from ereuse_utils.test import JSON from flask import Response from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException from teal.client import Client as TealClient class Client(TealClient): def __init__(self, application, response_wrapper=None, use_cookies=False, allow_subdomain_redirects=False): super().__init__(application, response_wrapper, use_cookies, allow_subdomain_redirects) def login(self, email: str, password: str): assert isinstance(email, str) assert isinstance(password, str) return{'email': email, 'password': password}, '/users/login', status=200) class UserClient(Client): """ A client that identifies all of its requests with a specific user. It will automatically perform login on the first request. """ def __init__(self, application, email: str, password: str, response_wrapper=None, use_cookies=False, allow_subdomain_redirects=False): super().__init__(application, response_wrapper, use_cookies, allow_subdomain_redirects) = email # type: str self.password = password # type: str self.user = None # type: dict def open(self, uri: str, res: str = None, status: int or HTTPException = 200, query: dict = {}, accept=JSON, content_type=JSON, item=None, headers: dict = None, token: str = None, **kw) -> (dict or str, Response): return super().open(uri, res, status, query, accept, content_type, item, headers, self.user['token'] if self.user else token, **kw)