""" This file contains all events can apply to a device and is sorted according to a structure based on: * Generic Events * Benchmarks * Tests * Rates * Prices Within the above general classes are subclasses in A order. """ from collections import Iterable from contextlib import suppress from datetime import datetime, timedelta from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN, ROUND_UP from typing import Optional, Set, Union, Tuple from uuid import uuid4 import inflection import teal.db from boltons import urlutils from citext import CIText from flask import current_app as app, g from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Boolean, CheckConstraint, Column, Enum as DBEnum, \ Float, ForeignKey, Integer, Interval, JSON, Numeric, SmallInteger, Unicode, event, orm from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, validates from sqlalchemy.orm.events import AttributeEvents as Events from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet from teal.db import ArrayOfEnum, CASCADE_OWN, INHERIT_COND, IP, POLYMORPHIC_ID, \ POLYMORPHIC_ON, StrictVersionType, URL, check_lower, check_range from teal.enums import Country, Currency, Subdivision from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError from teal.resource import url_for_resource from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent.models import Agent from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Component, Computer, DataStorage, Desktop, \ Device, Laptop, Server from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import BiosAccessRange, ErasureStandards, \ PhysicalErasureMethod, PriceSoftware, RATE_NEGATIVE, RATE_POSITIVE, \ RatingRange, ReceiverRole, Severity, SnapshotExpectedEvents, SnapshotSoftware, \ TestDataStorageLength, FunctionalityRange, AppearanceRange, BatteryHealthRange from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import STR_SM_SIZE, Thing from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User class JoinedTableMixin: # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def id(cls): return Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Event.id), primary_key=True) class Event(Thing): """Event performed on a device. This class extends `Schema's Action `_. """ id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid4) type = Column(Unicode, nullable=False) name = Column(CIText(), default='', nullable=False) name.comment = """ A name or title for the event. Used when searching for events. """ severity = Column(teal.db.IntEnum(Severity), default=Severity.Info, nullable=False) severity.comment = Severity.__doc__ closed = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) closed.comment = """ Whether the author has finished the event. After this is set to True, no modifications are allowed. By default events are closed when performed. """ description = Column(Unicode, default='', nullable=False) description.comment = """ A comment about the event. """ start_time = Column(db.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True)) start_time.comment = """ When the action starts. For some actions like reservations the time when they are available, for others like renting when the renting starts. """ end_time = Column(db.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True)) end_time.comment = """ When the action ends. For some actions like reservations the time when they expire, for others like renting the time the end rents. For punctual actions it is the time they are performed; it differs with ``created`` in which created is the where the system received the action. """ snapshot_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey('snapshot.id', use_alter=True, name='snapshot_events')) snapshot = relationship('Snapshot', backref=backref('events', lazy=True, cascade=CASCADE_OWN, collection_class=set), primaryjoin='Event.snapshot_id == Snapshot.id') author_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(User.id), nullable=False, default=lambda: g.user.id) # todo compute the org author = relationship(User, backref=backref('authored_events', lazy=True, collection_class=set), primaryjoin=author_id == User.id) author_id.comment = """ The user that recorded this action in the system. This does not necessarily has to be the person that produced the action in the real world. For that purpose see ``agent``. """ agent_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Agent.id), nullable=False, default=lambda: g.user.individual.id) # todo compute the org agent = relationship(Agent, backref=backref('events_agent', lazy=True, collection_class=OrderedSet, order_by=lambda: Event.created), primaryjoin=agent_id == Agent.id) agent_id.comment = """ The direct performer or driver of the action. e.g. John wrote a book. It can differ with the user that registered the action in the system, which can be in their behalf. """ components = relationship(Component, backref=backref('events_components', lazy=True, order_by=lambda: Event.created, collection_class=OrderedSet), secondary=lambda: EventComponent.__table__, order_by=lambda: Component.id, collection_class=OrderedSet) components.comment = """ The components that are affected by the event. When performing events to parent devices their components are affected too. For example: an ``Allocate`` is performed to a Computer and this relationship is filled with the components the computer had at the time of the event. For Add and Remove though, this has another meaning: the components that are added or removed. """ parent_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(Computer.id)) parent = relationship(Computer, backref=backref('events_parent', lazy=True, order_by=lambda: Event.created, collection_class=OrderedSet), primaryjoin=parent_id == Computer.id) parent_id.comment = """ For events that are performed to components, the device parent at that time. For example: for a ``EraseBasic`` performed on a data storage, this would point to the computer that contained this data storage, if any. """ __table_args__ = ( db.Index('ix_id', id, postgresql_using='hash'), db.Index('ix_type', type, postgresql_using='hash'), db.Index('ix_parent_id', parent_id, postgresql_using='hash') ) @property def elapsed(self): """Returns the elapsed time with seconds precision.""" t = self.end_time - self.start_time return timedelta(seconds=t.seconds) @property def url(self) -> urlutils.URL: """The URL where to GET this event.""" return urlutils.URL(url_for_resource(Event, item_id=self.id)) @property def certificate(self) -> Optional[urlutils.URL]: return None # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Event': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if JoinedTableMixin in cls.mro(): args[INHERIT_COND] = cls.id == Event.id return args @validates('end_time') def validate_end_time(self, _, end_time: datetime): if self.start_time and end_time <= self.start_time: raise ValidationError('The event cannot finish before it starts.') return end_time @validates('start_time') def validate_start_time(self, _, start_time: datetime): if self.end_time and start_time >= self.end_time: raise ValidationError('The event cannot start after it finished.') return start_time @property def date_str(self): return '{:%c}'.format(self.end_time or self.created) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{}'.format(self.severity) def __repr__(self): return '<{0.t} {0.id} {0.severity}>'.format(self) class EventComponent(db.Model): device_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(Component.id), primary_key=True) event_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Event.id), primary_key=True) class JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin: # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def id(cls): return Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(EventWithOneDevice.id), primary_key=True) class EventWithOneDevice(JoinedTableMixin, Event): device_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(Device.id), nullable=False) device = relationship(Device, backref=backref('events_one', lazy=True, cascade=CASCADE_OWN, order_by=lambda: EventWithOneDevice.created, collection_class=OrderedSet), primaryjoin=Device.id == device_id) __table_args__ = ( db.Index('event_one_device_id_index', device_id, postgresql_using='hash'), ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{0.t} {0.id} {0.severity} device={0.device!r}>'.format(self) @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'EventWithOneDevice': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args class EventWithMultipleDevices(Event): devices = relationship(Device, backref=backref('events_multiple', lazy=True, order_by=lambda: EventWithMultipleDevices.created, collection_class=OrderedSet), secondary=lambda: EventDevice.__table__, order_by=lambda: Device.id, collection_class=OrderedSet) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{0.t} {0.id} {0.severity} devices={0.devices!r}>'.format(self) class EventDevice(db.Model): device_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(Device.id), primary_key=True) event_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(EventWithMultipleDevices.id), primary_key=True) class Add(EventWithOneDevice): """The act of adding components to a device. It is usually used internally from a :class:`.Snapshot`, for example, when adding a secondary data storage to a computer. """ class Remove(EventWithOneDevice): """The act of removing components from a device. It is usually used internally from a :class:`.Snapshot`, for example, when removing a component from a broken computer. """ class Allocate(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): to_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey(User.id)) to = relationship(User, primaryjoin=User.id == to_id) organization = Column(CIText()) class Deallocate(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): from_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey(User.id)) from_rel = relationship(User, primaryjoin=User.id == from_id) organization = Column(CIText()) class EraseBasic(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """An erasure attempt to a ``DataStorage``. The event contains information about success and nature of the erasure. EraseBasic is a software-based fast non-100%-secured way of erasing data storage, performed by Workbench Computer when executing the open-source `shred `_. Users can generate erasure certificates from successful erasures. Erasures are an accumulation of **erasure steps**, that are performed as separate actions, called ``StepRandom``, for an erasure step that has overwritten data with random bits, and ``StepZero``, for an erasure step that has overwritten data with zeros. Erasure standards define steps and methodologies to use. Devicehub automatically shows the standards that each erasure follows. """ method = 'Shred' """The method or software used to destroy the data.""" @property def standards(self): """A set of standards that this erasure follows.""" return ErasureStandards.from_data_storage(self) @property def certificate(self): """The URL of this erasure certificate.""" # todo will this url_for_resoure work for other resources? return urlutils.URL(url_for_resource('Document', item_id=self.id)) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} on {}.'.format(self.severity, self.date_str) def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str: v = '' if 't' in format_spec: v += '{} {}'.format(self.type, self.severity) if 't' in format_spec and 's' in format_spec: v += '. ' if 's' in format_spec: if self.standards: std = 'with standards {}'.format(self.standards) else: std = 'no standard' v += 'Method used: {}, {}. '.format(self.method, std) if self.end_time and self.start_time: v += '{} elapsed. '.format(self.elapsed) v += 'On {}'.format(self.date_str) return v class EraseSectors(EraseBasic): """A secured-way of erasing data storages, checking sector-by-sector the erasure, using `badblocks `_. """ method = 'Badblocks' class ErasePhysical(EraseBasic): """The act of physically destroying a data storage unit.""" method = Column(DBEnum(PhysicalErasureMethod)) class Step(db.Model): erasure_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(EraseBasic.id), primary_key=True) type = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), nullable=False) num = Column(SmallInteger, primary_key=True) severity = Column(teal.db.IntEnum(Severity), default=Severity.Info, nullable=False) start_time = Column(db.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False) start_time.comment = Event.start_time.comment end_time = Column(db.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), CheckConstraint('end_time > start_time'), nullable=False) end_time.comment = Event.end_time.comment erasure = relationship(EraseBasic, backref=backref('steps', cascade=CASCADE_OWN, order_by=num, collection_class=ordering_list('num'))) @property def elapsed(self): """Returns the elapsed time with seconds precision.""" t = self.end_time - self.start_time return timedelta(seconds=t.seconds) # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Step': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str: return '{} – {} {}'.format(self.severity, self.type, self.elapsed) class StepZero(Step): pass class StepRandom(Step): pass class Snapshot(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The Snapshot sets the physical information of the device (S/N, model...) and updates it with erasures, benchmarks, ratings, and tests; updates the composition of its components (adding / removing them), and links tags to the device. When receiving a Snapshot, the DeviceHub creates, adds and removes components to match the Snapshot. For example, if a Snapshot of a computer contains a new component, the system searches for the component in its database and, if not found, its creates it; finally linking it to the computer. A Snapshot is used with Remove to represent changes in components for a device: 1. ``Snapshot`` creates a device if it does not exist, and the same for its components. This is all done in one ``Snapshot``. 2. If the device exists, it updates its component composition by *adding* and *removing* them. If, for example, this new Snasphot doesn't have a component, it means that this component is not present anymore in the device, thus removing it from it. Then we have that: - Components that are added to the device: snapshot2.components - snapshot1.components - Components that are removed to the device: snapshot1.components - snapshot2.components When adding a component, there may be the case this component existed before and it was inside another device. In such case, DeviceHub will perform ``Remove`` on the old parent. **Snapshots from Workbench** When processing a device from the Workbench, this one performs a Snapshot and then performs more events (like testings, benchmarking...). There are two ways of sending this information. In an async way, this is, submitting events as soon as Workbench performs then, or submitting only one Snapshot event with all the other events embedded. **Asynced** The use case, which is represented in the ``test_workbench_phases``, is as follows: 1. In **T1**, WorkbenchServer (as the middleware from Workbench and Devicehub) submits: - A ``Snapshot`` event with the required information to **synchronize** and **rate** the device. This is: - Identification information about the device and components (S/N, model, physical characteristics...) - ``Tags`` in a ``tags`` property in the ``device``. - ``Rate`` in an ``events`` property in the ``device``. - ``Benchmarks`` in an ``events`` property in each ``component`` or ``device``. - ``TestDataStorage`` as in ``Benchmarks``. - An ordered set of **expected events**, defining which are the next events that Workbench will perform to the device in ideal conditions (device doesn't fail, no Internet drop...). Devicehub **syncs** the device with the database and perform the ``Benchmark``, the ``TestDataStorage``, and finally the ``Rate``. This leaves the Snapshot **open** to wait for the next events to come. 2. Assuming that we expect all events, in **T2**, WorkbenchServer submits a ``StressTest`` with a ``snapshot`` field containing the ID of the Snapshot in 1, and Devicehub links the event with such ``Snapshot``. 3. In **T3**, WorkbenchServer submits the ``Erase`` with the ``Snapshot`` and ``component`` IDs from 1, linking it to them. It repeats this for all the erased data storage devices; **T3+Tn** being *n* the erased data storage devices. 4. WorkbenchServer does like in 3. but for the event ``Install``, finishing in **T3+Tn+Tx**, being *x* the number of data storage devices with an OS installed into. 5. In **T3+Tn+Tx**, when all *expected events* have been performed, Devicehub **closes** the ``Snapshot`` from 1. **Synced** Optionally, Devicehub understands receiving a ``Snapshot`` with all the events in an ``events`` property inside each affected ``component`` or ``device``. """ uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), unique=True) version = Column(StrictVersionType(STR_SM_SIZE), nullable=False) software = Column(DBEnum(SnapshotSoftware), nullable=False) elapsed = Column(Interval) elapsed.comment = """ For Snapshots made with Workbench, the total amount of time it took to complete. """ expected_events = Column(ArrayOfEnum(DBEnum(SnapshotExpectedEvents))) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{}. {} version {}.'.format(self.severity, self.software, self.version) class Install(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The action of installing an Operative System to a data storage unit. """ elapsed = Column(Interval, nullable=False) address = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('address', 8, 256)) class SnapshotRequest(db.Model): id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Snapshot.id), primary_key=True) request = Column(JSON, nullable=False) snapshot = relationship(Snapshot, backref=backref('request', lazy=True, uselist=False, cascade=CASCADE_OWN)) class Benchmark(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The act of gauging the performance of a device.""" elapsed = Column(Interval) @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Benchmark': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args class BenchmarkMixin: # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def id(cls): return Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Test.id), primary_key=True) class BenchmarkDataStorage(Benchmark): """Benchmarks the data storage unit reading and writing speeds.""" id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Benchmark.id), primary_key=True) read_speed = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=False) write_speed = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), nullable=False) def __str__(self) -> str: return 'Read: {} MB/s, write: {} MB/s'.format(self.read_speed, self.write_speed) class BenchmarkWithRate(Benchmark): """The act of benchmarking a device with a single rate.""" id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Benchmark.id), primary_key=True) rate = Column(Float, nullable=False) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} points'.format(self.rate) class BenchmarkProcessor(BenchmarkWithRate): """Benchmarks a processor by executing `BogoMips `_. Note that this is not a reliable way of rating processors and we keep it for compatibility purposes. """ pass class BenchmarkProcessorSysbench(BenchmarkProcessor): """Benchmarks a processor by using the processor benchmarking utility of `sysbench `_. """ pass class BenchmarkRamSysbench(BenchmarkWithRate): """Benchmarks a RAM by using the ram benchmarking utility of `sysbench `_. """ pass class BenchmarkGraphicCard(BenchmarkWithRate): pass class Test(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The act of testing the physical condition of a device and its components. Testing errors and warnings are easily taken in :attr:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models.Device.working`. """ @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Test': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args class TestMixin: # noinspection PyMethodParameters @declared_attr def id(cls): return Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Test.id), primary_key=True) class TestDataStorage(TestMixin, Test): """ The act of testing the data storage. Testing is done using the `S.M.A.R.T self test `_. Note that not all data storage units, specially some new PCIe ones, do not support SMART testing. The test takes to other SMART values indicators of the overall health of the data storage. """ length = Column(DBEnum(TestDataStorageLength), nullable=False) # todo from type status = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('status'), nullable=False) lifetime = Column(Interval) assessment = Column(Boolean) reallocated_sector_count = Column(SmallInteger) power_cycle_count = Column(SmallInteger) reported_uncorrectable_errors = Column(SmallInteger) command_timeout = Column(Integer) current_pending_sector_count = Column(SmallInteger) offline_uncorrectable = Column(SmallInteger) remaining_lifetime_percentage = Column(SmallInteger) elapsed = Column(Interval, nullable=False) def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) # Define severity # As of https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-smart-stats/ and # https://www.backblaze.com/blog-smart-stats-2014-8.html # We can guess some future disk failures by analyzing some SMART data. if self.severity is None: # Test finished successfully if not self.assessment: self.severity = Severity.Error elif self.current_pending_sector_count and self.current_pending_sector_count > 40 \ or self.reallocated_sector_count and self.reallocated_sector_count > 10: self.severity = Severity.Warning def __str__(self) -> str: t = inflection.humanize(self.status) if self.lifetime: t += ' with a lifetime of {:.1f} years.'.format(self.lifetime.days / 365) t += self.description return t class StressTest(TestMixin, Test): """The act of stressing (putting to the maximum capacity) a device for an amount of minutes. If the device is not in great condition won't probably survive such test. """ elapsed = Column(Interval, nullable=False) @validates('elapsed') def is_minute_and_bigger_than_1_minute(self, _, value: timedelta): seconds = value.total_seconds() assert not bool(seconds % 60) assert seconds >= 60 return value def __str__(self) -> str: return '{}. Computing for {}'.format(self.severity, self.elapsed) class TestAudio(TestMixin, Test): """ Test to check all this aspects related with audio functions, Manual Tests?? """ loudspeaker = Column(Boolean) loudspeaker.comment = 'Test to determine if the speaker is working properly and what sound quality it has.' microphone = Column(Boolean) microphone.comment = 'This evaluate if microphone works correctly' class TestConnectivity(TestMixin, Test): """ Test to check all this aspects related with functionality connections in devices """ # TODO Add Severity and return unique score cellular_network = Column(Boolean) cellular_network.comment = 'Evaluate if cellular network works properly' wifi = Column(Boolean) wifi.comment = 'Evaluate if wifi connection works correctly' bluetooth = Column(Boolean) bluetooth.comment = 'Evaluate if bluetooth works' usb_port = Column(Boolean) usb_port.comment = 'Evaluate if usb port was detected and charger plug works' locked = Column(Boolean) locked.comment = 'Test to check if devices is locked' class TestBattery(TestMixin, Test): """ Test battery health, status and length of charge. Minimum X minutes discharging the device """ # TODO how to determinate if test PASS depend on battery stat and/or health battery_stat = Column(Boolean) battery_stat.comment = """ Some batteries can report a self-check life status. """ battery_health = Column(DBEnum(BatteryHealthRange)) battery_health.comment = BatteryHealthRange.__doc__ class TestCamera(TestMixin, Test): """ Test to determinate functionality and defects on camera when take pictures or record video # TODO define when test FAIL """ camera = Column(Boolean) camera.comment = "" class TestKeyboard(TestMixin, Test): """ Test to determinate if keyboard layout are and works correctly # TODO define when test FAIL """ keyboard = Column(Boolean) keyboard.comment = "" class TestTrackpad(TestMixin, Test): """ Test trackpad works correctly # TODO define when test FAIL """ trackpad = Column(Boolean) trackpad.comment = "" class TestBios(TestMixin, Test): """ Test that determinate motherboard no beeps, codes or errors when power on. And a grade to reflect some possibles difficult to access or modify setting in the BIOS, like password protection.. """ bios_power_on = Column(Boolean) bios_power_on.comment = """ Motherboards do a self check when powering up (R2 p.23), test PASS if no beeps, codes, or errors appears. """ access_range = Column(DBEnum(BiosAccessRange)) access_range.comment = 'Range of difficult to access BIOS' class TestVisual(TestMixin, Test): """ Manual rate test its are represented with grade and focuses mainly on the aesthetic or cosmetic defects of important parts of a device. Like defects on chassis, display, .. """ appearance_range = Column(DBEnum(AppearanceRange)) appearance_range.comment = AppearanceRange.__doc__ functionality_range = Column(DBEnum(FunctionalityRange)) functionality_range.comment = FunctionalityRange.__doc__ labelling = Column(Boolean) labelling.comment = """Whether there are tags to be removed. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return super().__str__() + '. Appearance {} and functionality {}'.format( self.appearance_range, self.functionality_range ) class Rate(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The act of computing a rate based on different categories: 1. Quality: the appearance, performance, and functionality of a device. There are two ways of rating a device: 1. When processing the device with Workbench and the Android App. 2. Anytime after with the Android App or website.X """ rating = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('rating', *RATE_POSITIVE)) rating.comment = """The rating for the content.""" version = Column(StrictVersionType) version.comment = """The version of the software.""" appearance = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('appearance', *RATE_NEGATIVE)) functionality = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('functionality', *RATE_NEGATIVE)) @property def rating_range(self) -> RatingRange: if self.rating: return RatingRange.from_score(self.rating) @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Rate': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} (v.{})'.format(self.rating_range, self.version) @classmethod def compute(cls, device) -> 'RateComputer': """ The act of compute general computer rate """ raise NotImplementedError() class RateComputer(Rate): """ Main class to group by device type: Computer Computer is broadly extended by ``Desktop``, ``Laptop``, and ``Server``. """ id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Rate.id), primary_key=True) processor = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('processor', *RATE_POSITIVE), comment='Is a test explain cpu component.') ram = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('ram', *RATE_POSITIVE), comment='RAM memory rate.') data_storage = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('data_storage', *RATE_POSITIVE), comment='Data storage rate, like HHD, SSD.') graphic_card = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('graphic_card', *RATE_POSITIVE), comment='Graphic card rate.') def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def data_storage_range(self): if self.data_storage: return RatingRange.from_score(self.data_storage) @property def ram_range(self): if self.ram: return RatingRange.from_score(self.ram) @property def processor_range(self): if self.processor: return RatingRange.from_score(self.processor) @property def graphic_card_range(self): if self.graphic_card: return RatingRange.from_score(self.graphic_card) @classmethod def compute(cls, device) -> Tuple['RateComputer', 'Price']: """ The act of compute general computer rate """ from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.rate.workbench.v1_0 import rate_algorithm rate = rate_algorithm.compute(device) price = None with suppress(InvalidRangeForPrice): # We will have exception if range == VERY_LOW price = EreusePrice(rate) return rate, price class Price(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """The act of setting a trading price for the device. This does not imply that the device is ultimately traded for that price. Use the :class:`.Sell` for that. Devicehub automatically computes a price from ``AggregateRating`` events. As in a **Rate**, price can have **software** and **version**, and there is an **official** price that is used to automatically compute the price from an ``AggregateRating``. Only the official price is computed from an ``AggregateRating``. """ SCALE = 4 ROUND = ROUND_HALF_EVEN currency = Column(DBEnum(Currency), nullable=False) currency.comment = """The currency of this price as for ISO 4217.""" price = Column(Numeric(precision=19, scale=SCALE), check_range('price', 0), nullable=False) price.comment = """The value.""" software = Column(DBEnum(PriceSoftware)) software.comment = """The software used to compute this price, if the price was computed automatically. This field is None if the price has been manually set. """ version = Column(StrictVersionType) version.comment = """The version of the software, or None.""" rating_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Rate.id)) rating_id.comment = """The Rate used to auto-compute this price, if it has not been set manually.""" rating = relationship(Rate, backref=backref('price', lazy=True, cascade=CASCADE_OWN, uselist=False), primaryjoin=Rate.id == rating_id) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if 'price' in kwargs: assert isinstance(kwargs['price'], Decimal), 'Price must be a Decimal' super().__init__(currency=kwargs.pop('currency', app.config['PRICE_CURRENCY']), *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def to_price(cls, value: Union[Decimal, float], rounding=ROUND) -> Decimal: """Returns a Decimal value with the correct scale for Price.price.""" if isinstance(value, float): value = Decimal(value) # equation from marshmallow.fields.Decimal return value.quantize(Decimal((0, (1,), -cls.SCALE)), rounding=rounding) @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Price': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args def __str__(self) -> str: return '{0:0.2f} {1}'.format(self.price, self.currency) class EreusePrice(Price): """The act of setting a price by guessing it using the eReuse.org algorithm. This algorithm states that the price is the use value of the device (represented by its last :class:`.Rate`) multiplied by a constants value agreed by a circuit or platform. """ MULTIPLIER = { Desktop: 20, Laptop: 30 } class Type: def __init__(self, percentage: float, price: Decimal) -> None: # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/29651462 for the - 0.005 self.amount = EreusePrice.to_price(price * Decimal(percentage)) self.percentage = EreusePrice.to_price(price * Decimal(percentage)) self.percentage = round(percentage - 0.005, 2) class Service: REFURBISHER, PLATFORM, RETAILER = 0, 1, 2 STANDARD, WARRANTY2 = 'STD', 'WR2' SCHEMA = { Desktop: { RatingRange.HIGH: { STANDARD: (0.35125, 0.204375, 0.444375), WARRANTY2: (0.47425, 0.275875, 0.599875) }, RatingRange.MEDIUM: { STANDARD: (0.385, 0.2558333333, 0.3591666667), WARRANTY2: (0.539, 0.3581666667, 0.5028333333) }, RatingRange.LOW: { STANDARD: (0.5025, 0.30875, 0.18875), }, }, Laptop: { RatingRange.HIGH: { STANDARD: (0.3469230769, 0.195, 0.4580769231), WARRANTY2: (0.4522307692, 0.2632307692, 0.6345384615) }, RatingRange.MEDIUM: { STANDARD: (0.382, 0.1735, 0.4445), WARRANTY2: (0.5108, 0.2429, 0.6463) }, RatingRange.LOW: { STANDARD: (0.4528571429, 0.2264285714, 0.3207142857), } } } SCHEMA[Server] = SCHEMA[Desktop] def __init__(self, device, rating_range, role, price: Decimal) -> None: cls = device.__class__ if device.__class__ != Server else Desktop rate = self.SCHEMA[cls][rating_range] self.standard = EreusePrice.Type(rate[self.STANDARD][role], price) if self.WARRANTY2 in rate: self.warranty2 = EreusePrice.Type(rate[self.WARRANTY2][role], price) def __init__(self, rating: RateComputer, **kwargs) -> None: if rating.rating_range == RatingRange.VERY_LOW: raise InvalidRangeForPrice() # We pass ROUND_UP strategy so price is always greater than what refurbisher... amounts price = self.to_price(rating.rating * self.MULTIPLIER[rating.device.__class__], ROUND_UP) super().__init__(rating=rating, device=rating.device, price=price, software=kwargs.pop('software', app.config['PRICE_SOFTWARE']), version=kwargs.pop('version', app.config['PRICE_VERSION']), **kwargs) self._compute() @orm.reconstructor def _compute(self): """ Calculates eReuse.org prices when initializing the instance from the price and other properties. """ self.refurbisher = self._service(self.Service.REFURBISHER) self.retailer = self._service(self.Service.RETAILER) self.platform = self._service(self.Service.PLATFORM) if hasattr(self.refurbisher, 'warranty2'): self.warranty2 = round(self.refurbisher.warranty2.amount + self.retailer.warranty2.amount + self.platform.warranty2.amount, 2) def _service(self, role): return self.Service(self.device, self.rating.rating_range, role, self.price) class ToRepair(EventWithMultipleDevices): """Select a device to be repaired.""" class Repair(EventWithMultipleDevices): """Repair is the act of performing reparations. If a repair without an error is performed, it represents that the reparation has been successful. """ class ReadyToUse(EventWithMultipleDevices): """The device is ready to be used. This involves greater preparation from the ``Prepare`` event, and users should only use a device after this event is performed. Users usually require devices with this event before shipping them to costumers. """ class ToPrepare(EventWithMultipleDevices): """The device has been selected for preparation. See Prepare for more info. Usually **ToPrepare** is the next event done after registering the device. """ pass class Prepare(EventWithMultipleDevices): """Work has been performed to the device to a defined point of acceptance. Users using this event have to agree what is this point of acceptance; for some is when the device just works, for others when some testing has been performed. """ class Live(JoinedWithOneDeviceMixin, EventWithOneDevice): """A keep-alive from a device connected to the Internet with information about its state (in the form of a ``Snapshot`` event) and usage statistics. """ ip = Column(IP, nullable=False, comment='The IP where the live was triggered.') subdivision_confidence = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('subdivision_confidence', 0, 100), nullable=False) subdivision = Column(DBEnum(Subdivision), nullable=False) city = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), check_lower('city'), nullable=False) city_confidence = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('city_confidence', 0, 100), nullable=False) isp = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), check_lower('isp'), nullable=False) organization = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), check_lower('organization')) organization_type = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), check_lower('organization_type')) @property def country(self) -> Country: return self.subdivision.country # todo relate to snapshot # todo testing class Organize(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): """The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more devices. """ class Reserve(Organize): """The act of reserving devices. After this event is performed, the user is the **reservee** of the devices. There can only be one non-cancelled reservation for a device, and a reservation can only have one reservee. """ class CancelReservation(Organize): """The act of cancelling a reservation.""" class Trade(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): """Trade actions log the political exchange of devices between users. Every time a trade event is performed, the old user looses its political possession, for example ownership, in favor of another user. Performing trade events changes the *Trading* state of the device —:class:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.states.Trading`. This class and its inheritors extend `Schema's Trade `_. """ shipping_date = Column(db.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True)) shipping_date.comment = """ When are the devices going to be ready for shipping? """ invoice_number = Column(CIText()) invoice_number.comment = """ The id of the invoice so they can be linked. """ price_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Price.id)) price = relationship(Price, backref=backref('trade', lazy=True, uselist=False), primaryjoin=price_id == Price.id) price_id.comment = """ The price set for this trade. If no price is set it is supposed that the trade was not payed, usual in donations. """ to_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Agent.id), nullable=False) # todo compute the org to = relationship(Agent, backref=backref('events_to', lazy=True, collection_class=OrderedSet, order_by=lambda: Event.created), primaryjoin=to_id == Agent.id) to_comment = """ The agent that gets the device due this deal. """ confirms_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey(Organize.id)) confirms = relationship(Organize, backref=backref('confirmation', lazy=True, uselist=False), primaryjoin=confirms_id == Organize.id) confirms_id.comment = """ An organize action that this association confirms. For example, a ``Sell`` or ``Rent`` can confirm a ``Reserve`` action. """ class Sell(Trade): """The act of taking money from a buyer in exchange of a device.""" class Donate(Trade): """The act of giving devices without compensation.""" class Rent(Trade): """The act of giving money in return for temporary use, but not ownership, of a device. """ class CancelTrade(Trade): """The act of cancelling a `Sell`_, `Donate`_ or `Rent`_.""" # todo cancelTrade does not do anything class ToDisposeProduct(Trade): """The act of setting a device for being disposed. See :class:`.DisposeProduct`. """ # todo test this class DisposeProduct(Trade): """The act of getting rid of devices by giving (selling, donating) to another organization, like a waste manager. See :class:`.ToDispose` and :class:`.DisposeProduct` for disposing without trading the device. See :class:`.DisposeWaste` and :class:`.Recover` for disposing in-house, this is, without trading the device. """ # todo For usability purposes, users might not directly perform # *DisposeProduct*, but this could automatically be done when # performing :class:`.ToDispose` + :class:`.Receive` to a # ``RecyclingCenter``. class Receive(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): """The act of physically taking delivery of a device. The receiver confirms that the devices have arrived, and thus, they are the :attr:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models.Device.physical_possessor`. This differs from :class:`.Trade` in that trading changes the political possession. As an example, a transporter can *receive* a device but it is not it's owner. After the delivery, the transporter performs another *receive* to the final owner. The receiver can optionally take a :class:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums.ReceiverRole`. """ role = Column(DBEnum(ReceiverRole), nullable=False, default=ReceiverRole.Intermediary) class Migrate(JoinedTableMixin, EventWithMultipleDevices): """Moves the devices to a new database/inventory. Devices cannot be modified anymore at the previous database. """ other = Column(URL(), nullable=False) other.comment = """ The URL of the Migrate in the other end. """ class MigrateTo(Migrate): pass class MigrateFrom(Migrate): pass # Listeners # Listeners validate values and keep relationships synced # The following listeners avoids setting values to events that # do not make sense. For example, EraseBasic to a graphic card. @event.listens_for(TestDataStorage.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(Install.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(EraseBasic.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) def validate_device_is_data_storage(target: Event, value: DataStorage, old_value, initiator): """Validates that the device for data-storage events is effectively a data storage.""" if value and not isinstance(value, DataStorage): raise TypeError('{} must be a DataStorage but you passed {}'.format(initiator.impl, value)) @event.listens_for(BenchmarkRamSysbench.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) def events_not_for_components(target: Event, value: Device, old_value, initiator): """Validates events that cannot be performed to components.""" if isinstance(value, Component): raise TypeError('{!r} cannot be performed to a component ({!r}).'.format(target, value)) # The following listeners keep relationships with device <-> components synced with the event # So, if you add or remove devices from events these listeners will # automatically add/remove the ``components`` and ``parent`` of such events # See the tests for examples @event.listens_for(EventWithOneDevice.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) def update_components_event_one(target: EventWithOneDevice, device: Device, __, ___): """ Syncs the :attr:`.Event.components` with the components in :attr:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models.Computer.components`. """ # For Add and Remove, ``components`` have different meanings # see Event.components for more info if not isinstance(target, (Add, Remove)): target.components.clear() if isinstance(device, Computer): target.components |= device.components @event.listens_for(EventWithMultipleDevices.devices, Events.init_collection.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(EventWithMultipleDevices.devices, Events.bulk_replace.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(EventWithMultipleDevices.devices, Events.append.__name__, propagate=True) def update_components_event_multiple(target: EventWithMultipleDevices, value: Union[Set[Device], Device], _): """ Syncs the :attr:`.Event.components` with the components in :attr:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models.Computer.components`. """ target.components.clear() devices = value if isinstance(value, Iterable) else {value} for device in devices: if isinstance(device, Computer): target.components |= device.components @event.listens_for(EventWithMultipleDevices.devices, Events.remove.__name__, propagate=True) def remove_components_event_multiple(target: EventWithMultipleDevices, device: Device, __): """ Syncs the :attr:`.Event.components` with the components in :attr:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models.Computer.components`. """ target.components.clear() for device in target.devices - {device}: if isinstance(device, Computer): target.components |= device.components @event.listens_for(EraseBasic.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(Test.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(Install.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) @event.listens_for(Benchmark.device, Events.set.__name__, propagate=True) def update_parent(target: Union[EraseBasic, Test, Install], device: Device, _, __): """ Syncs the :attr:`Event.parent` with the parent of the device. """ target.parent = None if isinstance(device, Component): target.parent = device.parent class InvalidRangeForPrice(ValueError): pass