import json import pathlib from contextlib import suppress from itertools import chain from operator import attrgetter from typing import Dict, Set from boltons import urlutils from citext import CIText from ereuse_utils.naming import Naming from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Boolean, Column, Enum as DBEnum, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, \ Sequence, SmallInteger, Unicode, inspect from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty, backref, relationship, validates from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet from sqlalchemy_utils import ColorType from stdnum import imei, meid from teal.db import CASCADE, POLYMORPHIC_ID, POLYMORPHIC_ON, ResourceNotFound, URL, check_lower, \ check_range from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import ComputerChassis, DataStorageInterface, DisplayTech, \ RamFormat, RamInterface from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import STR_SM_SIZE, Thing class Device(Thing): """ Base class for any type of physical object that can be identified. """ id = Column(BigInteger, Sequence('device_seq'), primary_key=True) id.comment = """ The identifier of the device for this database. """ type = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), nullable=False) hid = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('hid'), unique=True) hid.comment = """ The Hardware ID (HID) is the unique ID traceability systems use to ID a device globally. """ model = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('model')) manufacturer = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('manufacturer')) serial_number = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('serial_number')) weight = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=3), check_range('weight', 0.1, 3)) weight.comment = """ The weight of the device in Kgm. """ width = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=3), check_range('width', 0.1, 3)) width.comment = """ The width of the device in meters. """ height = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=3), check_range('height', 0.1, 3)) height.comment = """ The height of the device in meters. """ depth = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=3), check_range('depth', 0.1, 3)) color = Column(ColorType) color.comment = """ """ @property def events(self) -> list: """ All the events where the device participated, including 1) events performed directly to the device, 2) events performed to a component, and 3) events performed to a parent device. Events are returned by ascending creation time. """ return sorted(chain(self.events_multiple, self.events_one), key=attrgetter('created')) def __init__(self, **kw) -> None: super().__init__(**kw) with suppress(TypeError): self.hid = Naming.hid(self.manufacturer, self.serial_number, self.model) @property def physical_properties(self) -> Dict[str, object or None]: """ Fields that describe the physical properties of a device. :return A generator where each value is a tuple with tho fields: - Column. - Actual value of the column or None. """ # todo ensure to remove materialized values when start using them # todo or self.__table__.columns if inspect fails return {c.key: getattr(self, c.key, None) for c in inspect(self.__class__).attrs if isinstance(c, ColumnProperty) and not getattr(c, 'foreign_keys', None) and c.key not in {'id', 'type', 'created', 'updated', 'parent_id', 'hid'}} @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """ Defines inheritance. From `the guide `_ """ args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t} if cls.t == 'Device': args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type return args def __lt__(self, other): return < def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<{0.t} {!r} model={0.model!r} S/N={0.serial_number!r}>'.format(self) class DisplayMixin: size = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=2), check_range('size', 2, 150)) size.comment = """ The size of the monitor in inches. """ technology = Column(DBEnum(DisplayTech)) technology.comment = """ The technology the monitor uses to display the image. """ resolution_width = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('resolution_width', 10, 20000)) resolution_width.comment = """ The maximum horizontal resolution the monitor can natively support in pixels. """ resolution_height = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('resolution_height', 10, 20000)) resolution_height.comment = """ The maximum vertical resolution the monitor can natively support in pixels. """ class Computer(Device): id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) chassis = Column(DBEnum(ComputerChassis), nullable=False) @property def events(self) -> list: return sorted(chain(super().events, self.events_parent), key=attrgetter('created')) class Desktop(Computer): pass class Laptop(Computer): pass class Server(Computer): pass class Monitor(DisplayMixin, Device): id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) class ComputerMonitor(Monitor): pass class TelevisionSet(Monitor): pass class Mobile(Device): id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) imei = Column(BigInteger) imei.comment = """ The International Mobile Equipment Identity of the smartphone as an integer. """ meid = Column(Unicode) meid.comment = """ The Mobile Equipment Identifier as a hexadecimal string. """ @validates('imei') def validate_imei(self, _, value: int): if not imei.is_valid(value): raise ValidationError('{} is not a valid imei.'.format(value)) @validates('meid') def validate_meid(self, _, value: str): if not meid.is_valid(value): raise ValidationError('{} is not a valid meid.'.format(value)) class Smartphone(Mobile): pass class Tablet(Mobile): pass class Cellphone(Mobile): pass class Component(Device): id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) parent_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey( parent = relationship(Computer, backref=backref('components', lazy=True, cascade=CASCADE, order_by=lambda:, collection_class=OrderedSet), primaryjoin=parent_id == def similar_one(self, parent: Computer, blacklist: Set[int]) -> 'Component': """ Gets a component that: - has the same parent. - Doesn't generate HID. - Has same physical properties. :param parent: :param blacklist: A set of components to not to consider when looking for similar ones. """ assert self.hid is None, 'Don\'t use this method with a component that has HID' component = self.__class__.query \ .filter_by(parent=parent, hid=None, **self.physical_properties) \ .filter( \ .first() if not component: raise ResourceNotFound(self.type) return component @property def events(self) -> list: return sorted(chain(super().events, self.events_components), key=attrgetter('created')) class JoinedComponentTableMixin: @declared_attr def id(cls): return Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) class GraphicCard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): memory = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('memory', min=1, max=10000)) memory.comment = """ The amount of memory of the Graphic Card in MB. """ class DataStorage(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): size = Column(Integer, check_range('size', min=1, max=10 ** 8)) size.comment = """ The size of the data-storage in MB. """ interface = Column(DBEnum(DataStorageInterface)) class HardDrive(DataStorage): pass class SolidStateDrive(DataStorage): pass class Motherboard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): slots = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('slots', min=0)) slots.comment = """ PCI slots the motherboard has. """ usb = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('usb', min=0)) firewire = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('firewire', min=0)) serial = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('serial', min=0)) pcmcia = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('pcmcia', min=0)) class NetworkMixin: speed = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('speed', min=10, max=10000)) speed.comment = """ The maximum speed this network adapter can handle, in mbps. """ wireless = Column(Boolean) wireless.comment = """ Whether it is a wireless interface. """ class NetworkAdapter(JoinedComponentTableMixin, NetworkMixin, Component): pass class Processor(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): speed = Column(Float, check_range('speed', 0.1, 15)) cores = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('cores', 1, 10)) threads = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('threads', 1, 20)) address = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('address', 8, 256)) class RamModule(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): size = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('size', min=128, max=17000)) speed = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('speed', min=100, max=10000)) interface = Column(DBEnum(RamInterface)) format = Column(DBEnum(RamFormat)) class SoundCard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component): pass class Display(JoinedComponentTableMixin, DisplayMixin, Component): """ The display of a device. This is used in all devices that have displays but that it is not their main treat, like laptops, mobiles, smart-watches, and so on; excluding then ComputerMonitor and Television Set. """ pass class Manufacturer(db.Model): __table_args__ = {'schema': 'common'} CUSTOM_MANUFACTURERS = {'Belinea', 'OKI Data Corporation', 'Vivitek', 'Yuraku'} """A list of manufacturer names that are not from Wikipedia's JSON.""" name = db.Column(CIText(), primary_key=True) url = db.Column(URL(), unique=True) logo = db.Column(URL()) @classmethod def add_all_to_session(cls, session): """Adds all manufacturers to session.""" with pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('manufacturers.json').open() as f: for m in json.load(f): man = cls(name=m['name'], url=urlutils.URL(m['url']), logo=urlutils.URL(m['logo']) if m.get('logo', None) else None) session.add(man) for name in cls.CUSTOM_MANUFACTURERS: session.add(cls(name=name))