from flask import current_app as app from marshmallow import ValidationError, validates_schema from marshmallow.fields import Boolean, DateTime, Float, Integer, Nested, String, TimeDelta, UUID from marshmallow.validate import Length, Range from marshmallow_enum import EnumField from ereuse_devicehub.marshmallow import NestedOn from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.schemas import Component, Device from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import AppearanceRange, Bios, FunctionalityRange, \ RATE_POSITIVE, RatingSoftware, SnapshotExpectedEvents, SnapshotSoftware, TestHardDriveLength from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event import models as m from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import STR_BIG_SIZE, STR_SIZE from ereuse_devicehub.resources.schemas import Thing from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.schemas import User from teal.marshmallow import Version from teal.resource import Schema class Event(Thing): id = UUID(dump_only=True) name = String(default='', validate=Length(STR_BIG_SIZE), date = DateTime('iso', error = Boolean(default=False, description=m.Event.error.comment) incidence = Boolean(default=False, description=m.Event.incidence.comment) snapshot = NestedOn('Snapshot', dump_only=True) components = NestedOn(Component, dump_only=True, many=True) description = String(default='', description=m.Event.description.comment) author = NestedOn(User, dump_only=True, exclude=('token',)) class EventWithOneDevice(Event): device = NestedOn(Device, only='id') class EventWithMultipleDevices(Event): devices = NestedOn(Device, many=True, only='id') class Add(EventWithOneDevice): pass class Remove(EventWithOneDevice): pass class Allocate(EventWithMultipleDevices): to = NestedOn(User, description='The user the devices are allocated to.') organization = String(validate=Length(STR_SIZE), description='The organization where the user was when this happened.') class Deallocate(EventWithMultipleDevices): from_rel = Nested(User, data_key='from', description='The user where the devices are not allocated to anymore.') organization = String(validate=Length(STR_SIZE), description='The organization where the user was when this happened.') class EraseBasic(EventWithOneDevice): start_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='startTime') end_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='endTime') secure_random_steps = Integer(validate=Range(min=0), required=True, data_key='secureRandomSteps') clean_with_zeros = Boolean(required=True, data_key='cleanWithZeros') steps = NestedOn('Step', many=True, required=True) class EraseSectors(EraseBasic): pass class Step(Schema): id = Integer(dump_only=True) type = String(description='Only required when it is nested.') start_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='startTime') end_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='endTime') secure_random_steps = Integer(validate=Range(min=0), required=True, data_key='secureRandomSteps') clean_with_zeros = Boolean(required=True, data_key='cleanWithZeros') error = Boolean(default=False, description='Did the event fail?') class StepZero(Step): pass class StepRandom(Step): pass class Rate(EventWithOneDevice): rating = Integer(validate=Range(*RATE_POSITIVE), dump_only=True, data_key='ratingValue', description='The rating for the content.') algorithm_software = EnumField(RatingSoftware, dump_only=True, data_key='algorithmSoftware', description='The algorithm used to produce this rating.') algorithm_version = Version(dump_only=True, data_key='algorithmVersion', description='The algorithm_version of the algorithm_software.') appearance = Integer(validate=Range(-3, 5), dump_only=True) functionality = Integer(validate=Range(-3, 5), dump_only=True, data_key='functionalityScore') class IndividualRate(Rate): pass class AggregateRate(Rate): ratings = NestedOn(IndividualRate, many=True) class PhotoboxRate(IndividualRate): num = Integer(dump_only=True) # todo Image class PhotoboxUserRate(PhotoboxRate): assembling = Integer() parts = Integer() buttons = Integer() dents = Integer() decolorization = Integer() scratches = Integer() tag_adhesive = Integer() dirt = Integer() class PhotoboxSystemRate(PhotoboxRate): pass class WorkbenchRate(IndividualRate): processor = Float() ram = Float() data_storage = Float() graphic_card = Float() labelling = Boolean(description='Sets if there are labels stuck that should be removed.') bios = EnumField(Bios, description='How difficult it has been to set the bios to ' 'boot from the network.') appearance_range = EnumField(AppearanceRange, required=True, data_key='appearanceRange', description='Grades the imperfections that aesthetically ' 'affect the device, but not its usage.') functionality_range = EnumField(FunctionalityRange, required=True, data_key='functionalityRange', description='Grades the defects of a device that affect its usage.') class Install(EventWithOneDevice): name = String(validate=Length(STR_BIG_SIZE), required=True, description='The name of the OS installed.') elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) class Snapshot(EventWithOneDevice): """ The Snapshot updates the state of the device with information about its components and events performed at them. See docs for more info. """ uuid = UUID(required=True) software = EnumField(SnapshotSoftware, required=True, description='The software that generated this Snapshot.') version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.') events = NestedOn(Event, many=True) # todo ensure only specific events are submitted expected_events = EnumField(SnapshotExpectedEvents, many=True, data_key='expectedEvents', description='Keep open this Snapshot until the following events' 'are performed. Setting this value will activate' 'the async Snapshot.') device = NestedOn(Device) elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) components = NestedOn(Component, many=True, description='A list of components that are inside of the device' 'at the moment of this Snapshot.' 'Order is preserved, so the component num 0 when' 'submitting is the component num 0 when returning it back.') @validates_schema def validate_workbench_version(self, data: dict): if data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench: if data['version'] < app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH']: raise ValidationError( 'Min. supported Workbench algorithm_version is ' '{}'.format(app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH']), field_names=['version'] ) @validates_schema def validate_components_only_workbench(self, data: dict): if data['software'] != SnapshotSoftware.Workbench: if data['components'] is not None: raise ValidationError('Only Workbench can add component info', field_names=['components']) class Test(EventWithOneDevice): elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True) class TestDataStorage(Test): length = EnumField(TestHardDriveLength, required=True) status = String(validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), required=True) lifetime = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.DAYS, required=True) first_error = Integer() class StressTest(Test): pass