from boltons.typeutils import issubclass from ereuse_devicehub.teal.resource import Resource class Config: """ The configuration class. Subclass and set here your config values. """ RESOURCE_DEFINITIONS = set() """ A list of resource definitions to load. """ SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = None """ The access to the main Database. """ SQLALCHEMY_BINDS = {} """ Optional extra databases. See `here < /2.3/binds/#referring-to-binds>`_ how bind your models to different databases. """ SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False """ Disables flask-sqlalchemy notification system. Save resources and hides a warning by flask-sqlalchemy itself. See `this answer in Stackoverflow for more info <>`_. """ API_DOC_CONFIG_TITLE = 'Teal' API_DOC_CONFIG_VERSION = '0.1' """ Configuration options for the api docs. They are the parameters passed to `apispec < latest/api_core.html#apispec.APISpec>`_. Prefix the configuration names with ``API_DOC_CONFIG_``. """ API_DOC_CLASS_DISCRIMINATOR = None """ Configuration options for the api docs class definitions. You can pass any `schema definition < OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/>`_ prefiex by ``API_DOC_CLASS_`` like in the example above. """ CORS_ORIGINS = '*' CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS = 'Authorization' CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = 'Content-Type', 'Authorization' """ Configuration for CORS. See the options you can pass by in `Flask-Cors <>`_, exactly in **Parameters**, like the ones above. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ :param db: Optional. Set the ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` param. """ for r in self.RESOURCE_DEFINITIONS: assert issubclass( r, Resource ), '{0!r} is not a subclass of Resource'.format(r)