() # type: List[User] assert users[0].email == '' assert users[1].email == '' # Delete tdb1 cli.inv('tdb1') cli.invoke('inv', 'del', '--yes') with tdb2.app_context(): # There is only tdb2 as inventory inv = # type: Inventory assert == 'tdb2' # User is deleted because it only # existed in tdb1, but not which existed # in another inventory too (tdb2) user = # type: User assert == '' assert not db.has_schema('tdb1') assert db.has_schema('tdb2') @pytest.mark.mvp def test_create_existing_inventory(cli, tdb1): """Tries to create twice the same inventory.""" cli.inv('tdb1') cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '--common') with tdb1.app_context(): assert db.has_schema('tdb1') with pytest.raises(AssertionError): cli.invoke('inv', 'add', '--common')'Schema tdb1 already exists.')