$(document).ready(function() { var show_allocate_form = $("#allocateModal").data('show-action-form'); var show_datawipe_form = $("#datawipeModal").data('show-action-form'); var show_trade_form = $("#tradeLotModal").data('show-action-form'); if (show_allocate_form != "None") { $("#allocateModal .btn-primary").show(); newAllocate(show_allocate_form); } else if (show_datawipe_form != "None") { $("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").show(); newDataWipe(show_datawipe_form); } else if (show_trade_form != "None") { $("#tradeLotModal .btn-primary").show(); newTrade(show_trade_form); } else { $(".deviceSelect").on("change", deviceSelect); } // $('#selectLot').selectpicker(); }) function deviceSelect() { var devices_count = $(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked').length; get_device_list(); if (devices_count == 0) { $("#addingLotModal .pol").show(); $("#addingLotModal .btn-primary").hide(); $("#removeLotModal .pol").show(); $("#removeLotModal .btn-primary").hide(); $("#addingTagModal .pol").show(); $("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").hide(); $("#actionModal .pol").show(); $("#actionModal .btn-primary").hide(); $("#allocateModal .pol").show(); $("#allocateModal .btn-primary").hide(); $("#datawipeModal .pol").show(); $("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").hide(); } else { $("#addingLotModal .pol").hide(); $("#addingLotModal .btn-primary").show(); $("#removeLotModal .pol").hide(); $("#removeLotModal .btn-primary").show(); $("#actionModal .pol").hide(); $("#actionModal .btn-primary").show(); $("#allocateModal .pol").hide(); $("#allocateModal .btn-primary").show(); $("#datawipeModal .pol").hide(); $("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").show(); $("#addingTagModal .pol").hide(); $("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").show(); } } function removeLot() { var devices = $(".deviceSelect"); if (devices.length > 0) { $("#btnRemoveLots .text-danger").show(); } else { $("#btnRemoveLots .text-danger").hide(); } $("#activeRemoveLotModal").click(); } function removeTag() { var devices = $(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked'); var devices_id = $.map(devices, function(x) { return $(x).attr('data')}); if (devices_id.length == 1) { var url = "/inventory/tag/devices/"+devices_id[0]+"/del/"; window.location.href = url; } else { $("#unlinkTagAlertModal").click(); } } function addTag() { var devices = $(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked'); var devices_id = $.map(devices, function(x) { return $(x).attr('data')}); if (devices_id.length == 1) { $("#addingTagModal .pol").hide(); $("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").show(); } else { $("#addingTagModal .pol").show(); $("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").hide(); } $("#addTagAlertModal").click(); } function newTrade(action) { var title = "Trade " var user_to = $("#user_to").data("email"); var user_from = $("#user_from").data("email"); if (action == 'user_from') { title = 'Trade Incoming'; $("#user_to").attr('readonly', 'readonly'); $("#user_from").prop('readonly', false); $("#user_from").val(''); $("#user_to").val(user_to); } else if (action == 'user_to') { title = 'Trade Outgoing'; $("#user_from").attr('readonly', 'readonly'); $("#user_to").prop('readonly', false); $("#user_to").val(''); $("#user_from").val(user_from); } $("#tradeLotModal #title-action").html(title); $("#activeTradeModal").click(); } function newAction(action) { $("#actionModal #type").val(action); $("#actionModal #title-action").html(action); deviceSelect(); $("#activeActionModal").click(); } function newAllocate(action) { $("#allocateModal #type").val(action); $("#allocateModal #title-action").html(action); deviceSelect(); $("#activeAllocateModal").click(); } function newDataWipe(action) { $("#datawipeModal #type").val(action); $("#datawipeModal #title-action").html(action); deviceSelect(); $("#activeDatawipeModal").click(); } function get_device_list() { var devices = $(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked'); /* Insert the correct count of devices in actions form */ var devices_count = devices.length; $("#datawipeModal .devices-count").html(devices_count); $("#allocateModal .devices-count").html(devices_count); $("#actionModal .devices-count").html(devices_count); /* Insert the correct value in the input devicesList */ var devices_id = $.map(devices, function(x) { return $(x).attr('data')}).join(","); $.map($(".devicesList"), function(x) { $(x).val(devices_id); }); /* Create a list of devices for human representation */ var computer = { "Desktop": "", "Laptop": "", }; list_devices = devices.map(function (x) { var typ = $(devices[x]).data("device-type"); var manuf = $(devices[x]).data("device-manufacturer"); var dhid = $(devices[x]).data("device-dhid"); if (computer[typ]) { typ = computer[typ]; }; return typ + " " + manuf + " " + dhid; }); description = $.map(list_devices, function(x) { return x }).join(", "); $(".enumeration-devices").html(description); } function export_file(type_file) { var devices = $(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked'); var devices_id = $.map(devices, function(x) { return $(x).attr('data-device-dhid')}).join(","); if (devices_id){ var url = "/inventory/export/"+type_file+"/?ids="+devices_id; window.location.href = url; } else { $("#exportAlertModal").click(); } } /** * Reactive lots button */ async function processSelectedDevices() { class Actions { constructor() { this.list = []; // list of petitions of requests @item --> {type: ["Remove" | "Add"], "LotID": string, "devices": number[]} } /** * Manage the actions that will be performed when applying the changes * @param {*} ev event (Should be a checkbox type) * @param {string} lotID lot id * @param {number} deviceID device id */ manage(event, lotID, deviceListID) { event.preventDefault(); const srcElement = event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0] const indeterminate = srcElement.indeterminate; const checked = !srcElement.checked; var found = this.list.filter(list => list.lotID == lotID)[0]; var foundIndex = found != undefined ? this.list.findLastIndex(x => x.lotID == found.lotID) : -1; if (checked) { if (found != undefined && found.type == "Remove") { if (found.isFromIndeterminate == true) { found.type = "Add"; this.list[foundIndex] = found; } else { this.list = this.list.filter(list => list.lotID != lotID); } } else { this.list.push({ type: "Add", lotID: lotID, devices: deviceListID, isFromIndeterminate: indeterminate }); } } else { if (found != undefined && found.type == "Add") { if (found.isFromIndeterminate == true) { found.type = "Remove"; this.list[foundIndex] = found; } else { this.list = this.list.filter(list => list.lotID != lotID); } } else { this.list.push({ type: "Remove", lotID: lotID, devices: deviceListID, isFromIndeterminate: indeterminate }); } } if (this.list.length > 0) { document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").classList.remove("disabled"); } else { document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").classList.add("disabled"); } } /** * Creates notification to give feedback to user * @param {string} title notification title * @param {string | null} toastText notification text * @param {boolean} isError defines if a toast is a error */ notifyUser(title, toastText, isError) { let toast = document.createElement("div"); toast.classList = "alert alert-dismissible fade show " + (isError ? "alert-danger" : "alert-success"); toast.attributes["data-autohide"] = !isError; toast.attributes["role"] = "alert"; toast.style = "margin-left: auto; width: fit-content;"; toast.innerHTML = `${title}`; if (toastText && toastText.length > 0) { toast.innerHTML += `
${toastText}`; } document.getElementById("NotificationsContainer").appendChild(toast); if (!isError) { setTimeout(() => toast.classList.remove("show"), 3000); } setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("NotificationsContainer").innerHTML == "", 3500); } /** * Get actions and execute call request to add or remove devices from lots */ doActions() { var requestCount = 0; // This is for count all requested api count, to perform reRender of table device list this.list.forEach(async action => { if (action.type == "Add") { try { await Api.devices_add(action.lotID, action.devices); this.notifyUser("Devices sucefully aded to selected lot/s", "", false); } catch (error) { this.notifyUser("Failed to add devices to selected lot/s", error.responseJSON.message, true); } } else if (action.type == "Remove") { try { await Api.devices_remove(action.lotID, action.devices); this.notifyUser("Devices sucefully removed from selected lot/s", "", false); } catch (error) { this.notifyUser("Fail to remove devices from selected lot/s", error.responseJSON.message, true); } } requestCount += 1 if (requestCount == this.list.length) { this.reRenderTable(); this.list = []; } }) document.getElementById("dropDownLotsSelector").classList.remove("show"); } /** * Re-render list in table */ async reRenderTable() { var newRequest = await Api.doRequest(window.location) var tmpDiv = document.createElement("div") tmpDiv.innerHTML = newRequest var oldTable = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("table.table > tbody > tr .deviceSelect")).map(x => x.attributes["data-device-dhid"].value) var newTable = Array.from(tmpDiv.querySelectorAll("table.table > tbody > tr .deviceSelect")).map(x => x.attributes["data-device-dhid"].value) for (let i = 0; i < oldTable.length; i++) { if (!newTable.includes(oldTable[i])) { // variable from device_list.html --> See: ereuse_devicehub\templates\inventory\device_list.html (Ln: 411) table.rows().remove(i) } } } } var eventClickActions; /** * Generates a list item with a correspondient checkbox state * @param {String} lotID * @param {String} lotName * @param {Array} selectedDevicesIDs * @param {HTMLElement} target */ function templateLot(lotID, lot, selectedDevicesIDs, elementTarget, actions) { elementTarget.innerHTML = "" var htmlTemplate = ` `; var existLotList = selectedDevicesIDs.map(selected => lot.devices.includes(selected)); var doc = document.createElement('li'); doc.innerHTML = htmlTemplate; if (selectedDevicesIDs.length <= 0) { doc.children[0].disabled = true; } else if (existLotList.every(value => value == true)) { doc.children[0].checked = true; } else if (existLotList.every(value => value == false)) { doc.children[0].checked = false; } else { doc.children[0].indeterminate = true; } doc.children[0].addEventListener('mouseup', (ev) => actions.manage(ev, lotID, selectedDevicesIDs)); doc.children[1].addEventListener('mouseup', (ev) => actions.manage(ev, lotID, selectedDevicesIDs)); elementTarget.append(doc); } var listHTML = $("#LotsSelector") // Get selected devices var selectedDevicesIDs = $.map($(".deviceSelect").filter(':checked'), function (x) { return parseInt($(x).attr('data')) }); if (selectedDevicesIDs.length <= 0) { listHTML.html('
  • No devices selected
  • '); return; } // Initialize Actions list, and set checkbox triggers var actions = new Actions(); if (eventClickActions) { document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").removeEventListener(eventClickActions); } eventClickActions = document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").addEventListener("click", () => actions.doActions()); document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").classList.add("disabled"); try { listHTML.html('
  • ') var devices = await Api.get_devices(selectedDevicesIDs); var lots = await Api.get_lots(); lots = lots.map(lot => { lot.devices = devices .filter(device => device.lots.filter(devicelot => devicelot.id == lot.id).length > 0) .map(device => parseInt(device.id)); return lot; }) listHTML.html(''); lots.forEach(lot => templateLot(lot.id, lot, selectedDevicesIDs, listHTML, actions)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); listHTML.html('
  • Error feching devices and lots
    (see console for more details)
  • '); } }